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December 03, 1967 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-12-03

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See editorial page


Sir ig an


Partly cloudy.
chance of snow flurries

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
Frmer 's Market He t


Wake up any Wednesday or
Saturday morning this winter,!
bundle yourself againstthe cold,
and you can take a stroll back
to the days when fresh farm pro-
duce was "in" and shiny-tiled
supermarkets were only wild fan-
cies of the future.
Ann Arbor's Farmer's Market-
some 30 open-air stalls sitting!
inconspicuously near rusty rail-1
road tracks at Fifth and Ann
streets - is a vestige of times
when Americans bought the food
they ate from the farmers who
grew it. From 8 a.m. to 3p.m.,
three times a week during the
summer and twice a week during
the winter, farmers from as far'
as Toledo man their stalls and
sell on a typical day $15,000 worth
of fresh-picked vegetables, fruits,
chickens, eggs, home b a k e d
breads and pies and almost any-
thing else you prefer not to buy
at the local A&P.
Their produce is always sold
out. Patrons, who range from Uni-
versity professors to factory work-1
ers in Saginaw, have been coming

religiously for years and don't in-
tend to stop.
"For a lot of people it's their
Saturday morning outing," says
Ann Arbor City Treasurer Robert
Gross. "They'd rather miss church
on Sunday than miss the market
on Saturday."
The main market attractions
seem to be the "friendly atmos-
phere," according to Gross, and
"the wonderful freshness of the
vegetables" according to ilmost.
"I'll tell you one thing," says a
spry woman in her 50's. "This
market's one of the best things
about Ann Arbor. I've been coming
here every selling day during theE
summer and every selling day dur-
ing the winter for eight years.'
People say prices here are higher,
and they're right. The food's
better. Not like the vegetables you
get in the grocery, crumpled like'
tissues you can mop on the floor.'?
For the accomplished cook or the*
student who loves simply to wan-
der in and out of fresh-smelling
stalls - and perhaps buy a loaf
of banana bread and fresh honey-

comb for a friend -- there are
plenty of food varieties from
which to choose.
Tomatoes, carrots, six kinds of
squash, bushels of apples, hickory
nuts, and Chinese lettuce. Cookies,
sweet potato pies ("they don't sell
no sweet potato pies at the gro-'
cery," claims the seller, "so we
sell 'em here"), four sizes of eggs
and peppers.
Chickens, rabbits, butternuts,
gingerbread men, turnips, and
cabbage ("these cabbages have
been sitting around for weeks.
They keep a long time, so we pile
them in the barn"). And for the
diet-minded dried cattails, pine3
cones. long-stemmed plants, twigs
of pussy willow and Indian corn.
Even if you don't visit the mar-
ket to shop, you can drop by to
talk. Sole of the sellers have
been at their stalls for 30 years
or more - if not as adults, as
small kids with their fathers.

gan. "The townsfolk try different'
stands, and then settle down with
the ones they like. And we get,
to know each other."
When Detroit's Western Mar-
ket closed in 1965, some of its
farmers moved business here. One
of them, E. J. Sylvester, had work-'
ed at Western since 1935. But now
that he's in Ann Arbor, and he
likes it.
"I enjoy selling my crops," says
the wizened veteran. "I used to
work in a shop, but I wanted a
place to retire to. So 30 years
ago, I started working in my gar-
den. Then I expanded to 80 acres.
I'm retired now, but I'm putting
my full time into farming. That's
better than spending my life look-'
ing at four walls."
No one seems to know exactly
when the Farmer's Market began,
but Gross claims "I remember it
myself from 1927." Originally it

doesn't pay a penny for the mar-
ket, according to Gross. Funds
from stall rentals and parking
facilities make it a self-sustaining
Farmer's Market is asthetically
pleasing now, but two years ago
the University schools of Archi-
tecture and Design and Natural
Resources came up with proposals
that would make it even more so,
They en'visioned a mall on Liberty
St. and Fifth Ave., an alternate
road system, and art shops which
would lend the market contin-
ental air.
"Design plans were lovely," says
Gross, "but to get it going would
take $2-3 million a year for sever-
al years. Our big aim is eventu-
ally to enclose an area for antique
sales, artist displays, and stalls
for the market during the winter."
"It's a beautiful, beautiful place,"
says a woman carrying her baby,
"my husband and I have come

flanked three sides of the Court here for years. Weather doesn't

-Daily-Jay Cassidy
THE FARMER'S.MARKET is here to stay, rain or shine. The customer's don't seem to mind and
don't care how bad the weather is-they'll come to buy the farmer's produce anyway. They've been
doing it for years. One salesman claimed the Farmer's Market would outlast the grocery stores.
Only time will tell.

