FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY IsAAMW j. UID FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8,1967 THE MICHIGA1~ DAILY rA YUW THREE 9 Report U Thailand .S. Bombing Guerrillas ELGIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. (P)-U.S. planes are now bombing Communist infiltration routes in-. to Thailand from Laos, military sources here report. They are also bombing Communist anti-aircraft emplacements in Thailand, just inside the Laotian border. V These actions are similar to early U.S. efforts in South Viet- nam, officers here added. The U.S. has undertaken a ma- jor buildup in Thailand the last few years with total American strength now exceeding 35,000 ,men, including some 1,000 air commandos. The commandos help train Thais in counter-insurgency operations. These same sources say the Communists have sought to coun- ter the raids by positioning anti- aircraft guns and surface to air missiles in the extreme northeast- ern corner of Thailand. They also report that some American planes have been shot down over Thai- land although there has been no official statement on the losses. These disclosures, made Wed- nesday by officers here, appear to indicate a worsening insurgency situation for the Thais, confront- ed more and more with Commun- ist penetration of their borders. The Pentagon and the U.S. em- bassy in Bangkok denied these reports. 0 Despite almost identical state- ments of denial from both Bang- kok and Washington, the officers at Elgin Air Force Base in Florida 'eiterated that Communist anti- aircraft w e a p o n s have been moved from Laos into a small part of Thailand and that U.S. pilots are bombing those emplace- ments. They declined to be specific but said the actions involve U.S. air commandos in Thailand. Eglin AFB is a major Air Force Tactical Command facility where air commandos-Air Force coun- terparts to the Army's Special Forces, the Green Berets are trained. The Pentagon denial said, "Air- craft of the United States armed forces are not bombing targets in Thailand. No U.S. military air- craft have been lost to Commun- ist anti-aircraft fire or surface- to-air missiles in Thailand. We have no knowledge of any Com- munist anti-aircraft guns or sur- face-to-air missiles in Thailand." Some 1,000 air commandos are among the 35,000 or more U.S. military men now in Thailand. They help train Thais in counter- insurgency operations. Both the U.S. and the Thai governments acknowledged earlier this year that many American air attacks on enemy supply lines and positions in South Vietnam were originating from Thailand bases. Earlier last year the Pentagon acknowledged U.S.-flown helicop- ters were being used to ferry Thai troops into the northeast section for counter-insurgency operations. But the Pentagon said then that U.S. pilots were under strict orders to avoid involvement in combat and would be replaced as soon as enough Thai helicopter pilots had been trained. Earlier this year both the U.S. and Thai governments acknowl- edged for the first time that many American air attacks on enemy supply lines and positions in South Vietnam were originating from Thailand bases. Since then, B52 bombers have been moved from Guam to Thai- land to cut flying time to targets in South Vietnam as well as Laos. GO*VERNMENT BESIEGED: Yemeni Royalists Bombard French Lift Arms Ban In Mid-East PARIS (I) -- French officials said yesterday negotiations are under way for an arms deal with Iraq in what appeared to be a major shift in French-Middle East policy. President Charles de Gaulle imposed an arms embargo on the Middle East in June at the out- break of hostilities between Israel and surrounding Arab states. Is- raeli forces quickly won a stun- ning victory, due largely to French-made M i r a g e fighter bombers. Shortly afterward, Israel sought delivery of 50 more Mirage planes it had ordered from France and on which it had made a down payment. But the Israelis were turned down and relations be- tween Jerusalem and Paris be- came severely strained when De Gaulle accused Israel of being the aggressor in the June 5-9 war. French sourcesunow sayathe sale of arms to Iraq is considered "desirable" and indicated the other Arab nations would also re- ceive a more favorable response to arms requests, breaking the June embargo. France does not want to "close itself up" in an "exclusive alliance" with Israel, one source said. Oil Agreement France has a particular moti- vation to lift its arms ban for sales to Iraq. France and Iraq re- cently concluded an agreement for oil exploration rights on 5,000 square miles of Iraqi territory. And oil exploitation accords are said by French officials to be well advanced in the important North Rumaila area, which is rich in oil. Israeli officials in Jerusalem expressed dismay at the reports from Paris and