FELDKAMP: 'WHO'S SGC?' See editorial page Y Sir 4auF D~Ait LIGHT RAIN High-35 Low-2 Cloudy, sleet and snow possibly mixed with rain. Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 75 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1967 SEVEN CENTS TEN PAGES Braun Raps Sex Before Marriage Warns That Premarital Relations May Wreck Basis of Happy Marriage Two Receive Aliirrui* Crnj-Iy Delinquency Draft Notice Evashevski as N By STEVE NISSEN "No matter what you've done even if you have gone to be with billions of people, there i total forgiveness of your sin from God," Jon Braun said las night. The program was sponsored b the CampusrCrusade for Chris of which Braun is the nationa field coordinator. The lecture wa the first of three which includ the singing of "The New Folk, a group described as the 'travel ling representative of the Campu Crusade for Christ." ButBraun warned the audienc that "there are thousands of yo who will never have a happy mar riage," because of premarital se> He explained that "each time yo Mc ramara announces Resignation WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretar; of Defense Robert S. McNamar announced yesterday that he plan to resign when work on the neN military budget is complete t become president of the Worl Bank. Within minutes, President John son followed up with a statemen confirming McNamara's plan praising his seven years in the jo and declaring major defense poli cies are clearly defined for th next defense chief. Shortly before McNamara wen before television cameras to rea his statement and the White Hous issued Johnson's, the executive di rectors of the World Bank vote unanimously to offer McNamar the presidency of the 107-natio lending agency. There are still several forma steps to be taken before McNama ra is offered the post, but it's con sidered certain that he will be ap proved. There were conflicting version as to whether McNamara kneN how soon he was going to be nom inated for the new post, howevei McNamara's associates said th defense chief was taken by sur prise by President Johnson's ac tion, since he had not intende *leaving the Pentagon at this time have sex with someone it takes something from you that you can't take back." "Then when you get married you have nothing left to build a relationship with," he reasoned. "Tens of thousands of college students are diluting themselves," by engaging in "multiple sex," Braun warned. "Loneliness is the greatest problem in the college world." Braun said. He explained that students turn to sex because they feel lonely. "College students want to identify," he said, "and there is identity in sexual intercourse." However, he warned that the guilt arising from premarital sex eats at you deep inside." Braun Michigan Protesters Could Be Inducted For Anti-Draft Acts By AVIVA KEMPNER Two Michigan men, one an Ann Arbor resident and former Univer- sity student, James Russo, 21, have been declared delinquent for not having draft cards in their posses- sion. Russo and Ron Halstead, 27, of Detroit were among the people who went to the Selective Service Sys- tem offices in Detroit on Oct. 16 and handed in draft cards. Russo, however, submitted to the draft board a letter of protest, instead; of a draft card, since he wasj among about 200 men who burned draft cards last April 15 in New York City. New Athletic -Daily-Jim Forsyth DEAN ROBERT SHULSE of the literary college of Brown Univer- cit knclinw a Pf~iVC C cnnna~il ~n - n U Backs Coach, )irector By DAVE WEIR and FRED LaBOUR A group of prominent Universit.y alumni have formed a committee to conduct a nationwide campaign supporting the appointment of Iowa Athletic Director Forest Eva- shevski to the dual posts of head football coach and athletic direc- tor. The committee is headed by co- chairmen Bob Westfall and Ed Frutig. former teammates of Eva- shevski when he starred as a Wolverine quarterback 25 years ago. "The whole thing has just barely begun," Frutig, told The Daily last night. "We plan to start mailing out letters to alumni next Mon- day." His Only Love Westfall added, "I personally have not contacted Evashevski, but I am .confident he will come back to Michigan. He'll do anything for his alma mater-it's his only love." Evashevski was unavailable for comment. Michigan head football coach Bump Elliott has come under fire this year as the result of aa4-6 season record. Upon notification of the formation of the alumni comnittee last night, Elliott told The Daily, "I was surprised to hear about this committee as far as wanting Evashevski for foot- ball coach. I didn't know anyone was speculating on a new head coach. I have felt no personal pressure from alumni this fall, When asked whether Evashevski would come to Michigan only in the capacity of head football d coach, Westfall replied "I'm sure he would do anything to restore Michigan to its former glory on the gridiron. x Sty, speao ng at yesterdays hesquicentennia program on the Halstead, who is married, and acknowledged that "sme of the modern student, noted the more radical stance of today's student Russo had been classified con- religious taboos are really phony, leaders as well as their more serious view of society. scientious objectors. Halstead re- but added that they stemnfrom ceived forms for alternative service misinterpretation of the Bible. 