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November 29, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-29

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See editorial page


0w 43au

&4 tII#I

High -28
Continued cold,
snow, tomorrow

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


Inner City Course

To Offer On-Locale Education

University undergraduates will eat,
sleep and work next fall where Detroit
slum dwellers rioted last summer, in
an unprecedented 15 credit-hour course
designed to grapple with the problems
of the modern American city.
Related small faculty-student sem-
inars and independent study on campus
will round out the remainder of the
Prof. Richard Mann of the psycho-
logy department, one of the course
organizers, calls the project a revolu-
tionary attempt to "integrate direct
field experience with academic activity,
so a student's education might bear
upon something real in society,"
By devoting a full term to the pro-
ject, planners have structured the inner
city course to allow flexible, closely
coordinated student-teaching planning.
Each student will "play a major role,"
according to the prospectus, in shaping
a cohesive, interdisciplinary education
by aiming four or more otherwise
fragmented courses toward a single
target: understanding problems of life
in the inner city.

Structural and curricular details of
the course - which professors and stu-
dents will participate, and exactly what
they will study - are yet in the plan-
ning stages.
Most of the courses within the inner
city project, however, will be reading
or independent study forms of courses
already offered by the literary college,
eliminating the need for new credit and
distribution guidelines which would re-
quire official approval.
If a student can persuade enough
professsors to sponsor his studies --
and if his studies all focus on an as-
pect of urban life - he is eligible for
the inner city course.
For example, a student "might wish
to understand the informal, neighbor-
hood life of ethnically defined areas
of the city," explains Mann.
"He might sign up for a course on
field methods, a reading course on the
history and ethnography of the Black
Belt . . . a course on social stratification
in urban areas, and a course on small,
face-to-face groups."
Alternating campus studies with pro-

longed trips to Detroit, students will
pursue on-the-scene examinations of
the people they are reading about. In-
terviews, social work, tutoring and
neighborhood organization work -
"anything relevant goes" according to
The whole concept of the course has
grown in response to increasing student
frustration with what Mann calls the
university syndrome.
"You get involved in something," he
explains. "You become excited. start to
say: 'Hey, I'm finally learning' and
suddenly, another term paper comes
along and you feel carved up into
little pieces."
Instead. "fragmented courses with
overlapping concepts should be com-
bined." says Mann. "And rather than
isolate them in the campus classroom,
students should go out in the field and
work with theme there."
Inner City Course's approach to
solving the student's dislocation from
society is something new in University-
education. Each student will plan his
own courses, integrate them with work
every few weeks in Detroit's core, and

in the end, according to the prospectus
"come up with a single paper of rele-
vance to all his courses."
Students who have attended intro-
ductoty meetings to the course are
convinced Mann's formula will 'work.
"The idea of the course is exciting."
says Mark Rosenbaum, '70. "We'll be
taking facts out in the real world and
succeeding or failing with them all on
our own. This course merges everything
that's important to education
"I'm sick of five differenct courses
each term leading in five different
directions," adds Lina Duchin. '71. "I
want to get out and relate what I'm
learning about."
Criticism of the course, however, has
centered on the permissive approach it
takes toward the student. Some faculty
members have expressed concern that
unless the student is closely supervised,
he may waste the greater part of the
"One would want to avoid 15 weeks
in which a student 'slums' around De-
troit." says one professor. "The exper-
ience is valuable to him as a person,
but as a student at the University he

should be involved in more types of
academic study."
But Prof. John Erlich of the social
work school has no qualms: "When
students are really interested in what
they're doing, they can be well dis-
Planning for the inner city course
has just begun, so its details will be
hashed out in a special three-hour
course offered this winter.
Students and faculty who plan to
participate. will use the next four
months to define individual study pro-
grams, coordinate living plans in De-
troit, and prepare extensive biblo-
graphies on urban affairs. -
A mass meeting Sunday. at 7 p.m. in
the UGLI Multi-purpose Room, will
give members of the University com-
munity a chance to explore the- Idea
of the inner city course, and to sign
up for it before the winter term.
."It's still growing, still changing,"
says Mann. "It's going to take train-
ing, and failing, and some trying again."
Mann and the other organizers hope
their new course will serve as a pilot
See 'NEW', Page 2