warned that such an arms deal "endangered peace in the Middle East." Some reports, neither officially confirmed nor denied, said Iraq is asking for 50 Mirage V fight- ers, 15 Mirage E3 fighters, 8 Nord Atlas troop carrying planes, 4 training planes and 150 armored cars. Good Outlets The French sources commented that it had always been said by France that the Middle East arms embargo "would budge with the times." They said France has no reason not to sell arms to Arab countries which would be good outlets for France. And they added it would be better for Iraqi forces to be equipped with Mirages than Soviet MIGs. King Hussein of Jordan has been in Paris twice recently and high level Syrian officials are due in Paris this weekend. MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (P)-AFL- CIO leaders spurned President Johnson's plea yesterday to re- strain big wage demands unless Congress imposes "equality of sacrifice" through wartime con- trols on prices, profits, dividends, business executive salaries and rents, as well as wages. "We have always said we are ready to accept equality of sac- rifice," said a spokesman for AFL- CIO President George Meany, who opened the 14 million member la- bor federation's convention in an atmosphere of strong political support for Johnson. But Johnson's plea Wednesday night for wage and price restraint from business and labor left the labor chieftains cold. "We'll be no part of putting the total burden on the backs of workers," said President Roy Sie- miller of the International Asso- ciation of Machinists, whose un- ion first smashed the last White House attempt to hold down wage hikes in last year's six week air- lines strike. Johnson, speaking to the Busi- ness Council in Washington Wed- nesday, urged price restraint to keep the U.S. dollar sound in view of currency devaluations in Eu- rope. Labor leaders argued that he I failed to put equal pressure on business to hold down price hikes, which is also part of the guide- line theory formulated by the .President's Council of Economic Advisers. Johnson's biggest success in previous efforts was in holding the United Steelworkers Union to roughly 3.2 per cent in their 1965 negotiations covering some 450,- 000 workers in the big steel in- dustry. Major labor corporations are in the midst of price increases affecting as much as 84 per cent of shipments. The Steelworkers, headed by I. W. Abel, will be negotiating with big steel again next fall in the midst of the presidential election campaign, and high administra- tion sources have conceded they are worried about the political ef- fects of a steel strike. The Steelworkers announced earlier here that a proposed no- strike plan with the steel indus- try is dead, at least for the 1968 negotiations. The plan had envi- sioned an agreement not to strike in exchange for a minimum start- ing wage offer and other conces- sions from the industry before bargaining began. Patient Steadily Improves Following Heart Transplant, WANTS 'EQUALITY OF SACRIFICE': Meany Spurns LBJ Request For Wage Demand Restraint Capital, DemA.and Sur BEIRUT, Lebanon ()-Royalist Abdel Rahman Baydani. He said forces in Yemen have cut off the he had no reports of fighting capital, San'a, brought it under around San'a and that Irlani had bombardment and given the be- planned to go to Cairo for talks sieged Republican regime 40 hours on the forthcoming Arab summit to surrender, a Royalist spokesman conference. He added that he did said yesterday. not know if Iriani had left. Hashem ben Hashem, Royalist social affairs minister, said in Bei- rut that Abdel Rahman Iriani, head of the three man Republican presidential council, had, fled to Cairo. The reports were denied by the Republican ambassador in Beirut, The Royalist forces have been waging a guerilla war in Yemen since 1952 when the march, Imam Mohammed al Badr, was over- thrown by Egyption-supported Re- publican troops. Badr, who led the Royalist guerrilla movement from the hills of Yemen, was supported Trender with arms and supplies from Sau- di Arabia. A bloodless coup in early No- vember by the Republican army was expected to clear the way for an end to the civil war, but Re- publican delays since have made the Royalists impatient. Further, with the withdrawal of Egyptian troops-once believed to be 70,000 strong-the Royalists feel they will be able to quickly overwhelm the shaky Republican government. The Soviet news agency Tass, citing reports from San'a said "heavy fighting" raged around the capital and the Royalist forces were meeting stiff resistance from the Republican defenders. 