THE MOST SECRET RESEARCH See editorial page C, 4 1 r Lt I tau Daiti DRIPPY High-40 Lowr-29 Mild with light fog; possible snowv flurries. Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 80 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1967 SEVEN CENTS TEN PAGES 'NOT CAPABLE': Voice Demands Cutler Resign By DANIEL ZWERDLING Voice-SDS voted Tuesday to request the resignation of Vice- President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler, and called for a student-wide election of his successor. Eric Chester, grad, who proposed the resolution, claimed Cutler 4hias lost the confidence of the campus community and said his suc- cessors will adequately represent students only if chosen directly by the student body. Voice chairman Karen Daenzer, '70, chai'ged, "Cutler has shown himself to be unable and incapable of doing the job to which he was assigned. Since he came to his job, he's directed it in a dictatorial manner. A vice-president of student affairs should be responsible to the students, and clearly Cutler is not." Cutler refused last night to comment on the resolution. Student Government Council plans to consider a similar resolu- tion tonight which if passed Receix C lassified ies Over New in Projects Board Adds' fo Teaehing Permit Time LANSING (R) - Working down would ask Cutler to resign for having "repeatedly broken faith with the students and (for hav- ing) worked diligently in an ef- fort to inhibit their rights as members of the academic com- munity."'- The proposed resolution, writ- ten as an open letter to Cutler, accuses him of "unprecedented secrecy and covert machinations #to the wire, the State Board of in the administration of the office Education gave its final approval of Student Affairs." yesterday to a proposed change Voice claims to be dissatisfied in the Teacher Certification Code not so much with Cutler as with which would extend 6'O and 90- the strucu o is office day teaching permits. Daenzer charged that the Office The change, aimed at cutting a of Student Affairs has become un- reportedly critical shortage of responsive to the voice of the fully certificated teachers in the students at large, and requires state, still must be given a final complete reorganization in order check by Attorney General Frank to perform its functions. Kelley and be signed by the gov- " _. The office is structured so -Daily-Richard S. Lee THE BEATLES ARE BACK!! YESTERDAY'S RELEASE of, the Beatles' newest album, 'Magical Mystery Tour,' brought the crowds to Ann Arbor record stores in unprecedented numbers. Dale Watermulder, manager of Discount Records' State St. storesreported that he sold over500Dcopies of the record only four- and-a-half hours after it was put on the shelves. The South University branch of the store sold out their entire stock of 240 records in four hours, and had to have its stock replenished by a delivery from the State St. store. AT INDUCTION CENTER: By JIM HECK of radar scattering devices, said The current issue of the Repor- The University accepted another ;the project is actually "an evalua- ter lists only the study of AFAADS, tier" of the measuring of radar "Matched Filter Technique" and $565.182 in classified military re- search contracts during a period and a study of "radar measure- "Short Term Change Detection' o considerable campus controver- ement procedures that are followed projects as classified. sy over secret research, it was by a number of different commer- However. in an independent learned yesterday. cial organizations. study The Daily learned that AM- SU ~ Hiatt explained that the funds I PIRT and "Radar Scattering In- eoim eOct. 9 to Nov. 3theUn are only "for the continuation" vestigation" projects were also versity executed five new classi- of a project started "about a yeari classified. fied military research contracts and half ago."nf With Department of Defense agen- For the first time the Reporter Information Officer Herbert cies. A sit-in, two teach-ins and has begun placing asterisk before Poehle of the Office of Research resolutions by student groups re- said he was not aware of any more groups re- ~~~~~contracts that are classified. Donclsied onrts ha toe garding classified research oc- Thackrey, editor of the, Repor- classified contracts than those curred during this period. ter, said the action is in line with listed in the Reporter. Disclosure of the new contracts a new policy in the Office of Re- "I'll check it tomorrow," Poehle came in the current issue of The search. said. Reporter, the Office of Research Administration's bulletin which j lists all new contracts once each month. The contracts include: " A Rock Island Arsenal (Army) $178. 850contract for a study of the Advanced Forward Area Air Defense System AFAAD.S) .aA " A Rome Air Development . Center i Air Force. AF RADC) .