--- Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICMGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS m . Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-05521 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: STEPHEN WILDSTROMI Students, Take The Bus And Leave The Deciding To Us T HE CURRENT EFFORTS of the memi hers of Bursley Hall and the Engineer-. ing Council to obtain expanded bus serv- ice between Central and North Campus have resulted in a phenomenon rare to our times: students requesting change in an orderly fashion through the estab- lished- channels, intelligently and in a well-prepared manner. Possibly the only thing that could make this even more of an oddity would be to have something constructive done by Uni- versity officials in response to this re- quest. And wonder of all wonders, it is beginning to seem as if not even this is beyond hope. THREE WEEKS AGO, a representative from Bursley and a representative from the Engineering Council met with Director of University Housing John Feld- kamp. The students came prepared with a survey showing that 88 per cent of the Bursley residents would not only like, but would use, extended service on Friday and Saturday nights, and increased service on Sunday afternoons. The administration, it turned out, was taking a survey of its own. They were counting passengers at various times of the day to judge where they needed more buses and where they could take some off. Feldkamp told the two rep- resentatives to go back and get more information of their own. Here the plot thickens. Contrary to the established style of Kahn, Baumann, and Co., no one organized a boycott of the bus service, a sit-in on Feldkamp's desk, or a mass rally on the Diag with speeches by the original bus boycotters from Birmingham, Alabama. Instead, the students took Feldkamp's advice. The vice-president of Bursley organized his own bus survey. The rep- resentative from the Engineering Coun- cil reported back to the Council. In order to make their demands even more legiti- mate, they looked for support from Grad- uate Assembly, Baits housing units, Northwood Terrace Association, IHA, and students of the Music School, who have classes on North Campus. The administration meanwhile has been examining the results of the pas- senger-count survey it has been taking. Robert Hughes, assistant to Feldkamp, met Tuesday with John Ellsworth, Direc- tor of Transportation, to discuss this sur- vey and begin to talk figures and finances. IT'S COMFORTING to know that ration- ality and preparedness still count for something. With such an auspicious, level-headed start, the chances for ac- complishing something seem good. Now it is up to the Engineering Coun- cil and the Bursley students to show the administration that students can, indeed, work cooperatively. It will be up to the administration to dispel the myth that bureaucracy is impenatrable and just one big run-around. The speed and decisiveness with which responsible parties act to alleviate the bus schedule hardships can be the only signs of administrative sincerity. -JIM NEUBACHER }.6r~~r T;1TV:,..T."'.. .r......... " {' ;" " . .-. ... . .. . '..... h S. .. . ..." " .4 n r~ "^ .:~ 'A,:.:.nvS,.F.v~~. .a{ix::{:..:i... J ::{:..}...,...:.. n.G..h..;Y"i w..... . .... .v.: . .4: . .^: +wv...A .J :.... s. ,", ' ...v .y W SV} .$.W.Sq± n ....... .S... .r;5:.~S:',.n....y' 141;".n. f~:3 :;..".,+ . 4x:f . ..Q r 1'Y: ..% 4svr!S^vt- t 4 i Z{l.^ '....0i} {r - 4+xvS,1& :,tiT'ti v'.'.:1". THE HARDER THEY FALL .,.. Tou Sound to Me Like a Mixed-Up Boy' By John Lottier ....::: ...1..,. ..,,1 :4 ... ............... ...... . ...: .F1. li~ AA:SL1 5 4" '. hf. .i RICHARD AYERS is a junior at the University. I think you are terribly unAmerican to oppose the you owe as a citizen of this Country." The problem here On Monday of the October Mobilization week war and American aggression (sic). You have all is one of responsibility. Is an individual's ultimate ob Ayers, acting as an individual, placed his draft card in the privileges of a free Nation and a Democracy, ligation to the state or to himself? an envelope and mailed it to the DuPage County Local and you are not willing to abide by the rules and The fundamental precepts of Hitler's Germany and Draft Board No. 122 in Wheaton, Illinois. regulations which is a duty you owe as a citizen of Stalin's Russia were predicated on the subordination Ten days later he received two form letters from his this Country. You sound to me like a mixed-up boy, of the individual to society: one's principal allegiance board. The first note stated that by not carrying his and, as far as I am concerned, I have no sympathy was to the state. This is the necessary ideal of a totali- draft card "on his person," he had been declared de- for you. tarian society. linquent. The second letter notified him that his 2-S de- The United States claims to be an open society, the ferment had been revoked, that he had been reclassified Yours, very truly, leader of the free world. What then becomes the role of 1-A, and that he would have 30 days to appeal the conscription, or aggression, or secrecy in a free society? decision. John S. Woodward The answer is obvious: there is no such role. Appeal Agent If the aims of the state and society supercede the AYERS NEXT SENT a letter to his draft board ask- DuPage County Local Draft Board No. 122. ideals of the individual, if one is coerced or co-opted ing them "for advice as to what I should do," and made into the system, then the freedom of that society is the necessary request to obtainthe services of andappeal THE LETTER IS TYPICAL of the mentality that specious. The result is a subtle, less obvious, but just as agent. On Wednesday of this week he received the fol- encompasses this nation's sterile bureaucracy: it dem- dangerous form of totalitarianism: in the end, the state lowing