Probing the causes of unrest

U' May End Military Clearance
Requirement in Job Application

Personnel Officer Russell Reister
said yesterday that "there is a!
good chance" a controversial em-
ployment clause requiring military
clearance for all University em-
ployes will be deleted from future
employment applications.
An official announcement is ex-,
pected early next week.
Reister's announcement yester-
day was the first official indica- I
tion that the University would I
change its policy with regard toE
the form since Alice Fialkin, an
assistant in research in the school
of public health, refused to sign
the agreement after she had been
hired by a "clerical error." All I
applicants at that time were re-'

quired to sign the agreement be-
fore they couldbeshired.
The security clause of the em-
ployment agreement gives the Uni-
versity the right to investigate its3
employes and the right to fire
them if the military refuses them
clearance. University officials had
considered the agreement a "pre-

good chance that it will disap-
Personnel secretaries said that
i "there had been some" applicants
I who had recently directly request-
ed the short form over the long
form. The secretaries would not
give any estimate as to how many.
Shnr t Fn

Changes Pending
In Conduct Rules
(utler To Decide on Women's Hours;
Feldkamp Refutes SGC's Autonomy
Vice-President Richard Cutler said yesterday that the
decision to abolish freshman women's hours will be an-
nounced shortly. He said that hours would probably be elimi
nated but that the official announcement cannot be made
at the present time.
Meanwhile,. in an open letter distributed yesterday to
all University housing staff and residents, Director of Uni-
versity Housing John Feldkamp stated that current Univer-
sity regulations would be enforced. His letter restated the
Regents' November 17 state--'
maeuu uiiuhu u bUUUc U un a t- ~r


lude to integrating persons into ' I rUorm
defense contract work." Richard Dagget, Employment
Pending re-evaluation the long Supervisor, said that an employe
form containing the security of the University had asked that
clause has been discarded for the his namenbe retracted from the
short form which does not contain employment agreement, and that
a security clause. The short form the Personnel Office had honored
had previously been used for only the request. The status of the
janitorial and clerical non-aca- employe, whom Dagget refused to
demic applicants. name, has not changed.
"We're still considering the mat- Reister said that any present
ter," Reister said, "but there is a employes who "would feel better";
tu if their name were not below the

The President's Commission on
University Decision Making issued
yesterday a proposal for creation
of a communications committee to
arrange debate and discussion of
University issues.
The preliminary report suggests
that such a committee would a'-
range forums for discussion, pro-
vide for dissemination of informa-
tion, direct interested persons to
appropriate authority and arrange
Shuts Library,


'office and it will probably be
blacked out from their applica-
"Many people are involved in
the decision," Reister said. He in-
dicated that Vice-President for
University Relations Michael Rad-
dock was one

-Daily-Bernie Baker
A THREE MAN panel last night debated the role of the media in modern society. Seated from left
are Michael Dann, Senior Vice-President for Programming of the CBS television network; Roger
Rapoport, '68 editor of The Daily; Stanley Swinton assistant general manager of the Associated
Press and Dean William Haber, of the literary college, who was moderator.
Panel Revi~ews Mass Media's
tr1Irnl .h1 - T.~S t'

ment that -it snoutd oe clear
to all students that University
Regulations remain unchang-
ed by the unilateral actions of
student Governmfent Council."
Feldkamp said that the purpose
of the letter was to end "confusion
among students concerning the
conflicting claims of SGC and the
Regents:" He said, "A definition
of the situation was requested by

