Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSTTY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Truth Will Prevail Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ROGER RAPOPORT: Cutler's Last Stance .......... ...t.-x. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: W. REXFORD BENOIT Feldkamp's Distorted View Of Student Power and SGC 1JHE UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION'S fear that the elimination of women's hours will be construed as a surrender to student pressure, has clouded their view of the conduct rules situation and served to widen the credibility gap between stu- dents and administrators. Last Tuesday University Housing Direc- tor John Feldkamp sent a rather poorly- thought-out letter to all dorm students and staff, which feebly attempted to distort the issue by indicting both Stu- dent Government Council and The Daily for "misinforming" students. Feldkamp states, "Because innocent students may be harmed due to mis- understandings, this letter is to make. clear to residents that University regula- tions are being and will continue to be enforced." In fact, however, the regula- tions are not being enforced. Women are daily violating curfew with no disciplin- ary action being taken. FELDKAMP'S LETTER is an empty threat because within the present legal mechanism, the University must rely on the student controlled Joint Ju- diciary Council to enforce the rules. And the University's conduct rules, which have not been approved by students, are unenforceable since JJC has said it will not convict students for violating rules in which students had no part in mak- ing. Presently, the only recourse left to the administration is severe sanctions against students who violate University conduct rules. However, expulsions, sus- pensions, and similar actions will not be tolerated by students. In light of JJC's legitimate judiciary power these become extra-legal sanctions. FELDKAMP'S DIFFICULTIES with stu- dent organizations stems from the fact that his view of the role of student organizations has changed little since the time he left SGC as its president in 1960. At that time SGC was merely an administrative arm of the overall Uni- versity administration, and Council's right to act as a voice for the students in setting their own regulations was un- heard of. Last year he would have laughed at the thought of SGC being able to com- mand enough respect and power to act as a significant force in marshalling student responsibility to a point where students have become actively concerned in obtaining control over the rules which will influence their lives at the Univer- sity. Now, faced with the veritable suc- cess of SGC, he must wake up and achieve a crammed education in the field of student power and attitudes, while trying to impede the progress of students' acquisition of power and responsibility. In the process, Feldkamp has stumbled upon the Reed and Knauss Reports, and is trying to cite these surveys in his attempt to delay a legitimization of stu- dents' power. He maintains that present student-made rules are invalid because they do not emanate from a "representa- tive student * agency" which he stated "was the primary concern of the Knauss Report." Yet what can be more repre- sentative than the petitioning by fresh- man women in nearly every women's resi- dence unit for the elimination of fresh- man hours? Autocratic rules made by administrators are not more "represen- tative". IT IS FELDKAMP, not SGC or the Daily, who is misinforming students. The right of students to make their.own con- duct rules should be granted immediately. Students are growing weary of the delays. If the administration refuses to act, stu- dents should engage in mass resistence. -STEVE NISSEN -LEE WEITZENKORN QNE DAY LAST summer Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler stopped for a moment in the parking area behind the administration building to chat with former Student Government Council President Ed Robinson and Voice leader Eric Chester. During the course of the discussion a Brinks truck rolled up to the back door of the administration build- ing. By the time Brinks men had emerged from the ad- ministration building, a University graduate, George White joined the discussion. White saw the Brinks men (about 40 feet away) carry out the money with their guns drawn. As a prank, White yelled out at them "shoot, shoot." Cutler turned and ran over to a nearby row of parked cars where he crouched down out of gun range. WHETHER CUTLER was joking or fleeing, the in- cident nonetheless reflects something of the changed nature of the Office of Student Affairs this fall. The OSA has decided to avoid any sort of massive con- frontation on crucial campus issues so far this year. The policy is based on necessity. Last year the OSA proved so irresponsible and ineffectual when it tried to squelch student aspirations that it only isolated itself from meaningful