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The 1967-68 edition of the Wol-
verine gymnastics team should be
chomping at the bit, ready to
make amends for last season's
"off year."
The team considered it a tre-
mendous come down after six
straight Big Tei championships
when they ended up only second
in the conference and second in
the nation.
However, while getting ready to
try to reach the heights, they've
been shot down by the NCAA
Rules Committee.
Coach Newt Loken feels it in
his stomach every time he thinks
about little things like the new
stipulation that only 12 men on
a team can participate in a meet
"for reasons of economy." Before,
for each of the seven events, up
to four men on a team were per-
mitted to enter for a total of 28,
with the top three scores in each
event counting.
Now, with only 12 men allowed
to compete, a premium is placed
on all-around men who can rack
up points in a number of events.
While other top teams have many
all-around men, Michigan comes But with all of them on the
up short. So Loken, who had plan- same team, somebody like Vic
ned to go with 18-19 men with Conant, runner-up in the Big
the emphasis on specialists, is Ten two years ago as a sopho-
about ready to cry. more, finds it useless to go out
Take a look at trampoline. The this year, because, according to
three men who put on the demon- Loken, he has almost no chance
stration during halftime of the to participate unless someone is
freshmen-varsity basketball game injured.
last night (Dave Jacobs, Wayne -
Miller, and George Huntzicker)
are probably the best three in the
world by any objective standard.
It's so obvious, even a moraleI
builder like Loken doesn't have
to say it.-
last year; and Huntzicker, an Ann when compared to the scores that
Arbor sophomore who is supposed would have been expected of the
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Theodore Newcomb, Professor of Sociology
and Psychology, Associate Director of
the Residential College
Poor Outlook
And overall, things look equally
poor. Jacobs, the world and na-
tional trampoline champion; na-
tional floor exercise champ, Cap-
tain Miller, an ex-world tramp
champ who was injured much of
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to give Jacobs a battle on tramp
and floor-ex, have to be consider-
ed one-fourth of the starters.
Then there is sophomore Sid
Jensen, the only true all-around
man on the team. Jensen was the
only Canadian gymnast allowed
to participate in the pre-Olympics
in Mexico City last summer.
To fill the all-around gap, na-
tionally ranked vaulter Fred Rod-;
ney has had to be used in the six
O 1 y m p i c events (excluding
That makes five, but specialists
remain all over the place.
Starting ringmen Rich Kenney,
Larry Metnick and Charles Froe-:
ming all return.
Side Horse Starters
The side horse has starter Dave
Geddes back plus Steve Swiryn,I
with sophomores Mike Carpenter
and Jim DeBoo, both of whom
have drawn raves from the enthu-
siastic Loken.
Sophomore Ron Rapper joins:
holdover Dick Richards on the
parallel bars while Mike Sasich,
number three"in the Big Ten,
starter Sdott Paris, and Ray
Timm should hold up their end
on the high bar.
Stan Goldblatt joins Jacobs and
Huntzicker as a floor-ex specialist.t
That makes 18 logical startersj
for Loken. And who will end up a
regular is anybody's guess, includ-
ing the coach's.
It looks like a lot of experiment-1
irig over the weekend in Chicago'st
Midwest open. But there is no
way the team will do as well as
could have . been expected sincej
the all-around men will hurt
Michigan in their weaker events,
benched specialists.
That's only one rule change.
Another states that instead of the
best teams in an area including
the top three in the Big Ten com-
peting in regionals for the right
to go to the national champion-
ships, the regionals are eliminated
to save money. Now, only the con-
ference winner and top indepen-
dents go to the nationals along
with the top three individual
winners in each event.
Under this rule, Michigan
would never have finished second
in the nation last year. Since Iowa
was Big Ten champion, they would
have finished second to peren-
ially strong Southern Illinois.
Michigan, only second in the con-
ference would never have been
given a chance to overtake the
Hawkeyes, as they did in both
the regional and nationals.
No Losses
What's giving Loken a head-
ache - is that neither Iowa nor
Michigan State, a close third a
year ago, lost any significant per-
sonnel from last season, while the
Wolverines graduated seven star-
The preliminary outlook points
to Michigan probably being shut
out from the national competion
for the first time within memory,
as Loken readily admits.
Another move by the Rules
Committee, after a strong attempt
to eliminate the trampoline from
collegiate gymnastics because it
was "too dangerous," ironically
was to reduce the degree of dif-
ficulty in scoring of many of the
maneuvers performed by the
In his attack on the twelve man
limit, Loken wrote to the rules
committee and released the letter
to everyone in sight.
But as he says, "It caused a bit
of a stir but didn't win as any-
Unfortunately, as. things stand,
the gymnastics team doesn't
figure to do much more than that
1967-68 Gymnastic Schedule
1 & 2-Midwest Open Chicago
6-Eastern Mich University Away
12-Western Mich. University Away
20-University of Iowa Away
8-Michigan State
10-Ohio State
24-Wisconsin and Illinois
1 & 2-Big Ten at MSU
4-5-G---N CAA at Arizona
- I
Beban Outpolls Simpson
In Heisman Balloting
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - Gary Beban,
UCLA's record - setting quarter-
back, yesterday won the Heisman
Trophy, annually awarded to the
outstanding player in college
Beban polled 369 first-place
ballots and 1,968 total points to
beat out O. J. Simpson, Southern
California's d y n a m i c running
back. Beban will receive the Heis-
man Trophy, the 33rd, on Dec. 7.