1 ereucy
Resigns as

meetings for parties concerned 1t1/1 U*k
with campus issues. Change in Policy
The committee would be avail- Miss Fialkin, who has said she By DAVID MANN Concerning the coverage of the
able to all members of the Univer- would quit before she signed the university campuses across the
sity community and campus-af- agreement, said she was glad the Columbia Broadcasting Com- country, both Dann and Swinton
filiated groups. University had decided to change pany's top programmer admitted agreed that the mass media is
The report calls for a five-man ' its policy. yesterday that between Monday doing a poor job.
committee made up of two stu- Miss Fialkin's refusal to sign the and Thursday nights he doesn't According to Swinton, so many
dents, two faculty members and agreement brought clamors of dis- allow his children to watch tele- events today require coverage that
an administrator, approval from staff in the School only a small portion of scholastic
"The proposal poses an idea, and of Public Health and other Uni- vision. events can be reported by the
'we hoe to gt reations, saidvensit faculyemembrs.rAeconfe'eihc
we hope to get reactions," said versity faculty members. Al Taylor., At a sesquicentennial conference available news media staff. Even
Gretchen Groth, grad, a member president of Local 1583 of the featuring Stanley Swinton, assis- if all the events could be covered,
of the commission. "We want to | American Federation of State, tant general manager of the As- he added, there is only limited
invite comments and see if the County and Municipal Employes sociated Press, and Roger Rapo-
space available in newvspapers,
idea is a feasible as we think it (AFSCME) had said he "would port, Editor of The Daily, Michael eliminating most education stories.
is." surely do something about it." Dann, CBS Senior Vice-President Swinson noted that much of the
Target date for the final report At that time Reister had said: for Programming said, "television coverage of student demonstra-j
to the president is Jan. 15, 1968. Miss Fialkin's employment records shouldn't be used as a substitute tions and riots is superficial. "The
"Until then we are open to sug- had gone through with "clerical for books but as a complement to motivation behind the demonstra-
gestions," continued Miss Groth. errors" and that she would be re- them. Neither do I think the
The proposed committee could quired to sign the agreement "or family should be built around the
provide or act as mediators or ar- she could not work." televsion set," he added. r I K s
bitrators on request, the report r.,, However, Dann called television LL

tions should receive more atten-
tion," he said.
Rapoport, explaining this moti-
vation, said "The University has

the staff." LANSING, Mich. VP)-Democratic
State Chairman Zolton Ferency
Feldkamp maintained that the said yesterday he will step down
SOC action was not binding and as party chief in view of what he
that "There is only one body of said is an almost unanimous com-
University regulations. mitment of Michigan party leaders
Kahn Criticizes to renomination and re-election of

says. But the group would h


uanges ina

"the most important communca-

A steam-tunnel cave-in forced -
no decision-making power and Reister later changed his mind tions form ever developed by
closing of the General Library would not be responsible for ac- and Miss Fialkin was allowed to man." He explained that because
yesterday afternoon. tions of those who used its services. continue working. it reaches all of the people in
A spokesman for the construct- The Faculty Senate Assembly' Dean Myron E. Wegman of the the country all of the time, it is
ion company which-is working on would recommend the two stu- Public Health School and Prof. much more effective and con-
an addition to the building said dents for fomal appointment by Roy Penchansky, Miss Failkin's sistant in disseminating news than
a section of the pipe carrying theRegents. The report notes that boss, then complained to Univer- other media.
steam to the library collapsed, the Assembly "could call, upon sity officials. Wegman asserted, Dann acknowledged, however
shutting off all heat. Student Government Council (or r "there's nothing in this depart- that much more needs to be done
Construction workers w e r e its successor) for advice." ment which would make that kind in the way of making television
scheduled to work as long as SGC would in turn recommend of clause necessary." more responsible to "mature
necessary ,to repair the damage the two faculty members to the Reister said that Personnel at- j audiences." He said, though that
and expected to have it completed Regents, with the possible advise torneys are now going over the "there are scheduled programs of
this morning. of the Assembly application form to "make sure"; cultural and educational value on
Fred L. Dimock, circulation; The executive officers of SGC that its removal from applications t all the major networks, many of
librarian, said the library's ven- and the Assembly would jointly would in no way jeopardize the which will run with no commer-
tilation system was shut down r e c o m m e n d the administrator. University's position. cial interruption."
when the heat went off to avoid They "could call upon the Uni- . __ ._-
pulling cold air into the building. versity president for advice," the
The library was closed at 3 p.m. report suggests.
to prevent people from becoming All members of the University ' u d enW Ql t le N (
ill from lack of fresh air. community and campus-affiliated , UL'
At the Undergraduate Library. groups could request the proposed
Mrs. Rose-Grace Faucher is pre- committee to arrange debates and
Sparing a report for Frederick meetings, spread information and f
Wagman, director of University direct interested persons to ap-
extending the hours of the UGLI The committee would be free to By MARY LOU SMITH each been asked to name one stu-
to 5:00 a.m. during exams. initiate "campus forums," such dent to sit on the selection com-
Judy Greenberg of SGC spoke as teach-ins and debates. Students are being given an
with Wagman about extending The group would be able to opportunty to nominate out- award.
the hours late last week. They dis- draw directly on all available in- standing teaching fellows for a
cussed n n to keen the lihrrv formation snres estahlish study newly-created University teaching The students' close interaction