"The same people keep selling, House square, but in 1934 it moved stop us."
and the same customers keepto its present location, now an Will the market shut down in
coming back," says Mrs. Joe old section of town from which the future?
Karman, who sells honey from University Towers is only a gray "Don't worry," promises Gross.
her bee farm in northern Michi- mass in the distance. The city "The grocery store will close first."

Fleming Attacks Protests Addresses



* t'1 't,% T T/'111%'tin Ir\'f,%

Of Campus Recruiting f.Reveals PlanTo Enter
By RICHARD HERSTEIN pus protest techniques. "Both of appear on campus. Within the passachusetts' AD4il.
University President-designate these tactics . . are wholly in- university community we have in- Primary as 'Great' Test
Ubbenr sityFesint-este compatible with the basic tenets sisted that ideas cannot be oblite-
Robben-W.-Fleming1yesterda---..._.-.-.-=-.I.. .-- ---'. .-. -C AIG (Ani- QSr~,, E J


severely criticized campus demon-
strators who disrupt speeches or
obstruct employment interviews.
In a speech delivered at the fall
commencement exercises at Mich-
igan State University, Fleming
specifically cited the complete dis-
ruption of speeches and interviews
with employers who were in some
way connected to the Vietnam war
as two of the most disturbing cam-

of a great university," Fleming rated by suppression, but only by
said.i, a free discussion of their merits,"
Fleming's speech examined the Fleming continued.
problems which social tensions While Fleming admitted that
place on the university commun- there has often been heckling of
ity. He claimed that the univer- speeches which were of "intense
sity's major role was to maintain emotional interest to the listen-
an intellectually free atmosphere. ers," this does not justify the dis-
"For years universities have ruption of speeches on campuses
i fought . . . against restrictions on today.

the kind of speakers who might

Concerned' Dems
Seek Boi bing Halt

"For those of us who would de-
fend the right of free inquiry with-
in the university, there cannot be
a double standard . .. Fleming
'Right of Dissent'
"In a democracy there must al-
ways be the right and the op-
portunity to protest real or al-
leged wrongs," Fleming said. But
ha rnnai tat'lha ril fn i

Special To The Daily
DETROIT - Delegates to the
Michigan Conference of Concern-
ed Deiocrats (MCCD) yesterday
called for "an immediate and un-
conditional cessation of the bomb-
ing of Vietnam."
Urges Action
Within Part
By The Associated Press
DETROIT - "This is where

The MCCD further called for an n wai he s w t a hen ro t Jse wh is-
"American cease-fire unless fired sent vanishes when those who dis-
upon and an announcement by the agree with a given kind of em-
United States that all American ployment . . . can tell others who
troops will be withdrawn within have a different view that they
six months of a settlement of the may not exercise individual free-
conflict." dom of choice."
Approximately 700 delegates ap- The problem of campus inter-
proved five resolutions and a 1968; views is a more comiplicated one
platform which included a state- than that of speech heckling,
ment "welcoming the decision of Fleming said, because it can be
Sen. Eugene McCarthy (D-Minn), argued that interviews for future
to become a candidate for the employment do not form "an inte-
presidential nomination, thus gral part ofr campus life and
nn~nig th rin +.tothe rPP P- should therefore be conducted off'