** $104.000 contract as part of the Advanced Research Projects Agen- ey's Multiband Photographic and Infrared Reconnaissance Tests. ' AMPIRT. " An AF RADC contract fo . ~97200tostudy "Matched Filter1 Techniques " nAr Force Signal Engin- .,ering Group (AFSEG) cntract for a $276.170 study of "Short $8 962 to continue RADC's study of "Radar Scattering Investiga-s tion." Prof. Seth Bonder of the Indus- trial Engineering depareinent. pro- Y j ect director for the study of AFAADS said the Rock Island Ar $ senal contract is for the "develop -Daily-Thomas R. CoPi ment of methodology for analyzing A TECHNICIAN at Willow Run Laboratory surveys his oscilla- air defense systems." hscopes. Much of the $665,182 in additional classified military con- Bonder explained the method-ht h . , 1ntWillowun " ernor. Current 60-day teaching per- mits would expire tomorrow with- ,out the - change, those working under 60-day, permits would be teaching illegally if they con- tinued in their classrooms after that date,, or the districts in which they taught would be liable for financial penalties. The board last week gave pre- hliminary approval to the code change, but the measure had to go through both the attorney gen- eral's office and the Legislative! Service Bureau for minor tech- nical modifications. Board member Leroy Augen- stein of Holt had questioned the legality of that board vote and asked an attorney general's rul- ing on the question. He said he understood a public hearing must be held before a change could be adopted. One hearing had been held, but that concerned a change which the board tossed out in favor of the adopted measure. A Department of Education' spokesman said he believed the attorney general's preliminary ap- proval of the change indicated the board action was legal. 4 Approved by the board yester- day was a proposed operating budget of $30 million for the State Department of Education and another $22.6 million in con- struction funds. Major elements in the increase ,sought for the 1968-69 budget in- clude $4.3 million for state scho- larships, tuition grants and guar- anteed loans, $1.9' million for li- brary state aid and grants and $1 million for local level adult education programs. Activists Caus At San Frane SAN FRANCISCO (/P)-A small " force of Negro and white students brought operations at San Fran- cisco State College to a dead stop yesterday in are invasion of the ad- ministration building and other centers on the campus. The activists, estimated by ob- servers to number no more than 100 of the crowd of 1,500 which gathered, were protesting two un- related suspension incidents on the 18,000 student campus. Members of the Black Students Union and the- predominantly Fire Quenched In South Quad A fire yesterday forced evacua- tion of South Quad as firemen searched for its source on the fifth floor of Gomberg House, and Cutler can do little more I what he does already," Daenzer told the Daily. "W Cutler came in, he said that office should involve student the decision-making process. now it does little more than tate," she said. i Student election of next vice-presidents would as closer communication beta students and the administra according to Mrs. Daenzer, "the people students vote tend to, represent the studen SDS sees the Cutler issue only one part of the problem the University, Mrs. Daenzer st sed, charging that its pre structure "teaches us that dents have very little power shouldn't expect much more. w -- F than Mrs. lhen this is in But dic- the ssure ,*een tion, for for ts." e as as in tres- esent stu- and ", i i Foiled Demonstrators b N. Y. Police NEW YORK 'P)-An attempt by and appeared to lack any leaders fizzled after three hours, a small some 2,000 antiwar demonstrators of note. Only about 40 were ar- band spun off and surged chant- to close a downtown armed forces rested by police, who outnumber- ing through midtown Manhattan induction center was foiled for the ed the throng by 2 to 1 or better. Counterdemonstrators waving second successive day yesterday Later, a coordinator for the American flags appeared in in- by row upon row of police. demonstration said plain clothes creasing numbers, and in Lower Organizers of the demonstration ?olice "infiltrated our lines this Manhattan disdainful passersby contended their efforts were foiled morning and gave contrary direc- scuffled frequen'tly with the Viet- by the confusion sown by police tions, jumping up like our mar- nam protesters. infiltrators in their ranks and shals do, yelling 'This way! This About 200 of them went up town vowed last night to introduce new way!' which separated our forces later with the intention of heck- tactics today and tomorrow. successfully." ling Secretary of State Dean Rusk The protesters seemed less an- When the demonstration at the in town for a speech, but again xious to provoke