Simpson finished with 261 first-
place votes and 1,722 total points.
Simpson, a junior, Was the na-
tion's leading rusher.
Leroy Keyes of Purdue; who led
the nation in scoring, finished
third with 278 first-place votes
and 1,366 points.
"I have mixed emotions over
winning," said Beban in a tele-
phone interview. "I'm surprised at
the choice. because there were
three fine candidates. Of course,
I'm very grateful."
Beban said that his joy at win-
ning the award was tempered
somewhat by UCLA's tough 21-20
loss to Southern Cal, which
clinched a Rose Bowl berth for
Simpson's Trojans.
Beban, Simpson and Keyes
dominated the balloting, with
fourth place going to fullback
Larry Csonka of Syracuse, who
had 136 points.
A total of 1,033 ballots were
cast by a nationwide panel of
sports writers, sportscasters and
Fourth Last Year
Beban was fourth in the Heis-
man balloting behind Florida's
Steve Spurrier, Bob Griese of Pur-
due and Notre Dame's Nick Eddy
last season as a junior.
He earned the trophy this year
with a spectcular season in which
he gained 1,586 yards in total of-
fense and accounted for 19 touch-
downs, passing and rushing. He
finished his career with 10 UCLA
offensive records.
The Bruins had struggled
through three straight losing sea-
sons before Beban arrived in 1965.
In three years he has piloted
UCLA to 23 victories, five losses
and three ties. UCLA was 7-2-1
this season.
Selected by the National Foot-
ball Foundation as one of its
Scholar-Athletes, Beban is an
outstanding student as well as a
fine athlete. He has a B average
while majoring in history.
GYMNAST SID JENSEN works out on the parallel bars in prepa-
ration for the Midwest Open, which begins Friday The Wolverine
sophomore, who at present is Michigan's top all-around man, was
the only Canadian gymnast invited to participate in the pre-
Olympics in Mexico City last summer.
... Dave Weir
The Negro Boycott:
A Tragic Mistake
The recent vote by Negro athletes to boycott the 1968 Olympics is
a tragic and unfortunate decision.
There is no doubt that the move is justified. The entire mood of
black separatism in this country springs from a realization on the part
of the Negro pommunity that the white racists are going to hold them
down until they help themselves.
Also, the vote (which was spearheaded by such collegiate cele-
brities as Lew Alcindor and Tommie Smith) is consistent with Negro
philosophy condemning the war in Vietnam.
Overall, it is a intended to be a shocking decision. Hopefully
it will serve as an eye-opener to the sports sector of America's
racist culture.
The young athletes point out that they are tired of per-
forming like "animals" for their white audiences. But more im-
portantly, of course, they are conscius that their participation
in the Olympics represents an acceptance of the nationalistic glory
of a country which has treated members of their race unjustly for
more than 400 years.
Furthermore, in answer to the whites who self-righteously claim
that the sports world "has been good to Negroes," the latter point out
that the pseudo-nature of athletic "concessions" when compared to
social, economic and political suppression.
Finally, there is a kind of heroic selflessness in the gesture. These
athletes are renouncing one of the few channels available to them for
personal achievement. They are refusing the opportunity for world-
wide fame and-glory in their careers, in order to improve the plight
of their less fortunate fellows.
This, however, is where a basic contradiction confuses the
issue. For, realistically, the boycott cannot possibly help the civil
rgihts movement. Rather, it can only serve to harm the American
Negro and his fight for freedom.
The reason for this is simple The Olympic team is one of the
few adequate representations of America's alleged "cosmopolitan'"
society. There has traditionally been no differentiation on the basis
of race in picking the members. Such famous names as Jim Thorpe,
Jesse Owens, and Bob Mathias stand side by side in the Olympic
record book.
One argument against the boycott, therefore, is that the Negro
should not strike back, even symbolically, at one area of the culture
which has never practiced discrimination.
Closely connected with this, but even more important, is the
promise for future improvement of, the racial situation through
such channels as the Olympic games. The mere fact that the
Olympics brings white and black Americans together is significant
during the present spirit of separatism. After all, there has never
been a better example of racial equality than the spectacle of
whites and Negroes representing the same country. There is no
pretentiousness in this representation-the United States squad
offers a "melting pot" mixture which no other country can equal.
There is much to be done towards improving the situation of
Negroes in such areas as employment, housing, education, and simple
human dignity. But there is no way to improve upon the traditional
system of Olympic representation. It has always been exemplary.
As Jesse Owens has stated: "There has never been discrimination
against Negroes in the Olympics."
This underlines the important point. The boycott can be an ef-
fective weapon if applied to the real social ills. But there is nothing
about the Olympics to protest. And boycotting the Olympics is not
a valid way, even symbolically, to protest the racial situation.
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