Un~ILIUUth°-0e Egene J.
McCarthy embarked on his quest
for the Democratic presidential
nomination last night and said
President Johnson's leadership is
riving America "a message of ap-
prehension, a message of fear."
He spoke in Chicago at the Con-
vention for Concerned Democrats.
The Minnesota senator appealed
'or a return to' "the promise of
;reatness" he said was offered by
Adlai E. Stevenson and President
John F. Kennedy.
"In place of disunity, let us have
;lope," McCarthy said in his first
ipeech as a candidate for the
White House.
McCarthy spoke briefly with
lelegates from states where he
Mlans to enter primary races. Dur-
ng his talk with the Wisconsin
;roup he revealed plans to enterI
Massachusetts'April 30 primary.
The senator announced Thurs-
lay he will challenge Johnson's
renomination in four, perhaps six,
presidential primaries.
President Johnson promised yes-
;erday to support the Democratic
iresidential candidate next year
-without saying whether he plans
to be the nominee.
In a telephone speech to a six-
state regional Democratic confer-
nce:at Charleston, W. Va., John
son said:
"We haven't had our primaries,
,e haven't had our convention. So
;here is really no way of guessing
xho the candidate might be. But
[ do want to say this: I fully
intend to support him."
Johnson also made an indirect
reference-without naming any-,
>ne-to the plans of McCarthy to
hallenge him in at least four
Democratic primaries next year.
"I believe we already have sev-
eral volunteers for next year s
uicket," Johnson said.' "In general
[ like to stay out of these internal
party matters."
Meanwhile McCarthy's decision
;o enter Democratic primaries
against President Johnson drew a
See McCARTHY, page 2

-Daily-Jim Forsyth
WOLVERINE JUNIOR FORWARD DAVE McCLELLAN puts in a short shot yesterday while Jim
Pitts (24) and Bob Sullivan (20) grab the best positions for a rebound. It was one of the few times
that Michigan had a rebounding position on the offensive boards.
SGIncorporation TProposal
Seeks Legal'Independence

May Submit
To Faculty.
Dean Haber, LSA
Executive Committee
Must Accept Proposal
The administrative board of the
literary college ,has completed a
set of recommendations outlining
the guidelines for determining if
future cases of non-academic dis-
cipline fall within the board's
Vice-President for StUdent Af-
fairs Richard Cutler acknowledged
last night that he had received the
board's recommendations but de-
clined to _reveal that exact con-
" An -informed source indicated
the statement may be considered
by the literary college faculty at
their regular monthly meeting to-
Members of the board, *hen
contacted last night, said that
they had agreed among them-
selves that any official word on
the contents of the statement
would have to come from Assistant
Dean James Shaw of the literary
college who heads the board.
Shaw, however, refused to com-
ment, saying that it was up to
Dean William Haber of the liter-
ary college to make any announce-
ment concerning the contents of
the statement. Haber said last
night he did not have a copy of
T the board's recommendation.
However, "The administrative
board i8 not a policy making or-
ganization," Haber explained.
"The executive committee of the
1literary college and the Dean of
the faculty have the final say in
this matter,"' he added.
t The policy recommendations
were formulated after a month of
debate by the board following Cut-
ler's request on Oct. 30 that "ap-
proriate academic discipline be ap-
plid" against Karen Daenzer '70,
' VOICE-SDS chairman for par-

Upelig gle o U Uefleu
bate of issues which it feels is vital
to the life of the party.".
'Open Convention'
The platform further advocated
an "open convention in which no:


Interview System


the action is - for those of you candidate, regardless of in cum-t
with the guts to become outcasts bancy, is given a preferred statust
with those who hold power in the of the party officials."s
Democratic party," said lame- A MCCD resolution requestedt
duck Democratic state chairman "an avowal by the United States'
Zolton Ferency at the Michigan that the National Liberation Frontr
Conference of Concerned Demo- have a legitimate place at any
crats at Detroit's Cobo Hall yes- confteence table, and that it in-t
terday. tends to ieturn to the letter andI
Approximately 300 delegates spiit ot the 1954 Geneva Accords."
heard Ferency's key note ad- The MCCD delegates to the all-
dress at the morning session. Fer- day convention held in Detroit's!
ency explained that his resigna- Cobo Hall also passed resolutionsc
tion as state chairman was a re- dealing with domestic issues.-
sult of the actions of state Demo- Social Reform.
cratic leaders. Stating that the "American fias-_
"The Democratic party leaders co in Southeast Asia is the major
of the state have already com- obstacle to the social reform which
mitted themselves to Lyndon is imperative at home," the posi-
Baines Johnson, without allowing tion paper on housing and poverty
for an open discussion of issues. urged the Democratic party to be-
So my decision was more mechan- gin "to place the creation of a
ical than philosophical - I truly equalitarian and inter-racial
couldn't hold an office that play- society ahead of all other prior-s
ed a part in that process," he ities."
said. The MCCD recommended a
Ferency urged his audience to negative income tax for poor fam-
remain in the Democratic party ilies, a system of family allowances
and strive to become delegates to for children, extended Medicare
district, state and national con- and Social Security programs, the
ventions. "so that we can build building of low-cost housing units
up a power capable of controlling and the "passage by the Michigan
the Michigan delegation at the legislature of the strongest possible
1968 National Convention. The laws guaranteeing open occupancy
Democratic party belongs to no and tenant rights." to improve
one man - it belongs to you." domestic conditions.
Leaders of the dissident group The convention endorsed the
have indicated that they do not priciples of establishing a wage
intend to bolt from the Demo- rate on the basis of a family's
cratic party but rather to work need, expansion of Federal job-
..,;. hi. ,. 1-.. -..- frr t-..-n1 +turxnn,'ttr ninin1-,a n,-na.'rnm. nd the non-