campus support. Last fall the OSA tried to handle by fiat the first controversial matter, a subpoena from the House Com- mittee on UnAmerican Activities for the names of 65 students and faculty in three left wing groups. It turned the names in without even conferring with the students or faculty involved. The result: denunciation by every meaningful group from SGC to the Lit school faculty student elimination of membership lists, and almost total erosion of support from key faculty and student leaders. Then when students started to get militant about draft ranking, Cutler tried to get tough. He issued a ban on disruptive sit-ins. The result: 1,500 students sat-in and President Hatcher had to bail Cutler out by not implementing the sit-in ban. In February Cutler tried to use his seat on the Board in Control of Student Publications to block appoint- ment of new editors because he "wanted to provoke a board crisis that would close The Daily down." He didn't "like the direction the paper was going in." The result: defeat, plus further undermining of student and faculty support of the OSA. IN THE LONG RUN all this has worked to the benefit of the students, for this fall the OSA has found itself unable to exert any kind of paternalistic controls over the students. To begin with, Student Government Council an- nounced it was abolishing all University-written rules over student conduct and letting individual living units set their own standards. Furthermore, the highest cam- pus appelate body-the Joint Judiciary Council-refused to enforce any regulations not made by students. Cutler, of course, tried to halt the SGC move. He drafted a stern letter of rebuke and suggested possible discipline for students who broke existing rules. SINCE JJC HAD already indicated it wasn't enforc- ing rules, Cutler's only hope was to get faculty units to suspend students who violated rules. So he called in the Faculty Senate Advisory Committee on University Af- .fairs, and the Assistant and Associate Deans of the Uni- versity's schools and colleges. In separate meetings he tried to get them to endorse the stiff letter. At one point he even asked the deans if they would consider issuing the statement themselves. The faculty leaders refused and generally indicated the original letter was too strong. Cutler ultimately shortened and toned down the letter and issued it to SGC under his own signature. He asked SGC to consider "a more complete resolution of the underlying issues." But the request was ignored. Some women's housing units announced they were abolishing hours and a few girls came in late. Frederick House in South'Quadrangle allowed women visitors in beyond normal hours. (albeit the guests turned out to be people like SGC officer Ruth Baumann). And SGC decided to "abolish" campus driv- ing regulations which means that students won't have to buy parking permits next semester. OBVIOUSLY, ALL THIS would lay the groundwork for disciplinary action by the OSA. But there was noth- ing that unit could do. The faculty leaders who are wisely committed to a policy of not disciplining students for non-academic reasons weren't going to suspend a woman for coming in late. The Joint Judiciary Council was firmly pledged to not enforcing regulations that weren't made by stu- dents, i.e., visiting hours, driving regulations. Fortunately, the Residence Hall Board of Governors solved the OSA's most pressing dilemma: what to do with women who violate hours regulations? The Board abolished hours and Cutler is expected to ratify the decision any day now. BUT THAT DOESN'T solve OSA's more general problem: what to do with the general principle that students can ignore existing University regulations and make their own rules unilaterally? One immediate problem is what to do about Frederick House having women visitors contrary to University "rules." A former campus SGC President, John Feldkamp (presently University Housing Director), has come up with a scheme. He talks of terminating the contract of a dorm resident who violates University rules. But this can hardly be construed as punishment, since few stu- dents would really mind getting out of the dorm into an apartment anyway. It also appears doubtful that OSA will be able to enforce driving regulations next semester. Again, Joint Judiciary Council says it will not uphold the conviction of any student (for driving without a permit) by the student driving court. The OSA3 even lost a financial battle with 171 stu- dents who refuesed to pay a $10 monthly rent hike for September. The married students successfully argued that they were given insufficient notice on the increase for their University housing. THIS ALL SEEMS TO indicate that the students are winning control over their own non-academic lives. The Regents, of course, consider the old University regulations in effect. But without the support of the student constituency (SGC, JJC, Grad Assembly, etc.) the old rules are meaningless. The