FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1,1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Mc Carthy Associated Press News Analysis NEW YORK - Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy's (D-Minn) decision to challenge President Johnson in four presidential primaries could polarize the movements of dissi- dent Democrats already under way in a number of states to block the renomination lof the President next year. Like McCarthy, they oppose Jphnson's policies in Vietnam. The Minnesota senator said he will be a contender in the elec- tions in Wisconsin, California, Oregon and Nebraska. He said he will decide within two weeks whether to enter the primaries in y New Hampshire and Massachu- setts. There is already a group calling itself "Concerned Wisconsin ocrats," headed by Don Pe chairman of the 10th Distr He said McCarthy's ann ment, "gives the voters o consin and the United St clear choice regarding the Vietnam. Sen. McCarthy u ticulate this issue and h unite a country divided ove they have yet to compreh Political observers in Ca said McCarthy is virtually to have the backing of th fornia Democratic Council year-old organization with timated 33,000 members group voted recently to Johnson in the California p by entering a slate of "peac Decision n Dem- gates." It had named no specific Euge eterson, candidate for the presidency, or of ict. In New Hampshire, the presi- Kenne dent's supporters are trying to "I'm ounce- turn back what appears to be a drive f A Wis- growing revolt against his Viet- McCarl Mates a nam policies. A top Democrat, who can hel war in asked not to be identified, said way, w elp re- a recent poll indicated that John- We fe r a ar Hson would not do well in New has the Lend." Hapshire. elected. New Hampshire is among the Mass lifornia states where anti-Johnson Dem- certain ocrats have organized to place the they w e Cali- name of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy tion if , a 14- (D-N.Y.) before the voters next the pri an es- year. Shou s. The The state's primary, first in the delegat oppose nation, is scheduled for March 12. tional( primary Kennedy has consistently disavow- vote fo ce dele- ed all such movements. Rep. T1 Unites An ti-.Johnson ne Daniell Jr., former may- Franklin, is leading the dy backers. not going to submerge the or Kennedy on behalf of thy," he said. "But if we [p or encourage him in any ve certainly want to do it. el, however, that Kennedy e best chance of getting achusetts Democrats said ould be in a difficult posi- McCarthy decides to enter mary there. ld he win, Massachusetts es to the Democratic Na- Convention would have to or him on the first ballot. homas P. O'Neill (D-Mass) Forces expressed the belief that the Pres-I ident would have a hard fight to D beat McCarthy in the primary. C "McCarthy could cause a great ti deal of consternation" in Demo- st cratic ranks if he goes into the New Hampshire and Massachu- o setts elections, O'Neill said. c Other Democratic sources in; Massachusetts said McCarthy has tv a good chance of winning there D "unless the Vietnam war is ended v one way or another before next li April." In Minnesota, McCarthy's own ti state-and also Vice President Hu- a bert H. Humphrey's-there is a dissident group calling itself the c Minnesota Conference of Con- s Clark R. Rasmussen, Iowa's state He called for an "open, free split between anti-war and pro- emocratic chairman, said "Mc- and unshackled 1968 national con- Johnson factions. Those opposing arthy's candidacy would give an- vention, with serious considera- the President's Vietnam policy war Democrats a place to go and tion given to alternative presiden- have not yet taken a. formal stand, ill stay in the party. This could tial candidates and to alternative The chairman of the Washing- e advantageous in holding Dem- platform proposals on all the great ton State Citizens for Kennedy crats in the party until after the { questions of our time." group said organizations support- onvention." Ferency's statements were widely ing McCarthy and Kennedy will If a split should develop be- interpreted as a call for a "dump be "complementary" to each other. ween pro-Johnson and anti-war Johnson" movement. In Indiana, Gordon St. Angelo, emocrats, however, he could en- In Nassau County, the Demo- Democratic state chairman, said sion "many Kennedy people cratic Committee is polling 230,000 of McCarthy's move, "It is too ning up with McCarthy." registered Democrats to determine early to ascertain what effect this Tuesday, Michigan's Democra- their views on the President's Viet- will have on the election in 1968. c state chairman, Zolton Ferency, nam policies. Leaders said that if "Undoubtedly Sen. McCarthy's nnounced his resignation and enough opposition is found, it announcement is one to rally those might lead to a "dump Johnson" who are in opposition within the riticized efforts to line up solid movement there. 