Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS i I t I _21 - :., Where Opinions Are Free,. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail - ---------------------- NEWS PHONE: 764-05521 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. r(.; \ -7 I " S' i'y I Zr, ,<~ W- Y '\ ~i l -, "-O TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: MARK LEVIN God Is Alive and Entering, The New Hap shire Primary VIEWING GEORGE ROMNEY perform under questioning is like listening to your kid brother at his first piano re- cital. You know he won't hit the right notes, but you hope he at least won't embarrass you. Gov. Romney is running for the Presi- dency and his audience is squeamish already. On Sunday's Face The Nation show he babbled incoherently on the war in Vietnam, while reporters vainly at- tempted to force him to speak English. He lapsed into another verbal fumbling spell on Monday's Today show. Let's face it, for sheer verbal insecurity George Romney ranks with Jose Jimenez. THE SHAME OF it' is that George Rom- ney is neither a bad nor an ineffec- tual politician. And any man who put twin beds in the Rambler can't be totally devoid of intelligence and sensitivity. Judging by his past success with American Motors he is a 'capable admin- istrator and innovator. As governor he has managed some tax reform and ex- panded the state educational system. He appears to have the liberal's commitment' to integration, and probably has a rea- sonable fear of potential Negro guerrilla warfare led by embittered veterans of Vietnam. Historians will probably point to Rom-. ney's brainwashing statement as his greatest moment in" American politics. It, was a remarkably candid and guileless admission. People laughed at him be- cause he had said the "unspeakable." ROMNEY HAS PAID the price of hon- esty because the cynics snickered at him. To his credit he refuses to play dead. Sadly, his whole show looks like a cha- rade because of his ineptness in com- munication. Romney is stale now. He has been run- ning for the nomination for three years. When he opens his mouth you just know that what he says will be unintelligible. Romney appears to be suspended. be- tween the pros and the amateurs. The pros want him to spout the conventional- political cliches while the amateurs ad- vise him to sincerely speak his mind. It was Romney, the amateur, who Iouthed- off -about being brainwashed. It was Romney, the tool of the pros, who back- tracked later about the need for an "honorable settlement" in Vietnam. Romney, the amateur, has appeal as a Presidential candidate. But Romney, the equivocating dupe, is a pathetic politi- cian. Romney's greatest asset is his im- age of honesty and good will. His flaw is his incomparable ability to blabber when he tries to play the role of the politician. If George would stop playing games, maybe his fans would not be so embar- rassed when he appears on the tube. -LLOYD GRAFF "I was brainwashed by Romney ..! Letters to the Ed itor Why She Won,t Sign 'U' Security Clouse Student Events: Spitball Tactics VICE-PRESIDENT and Chief Financial Office Wilbur K. Pierpoint and Ath- letic Director H. 0. Crisler have used spitball tactics to ram through an in- equitable fee schedule for the new Uni- versity Events Building. Friday the Regents approved a rate of $1,500 or 10 per cent of the gross (which- ever is higher) for rental of the new 15,- 000 seat arena by student organizations. Although the building is being entirely financed out of student fees (which will repay a bond issue) Pierpont and Crisler have totally ignored the student interest in setting fees. Don Tucker, president of the Univer- sity Activities Center, who sat on the Presidential commission that formulated the rates, did not endorse them at an Oct. 16 meeting. He and other student' leaders feel the "fee for using the build- ing is just too much for a student organ-' ization to spend." CRISLER AGREED at a Nov. 3 Athletic Board meeting to have Maurice Rinkel, auditor of student organizations, look Into the ability of student groups to afford the new fee schedule. But at the same meeting the excessive fee schedule was approved and sent to the Regents. At the Regents' meeting Pierpoint did The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school year ($9 by mail). