CUTLER ACTION: 'U' DISGRACE See editorial page ( I p 047 14 Bjil* iau :4E itii DRIZZLE High-3 s Low--25 Chance of snow flurries this evening Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom. VOL. LXXVIII, No. 77 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1967 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Residential College Seminar Probes A pa By HENRY GRIX Students regularly break away from the campus grind for a brief vacation. They go as far as Ber- muda or California for a sun-tan, i NewYork for a movie, or New Orleans for the Mardi Gras. Earlier this month, seven resi- dential college students, their teacher, and several staff mem- bers decided to skip school and take a three day weekend trip. They forked out $16, piled into University station wagons and headed for the towns of Berea, Hazard and Whitesburg in East- ern Kentucky. Their purpose was to take a hard, first hand look at the pov- erty in the hills of Appalachia. They had been studying the sub- ject in their freshman seminar by reading such books as Steinbeck's "Grapes of Wrath" and Harry Caudill's work on Appalachian poverty. "Night Comes to the Cumberlands." Explains seminar teacher Prof. Jens Zorn of the physics depart- ment: "We wanted to-show that the problems dramatized in the books were, in only slightly altered form, still with us today." The students examined an area that boasts ten of the nation's twenty most impoverished coun- ties. And in Eastern Kentucky a quarter of the residents over 24 can neither read nor write. The students were introduced to the area through Berea College which is located in Berea, Ken- tucky, about 100 miles south of Cincinnati. Nearly 90 per cent of the 1400 students at Berea are from the Appalachian area. The student body is unusual because admission favors students from large, low-income families. There is no tuition at Berea but, students are required to work in the laundry or bakery, to do maintenance work or to make furniture. and wooden games sold by the college. They are paid up to 85 cents an hour. The University students toured Berea and , joined a campus square dance. Afterwards several of th'e BereA men invited some of the University girls out to Mama's Pizzeria, the only place open past 10 p.m. on Fridays. "The girls, playing sociologist, tried to find out what it was like, to be from Kentucky and at Berea, while the boys, presented with exotic possibilities, were on the make," said Zorn. (Berea women have to be in by 10 p.m. Friday, 11 p.m. Saturday and 8 p.m. weekdays.) The communication barrier be- tween the people of Appalachia and the University students was never really penetrated during the weekend. "One thing I regret, and I think it was unavoidable, was that we couldn't just talk with people on a farm somewhere," Pete Jepson, '71, said. "Instead we had to go around looking at the more obvious features like strip mining," he continued. Saturday morning, the group drove over twisting, gravel roads to view some of the strip mines which scar the majestic landscape of the Cumberlands. "The strip mines must be seen to be believed," said Zorn. "The vegeation. earth, and rock which cover the seam of the coal- is re- moved and simply dumped over the side of the mountain. The ex- posed coal is then taken out with mechanical shovels or, if it seems more convenient, removed from the head of the mountain with giant, seven-foot augers. "The heavy Kentucky rains dis- so}ve an appreciable amount of sulfur from the bituminous coal, and the resultant dilute sulfuric acid insures that cover will not soon grow on the ravaged moun- tamn side. The lack of life on these abandoned strip mines is appalling. Thel e is no algae in the standing water, no bugs on the ground. no squirrels, rabbits. birds, nothing," Zorn continued. It is ironic that some of the Eastern Kentuck towns are named after benevolent biblicalchapters, while others are named by mining companies that have prompted much of the economic hardship of Appalachia. fachia The 35 billion tons of soft coal lying in the hills of Eastern Ken- tucky could support the entire state, but extraction of coal has mainly benefited absentee land- lords like United States Steel, Re- public Steel and the Ford Motor Company. While mining operators remove coal nearly tax free from Ken- tucky, some Appalachian counties are unable to scrape up enough taxes to run schools for a full term. Consider Vicco, a town of about 200 named for the Virginia Iron and Coal Company. While the company netted 61 per cent profit in 1964 the inhabitants "sit and watch the traffic go by," accord- ing to Zorn. The residents of Kentucky pay to repair for the damages of strip miting. Strip mining recessitates reclamation, reforestation, road re- pairs, water pollution control and flood control 'projects which cost (See FRESHMAN, page 8) RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE STUDENTS and their instrutor spent a three day weekend taking a close look at poverty in Appalachia. The area they visited, in Eastern Kentucky, contains ten of the na- tion's twenty most impoverished counties. The trip related to course work in the College's Freshman Seminar where the students had been reading works dealing with poverty in America, particularly in rural areas. CHALLENGES HERSHEY: ACLU Files Suit To Test Cutler Asks Grad School, Draft Reclassifications NEW YORK -A')-The American the classification of persons in- to 1A of the Rev. Henry Bu Civil Liberties Union filed three volved in activities that were not field director of the U suits in federal court today to in the national interest. Christian Movement int overturn a memorandum by Lt. The ACLU filed suit in federal N.J. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, director of court here on behalf of the Rev. Others are to be filed ft the Selective Service System seek- Paul Gibbons, of the United Lowell Huey, 21, a junior ing reclassification of ministers Church of Christ and chaplain for University of Utah, an and students who demonstrate the United Ministry at Cornell Kirkland Peffers in Wasl against the war in Vietnam. University, John Kimball, a grad- A seventh suit is to be fi Other suits were to be filed in !pate student at the Massachusetts week in behalf of the Re New Jersey, Utah and the State Institute of Technology, and Law- O'Connor, associate Catho of Washington, the ACLU said. rence F. Kramer, a sophomore at lain at Cornell University At issue -is a memorandum sent Cornell. The National Council oft by Hershey to local draft boards Another suit will challenge re- es was listed as a cospons Dct. 26 advising them to review classification from 4D clergyman suits involving the clergy -------_ --- The Rev. Dean Kelly dir religious liberty of the N' WTrh e i d s e the council was not taking tion in the case, but was qi Hershe Finds Few == ing the punitive action ca the reclassifications. 6*tThe ACLU's action paral Drarft arurns taken by several members gress last month. Among WASHINGTON (P) - Draft telephone interview. "I'm a little tors questioning the Hers: chief Lewis B. Hershey says he disillusioned, but I must say I'm ective was Sen. PhilipP isn't getting as many draft cards happy to be disillusioned about '(D-Mich.). as he expected from Vietnam war this." On Nov. 14 Hart sent protestors - but he is receiving He cited as an example the to Attorney-General Ra plenty of drivers licenses. - "basketful, about a thousand draft Clark questioning the leg About three of four cards he cards" that leaders of the Oct. the Hershey memorandum receives from protestors turn out 21 protest march on the Pentagon letter Hart stressed that to be drivers' licenses or other claimed they were turning in. and state laws already pro nondraft cards, Hershey said yes- Only 297 persons actually turn- the punishment of crim terdayp ed in valid cards, the Justice De- fenses and that the select "I suppose I'm a trusting soul," partment said, after it sorted vice system is not a puni the 74-year-old Selective Service them out. ganization. System director said. "When I90 Per Cent Fake' "The issue is whether a read in the newspaper that some- '90ier Cike Hswhthy s body said he turned in his draft " There have been times when; fcr i Hereymsh card I sppos he id.90 per cent were not real cards"~ allowed to undertake the 'Disillusioned' Hershey said. "They turn in all the courts in determining kindsof thngs."dent's guilt or innocent "But it was surprising to me, kids of things then determining sanctio: the low number of real draft Hershey said he could provide of Hart's aides said. cards, that were turned in," add- no nationwide figures on the J ed the lieutenant general in a number of legitimate cards turn- Justice Department off . that ~time a ~Q tn acher Jr., niversity Camden, or Henry r at the d John shington. iled next v. David dic chap- Y" Church- or of the men. rector ofl CC, said ga posi- uestion- aused by els stepsj of Con- legisla- hey dir- A. Hart a letter am s e y gality of n. In his federal vide for inal of- tive ser- tive or- federal ould be erole of g a stu- ce, and ns," one icials at 1, i i I t i ' l To Punish -Navy -Protester ext. of Culer Statement Request Names EDITOR'S NOTE: The following propriate units for consideration believed that discipline for such statementandetterawer rlead of possible disciplinary action. misconduct was appropriately the by the University administration last night regarding possible aca- The Vice President for Student province of the academic author- demic disciplinary measures against Affairs further commented that ities. three University students involved in a Oct. 11 protest against visit the procedures to be followed in I am calling the recent disrup- Navy Rear Admiral S. N. Brown. determining possible disciplinary tion to your attention, because one action were matters within the of the students who has been iden- ' Releases OSA Letter Requesting TEXT OF THE purview of the academic units. tified as having been involved is Th TATEMENT:m Karen Daenzer, whom I under- Disciplinary Action Against Daenzer Teattached letter from the TEXT OF THlE LETTER: stand is enrolled in the Literary Vice President for Student Affairs Confidential College. By KEN KELLEY and JIM HECK was sent to the chairman of