Fleming said that although
campus interviews often stir up
considerable protesting, little at-
tention is paid to the interviewing
system itself. When a student
signs up for an interview, "no one
tells him that he must do so. It
is an exercise of individual judg-
"Unless one is prepared to draw
the conclusion that all employ-
ment interviewing is incompatible
with the educational process--a
view with which I do not agree
but which I can understand-I
can find no justification for the
obstruction of interviewing on
campus," Fleming concluded.

Daily News Analysis
At Thursday night's StudentI
Government Council meeting, Ad-
ministrative Vice-President Mi-
chael Davis, Grad, presented a
proposal for incorporation of SGC
which would make SGC legally in-
dependent of the University.
He also presented a set of pro-
posed SGC by-laws required for
incorporation and a proposed con-
tract with the University by which

the University will continue to cently necessitated cutbacks in
collect SGC dues in return for several major projects. Among
certain adinistiv duties fort h o s e affected included the
certainadministrative duties to !Writer-in-Residence program, the
be performed by SGC Inc. course evaluation booklet, the ex-
Incorporation is in part an at- panded voter-registration carm-
tempt to solve the financial dif- paign, court cases in the area of
ficulties which have plagued SGC housing, and a proposed faculty
for the past several years. It chair to be endowed by students.
would also give SGC independence In addition, publicity and com-
of the Office of Student Affairs munications have suffered.

and the Regents.
Financial shortages have re-

wildcats Gnaw Wolverines to Ribbons

At the present time, SGC has
only one way of getting additional
funds-requesting the OSA to in-
crease SGC student dues. If the
OSA approves this request, it must
still go through the Budget Com-
mittee and receive approval from
the Regents. -
Davis points out that the Uni-
versity red tape severely limits the
possibility of success. First of all

The surroundings were considerably different. The pigeons were
gone, the dirt track was missing. But the results were still the same.
The Michigan basketball team went down to its ninth straight
defeat including eight straight losses at the end of last year, at the
hands of a quick, well-drilled Kentucky team 96-79 in the season
opener for both squads.
Playing for the first time in the $7 million University Events
Building before a near capacity crowd of 12,761, the Wolverines suc-
cumbed to a case of Blue grass fever in the last 10 minutes of the{
first half and were never fully able to recover.
The Wildcats forged ahead by 20 points with 1:45 to go in the
half after Michigan had fought back to within two with 9:45 left.
The Wolverines, who had outscored the Wildcats by seven in their
own four-minute 'drive, were never able to get back into the game.
The big man in Kentucky's drive and throughout the game was

SOsgacstis inath"Be astmanof y ticipation in an Oct. 11 demon-
SGC's actions in the last year Isrto gis iiigNv d
have challenged the OSA, there stration against visiting Navy Ad-
is a strong temptation forhad miral S. N. Brown.
ministrators in that office-be- ' Considerable secrecy has sur-
cause they are only human-.-to rounded the entire controversy.
t'y to restrict SGC by restricting On Friday Cutler released what he
its funds." said was a copy of his "confiden-
He adds that the University tial" October 30 letter to Shaw
bureaucracy is set up in such a about Mrs. Daenzer, aid identical
rway that each level of it is pri- to the one sent the graduate
marily concerned with avoiding school asking for similar disci-
mistakes instead of implementing pline for Sam Friedman, Grad.,
new ideas. and Eric Chester, Grad., who also
According to SGC treasurer Sam patticipated in the protest.
Sherman, '68, "In the case of a In response to a Daily requests
budget increase or any other re- Shaw said he was willing to dis-
_.__ i.t r l ~ lr4}C0hea-hia~~U ~~l Iptor f-,romnCutler



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