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November 22, 1967 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-22

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Devalued P

)und Successful

The Daily Official Bulletin is an the Regents at their meeting on Feb. day, November 22, at 1 p.m. in Room "Work-Related
official publication of the Univer- 28, 1936: Students shall pay all accounts 3073 East Engineering, Chairman: J. E. :ions of Teen
sity of Michigan for which The due the University not later than the Powers. Sex, Social Cl
Michigan Daily assumes no editor- last day of classes of each semester Friday, Novem
tal responsibility. Notices should be or summer session. Student loans which Doctoral Examination for: James (Floor Meeting
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to are not paid or renewed are subject to Michael Johnson, Pharmacology, Thesis: Ronald Lippitt
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- this regulation; however, student loans "Molecular Mechanisms of Action of
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding not yet due are exempt. Any unpaid the Antineoplastic Alkylating Agents Doctoral Exi
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday accounts at the close of business or Nitrogen Mustard," on Wednesday, No- Alexius, Musk
for Saturday and Sunday. General the last day of classes will be reported vember 22 at 1 p.m. in Room 6315 'Diptych for :
Notices may be published a maxi- to the Cashier of the University and Medical-Science, Chairman: Raymond aember 25 at
mum of two times on request; Day a) All academic credits will be with- W. Ruddon. School of M
Calendar items appear once only, held, the grades for the semester or Finney.
Student organization notices are not summ er session just completed will not Doctoral Examination for: Laurence
accepted for Dublcation. For more be released, and no transcript of credits Evind Lassen, Forestry, Thesis: "Effect Doctoral E
information call 764-9270. wil be issued. of Summer Precipitation and Elevation Robert LaPah
b) All students owing such accounts on the Wood Characteristics of Coast 'Existence An
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 will not be allowed to register in any Douglas-Fir (Pseudotsuga Menziesii trol Problems
sube unt smese mer a (Mirb.) Franco)," on Wednesday, Nov. ) a.m. on Mon
sion until payment has been made. 22 at 1 p.m. in Room 1035, Conference L435 Mason Hi
Day Da eoral ERoom, Natural Resources, Chairman:
DotrlEaiainfr ec aeRobert Zahner. Doctoral xxai
Michigan Department of Education- Jr, Education, thesis: "The Effects of _rZ .D rE
Division of Vocational Education Re- Need-Affiliation, Incentive Condition ild Diethrich,
search Co-ordinating Unit Workshop- and Type of Reward on Word Learning Doctoral Examination for: Ralph Ray version Electr~i
"Research Training Workshop": Morn- in Retarded Children," at 8 a.m., Wed- Rudder, Nuclear Engineering, Thesis: analysis for Pe
ing Session, Michigan Union, 9:00 a.m. nesday, November 22, 734 East Univer- Rayleigh Scattering of Ruby Laser ;raphs," at 9::
sity, Chairman: M. L Semmel. Light in Neutral Gases," on Wednesday, :er 27 in Rooi
Botany Seminar: Dr. Seymour Sha- November 22 at 1 p.m., in Room 315 Building, Cha
piro, University of Massachusetts, "The Doctoral Examination for: Donald Auto Lab, North Campus, Chairman: beck.
Role of Light and Auxin in Control of Alireza Shojal, English Language & D.R.Bah
Emergence of Preformed Roots in the Literature, thesis: "The Structural and Doctoral Ex
Lombardy Popular", 1139 Natural Symbolic Scheme of Edward Fitz- Doctoral Examination for: John ,nuth Eggena,
Science Bldg., 4:15 p.m. gerald's Rubalyat of Omar Khayyam," Alexander Campbell, Bioengineering, Dielectric Pr(
at 9:15 a.m. on Monday, November 27, thesis: "A Mathematical Model Describ- ind Transferri
1611 Haven Hall, Chairman: J. R. ing the Insulin Secretory Response of >er 27 at 10 a
eneral o ices squires. the Pancreas in the Dog," on Wednes- [ST, Chairman
:Say, November 22 at 1:15 pm. in
Students registered under the New Room 2021 East Medical Building, Doctoral Ex
York Regents College Teaching Fellow- Doctoral Examination for: Alan Les- Chairman: P. H. Abbrecht.
sismypick up their checks at ter Ginsburg, Economics, thesis: "A ____Randall Roy,I
ships may Bldg. Regional Covariance Analysis of the thesis: "Insti
___kmBd Determinants of U.S. and U.K. Exports Doctoral Examination for: James 'he Marketing
professional Theatre Program-Ushers during the Postwar Period," on Wed- Torrey Godfrey, Business Administra- ducts," Mond
are needed for all performances of PTP nesday, November 22 at 9:30 a.m. in lion Thesis, "Resource Allocation in .m., Room 5