irony in all this is that while Cutler has been cast as a villain, he actually emerges as something of a hero. For his blatant mistakes like the sit-in ban and turning names into HUAC merely cut off the kind of support OSA needed to become. effective in squelching student demands. As a result, OSA has laid low this semester and watched students begin to take meaningful control over their non-academic lives. The students are calling the shots for the first time and there isn't very much the OSA can do about it. 41 ON BOOKS: The Limits of Liberalism Farewell to an Old Favorite SO ZOLTON FERENCY has resigned. The articulate, erstwhile Ferency, the Hungarian thorn in the establishment side of the Democratic Party in Michigan, has stepped down as chairman of a badly splintered and ,leaderless organization that is foundering on the rocks of the Lyndon Johnson war policy. Ferency has been a longtime member, of the party faithful. As the 1966 Demo- cratic gubernatorial candidate, and a for- mer workmen's compensation referee in Detroit, he has proven to be a loyal, hard working party member. He can now forget about his contri- butions. You see, Zolton Ferency has thumbed his nose at a party hierarchy that has buried itself in yea-saying dog- ma, and lost itself in the mire of un- questioning, unswaying loyalty. But it is still a hierarchy, a powerful patronage machine with formidable credentials and power. THE ONLY HOPE for Zolton Ferency, who but for his improbable name and the Republicans' implausible governor, might actually have made it to the gov- ernor's chair, is that what is popular with the Democratic Party leaders will not be popular with the voters. The only hope for Zolton Ferency-and the so-called "Concerned Democrats" who will meet in Detroit next week to discuss the 1968 race-is that the state and the nation are wiser -than the Democratic Party. But G. Mennen Williams, Neil Staebler, Frank Kelley, and Philip Hart-all John- son supporters-are smart politicians, and as long as they control the Michigan Democratic Party, one of the more in- fluential state organizations in the na- tional party, they will devise a plan to save their collective neck. New strategy, publicity, slogans and catch-phrases may' save the Democrats yet. So, more than likely, Zolton Ferency, in exercising his conscience, has signed his death warrant within the party. WE CAN ALL hope that this isn't true, but we've got to face facts. So, Mr. Ferency, good-bye. We'll miss you. -DANIEL OKRENT THE LIMITS OF POWER, by Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, 238 pages, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, $5.95. ALL POLITICAL SIGNS and portents indicate that this afternoon Senator Eugene Mc- Carthy (D-Minn) will announce his firm resolve to challenge Pres- ident Johnson in the primaries next year. In hopes of finding a comprehensive exposition of the Senator's views on foreign policy I turned to his latest book, "The Limits of Power." But I innocently forgot the de- gree to which the dictum "publish or perish"' pervades the political as wellas the academic arena. Consequently I was unprepared for a confrontation with the various literary devices used by McCarthy in tandem with his publishers to create a book of ostensibly re- spectable length when ambition and political timetable warrant- exceptionally wide margins, large, easy-to-read print, four blank di- vider pages between chapters, and lengthy, easy-to-write narrative histories of every aspect of world affairs the Senator discusses. While the book is limited by a relative scarcity of hardcore intel- lectual content, some clue to Mc- Carthy's political heritage is given by his admission that if the book "has a personal mark, it is that which I believe Adlai Stevenson would have made on American for- eign policy, had his ideas and his attitudes been translated into po- litical reality." NOWHERE IS THE universal bankruptcy of American liberalism more clearly indicated than in this simple admission by McCarthy. McCarthy is implicitly contending that since Stevensonian policies were not applied to the America of the early Fifties for which they were designed, it is therefore fit- ting and proper to expropriate them for a much different Amer- ica of the late Sixties. The gap between what Adlai Stevenson tried to do in 1952 by "talking sense to the American people" and what the prime re- quisities of lasting peace and in- ternational development command us to do in 1968, is the most al- arming facet of McCarthy's book. For, five years after the Test Ban Treaty was signed with the Soviet Union, little substantive progress has been made toward dismantling the mutual balance of terror apparatus which still casts a somber shadow over the world. And despite this crying need, Mc- Carthy is still sufficiently rooted in the Cold War philosophy to talk of "maintaining a deterrent against Soviet aggression." According to the political