7J1) along with the letter declaring him He said that at some time wo- 'Educators Praise Role delinquent. men who submit to premarital relations "had said no" but The local draft boards recently eventually their will power broke , received a letter from Selective down. Students Takein flcIJtqf Service Director Lewis B. Hershey. "Free love is never free," Braun !1In it Hershey pointed out that in- said, "It always costs." By BILL DE JONG :a real world; students are not as dividuals who protest illegally can Brauri chastised parents for Robert 0 Shulse dean of the afraid of jeopardizing their secur- be declared delinquent and called. telling their children to wait be- literary college at Brown Univer- ity by challenging the system as up for iedate nductin. fore getting married. "Asking kids sity, is pleased that "the exhibi- they would be in a less artificial In Michigan 208 potential de- to wait for five years is a mis- tionists today aren't swallowing situation," he added. linquencyrcases were pending at take," he said. "You can't expect gold fish or packing phone booths, Dolrymple said it was unfor- las reprg ee ce. ar them to just sit there and hold but are grappling with social prob- tunate that students tend tob Myers, assistant to the Michigan hands all that time." lems." more tolerant with their peer "s sxta ae arae" Sulesoeysedya e-group. than with adults. "I would Selective Service director, said. Brunsai, usheepaie that quicentenngeiahuse progetrdamtn'ake-! like to see students and adults' Myers explained that local draft Bru esaid, bt he explainekdo d con tghataedt o i purely a poga i ac-work toward a common goal," he 'boards will snake the decisions on iFntercourse is never a prl ham which focused on the personal I said. whether to induct the men, but hie physical act." The act, he said, life of the modern student. Dr. W.I stated that Hershey's letter set the includes a "soulish dimension" Dolrymple, director of Princeton's Shulse and Dolrympe also dis- pattern to follow. and a "spiritual dimension." He health service, was also featured cussed the role of students' per- The letter told the boards that defined these as "communication in the program. Prof. Arthur M. sonal privacy at the university. deferments were made "only when between persons deep-down in- Eastman of the English deparment Shulse said he saw a paradox in they serve the national interest." side." Eoderanted the fact that "students are very Braun said that the marriage 'Todays radicals are making so- open about revealing their inner H eshey said anySaeectiv Sr vio- ceremony itself is not important ciety re-examine itself," Dolrymple desires while campaigning for pri- Act or the regulations' or the re- but that "it builds a moral fence said, and "adults are questioning vacy" lated process" is not in the na- which says hands off." He con- old standards once above specu- He said he was surprised that tional interest. demned adultery because it is lation." no students had protested the ad- Russo returned his delinquincy harmful to the children of a Shulse sees today's leaders as ministration of personality tests notice to the draft board, and told couple. "I want my kids to grow more radical than in previous gen- during registration. He also noted them, "I think you've made a up in an environment where they erations, but said this attitude the large number of students who mistake. I'm no longer on your will be straight, tall, and strong," ends as these individuals leave the seek psychiatric help and counsel- mailing list." he said. university. The university is not ing service. Although he expects induction Dolrymple. however did not see d - Triprc RhA1'1 . iimc d that he ;l .t --Daily-Richard S. Lee DETROIT TEACHER STRIKE leader, Mary Ellen Riordan, told a Society for Public Administration audience last night in Rack- ham Bldg. that the Detroit schools are a "crime against society.". Teachers' Leader Calls Detroit Schools 'A Crime' By KENT WITTRUP Mary Ellen Riordan, leader of the Detroit Federation of Teach- er'sv strike last September, said yesterday that the Detroit school situation is a "crime against so- ciety." "We're all in danger if something isn't done about it, and very soon," she said. Mrs. Riordan spoke at a Society for Public Administration seminar at Rackham Building. She dealt with the problems of urban schools, the politics of teacher activism, and teachers' affiliation with the AFL-CIO. She said in defense of the strike that "something had to be done and we tried to do something." She explained that the problems in the urban Detroit schools main- ly concern the poor, especially the Negroes, and that "the trouble with the poor people is poor hous- ing, poor incomes, poor health, and poor education." She attrib- uted the continuing problems to the "vicious circle of welfare" and said that "the single way to break it is the public school." Mrs. Riordan said the AFL-CIO .A1 1LI, 1V UYl, UuLV , counseling activities as