WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1867 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FrvE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8,1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE _ . An educatioi in itsenlf. i Do Something IMAGINATIVE For Christmas. This Year " ~ The Gift Idea Which Will Last ] MICHIGAN RECORDS1 "GO BLUE" "ON TOUR" "WHITE TIE AND TAILS" MICHIGAN SONGBOOK ON SALE TODAY IN THE FISHBOWL BUY TODAY OR DROP THIS FORM IN THE MAILD5 a SEND TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MEN'S GLEE CLUB5 3522 Administration Bldg. kUof M Ann Arbor, Mich. 481045 MICHIGAN RESIDENTS OUTSTATE RESIDENTS5 $48$4.98 prie .20 tax $.8prie .50 mailing cost 5.18 per item .50 mailing cost $5.48 per item $5.68d oAddress-._____ Please send me~ records ofx A~".GO BLUE," "ON TOUR," "WHITE TIE AND TAILS" and copies of the SONGBOOK PLEASE ENCLOSE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER BRI'TISH STE RLIN( So fine a gift, it's even sold in jewelry stores. After shave from-$3.50. Cologne from $5.00. Essential oils imported from Great Brit Compounded in U.S.A. JOHN AND MICHAEL WIN THE WAR John Lennon (upper left, upper right, lower right and Knight of the Empire) and Michael Crawford (guess where) star in Richard Lester's new film, "How I Won the War," which opens Dec. 13 at the Studio North Theatre ini Detroit. The critics have billed the film as "Black comedy that makes war on war," "a film that tilts at war films," "a masterpiece of surrealistic cinema" and "a film that will be misunderstood, resented, and hated." LA ST CHANCE TO BUY A MI ClIGAINEN SIAiN for $5 PRICES GO TO $6 JANUARY 1st IENCLOSED FIND $5 FOR EACHI I 1968 MICHIGANENSIAN:I I NAME_____ _____ ADDRESSI I For, an additional $1 mail my Yearbook to: I NCN, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.. 48104 L - - - - - - - -._..... - - _.- - - - - - - - .-- STEPHAN'S RESTAURANT Corner of S.U. and* E. U. 769-5176 Carry Out I 'I ON SALE NOW I AT LOCAL BOOKSTORES The University of Michigan Inter-Arts Magazine I nstant Service- Fried 7:00 A.M. - 12:0Q M Chicken NEWSPAPERS NEW YORK TIMES, Detroit News, Detroit Free Press, Michigan Daily Sundays and Dailies Patent Medicines-Drugs