'Democratic party to President apport for the President's renom- New York's Liberal party, which Johnson's legislative and other nation. backed Johnson in 1964, is badly ; programs." cerned Democrats. in { r . House Committee ~Proposed Tax. 1n Vetoes Army Guard ICOMMUNIQUE DELAYED: Recruitment Restricted WASHINGTON (A)-The Army National Guard has suspended all recruiting of young men without previous military service in an ef- fort to get down to authorized strength of 400.000 by next sum- Cyprus Peace Pact Gives Turks Short-Term Political Advantage Associated Press News Analysis ' ISTANBUL--Turkey apparently has won a smashing political vic- tory-if perhaps a short-termed one-over Greece in the Cyprus could give both communities time to reach a detente by themselves, particularly if they know that neither Athens nor Ankara is eager to war on their behalf. is discounted, however. The chief of Turkish general staff, Gen. Ce- mal Tural, reportedly a dove or Cyprus, has backed Demirel at thi peace bargaining table. go have WASHINGTON (P) -President Johnson's tax increase proposal was ruled dead for 1967 yesterday, but given a chance of enactment next year-provided the adminis- tration cuts spending much deep- er than it has yet proposed. The verdict was rendered by Chairman Wilbur D. Mills of the House Ways and Means Commit- tee, which controls tax legislation. The administration submitted a tax-economize package proposing spending cuts estimated at $4.1 billion. Mills told administration spokesmen before his committee, and newsmen afterward, that the economizers should be able to do $2 billion or $3 billion better than that. 'Enhance Acceptance' Such action, the Arkansas Dem- ocrat said, "would enhance the acceptance of a tax increase by the American people." John'son is asking a 10 per cent surcharge on individual and cor- porate income taxes, with, a cor- porate tax speedup and mainten- ance of excise tax levels. Together, these moves are es- timated to produce $7.4 billion additional revenue during the rest of the present fiscal year. Mills especially emphasized the $11.9 billion figure, demanding assur- ances that the government would not simply step up spending to absorb it. Further Cuts Mills told reporters he thinks the administration's next step should be to appear before the House Appropriations Committee prepared to work out further spending cuts. Because the tax-economy pack- age would involve three House committees-Ways and Means for the tax aspects, Appropriations for spending and Government Op- erations for a proposed long- range study of government pro- grams-it is impossible to com- plete action on it this year, Mills said. As for completing the tax por- tion under the jurisdiction of the Ways and Means Committee, Mills said, "It would not be ab- solutely impossible, but I doubt the committee could do it." He said it is committed to a conference with the Senate on Social Security legislation, ex- pected to take at least a week. House Reaction Meanwhile, in the House, the chairman of the Appropriations Committee, Rep. George H. Ma- hon of Texas, said "I applaud the administration for its resolve to make further reductions in gov- ernment spending." He said a resolution on expen-. diture limitations which has been tied up since mid-October by Senate - House disagreements might provide a vehicle for re- opening the subject. The senior Republican member of the com- mittee, Rep. Frank Bow of Ohio, agreed. Mills indicated he prefers the limitation method proposed in that resolution to the formula the administration suggested. He said the actual spending in 1967 "should be used as a bench- mark." "There will be some depart- ments that could not be held to this level," he told newsmen, "but so far as possible this should be the standard." mer. a Guard bureau spokesman crisis that for a few hours nearly While the over-all mood in Tur- other senior officers. said yesterday. plunged the eastern Mediterrean key is one of relief, sectors of the Demirel had strong support dur- All states were notified of the into war. army and Turkey's right-wing ex- ing the crisis from major opposi- action earlier this week. It was But the peace agreement reach- tremist movement are disappointed tion politicans headed by Ismet ed between Athens and Ankara, there was no "final solution" to the Inonu, 84-year-old leader of the effective