Ordinance De
DETROIT (W) - The Detroit
Common Council passed an open
housing ordinance by a 4-2 vote
yesterday, Scores of white citizens
bitterly pledged to circulate re-
peal petitions.
Council President Edward Carey
termed the ordinance which pro-
hibits discrimination in housing
sales and rentals a "moderate ap-
proach to a major problem."
But spectators, who milled
around after the brief council ses-
sion, cried "Wallace for President,"

taken on so man auxiliary func- Student Government Council
tions, such as classified research, President Bruce Kahn, '68, an-
that its central purpose of educa- swered, "It seems to me incredible
tion has suffered. What the stu- that after nearly all segments of
dents don't like is that they are the University community have
powerless to act to change things." endorsed the idea of students
He laid 'much of the blame of making their own conduct rules"
the University's administrative in- and regulations, that the Office of
transience on the length of ad- University Housing has seen fit
ministrators' terms. Stagnation, to attempt to deny that prin-
said Rapoport, sets in after the' ciple."
first five or six years' in. office. "Students sliould continue to
After this time, communication make their own rules and regula-
and inovation break down. tions and ignore those made by
- - ;-the administration," he noted. He
r H o said statements like the one issued
F r H o USm g by the Office of University Hous-
ing "can only serve to multiply'
the problem and ensure continu-
Protests ing struggle and lack of trust
SpitL F between students and administra-
I tors. Mr. Feldkamp's statement
"Minority Rules," and "We'll get does not, by any means, settle
a referendum." Several refused to the issue."
give their names to newsmen. Housing Memo
Carey, who voted for it, said In a memo to University Housing
the ordinance will allow home- Staff dated October 16, 1967, Feld-
owners a "certain leeway" in their kamp said, "Where students con-
property matters. tinue to violate University Regu-
The law, which will go into ef- lations the staff is asked to work
fect in 30 days, deals with the with their Building Directors and
sales and rentals by brokers, the Office of University Housing
agents and property owners if the to resolve individual cases . . .
property is put on the open mar- Where University policies continue
ket. to be violated the staff will be
"Nothing will prevent a person asked to work with the student,
from selling to whomever he his parents and with the student's
wants, except the sale can't be school or college to resolve these.
based on race, creed, color or difficulties. Dismissal from the
national origin," Carey said. 'residence halls and possible dis-
He said a property owner could ?missal from the University are the
refuse sale or rental, for instance, final recourses which are available;
to persons who were in "poor fi- to the staff."
nancial condition" or were "slov-
enly housekeepers." No Statement
The ordinance provides up to a When asked if the deans of any
$300 fine and a 90-day jail sen- of the schools or colleges had'
tence for persons convicted of made any specific overtures to
racial discrimination. support University policy in this
Carey said that in Detroit more direction, Feldkamp said that no
than 70 per cent of the peole direct statements had been issued
own homes. by any deans. However, he added,

President Johnson. .
Ferency, who has headed the
party since 1963, said he was sub-
mitting his resignation, effective
Jan. 15 or upon selection of a suc-
cessor, "for reasons directly re-
lated to fundamentals of political
philosophy, principle and proce-
Stifle Debate
The controversial party chair-
man recently called for an open
party convention in 1968. He has
criticized what he said is an at-
tempt by the .national party power
structure to stiffle debate on na-
tional issues.
Fereney's resignation was de-
manded by several .state party
leaders after he criticized what
he said where the power tactics
being used. by the party's national
establishment"in an effort to fore-
close alternative candidates."
His remarks were widely inter-
preted as a call for a "Dump John-
son" movement, but he denied this
was his intention.
He has also said ag bid by Sen.
Eugene McCarthy (D-Minn), for
the presidential nomination might
be good for the party, 'but' "the
odds are largely against McCarthy
getting the nomination."
Ferency said Michigan party
leaders have embarked on cam-
paign preparations for 1968, "with
President Johnson, his record, his
views and his policies at the focal
point of the planning effort."
The '45-year-old attorney indi-
cated he will retire from statewide
Democratic organizational politics
and return to the legal profession.
Support McCarthy
Ferency declined to speculate on
how Johnson or any other candi-
date will do in the 1968 general
election, but he said a Republican
coulld beat Johnson if there is no

,e Awards

secretary for the committee. "The
opening of nominations to stu-
dents should spread them around
as well as giving students a voice,"
she explained.
To be eligible for the teaching


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