New Playd oject, "Amaing race", P Room 221 Economics Building, Chair- the Short and Long-Run-An Applica- men: S. H. R
New Play Project, "Amazing Grace", m :R.M trntion of Linear and Recursive Program-
December 5-10. Sign up at PTP offices, man: R. M. Stern, ~~no ieradRcriePorm
_eebr T- at. gT srning," on Wednesday, November 22 Doctoral Ex
Mendelssohn Theatre.Doctoral Examination for: Gerald Al- it 2 p.m. in Room 816 Business Admin- an King, Indu
History Department Lecture. Profes- lan Vision, Philosophy, thesis: "The Spaion Building Chairman: W. A. "The Pri
sor Wilbur Jacobs, University of Cali- Requirement to Universalize Moral Departure Pr
fornia, Santa Barbara, "British Atti- Judgements," at 9:30 a.m. on Wednes- aueues," onN
tudes Toward the American Indian" day, November 22 in Room 2217 Angell Doctoral Examination for: Spencer Z p.m., in W
Monday, November 27, 4:10 p.m. in Hall, Chairman: R. B. Brandt. Leigh BeMent, Boengineering, Thesis: Lounge, Chairn
Monday,__ 'oebr2,41 ~.i Some Electrical Stimulation Charac-
Auditorium D, AngelE Hall. teristics of Myelinated Fibers in the Doctoral Ex
DoctralExainaionfor AutinDorsal~olumns of the Cat," on Wed- Jonas Rosemar
Regents' Meeting: December 15. Walter Kibler, Psychology, thesis: "The nesda November 22 at 3 p. in Room stry thesis:
Communications for consideration at Relationship between Stimulus-Orient- 1019 East Medical, Chairman: J. B. of Interfaciall
this meeting must be in the President's ed Changes in Heart Rate and Detection 1anJko D neraliat
hands not later than November 30. Efficiency in a Vigilance Task," Wed- Ranek. Demineralizat
nesday, November 22 at 9 a~m. in 2 p.mn., Mond,
Academic costume: Can be rented at Room 1057 M.H.R.I., Chairman: I Pol- Doctoral Examination for: Ray Tal- 3002 Pharm
bot Hermiston, Education, thesis: "Pre- Chairman: W.
Avenue. Orders for Winter Commence- ____k.diction of Maximum Oxygen Uptake,"
ment Exercises should be placed im- DoWednesday, November 22 at 3 p.m. in
Doctoral Examination for: Sister oom 111 P.E.M., Chairman: J. A, ig
mediately, and MUST be placed before Mary Christopher Steele, English Lan- Faulkner
December 1. guage and Literature; Thesis: "The Sig- ANNOUNCEM
nificance of the Calendar of Modern Doctoral Examination for: Alan Ed- National Se
DIRECTED TEACHING IN Letters, 1925-1927", Wednesday, Novem- ward Mather, Chemical Engineering, for Test, this
ELEMENTARY EDUCATION, ber 22 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 1611 Haven Thesis: "The Direct Determination of info. at Burea
WINTER TERM 1968 Hail; Chairman: H. C. Barrows,. Jr. the Enthalpy of Fluids Under Pres- Next Federa
All students who have applied for , W s Nrn n
Elementary Directed Teaching, Winter DotrlEaintoio:Rihr r, on Wednesday, November 22 at ination applic
Term, 1 r68 must obtain assignments by Doctoral Examination for: Richard 3 pm. in Rm. 3201 East Engineering, Jan. test.
December 1. Assignments are 'available Stephen Norman, Communication Chairman: D. L. Katz.
on Wednesdays, 9:00-11:30 a.m. and Sciences, Thesis: "Signal Extraction of Current ps
1:30-4:00 p.m and on Fridays, 9:00-11:30 Symmetric Functions from Noise," on Doctoral Examination for: Robert eral Division,
Ro m 2292 nvritys, H : Wednesday, November 22 at 10 a.m. in John Martin, Electrical Engineering, information.
a.m. in Room 2292 University High Room 6315 Medical Science Building, Thesis: "Experimental Investigation of Managemen
School Chairman: H. H. Swain. the Low-Voltage Arc in Nobel Gases," cinnati based
Applicants for Graduate Student Dis- Dn Wednesday, November 22 at 3 p.m. 40's, EE degr
sertation Grants should submit their Doctoral Examination for: Frank W. :n Room 3080 East Engineering, Chair- controls. Chi
request via the Department in time for B. Hawkinshire, Social Psychology, nan: J. E. Rowe. heat transfer,
transmission to the Horace H. Rack- thesis: "Social Assessment: A Model for engrg. exper.
ham Graduate School by December 1. the Assessment of Planned Change," at Doctoral Examination for: Robert Sealtest Fos
Awards at this time will support proj- 1 p.m. on Wednesday, November 22 Remir Audi, Philosophy, thesis: "The Counsel for
ects contemplated ifor the Winter and in Room 5040 I.S.R., Chairman: Ronald Explanation of Hurnan Action in Com- land. Min. 5
Summer terms. The next opportunity Li pitt non Sense and Contemporary Psychol- mcorporate law
for application will be September 1968 -gy," on Monday, November 27 at 3:15 leadership in
Instructions are available at Room Doctoral Examination for Walter Col- .m. in Room 2217 Angell Hall, Chair- State of F]
1014 Rackham. lins Gates, Chemical Engineering tnan: W. P. Alston. Clinical Socia
Thesis: "Determination of Mechanisms req., 1 yr. ex