ana- lysts, one of the major reasons why McCarthy has offered him- self 'as a candidate in opposition to President Johnson lies in his desire to convince the dissident Democrats and alienated youth that there is still a home for their non-belligerent viewpoints in the two-party system. However, it has developed as a political postulate in America that a President--regardless of how much he differs from his predeces- sor-can only elaborate upon the edifice created by his predecessor, rather than create imaginative in- novations in the political structure. Consequently McCarthy is lim- ited to building upon the anti- Communist foundation of the past four Administrations. These lim- itations are easily recognized when he talks with equanimity about the CIA and the Military Assistance Program being "more carefully controlled." The keynote of the Senator's Presidential crusade will be a forthright and rousing, "I will be more careful." . clave theory under which we will hold the easily defended parts of Vietnam until Hanoi is ready to negotiate. This manifestation of total political cowardice amounts to saying that while the cause in Vietnam is not worth $30 billion a year and 600,000 men, our na- tional honor, which might be sullied by a precipitious with- drawal, is certainly worth $10 bil- lion a year and 200,000 men. SIf the war in Vietnam is as wrong as McCarthy implies, then the continued carnage - at even a de-escalated rate - is no way justified. If this the best that the conscience wing of the Demo- cratic Party can offer, then the outlook forkAmerican politics is indeed bleak. HOWEVER, McCarthy perhaps unwittingly redeems himself in the concluding chapter, on China. Instead of using the vague tactics of political avoidance, which have so clearly dominated the rest of the book, McCarthy forthrightly demolishes the anti-China hyster- ia which has been welling up in Washington. Sounding erudite and a little reminiscent of the 1966 China teach-in here, McCarthy convin- cingly demonstrates that China is not a particularly outwardly aggressive power and that what expansionist tendencies China has are primarily nationalistic, ra- ther than inscrutably ideological. It is this aspect of McCarthy which leads one to wish his Presidential endeavor well. It is not that I have hopes that the Minnesoeta Democrat will free us from the policies of the present. But that I merely nurture the small hope that a Eugene Mc- Carthy may help this nation avoid some of the more apparent pit- falls of the future. Such intellectual blinders lead to the remarkable innocence which McCarthy frequently dis- plays. For example, he talks seri- ously about solving the problems of Latin America through a renewal of the Alliance for Progress and a stress on better trade relations, while totally ignoring the role- which many regard as diletari- ous-that American capital and U.S. industry are playing in re- gard to national development south of the Rio Grande. This equanimity in the face of past commitment is especially visible in the McCarthy position -on Vietnam. In a short chapter, in- cluded apparently only out of necessity, McCarthy gives the standard neo-Schlesinger argu- ments against the war and then opts for a moderate way out. THE McCARTHY APPROACH is to embrace the militarily and diplomatically absurd - but po- litically attractive - Gavin en- *9 Protecting the Capitalists THERE IS A dedicated hard-core of cul- tural iconoclasts who staunchly main- tain that the really significant news never sullies the trivia-strewn front pages of America's leading newspapers. Buried amid the Shipping News in a pre-Thanksgiving New York Times was' Thi'e Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegate Press Service. Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school year ($9 by mrail)'. Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Editorial Staff ROGER RAPOPORT, Editor MVR.En)To R RTRF, . aaiina Erito the revelation that the New York Stock Exchange is replacing the three foot high wrought-iron fence which has protected the Exchange so effectively from ma- raudering hippies, with a mammoth floor- to-ceiling wall of bullet-proof glass. Those radicals, who are certain that the American capitalist system is actually tottering under the immense weight of its unresolveable contradictions, will be glad to know that the ' financial barons of Wall Street agree with them. OBVIOUSLY, NEW YORK'S financial leaders recognize that the left-wing elements who have already defiled the sacred walls of the Pentagon are capable of doing anything for an encore. -w .S. FEIFFER ARE YOUROt FOU&' AA5T THE UARA Ill VIT' M UN HUHC. I t!!) MI4RWE TOO. AE OOR. LH1L FOL-K$ P-OHNIPPIU 1 AF~O-~V6 A1WE TOO, . HO ~)UToo. ARC YOW gFOLKS POP 1 i!JU~p~cT okY:7 W WH UPBAP 6)GUUr 05? 'Y lI) Ii * I =J ON NUS~. / . I MIM6 T00. L20 VOR F9(- 66r AW6T7CMT 9 IN) U f{L)IE 'A FAT C-A&C6 OP G6TTIM IQY1O MW(CAL. NtCH.O[ Z ,/ I ,) F - 4NC I "), -,) cj''.^ x"I