arrest yesterday, Whitehall Street induction center they were thwarted. alog vcilldea w ih Mssie ad "tracts wn ue spent in researcn at u , weapon trajectories. He said "some of the work wil be' computerized." ORGANIZERS MiEET- Bonder's project will work !UW L1u11. Cinemna Guild Hearing Involves " " ;Q.. Question of 'Redeeming Value' By JILL CRABTREE obscene," Goodman says, "the It also asks a declaratory ju Second of a Two-Part Series film must appeal to prurient in- ment prohibiting "prior cens The central legal questions in terest, offend contemporary com- ship of films," by the police, i the Cinema Guild 'Flaming Crea- munity standards, or lack redeem- mediate return of the seized co tures' case as they have evolved ing social value. If the film fails of 'Flaming Creatures' and $15 in pre-trial hearings include even one of these tests, it is not damages. whether the film has sufficient obscene." Goodman and Robb charge th "redeeming social value" to come; Goodman and Robb have con- Staudenmeier's method of seizi under the protection of the First centrated most of their efforts the film was improper because SAmendment, and whether the on proving "redeeming social did not follow procedural saf film was illegaly siezed. value," a test established in the guards established in recent S Cinema Guild attorneys William case of Roth vs. the United States. preme Court decisions. ' Goodman and Dean Robb con-! Recent Setback' The safeguards require that tend that a three-pronged test Their case suffered a setback warrant be issued before a fi for obscenity has been establish- late in November, when Circuit , is seized. The film must be vei ed by the Supreme Court. "To be Court Judge William F. Ager, Jr., ed by a judge or magistrate 1 - - -- ----- -denied, in a preliminary hearing, forehand, and proponents oft a defense motion to admit testi- film must be given an opportu C s H: mony of three alleged New York ity to defend it in an adversa i Cl s H at film experts. hearing. The defense sought to admit Washtenaw County Prosecut: testimony from Hollis Alpert, film critic for Saturday Review, Susan See LAWYERS, page 5 Sontag, film reviewer for the Na-! white Movement Against Political tion, and Willard Van Dyke, film SALARY, CONS' Suspensions smashed into the curator of the Museum of Modern locked administration building at I Art. lunchtime, broke windows and Prof. Joel Sax of the Faculty doors, and milled through the Civil Liberties Board, friend ofM halls, shouting, "No suspensions. the court in the case, said after I le Hell No!" the hearing that Ager ruled the They then spread in small ' testimony immaterial "because . groups to the cafeteria, the book- his understanding was that the store and classrooms, vandalizing question of obscenity turned on - the interiors and seizing books and the film's impact on contempoi- cigarettes. ary community standards." Not Experts The disorder stemmed from an "The three 'outside experts of Negro students invadedathe of- would not be experts by AnnI Arbor standards," he said. I [ices of the college newspaper, beat Robb has indicated he 3ill the editor and other staff mem- Robbe hasoiNdwcYtrk hn hill bianwrceeqimn. travel to New York on his own 4} h$ to transcribe the testimony of 4 Nine Negro students were sus- the three experts, and attempt pended. Five were reinstated pend- to get it admitted later in the ing hearings. All are awaiting trial. municipal court trial on assault ; Observers of the case say that charges. They had objected to the further refusal by Ager to admit paper's editorial stand against the the evidence may be sufficient Black Students Union. grundsfor reversing a nadverse , A Waldorf Astoria hotel lunch- closely with the Rock Island and ean speech by Rusk brought pick- Huntsville Missile Commands. ets onto Park Avenue out side the The AMPIRT project, based in hotel. They chanted, "Keep New Thailand, is a continuation of a York clean-keep Rusk out." contract started in 1964 to develop From the Waldorf, without so new methods of aerial surveillance much as a glimpse of Rusk, the of guerrillas in Southeast Asia. group marched to Grand Central Project director George Zissis, terminal, where they milled about head of the Willow Run Infrared dg- chanting "Hey, hey, LBJ, how Physics Laboratory. explained that or- many kids did you kill to day?" the funds will be used to continue; m- The next stop was United Na- obtaining AMPIRT data. Opy tiodns headquarters on the East Prof. William Brown of the In- 500 River. There police physically dustrial Engineering department, broke up the crowd after an in- the project director for two of the tat n thr h .