Student Accounts: Your attention is Causing and Limiting Separations in Doctoral Examination for: Robert Le- tion. Diag.
called to the following rules passed by Column Crystallization," on Wednes- Foy Smith, Social Psychology Thesis: guidance clin]
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Attitudes and Cogni- Clark Lake Players, Jackson, Mich.- LONDON A -) Britain's new cial district, dealers in foreign ex- orders. Dollar stocks scored big
agers As They Relate to Director and Technical director for $2.40 minipound made its debut change scrambled wildly for rises and oil shares improved.
lass, IQ, and Race," on summer theater productions, musicals
ber 24 at 1 p.m. at 4th and comedies, exper desired. in the market place here yesterday pounds they had been dumping The New York stock market
Room, ISR, Chairman: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing and was -an instant hit-but not like hot potatoes last week. surged higher in a vigorous re-
Company, St. Paul, Minn.-Engineering to angry Conservatives i n the Demand for the pound to meet covery from losses Monday trig-
positions throughout company requir- House of Commons. ered by the devaluation of the
amination for: Carl John ing both new grads and exper., ME, immediate commitments was so in- g
c: Composition, score: EE, IE. Several positions requiring com- Conservatives accused the Labor tense it forced the price up to pound and boosts in British and
Orchestra," Saturday, No- bination of management sci. degree and government of bungling the na- $2.42, two cents above the official U.S. interest rates.
2 p.m. in Room 2320 technical degree. Mktg. Res., Acctg.,
umis, Chairman: R. L. Product research. 'ion's finances into forced de- rate. During the past three years The ceiling of the new pound is
Ralston Purina Company, St. Louis, valuation of the pound, cut Sat- of crisis, the spread above the old $2.42. The quick rise raised the
Mo.-Staff Engrs BZSME. Admin. Asst, urday from its old rate of $2.80. rate had never been that high. prospect that the Bank of England
xamination for: James BBA, Mktg. or IE, exper req. Mktg. Res.
m, Mathematics, thesis: Analyst, adv degree plus 2 yrs, exper Opposition finance spokesman It was a rough day for domestic would be obliged to sell sterling,
alysis for Optimal Con- with food co. Inventory Admin., BBA, lain Macleod glared across at companies on the stock market, a new experience.
with Exceptional Sets," exper. Research Biochemist, PhD. 1-2 Prime Minister Harold Wilson and which had been closed Monday to Under the postwar Bretton
day, November 27, Room yrs exper. Project Leaders, BS Food Sci cushion the shock of the govern- Woods accord, Britain is obliged to
all, Chairman: L. Cesari. or Tech, 1-5 yrs. exper. Staff Acetg,, 2-5 grOwled:atisnary measures
yrs. "He has not only devalued the ment's deflationary measures. support its currency by buying
amination for: Cecil Ger- Southwest Regional Laboratory for pound, he has devalued his own There were rises in the shares of when it goes two cents below par
Physics, thesis: "Con- Educational Research and Development, word and betrayed his high office. exporting and international com- and sell, to keep it from being
n Spectra: A Line Shape Englewood, Calif.-Instructional Devel- It is time for him to get out." panies. Dealers in the mining sec- overvalued, when it reaches two
ermanent Magnet Spectro- opment Activities, MA or PhD in lib.
30 a.m., Monday, Novem- arts, Educ. or phych. School Liaison Across town in London's finan- tion were swamped with buying cents above par.
>m 618 Physics-Astronomy Coord., MA min., exper as teacher,
irman: M. L. Wieden- admin. exper des. Instructional Design
Management Trainee, 30 mo. program
--~-__ Activities, MA or PhD Psych., Linguis-
mination for: Peter Ilel- tics of Educ. Psych, Computer Tech-
Biophysics, Thesis:"Thernology Activities, Exper. in educ. and IT NEW ... IT'S IM PORTED ... IT'S TERRIFIC,
operties of Conalbumin computer programming or systems.,, ,
in," on Monday. Novem- United Nations, N.Y.C.-Examination
i.m in Conference Room, for English translators, apply before
: J. L. Oncley. Dec. 15, test is Jan. 12 in N.Y.C. and
Montreal. Nationals of member country
of U.N., English mother tongue, French
Laayo Novmbr:27llam nhrHokn lssCroaion SRFI
Business Administration, req., and one of Russian, Spanish or
tutional Constraints in Chinese. Further info., and application
of New Plumbing Pro- procedure at Bureau.
Nay, November 27 at 1 Anchor Hocking Glass Corporation, T FOR MEN
16 Administration, Chair- Lancaster, Ohio-Sales trainees, Nation-
ewoldt, A. W. Swinyard. al Field Representatives. Engineers.
Pckg. Designer. Artist. Acctg. Q.C. Con-
amination for: Ralph Al- sultant. Chemist. IN REFRESHING PLEASING LIM E