invasions, ! of privacy. "Students see counselorsj as their own personal agents and; not extensions of the university," he said.1 Shulse said it is also a paradox1 that students want such things as sex and drugs sanctioned by an j authority they do not feel is legiti- mate. "Students try to get away with things and then want thec administration to legalize them,"1 he said. oraers, nusso ciane e ILu would not accept them or any form of alternative service. He was; a member of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) for two years which gave him ministerial exemption. After he left the Jesuits a year ago he was reclassified C.O. On Nov. 1 Russo appeared in front of a Grand Jury in New York as a witness for the hearings on draft card burning. He took thei first amendment on religious grounds. has gained many benefits from A Strong Man its affiliation with the Detroit Fed- "There is definite feeling among eration of Teachers (DFT). The the alumni that a strong man DFT. she added, has received fi- is needed for athletic director and nancial help with legislation andi head coach," Vestfall continued. publicity from the AFL-CIO. : "We feel Evy Is toe only man in Periodic conflict between Mrs. the country who can walk in Fritz Riordan of the teacher federation Crisler's shadow and lead us back and the older Michigan Federation on the road to Champions of the of Teachers was the theme of her West again." remarks on the role of teacher Frutig agreed, stating "We think organizations in dealing with the there is a substantial amount of problems of the urban schools. She ' alumni support for Evy right now, said that Michigan Education As- 1 This is not an anti-anybody cam- sociation (MEA) "has changed its paign, but rather a strong pro- position on everything," but later Evy group." qualified her statement with refer- The position of athletic director ences to Federation-MEA differ- will be vacated next spring with ences on bargainin, increased aid the retirement of H. 0. (Fritz) to urban schools, and AFL-CIO Crisler. The Athletic Advisory Re- See related stories, page 6 However, administration sources said Johnson had discussed the bank post with McNamara some time ago and the latter agreed the post was attractive. According to an administration version, before Johnson made his final decision he asked McNamara if the Cabinet member still was in- terested in the bank presidency. McNamara replied that he was, and Johnson didn't pursue the matter then. The defense secretary's asso- ciates, however, said he had no idea that any action was imminent and was bewildered when news of the nomination leaked out. They said the President previously had mentioned the matter only casual- ly at a social affair. IN PRE-TRIAL HEARING: Court Rules N.Y. Experts' Testimony Immaterial to Cinema Guild Defense affiliation. She described the plight of the "urban under-achiever," and em- nhasized the desperate need for better facilities, more teachers, smaller classes. She also cited the problem of transient and immi- grant students who drift from school to school as their parents drift through Detroit. She gave an example of one class which during one school year had 160 different names on the role with never more than 40 children at any one time in the class. Mrs. Riordan stressed the need for teacher activity-"It is abso- lutely essential that they be.in it up to here," she said. She also said parents must be "very much involved" and that one of the problems with the inner city schools was that the poor parents lacked the "sophistication" to deal effectively with the school boards."I (See ALUM, Page 9) -Daily-Richard S. Lee THE NEW FOLK appeared last night in the Michigan Union Ball- room. Billed as a new spirit in folk music, the group appeared as part of a program sponsored by the Campus Crusade for Christ. The other part of the program was a discussion of sex by Jon Braun, national field coordinator for the Crusade. REVISIONS PUZZLE OFFICIALS By URBAN LEHNER A defense motion to admit de- position testimony of three al- leged New York film experts as! evidence in the upcoming trail of four former Cinema Guild Board members was denied yes- terday. In a preliminary hearing before the Dec. 11 trial of the four- Draft May Slow By DAVID KNOKE Last year 38 per cent of . University officials are adopt ham's invitations to enroll ing a wait-and-see attitude to- accepted; this year only 3 wards the possible effects of the cent of those invited are exr new draft law revisions on gradu- to enroll, although total e U' Grad Enrollment The C o u n c i l of Graduate Schools and the Association of American Universities sent a statement to the President in October that said the present pro- antees all physically-fit June graduates will be drafted. He has not chosen thus far to order in-I duction of 19-year-olds alongj with formerly deferred men given accused of showing an obscene film - defense attorneys sought permission to travel with the prosecuting attorney to New York to transcribe the testimony of Hollis Alpert, film critic for Sat- urday Review magazine, Susan Sontag, novelist and film reviewer for Nation magazine, and