PAGE T9M TliV MICHIGAN UAii.V Tv lRovAX, AvI 4rionn AA 1N&M PAGETE1~a.. AK e o t k n u r19St ay1 C y e ld^ p e ot 'eT nomination of an d p f l v, O bbd , r'- t Uw d it J - tt-i¢ voteo ,pieT nn~e pth te TXo eV~ T dergraduateasetr rt1 .[, eVo. t a es TaControl of StCe dentorPlblie'studet newpaper " w oviv n tecenters ona . e o~p Seo mo yb" Ovt Te diosfte~~i~ is"V~IV cs TO S 95a11i an S port, ajunior from- Scheflee -a tt te noXe 11 'a.rt f 6o a o h next academnic 1ovlohet, t o~l cnewsaapern staff, was n8 ~ 0cides 0ter Pandidat~'tr t gia~ e trync ,r iVL 1!tantamount to bpointr' - ' Tl IA Casu s es ls lrt e e e d f "c Thte o'b oard ot e Retent Goebel Saysb jjlA'1 i i t m 2 n eT eX c p 1 pcniders ot'hr abni v a 't a;~ to fw J.'le oa TOso ec nrt P oilJ ana bxgar eflCi dle exn. v 1x- s- seiorTltteagn. jrofll theX a. a wthshestdl1t, hcrto~em iidbiCd .t 'evwtcalHmeftru to the n n uy. hestudent s,,=i grtt& '.X t S~ d sV0 T hdlve lN'ds' Nnointinshae ee -tWer eS~es£s13.Cno .w ith a .ly traxony 6,-Ther boand ~e i ~ t tIadeaog a1 ls wSowXas pn h'A d'da X s ok°l' a ' -t \C >lW m~~t e Thy o heanibi e e t Q'e A' erle e an h alay e vlpdte G a sno te neri glove atCob ell the sdenied anoo' desir chheg esrl be n hs s T climc rondof , epsaide 8, Qrt fve a n ncohXierX papcvil wthtesbudt hs1 from h~ti~t~s rs tleaamTe4 bT ary ab\Xaei~cIvi Tb~ ' isi" 'V ndof; om0iSte 14e -iton. some u a ' tC Aa a tea day to tha tudets(~~zo ~ H goW'9 lidi eSTI, e50 SC .e i \ema otb 'a ofo° tet: ~ ''~ );.,l batt le l a 0 m Aanterview ant'me ~ T0a5SO ,nil "' te, t a's 1Xin fo X(ad.Otel TeX~ e[t,e aid F 'e taoOv to 1 a s ano eCXifl tak aX )- jeI-u ."1'Vi ~ oint'd ep~ser stden llside n fxop ent0ng sp~ ofA ln 1°k' eiet, o th uner~t r (t'me art- reaabou i I 4 4 'IA'- , 4 'Ir -1 . tY,2Ct I )j '-) t , i -S~l1\ - Ue4 I r- - coe4g r I 4000- a -l 4 ",-; ,/ Ote ~a IL 7d.' '(1 1 17,to1 t [1,4 1h , . '\104 k~j, 4~ it - .' r t(e A a4-1Q 1 r' ~ Ix pptev r - ?1 of I *A°I st- . I 1JI 0111 It. t r r fj is so a L"j1 0 tt l I° rr ' Y . o O0Q - ' r, ; rr j' ' ' Oi' iP' . rh '1 'o~~~(I~ j Y\0, t e 'o'-? I 't i I 1 ; , $ y z ti1o n o 0 JTEM r U - ttJl 1 jtU~Ui dLI"Il L mi" " tii ', }r~at i?..eeali3A> to Air .si XXC )y .l- By SUSAN ELAN X.-soc~iate Managing Editor CAMBRIDGE, Mas. The Na- t Cdet for a Democratic Society (SDS) votedI yesterday to hire and train 30, full-time regional teacher-organiz- ,°rs, to move the headquarters of the Radical Education Project (REP) from Ann Arbor to Chi- cago, and to give full support to the Spring Mobilization to End.- The decision of the National "Aui ii ~,Conil o01SDSto train 30 organiz-j-.'\ ers will become the primary re- sp o n sib ility o f R E P . T h e se re g io n -,a o r ni e s w l b e e p n i l eE for meeting the immediate educa- W al tional needs of the local SDS XY chapters. This will entail the dis- ;,Y '\19 tribution of film, pamphlets and ' ee - ? aid in campus organizing on such ~ issues as student power and the draft. A sunmmer institute wvill be set ur for the intensive training of th- I~ l-IO elXX~: eP V X1111 k' Jm -l e11 'S ', 11 V t~ L 'St r 10 1 eYlaSH \i1 vx ll vtioxi ?ssary rto prevent pbi Le i 1c .11 - of "an interim-puPl . 11 n 0111 * s paper- 01 y s e1. digpute could thus spr \\ia a.11e {1g town 1 a uB ignT en , T u rn s ti wi-."11' 1 heihu> a S55-million fung Cthis year, and ,,, i .. 1Cll a ~. Ce . _~- ,11cC . 4 'Ufi ametiniv. s.,'"; A'o e, D'- w' Save ~Braun. BY JOEL BLOCK e 5 eciaJ To The Daily thie War in Vietnam. # teacher-organizers. W -w-= -_-_==__________1tWL'lior"f m £--- L -,ANN ARBOR, MlVI!f. a l - - ofW- - Few campus newspapers arc moreini- fluential than the Michigan Daily at the University of Michigan here, and Clarence Panrto is what is making the Daily move these days. Mr. Fanto is managing editor of the pa~per. An intense, energetic young man, :e infuses the paper with the same seri- os mnion lie displays in carefully answer- in. a v "sitor's questions. To him, the paper is a disseminator of i-iews, a purveyor of opinion, a poser of tiuestions, and a forum for those who be- lieve they have the answers. What the paper prints, he emphasizes, is not always~ (boot V~e"' ''-.istrat f acuit - -- - have r; paper trol of Student Pub- lications initially re- fu s ed to approve -next year's editor, who is always rec . - mnded by "t h ;. current editors w,4I r arely turned GQw4I. The board ' wn- 'the Daily. "Ocasi- J } -- t*hink is important to them." Playonally they'll infoni' ' o~ Mr. Fanto a 11 y criticize f t rinted closely after we print soap,- LB ^: 1-hwents, thing, but they have never eorsred .mv- ° iLTbefore publication," says Mr. Fu --'nndence that enabf-- t ~'t crus- fo !PIS 47 butbea i eit g eet,~C 21,,r h <