istrial Engineering Thesis:
ance Properties of the
ocess from Single Channel
Monday, Novmeber 27 at
Vest Engineering Faculty
man: R. L. Disney.
amination for: Theodore
an. Pharmaceutical Chem-
The Mechanism of Action
y Adsorbed Agents on the
ion Rate of Enamel," at
day, November 27, Room
acy Research Building,
I. Higuchi.
curity Agency applications
Fri., Nov. 24. Applic. and

Massachusetts Mutual Life Insur-
ance Company, Detroit, Mich.-Sales
toward upper level mgmt. Men, BA
Summer Placement Service, 212 SAB,
Lower Level
French students, Camip Counselor In-
ternationaluExchange Program, Con-
necticut. Details at S.P.S.
Chicago Transit Authority, Full-time
temporary bus operators for summer, 211
age req.



KIT 3.5
:L . 4k::w'ry: :. ':: r..,.r ."
CI i. " -.-" A-

l Service Entrance Exam- .................
cations due Dec. 13, for USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN-
NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered student orga-
sitions received by Gen- nizations only. Forms are available in
call 964-7460 for further room 1011 SAB.
t Consultants, firm Cin-
.-Chief Engineer, to late Lutheran Student Chapel-Hill at
ee, bekrnd. in solid state Forest Ave., Thanksgiving Day Service,
ef Engineer, ME degree, Nov. 23, 10:00 a.m.
sheet metal and process * * *
ods, N. Y. C. - Division Mock Convention-platform steering
Gres, L.ak.eC. DivsClev committee, foreign policy committee
Great Lakes Dv . Cleve- meeting, Nov. 27, 7:30 p.m., 3X Union.
yrs. in law firm spec. in
dept. exper. Leading to
company. University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
lorida, Tallahassee, Fla.- Washtenaw, Nov. 26, 9:45 & 11:15 a.m.,
l Worker, I and II. MSW Worship Service with Pastor Scheips
per req. for II grade posi- speaking on "Disciples of the Alert,"
and treatment in child 6:00 p.m., Fellowship supper and Christ-
dcs. mas decorating.
HURS., NOV. 30-FRI., DEC. 1
Ft OR $2 for Three Night Series
27-Di ag-Fishbowl-SAB
and at Door

















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