'A Royalist spokesman said a message from Mohammed ben Hussein, Royalist commander on the San'a front, reported 300 Re- public soldiers had been killed in fighting around the capital. After Egypt's defeat in the June war with Israel, President Gamal Abdel Nasser felt he could not con- tinue to keep large forces tied down in Yemen. He reached an agreement with King Faisal of Saudi Arabia. Egypt would with- draw its troops and Saudi Arabia would cut off arms to the Royal- ists. CAPE TOWN, South Africa (P) -Louis Washansky, "wise-crack- ing and chirpy," may leave his bed within two weeks if he con- tinues to recover steadily from the first recorded human heart trans- plant, a doctor said. The 55-year-old grocer was re- moved from an oxygen tent and wheeled out of his sterilized room in Groote Schuur Hospital yester- day for the first time since the heart of traffic victim Denise Ann Darvall, 25, was implanted in his chest Sunday. Washansky is doing so well he was allowed a visit yesterday from his wife, whom he had not seen since before the operation. Dr. Christian Barnard, head of the surgical team that replaced Washansky's failing heart, told newsmen the patient has been chatting in good humor with hos- pital attendants. The patient is in awee klong period when what doctors call "immunological rejection" may occur. He has received cobalt radiation treatments to suppress his body's natural tendency to re- ject the foreign heart. The South African surgeons may perform a second similar op- eration within six weeks. They have a patient - a middle-aged man who has been suffering from severe heart disease for the last six months - waiting for a new heart. NEED CAR-FARE HOME? Sell Your Books at Other medical experts are at work developing a "storage bank" for human organs. Navy research- ers in Washington report promis- ing experiments aimed at using baboons as living storage banks for hearts, kidneys, and other organs to be used for transplants into people. World News Roundup WASHINGTON - The Senate approved Thursday 56 to 22 a $2.7 - billion foreign aid appropriation for the current fiscal year, more than $500 million above the figure set by the House. The differences will have to be worked out in what is expected to be a hard fought conference. Senate approval of the $2.7 bil- lion figure represents a victory of sorts for the administration, which saw its original request for $3.2 billion slashed by a third to the $2.2 billion level voted by the House. * * S WASHINGTON-Senate House conferees agreed last night on an omnibus Social Security bill containing the biggest cash in- creases in benefits and payroll taxes in the history of the system. The basic benefits will be raised at least 13 per cent for all of the 24 million Americans now on the rolls, with a 25 per pent hike up to a $55 minimum for those at the bottom of the scale. The minimum now is $44. These increases will be reflected in February checks distributed March 3 next year. PITTSBURGH-Two more big steel makers, National and Jones & Laughlin, increased steel prices yesterday, making the price hikes unanimous among the nation's six biggest producers. Fourth ranked National and fifth rated J&L were the last of the top six to join in a series of increases that began last week. A number of smaller producers also boosted prices yesterday. If the entire industry goes up FREE 1 "McCARTHY IN '68" bumper strip Send self-addressed, stamped No. 10 envelope to: TOPP, P.O. Box 1802, Chicago, Illinois 60690. on. all the items hiked the past few days, the increases this year will cover about 84 per cent of shipments. * * * WASHINGTON - Defense De- partment drive to cut down on any sepnding not related to the Viet- nam war has resulted may curtail operations of the National Guard and the Navy. Many Navy vessels of the Atlan- tic fleet will be in port through Jan. 1. Although this is ostensibly for the holiday season, it will re- sult in millions of dollars in saving on fue lol. Figures are not avail- able, but more ships than usual are in port during this period, sources said. Budget planners seek to slash $52 million from funds proposed for training and supporting a 150,000 man force or Army Na- tional Guard and Reserve units which would be the first called up in a war emergency, Pentagon sources said Thursday. Army officials are reported arguing strongly for retention of the $52 million. Some sources pre- dict they will be upheld by top Pentagon authorities. * * * . MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay-Uru- guay buried President Oscar D. Gestido today with the full mili- tary honors of a chief of state. Gestido, a retired air force gen- eral, sufffered a heart attack and died in his sleep Wednesday at the age of 66. He had served nine months of a five year term as president of this nation of 2.6 mil- lion. Vice President Jorge Pacheco Areco, 49, a former newspaper man, succeeds Gestido. L' AN EXCITING CHRISTMAS GIFT! SPECIAL GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE SUBSCRIBE NOW! 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