letter dated November 22: onstrates nothing of positive intellectual value and con- is placed above all else. Dear Mr. Ayers: stantly contradicts itself and the values it purports to defend. THIRD, AYERS learns that he is "terribly unAmeri- I have your letter of November 19th concerning First, Ayers is advised to say nothing concerning his can" in his opposition to "the war and American aggres- You have, as a matter of right, thirty days from feelings of America's war effort in Southeast Asia, for sion," that he is "a mixed-up boy'" and that the appeal the time you receive your 1-A classification to write by speaking out on something that he feels so strongly agent feels "no concern" for him. If, however, America a letter to the Local Draft Board, telling them you about, he would only hurt his case. Lawyer Woodward is "a free Nation and a Democracy," and Ayers cares wish to take an appeal from the classification of l-A, suggests, in effect, that Ayers would do better to shut enough to point out that he feels the United States is widsr tak eaypealfromteclassification of -, up and tacitly accept the methods of a system he opposes. doing terrible harm to the whole world through the and desire to get your former classification of 2-Supadtclycetthmtosofaytmhepoe. Vietnam war, then he should be applauded as a patriot: back. You state as the reason for this the fact that The letter informs Ayers that he enjoys "all the he is so interested and involved that he has put himself you are presently enrolled as a junior in the Uni- privileges of a free Nation and a Democracy." But if in an extremely precarious andunenviable position as versity of Michigan. , someone cannot freely and unequivocably express his an individual defending his rights of privacy, speech, In connection with your opposition to the war views, if he is coerced or co-opted into repressing his and dissent. and to American aggression (sic), I think you would ideas and beliefs, then the nation cannot really be Finally, appeal agent Woodward closes his indict- have a much better chance of your appeal to say "free" and the claim of "Democracy" is fraudulent. ment of Ayers with the words "Yours very truly." While nothing about this, but if you want to do so, you this, of course, can be explained as a mere formality, it can set it forth in your letter. SECOND, AYERS IS told that he must be willing to demonstrates and is representative of the overall men- In my capacity as Appeal Agent, and personally, abide by "the rules and regulations which is a duty tality of the system and f the hypocrisy that is America. FEIFFER r ~(I6iG RS6JTL MG ITTSR ) N IAT6 V BOSAD TNT ~OTh R IT1Z W A KD- BYCAUSE THEY' £IMYOME PE'oPt; "-ICKED U P BUT ME THI1k)GS WAS THANM - Y AN)12 C'9 CK6V& ILFW - 6V AItGAPSERTY NEVER'. 5511-V Q M THAT THE 'SHOVE HM6 DAY I A~ C21 26W UP .AGA&. .i A MAGI- A 0 47 4 A 4q Dislodging the Rumors AFTER TWO MONTHS of searching, Student Government Council ?and Graduate Assembly are finishing their selection of six representatives for a committee to study the Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational Informa- tion. Due to student apathy and a shrink- ing personnel list, the investigation has been delayed, but the committee's area oc concern is too important to be over- looked any longer. In September SGC and GA decided to set up a joint committee to study the functioning of the bureau amid sugges- tions that unfairness and general inef- The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school year ($9 by mail). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48±04. Editorial Staff ROGER RAPOPORT, Editor MEREDITH EIKER, Managing Editor MICHAEL HEFFER ROBERT KLIVANS City Editor Editorial Director ficency were hurting many students seek- ing employment. One student claimed, for instance, that secretaries were the only personnel in- volved in deciding which recommenda- tions, whether favorable or unfavorable, might go into a student's file. A student may not see the contents of his own file at the bureau, although employers make use of them in deciding whom to hire. Another student claimed that urgent job openings were not being reported quickly enough, due to the administrative shuffle at the bureau. A COMPLETE INVESTIGATION is need- ed to allay such suspicions, or to con- firm them and eliminate the problem. Such an investigation is, in fact, outlined in the original motion which set up the committee. If it were followed, these and many other problems, such as the ques- tion of the propriety of the existence of recommendations in the student's file, would be answered. The interviewing season at the bureau is well under way and the inquiry is long overdue. For many seniors seeking jobs, graduation is just around the bend. The committee must begin immediately in the vital task of studying the bureau and, if necessary, implementing changes so that it may best serve the students. --MARTIN HIRSCHMAN AO Letters: Dump Bump in 68 W I to the Editor: I HAVE ALWAYS had a distaste for armchair quarterbacks who think they could do better than the coaches and players who have to make decisions in the heat of battle. I have felt this pressure from the latter end of the spec- trum, having played four years of college football myself. I was fortunate enough, how- ever, to have played under Otto Graham, now with the Washing- ton Redskins, for three of those years, and I know the difference a good coach can make to a foot- ball team. My team went from No. 2 in the East in 1965 to 0-8 the next year with basically the same team, but with a different coach. I therefore, rightly or wrongly, feel I can speak with a little more authority than the average fan. CLARK NORTON'S column of Nov. 28 is distressing enough to compel me to write this. For one, it is filled with inconsistencies. He states that the team this year had less talented players, quoting