Willard Van Dyke, film curator of the Museum of Modern Art. Washtenaw C o u n t y Circuit Court Judge William F. Ager, Jr. denied the motion on the grounds the defense failed to prove the witness' testimony would be ma- terial. "Judge Ager said the defend- ants failed to establish the mater- iality of the testimony," explained Prof. Joel Sax of the law school, who observed the proceedings, "because his understanding was that the question of obscenty turned on the film's impact on contemporary community stan- dards. "The three 'outside experts' would not be experts on the standards of the Ann Arbor com- munity," Saxe added. Ager emphasized during the hearing he was not ruling out future expert testimony. "I would not dare prejudge whether the testimony of experts offered in the future will be admissable," Ager said. Defense attorneys Dean Robb and William Goodman, both 'of Detroit. contended the witness' peal to prurienjt interest and was not totally devoid of redeeming social value. "The Supreme Court has " set up a three-pronged test for ob- scenity," Goodman argued. "To be obscene, the film must appeal to prurient interest, offend con- temporary community standards, or lack redeeming social value. "If the flim fails even one of these tests," Goodman claimed "it is not legally obscene." Parking Squeeze Gets Tighter While Police Pen More Tickets FOREST EVASHEVSKI ate school enrollment. ment in graduate school has been visions would "produce an .in- "constructed" ages to place them The revisions in the Selective rising by five per cent each year. evitable deterioration of all high- in the draft pool. Service Act, made last summer "On top of that, we expect ap- er education for an unpredictable -New legislation could be sub- when Congress extended the law plications to jump by 18 to 20 number of years." mitted to Congress recommending another four years, provide for per cent in June as the first wave Meanwhile University officials a proposed lottery system. A the gradual elimination of student of the post-World War II baby anwle Univerkity officia Hosed lttery syste deferments for most fields of !boom hits the graduate school," can only sit back and hope that =House committee last session re-; graduate study beginning next Groesbeck added. by fall fellowships do not lie dor- fused to approve a Fair and Im- spring. No further guidelines have The situation is much the same mant and that teaching fellows partial Random - (FAIR) system beepresenotefor gdrdftingp- hat ther gruaduate asnduh pes- can be located to teach under- because of its vagueness, but the cedures, and graduate school ad- sional schools across the nation, graduate sections. administration is free to submit missions officers are doing some Students now in their second year Several possible changes mayin e coming ses- possblechanes naysion. fancy juggling, of study will continue to receive .brighten the future: Thlitr orwridsu "Departments are advised to deferments, as wil tl e Su r The picture for worried stu- recommend that well - qualified dents in five fields: medicine, -The National Security Coun- dents and administrators has im- applicants be placed on a waiting dentistry, veterinary medicine, cil, which is empowered to add proved somewhat already. The list after the time admission de- osteopathy and optometry. areas of deferment to those Selective Service re-instated the ----------- A - $I 'A .,,,~ftermed in the "national interest." I-SC deferment in early Novem- By WALLACE IMMEN Additional student parking lots off campus and an expansion of the comnmuter bus service appear to be 'the most likely cures for University parking problems. A student parking structure on campus which had been under consideration is "not feasible considering t h e alternatives," says Thomas A. Brown of the Student Driving Bureau. A study has found that a new parking structure would cost over $2500' for each space provided, while a paved lot costs only one tenth of that. The bureau expects an increase in student-owned cars on campus of Thompson and . Packard has been reopened on a rental basis at $40 for the remainder 'of the year. However, the large lot in back of the hockey rink, formerly! open to students, has been re- zoned as a faculty commuter lot which must be cleared every night. Only about 600 non-restricted spaces are available on campus and the Ann Arbor Police de- partment reports that there has been a drastic increase in illegal parking on campus area in the! past two years. "It's not reasonable to look into fitting more cars on campus." says Roy Ashmall, president of Gradu- Student Driving. Bureau has a large surplus of money from per- mit fees and plans to use it to increase student parking space, explains William J. Perigo, the bureau's supervisor. "Three years ago, we couldn't have interested anyone in com- muting from North Campus," he says. "Now the lots are usually full and new lots would probably be the most effecient use of our money." Brown said the bureau is now looking into several possible sites for new lots on North Campus and on the northeast corner of the city. No space is available to the south or west. Ii