(l new contracts-"Matched Filter OOse Relocrat Of WefareDept i, ing he fe- Su- ,t a ilm dw- be- the un- ary ing speco~r a n1UnICeU oIIUgr1 a oU speaker: "This group has become disorderly and you are subject- to arrest unless you disperse." Rusk's speech to 1,200 members of the National Association of Manufacturers was not interrupt- ed. And since he had spent the night at the Waldorf, it was not necessary for him to pass through the ranks of demonstrators out- side. The current national "StopbThe Draft Week" was sponsored by a coalition of 50 antiwar and civil rights groups and began Monday. Technique" and "Short Term Change Detection," was unavail-« able for comment last night. ,Prof. R. E. Hiatt of the Indus- trial Engineering department, pro- ject director of the RADC study The Rackham School of Grad- uate Studies faculty advisory board yesterday postponed un- til December 13 consideration of a specific policy statement on the faculty's role in deter- mining disciplinary action for graduate students. r c 1 t t ( : ( (r # F !1 : By DAVID SPURR Students and faculty from the School of Social Work met Sun- day with 25 representatives from various community organizations to organize opposition to a plan to relocate the Washtenaw County Welfare department. The County Board of Super- visors plans to move the Social Services department to a soon- to-be renovated road commission garage on the outskirts of the city. The offices are now in the County Building on Huron Street. The group decided the ga-rage site is inappropriate because it would be inaccessible to most peo- ple on welfare. They also objected to the condition of the building, and its proximity to railroad tracks and the Ann Arbor Con- struction Co. It was suggested that other of- fices which deal less directly with individuals - such as Civil De- fense or the Drain Commission- could be moved instead to make needed room in the crowded ,County Building. The group plans to get the County Board to change its 30-6 decision by irifkiencing individual members to call for reconsidera- tion. The Ann Arbor Housing Commission will -circulate peti- tions and the Ann Arbor Minis- ter's Association will bring up the subject at their next meeting. Picketing of the County Building and pressure on the mayor were also suggested. Sunday's meeting occurred in response to the County Board's approval of the $325,000 remodel- ing project. The county must ap- ply to the state for $90,000 of federal assistance. One of the state's criteria is that the site be accessible to the public. The state has not yet approved the site, al- though the county has promised to provide bus transportation for welfare claimants. Michael Ehrliek of the social work school said that the board decision was made in secret ses- sion, and that testimony of citi- zens was excluded. Several mem- bers of the board were invited Jo the meeting Sunday, but none of them attended. The county has no format en- abling welfare recipients them- selves to take part in decision- making, and citizens criticized the board on Sunday for "never ask- TRUCTION WORRIES: rig Heir tio Troubled 'U' By ROB BEATTIE the present year - some $59.1{ University President-designate million from Lansing - Flem- j Robben Fleming is about to in- ing concludes that the Univer- l herit an institution beset by num- sity's ratings will most likely drop] even further, possibly below that of "A" which has been maintain- 1 When he -takes over the Uni- ed so far. Moreover, the 3.9 per versity on Jan, 1, he will have cent salary increase this year was' to cope with crises in several areas probably the lowest among Big ; besides student discontent, pratic- Ten schools. ularly those of general financial Fleming points out that the needs and faculty salaries and University needs a "considerable proposed new construction. amount of funds" 1 to keep pace' This semester he has been given with salary levels at other in- an intensified course in the work- stitutions. ings *f this campus, under the The effect of the drop in theI tutelage of University President University's standing in relation Harlan Hatcher and his officers. to other schools will hurt most. In a recent Daily interview, he e are.o fr eru i newI mains in a very attractive posit- ion, but this will not continue un- less the current trend of low ap- propriations is reversed." Fleming agrees, and looks to the federal government to supple- ment inadequate finances. He points out that all large univer- sities recognize the fact that fed- eral funds need to be injected into education to permit contin- ued high quality of education. State tax structures, he adds, will! not likely be able to continue support of institutions like the University without aid from Washington. The state, Fleming continues, is nrntttmit~id t nroviin college , Y M '' ing Wanyone for advice."' A steering committee kas or- I ganized' to include a representa- tive from each of seven organiza- tions: Citizens for Improvedr sel- fare Services, the S9cl Work -