immediately. eRepublican People's party. As of the end of October, the details of which have not been Cyprus question. Army Guard had 417,300 on its made public, apparently did little A number of junior officers in EveTuy gw's do st, rolls, toward getting the feuding Turk- the Turkish army-honed to a fine cautiously noting Moscow's desire Many units have long waiting ish and Greek communities to live edge in expectation of an invasion their usual anti-Demirel com- lists of young men who want to peacefully together on the island. of Cyprus as war fever mounted- tens sign up with a Guard unit so they The pact reportedly does give have been heard openly criticizing There is a strong suspicion, too, can avoid two years of active duty wider scope to the United Nations Prime Minister Suleyman Demi- j that the average Turk-partic- in the draft. peacekeeping force on Cyprus. This rel's government. Talk of a coup ularly the peasant who only earns The Guard ^action still leaves $200 a year-couldn't care less open the recruiting of men who about Cyprus' woes have important skills, such as tat e ouse r ne em ves Credit to Vance medical technicians, gained in High marks have been given in previous military service. Their 1 " Ankara to Cyprus R. Vance,. Presi- number is very small, the Guard on O pen H ousing dent Johnson's peace emissary, bureau spokesman said. whose round the clock negotiations Also unaffected is a special pi- in Athens and Ankara helped avert lot program in New Jersey seeking LANSING (M)-The House Civil Unchanged are fines of up to a bloody showdown. to carry out the recommendation Rights Committee has removed $2,000 which could be levied ina ywas the prospect of war be- to encourage enlistment of Ne- from the proposed open housing court against real estate brokers, tween the two allies, which would groes in the Guard. The New Jer- law a $500 limit on the financial homebuilders or financial institu- be, a devastating blow to the sey drive has picked up some 300 penalties for violation of the pro- tions found guilty of violating the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza Negro candidates out of a goal posed law. housing act. I tion (NATO) a 11,1 a n c e, that of 865 for both the Army Guard "I can tell you right now this is Members of the full House prompted NATO to send Secre- and Air National Guard in New I going to create a real hassle on could put the $500 ceiling back j tary-General Manlio Brosio to Jersey. the floor of the House," said Com- I in the bill after the chamber re- ' mediate. On Nov.-6, Secretary of De- mittee Chairman Melvin Destig- I convenes Dec. 12. Brosio was joined by White fense Robert S. McNamara an- ter (R-Hudsonville). The committee finished work House envoy CyrusR. Vance and nounced that he was authorizing In its present form, the con- on the bill Wednesday and plans U.N. Undersecretary Jose Rolz- both the Army Guard and the troversial measure would permit to send it to the floor Dec. 11. Bennett. The three hammered - - - I -Associated Press CHAIRMAN WILBUR MILLS of the House Ways and Means Committee today ruled out any action on the administration's tax increase proposal. Mills, talking to reporters after a committee meet- ing, suggested the administration try for an extra two to three billion dollars in spending cuts in addition to $4.1 already proposed. 'PROPITIOUS' TIME: Reasoning Behind McNamara Departure Remains Unknowu~n WASHINGTON (P) - President Johnson was described yesterday as feeling the time has become "propitious," or favorable, for Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara's departure from the Pentagon. Why he reached this decision at this particular time, remains the unanswered question. Official statements were issued by both men but they shed little light on why the 51-year-old Pentagon chief should be relieved now when he made clear he would stay longer. Sources, reminded that McNa- mara's move to the World Bank could have been delayed until as late as Dec. 31, 1968, said merely that the President had come to feel the proper moment had arrived for letting him go-as McNamara was interested in do- ing. That the President authorized the placing of McNamara's name before World Bank directors without informing him at the time was confirmed by George Christian, White House press sec- retary. Christian said George D. Woods, the outgoing bank presi- dent, informed McNamara of the latter's nomination, but he did not know whether this was before or after it was actually submitted. McNamara and Johnson had discussed the matter in mid-Oc- tober, however, even to the point of mulling over possible successors to the Pentagon job. Nevertheless, after