the To Assistant Dean James W. Shaw: I am hereby requesting that this Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler dis- Administrative Board of the Col- The attached documents de- matter be brought to the attention closed yesterday that he asked the administrative board of lge of Literature. Science, and scribe a situation which I believe of the Administrative Board, and the Arts on Oct. 30. An identit should be called to the attention that appropriate academic dis- the graduate school to take disciplinary action against letter was sent to the dean of the of the Administrative Board of the cipline be applied. The fact of the VOICE-SDS members Eric Chester and Sam Friedman for ereknce was made to othert di- Literary College. Last sping, at disruptive behavior and of this participating in an Oct. 11 demonstration against visiting viduads. the time of the Hart-Ford Sym- student's participation in it can Navy Rear Admiral S. N. Brown. The "documents" referred to in posium, the disruptions which be established by any of the par- Cutler also confirmed a Daily story yesterday that he the letters are communications were created by student protesters ticipants in the luncheon meeting. sought the literary college administrative board to take from the College of Engineering,, were judged to be inconsistent with I look forward to hearing from disciplinary action against SDS Chairman Karen Daenzer,'70 describing the incident in question. University traditions, and with the you at an early date concerning In commenting on his trans- right of free speech. At that time any action which the Administra- who was one of 40 other students in the October demonstra- mittal of the letters, the Vice the Graduate School, and several tive Board or the respective de- tion. President for Student Affairs said academic departments, interpreted partments may take in this con- Cutler released a copy of a letter he said he had sent that the complaint from the Col- the actions 'of the participating nection. to the literary college boarde------- - - lege of Engineering was referred to students as justifying academic Sincerely. Oct. 18 which asked that "ap- the LS&A Administrative Board discipline. The Regents, through Richard L. Cutler and the Graduate School as ap- the President, indicated that they October 30, 1967 propriate academic discipline4L.1 be applied," against . Mrs. SEEKS BA LANCE oDaeer.The board refused At Illinois SE KAL N E to take up Mrs. Daenzer's case. Iii.ji Cutler said a second letter iden- tical to the one sent the literary I 'U' onvert OXford Uit college board "was sent to the Await Trial dean of the Rackham School ex- cept that reference was made to By JIM HECK other individuals." (Chester and Forty-seven University of Illinois Into Co-ed ous11eXt FFriedman) students will go on trial Monday Both Chester and Friedman for their actions in an Oct. 25 Dow learned Cutler had asked the grad- Chemical Company sit-in. Seven By LEE W'EITZENKORN dation next year to make room for academic standpoints." He feels uate school to take disciplinary others have already been expelled Oxford housing will be open to male residents. that by becoming co-educational action during a discussion with for their partic ation in the in- both men and women beginning Lynch said Oxford may house Oxford housing would overcome the Vice-President yesterday af- cident. next fall, Director Kevin Lynch anywhere from 30-140 men in the some of the social isolation it in- ternoon. Dean Stephen Spurr-of The demonstrators were protest- said Monday. Although planners fall, depending on the space avail- curs because of its distance from the graduate school said last ing the presence of Dow recruiters hope eventually to achieve a 50/ able. At present, only one men's the campus. He added that "hous- night, however, that he has not on the Illini campus. Dow is the 50 ratio, the integration of men house is envisioned. The Oxford ing should be representative of told the administrative board of sole producer of napalm for the into the housing units will depend complex is divided into ten units. both groups." the graduate school the names of Vietnam war. on the space available as women Lynch said the changeover was Student sentiment also played the two students. Three hundred students and fac- gradually move out. None of the based on a "need for more housing a part in the changeover, he com- Spurr said the board is cur- ulty met earlier this week to pro- 420 women now living in Oxford space for men and is considered mented, rently only considering whether test the expulsion of the seven housing will be denied accommo- to be beneficial from social and Many residents of Oxford are or not it wants to start disciplinary undergraduates. At their protest looking forward to having men in proceedings against students who held in the south lounge of the the housing units. "I think it participated in the demonstration. Union, the demonstrators charged T~~~~ dMcr~r oarn Jnmn~r RnSr caid Zi tinnr d Ctlrc, <+ ,Special Panel To Report On Researeb By STEPHEN WILDSTROM ed in because those sent to state draft officials or other agenciess