an assistant coach. (I might point out that the most common excuse in the sports world for a losing coach is for him to say he has "mediocre talent.") But assuming this doubtful fact for the moment, he then points out that Bump is an "effective" recruiter. Where do all these guys go if they never end up in a blue uniform? Also, regardless of how much actual coaching the head coach does these days, he still selects his assistants, and he diagrams the overal emphasis and style of play, much as an editor deter- mines the content and quality of a newspaper, though letting others write most of the articles. The so-called "Harvard of the Midwest" deserves a more spirited, imaginative, and intelligent brand of football from its renresenta- blocks and tackles, interceptions, etc., which are inexcusable for any college team, let alone one in the Big Ten. NORTON SUMMARIZES his article by saying Bump will win in time, but he has already had eighty-three games to try. Since The Daily seems so anxious -to take up less meritorious causes and to support them even at the expense of good journalism, I am surprised at the lack of conviction and purpose which the sports de- partment exhibits in its passive acceptance of one of the most mediocre football coaches in the country. It is in spite of Bump, not be- cause of him, that Michigan has won any games at all during his tenure. I suggest you lead a move- ment in the good Daily tradition to oust him as head coach and reestablish the fact that Michigan students are proud of their Uni- versity and desire it to field qual- ity teams in the "Michigan Tra- ditions." -Steve Schember, "70 Law Oppose Regents To the Editor: ON NOV. 7 the Regents of this University issued a statement to the effect that regulations gov- erning student conduct which conflict with previously establish- ed administrative rulings are no longer binding. The primary ex- ample of such regulations is the liberalization of visitation rules by the various house councils in the residence halls. The house in which I am employed removed all restrictions on visitation by mem- bers of the opposite sex. I have several reasons for op- posing the Regents' action: 1. The new student-made reg- ulations were passed in a demo- cratic fashion and their applica- tion in the last month has met with nearly the ionimnu an- forced was written by students- it was written this summer by students who. were afraid to sub- mit any policy which would not be immediately approved by the administration; these students were in no way representative of those affected. The "official" reg- ulation is a warmed-over rem- nant of a past era, a severely neurotic era from which we now have the practical means to escape. 3. The older regulation, repre- senting both repression of power- ful human needs for privacy and intimacy and violation of the wishes of those regulated, forces the focus of the regulated people away from other, more important, issues and thus frustrates edu- cational goals. The right to pri- vacy and intimacy should not be an issue in a civilized society, it should be an assumption. The manufacture and use of napalm, the nature of education in the inner city, the ordering of values in American society are real issues. I submit that any educa- tional policy which shifts the focus of students away from these issues is callous. 4. The enforcement of the older policy is antithetical to any positive good coming from the presence of staff members in a dormitory. Their function should be that of furthering the "moral, personal, and social development of the student" (the phrase is from the administration's visita- tion policy) by understanding and challenging the values of the dormitory residents, and exposing the residents to their own values, while advising them about the means of maintaining their san- ity and integrity at this Univer- sity. 5. It is politically impossible to enforce the older regulation in houses which have functioned for a month under no restrictions, extent at the nset nf the mnal reconsider their decision; I hope they decide not to perpetrate a society in which the major sig- nificant acts one can take are a g a i n s t something, or even against something that shouldn't even have to be discussed. -Thomas S. Anderson Assistant Resident Director Cooley House, East Quad Stalling SGC To the Editor: WHILE STUDENT Government Council consistently speaks of student power and Influence in decision-making processes, it ap- parently finds it convenient to ig- nore student sentiment when SGC as an organization is concerned. Despite a 2-1 vote In favor of the Constitutional Convention, two important motions for its im- mediate implementation were ta- bled at the Nov. 16 SGC meeting. Mike Renner proposed the estab- lishment of a four man committee to set up the ground rules for the Con-Con, and Bob Willmarth proposed an orderly procedure for petitioning to be a convention delegate. Is it the idea of SGC to table such necessary steps in- definitely? THE OUTCOME of the, refer- endum clearly indicates student displeasure with the present form of SGC. Yet, SGC seems intent on preserving its sacrosanct struc- ture as long as it can in the face of voter opposition. It is imperative that \the Con- stitutional Convention open at the very beginning of next semester in order for it to have time to formulate some concrete plans within a reasonable time period. If Con-Con is to start then, the machinery must be set up im- mediately. The longer SGC stalls, the more it demonstrates it is not really concerned with providing a rep- resentative government for the students. SGC called for a chance to "let the students decide." -Don Racheter, President, Markley Council al Vow Tf 111r. . Ir . ,i'".'c e v tii -;rr " r- '. t +* "r. h - ,, . , 5 r -r r 'r d + r A ('y_ __.._ ....... ,. i %,: ,.; ,; . , - + ; . , iIYSG '.'.r\_ r I" I wk