word of Mc- Namara's nomination leaked out Monday Sen. Edward M. Ken- nedy (D-Mass.) questioned pub- licly whether McNamara was be- ing eased out of the administra- tion. McNamara associates outside the Pentagon portray him as sur- prised he was being mustered out so quickly. But a McNamara co- worker detected no surprise in McNamara's reactions the past few days-in fact, found him more casual and relaxed. McNamara friends in the Cap- itol put forth the thesis that Johnson was easing McNamara off into a public service post where he would be forced into silence about Vietnam war policy. Pentagon associates of the de- fense chief reject this idea. True, McNamara might be a political target in the presidential campaign, but this could also work to the President's advantage. "Share the heat - that's the standard thing in this govern- ment," one official said. "A Presi- dent needs lots of targets around him to absorb the lightning." Asked whether McNamara was leaving by his own choice, Phil G. Goulding, Pentagon press offi- cer, said in somewhat of an un- derstatement: "The inference I get is he intends to assume the duties of a new job." And, after a pause: "Of course, he's leaving on his own volition." Goulding said the biggest part of McNamara's budget work could be out of the way by about March. White House sources did not discount the possibility, however, that the President might move much more quickly in proposing a successor to Congress-perhaps by mid-December. Army Reserve an additional 3 per cent above the planned levels of 400,000 for the Guard and 260,000I for the Reserve. He said these additional troops were needed to man about 125 new units of company and de- tachment size which presumably will be geared for riot control! work. The McNamara announcementj on Nov. 6 implied that the addi- tional 3 per cent he was author- izing was necessary to meet strength goals. However, this week's action cut- ting off recruiting in the Army National Guard suggests over- strength rather than under- strength problems. The Pentagon was unable im- mediately to provide an explana- tion. a person who suffered economic damages because of discrimina- tion in a real estate deal to collect any amount set by Circuit Court. Individual Discrimination The provision allowing damages is intended chiefly as a penalty against private individuals who discriminate in sale or rental of housing. However Assistant Atty. Gen. Carl Levin, general counsel for the State Civil Rights Commis- sion, predicted Wednesday private howeowners would seldom or never face financial penalties. "At the moment, I can't thinks of any instance where it could apply," Levin said. The original bill proposed last month by Gov. George Romney limited recoverable damages to $500. Compromise Removal of the $500 ceiling oi damages was part of a compro- mise which also saw reinsertion of a provision making the state legal- ly, liable for damages suffered by a person named in a State Civil R i g h t s Commission complaint which is dismissed. That issue also is controversial. Some House members have said they would oppose making the state liable for mistakes made by the civil rights commission. I Levin noted the $500 ceiling was put into the original housing bill, which would have allowed the commission to set the amount of damages. He said that because the figure now would be determined in court, the limit was no longer needed. out the 'peace agreement. Explosive Situation According to available sources, Turkey for one thing feared an invasion might antagonize the United States and disrupt increas- ingly friendly ties with the Soviet Union. Reports had been flying about Ankara that the military estab- lishment was eager for a battle with Greece. One Ankara diplomat comment- ed: "Turkey solved the problem without war and, looking at it from this point of view, it must be considered a victory for Ankara." Turkey wants to see the island partitioned into Greek and Turk- ish Cypriot communities. Greece ,opposes partition. U U Admission - $1.00 Wed. and Sat. Matinee - .70 NOW THRU TUESDAY "'ULYSSES'A SUPERB FILM! -Life Magazine "BRILLIANT, FORCEFUL AND RESPECTABLE , CINEMA ART." -Bosley Crowther, New York Times THE WALTER READE,JR/JOSEPH STRICK PRODUCTION THE WALTER READE,JR/JOSEPH STRICK PRODUUIN t4ATIONAt. GENERAL CORPORATION __ U I NATIONAL. OENERAL. CORPORATION FOX EASTERN THEATRES 1 FOR VILLaGE 375 No. MAPLE RD.-"769.1300 The glamur aind Thespeed Feature Times: Wed. 8:00 Only Thurs.: 2:00, 5:15, 8:45 SHOW TIMES: Sun. thru Thurs. 7-9:15 Fri. 7-9:15-11:30 NOTICE In response to the growing demand to see Ulysses we will nolw offra r >'. IBM l M ' n rn U- I