are passed along to the appro- priate local boards without going through his office. Hershey said many of the phony cards apparently come from "kidsE in a group" who put something in the bag so they won't look bad to their friends. "A lot of them participate in these protests until it starts to nch." was Hershey's opinion, posed the Hershey order-which they considered to be an alter- ation of the draft law. However Michigan's Selective Service Director, Col. Arthur Hol- mes, indicated he will follow Her- shey's directive until he receives further notice. If the local board, Holmes said, "decides a student's deferment is not in the national interest, it can draft him When a student im- l , ;< i ;C z , , .s u A special faculty committee on referring to penalties for multi- pedes the duties of the local draft research policy will probably re- lating or throwing away draft board we do not consider him in lease a preliminary report by the cards. the national interest." end of this month, committee chairman Prof. Robert C. Elder- field of the chemistry depart- , * 1 g ment said yesterday. Bel* ooze The 15-member committee, ap- pointed last month in the wake of controversy over classified mil- itary research at the University, was charged with the respon- sibility for studying the propriety of such research. Elderfield said the committee hopes to have the report ready before President-designate Roben W. Fleming takes office Jan. 1. While preliminary in nature, the report will come later next year. The committee has not yet eached any decision on the con- clusions of the report, Elderfield continued. "I wouldn't want to hazard a guess," he commented. The committee has been meet- ing twice weekly since Nov. 14. Vice President for Research A. Geoffrey Norman, Prof. Anatol Comes to *outh J' By SUE SCHNEPP and STEVE FIRSHEIN "When the new Village Bell gets a sign it won't be neon," says owner Clint Castor, Jr. "It'll be like a sign you find on Wall Street or on a bank," he explains. Indeed, judging from the crowds at yesterday's -opening, and the success of its parent, the Pretzel Bell, the new restaurant should turn a tidy profit in years to come. The Village Bell features tradit- ionally high-priced Bell food with slight variationp in the menu. "At the P-Bell you wind up paying 50 cents extra for dessert, and 15 cents for each cup of coffee," says Castor. "Here, for say $4.35, you cocktail and beer drinking crowd. Descending a spiral staircase to the lower level, the dinner pa- tons enter a larger,130-seat din- ing area with dim lighting, car- peted floors and ceilings, and brick' arches for room dividers - a sort of Roman Catacombs with eats. Castor says he has no plans for graffitied tables, memorabilia on the walls, or free beers for those celebrating their twenty- first birthdays. Castor plans to alternate eating and drinking hours in the down- stairs room. There were some hitches yesterday in phasing out the afternoon beer-quaffing crowd to the- dinner clientale, but Castor expects to resolve the conflicts - 'hort-v. vwould ne great, commentea ac- queline Radlow, '70. "Coed dorms make it easier to meet people." These opinions, however, are not unanimous. The opposite view was voiced by Margaret Dearing, '70, who said, "I like it as it is now. A coed dorm involves more restric- tions, such as dress, which would overshadow any social advantages which might - come about from coed housing." UGLI To Stay Open to 5 a.m. The Undergraduate Library will remain open until 5 am. Dec. 10- 18."Mrs. Rose-Grace Faucher, dir- ector of the UGLI announced yes- terday.- The decision for the extension opurr saa ne menuionea vuer s letter in general terms at an October meeting and expects the board to decide at a January meeting if it wants to take up proceedings against the two stu- dents. Neither Spurr nor Assistant Dean James Shaw, head of the literary college board, would disclose Cut- ler letters. Cutler provided the press with a Xerox copy of his letter to Shaw (which appears at left). Shaw said he was willing to dis- close his letter from Cutler to confirm that the copy was authen- tic. However Cutler specifically denied Shaw permission to dis- close the letter last night. Cutler refused to comment on why he wouldn't let Shaw disclose the letter. Cutler indicated he sent his two: letters on a "complaint from the the action taken against the seven was "unilateral" and the students were given "no chance to defend themselves." The students received notifica- tion of their dismissal Nov. 22. The statement said the students "were immediately dismissed from the University of Illinois for their par- ticipation in the Dow sit-in." Meanwhile at the University of Wisconsin, three students were ex- pelled yesterday when they claimed their trial before an administrative committee was "completely pre- judiced and in conspiracy with the central administration." The three students were charged with "illegal conduct" during the violent Oct. 18 demonstration against Dow. The Wisconsin Student Senate voted 20-3 last night to reinstate the three expelled students, but Dean George Young of the law