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. I Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postag paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48.04. not let the facts stand in the way of his presentation. He told the Regents that Tucker had joined in determining the fee schedule. (Tucker actually opposed the rates). He indicated that Rinkel had checked to see that student groups could afford the rates. (Rinkel's study is only beginning). Arid then he attempted to prove that the rates were equitable. He said they were on a par with comparable buildings. Then he conceded that the rates were higher than Hill Auditorium on a per- seat basis. The rates are at least 55 per cent higher per seat than at Hill Aud. He attempted to justify this inequity by saying that Hip's rates ($265 plus la- bor) are "far too low" and should be revised upward. The Regents then per- functorily passed the rates for a "trial period" of a year and a half. PIERPONT AND CRISLER have essen- tially forced student organizations to pay excessive rates for a building stu- dents are paying for in the first place. Worse yet the excessive rates for the Events Building are being used as a lever to raise rates at Hill Aud., even though the structure was paid for long ago (primarily from a gift). Only a student organization boycott will succeed in forcing the administra- tion to scale down its rate structure. All student organizations should refuse to rent space in the new structure until the rates are adjusted downward. -ROGER RAPOPORT Editor Y FIRST REACTION to the security statement in the University employment applica- tion was one of amazement and disapproval. It is one more ex- ample of the widespread military penetration into American society. In light of this clause the ad- ministration's claim that classi- fied research does not affect the nature of the University is shown to be false and hollow. The presence of classified war research on campus alters the nature of the University in ways not immediately obvious. The se- curity statement is one case of this: it is a direct attempt at control and intimidation of the individual. The statement holds that the prospective employe may be as- signed arbitrarily and without notification by the University to a government-supported project. Whether or not the project in- volves classified research, the employe may be dismissed if he fails to meet "military agency" clearance standards, regardless of his qualifications for the posi- tion as defined by the University. It does not even allow for the worker involved to request and be granted a transfer (although in fact, transfers probably do occur>. IN MY CASE it is particularly paradoxical. Public health re- ceives a good portion of its money from the federal government. From the wording of the state- ment, it appears that the mili- tary, whose function as it is car- ried out in American society is the systematic destruction of life, and will impose its standards as "conditions for employment" be- fore allowing me to work on re- search directed at the well-being of all. I do not want to work on classi- fied military projects. I do not be- lieve that they have any right to investigate me if I am not doing military work; and, therefore, would not cooperate with any such investigation. Above all, I do not accept the military's values and standards and refuse to be coerced into living by them. THE IDEA that personnel are liable for dismissal because their outside activities to do meet up to "military agency" clearance standards is totally contrary to the concept of a free university in a free society. It is a direct denial of civil liberties-of free speech, thought and action. It represents discrimination in hir- ing on the basis of creed and the corruption of the University as dedicated to free and open in- quiry. -Alice Fialkin Assistant in Research School of Public Health Soviet Jews THE DAILY (Nov. 16) published an advertisement about the status of Jews in the Soviet Union. The questions which will be dis- cussed contain false items. The government of the Soviet Union is the only government which has organized an autonomous Jewish region. According to the Constitu- tion of the USSR, courts; news- papers, broadcasting, and educa- tion are provided in the Jewish language, the autonomous region, located in the southeastern Soviet Union, has representatives in the Su- preme Soviet of the USSR as do other nationalities in the USSR. Antisemitic articles, as well as articles which attack other minor- ities, are prohibited by law from being published in the press of the USSR. The church in the USSR, as in the United States, is separated from the government and the number of synagogues existing de- pends only on the interest of the USSR's Jewish population in re- ligion. The announcement, which was published by the Israel Students Organization and the Student Zionist Organization, is contra- dictory to the Constitution of the USSR. All questions of this discussion are artificial and are of no interest for discussion. -Nicolay Khvostov -Vladimir Sadovsky Post-doctoral students from the Soviet Union. A Cog AS 4 MEMBER of Voice who attended the Microbiology Seminar given by Dr. Fish of the -Army Biological Labs at Ft. De- trick, Md., I feel that The Daily (Nov. 14) missed portant aspect of swers. the most im- Dr. Fish's an- Like other specialists; in the industrial as well as the military "complex", Dr. Fish occupies an essential but small place in a research and development system., He is ordinarily not allowed to even understand, much less con- trol, many of the goals and priori- ties of this system. In his own words, he is a "small cog" in a huge apparatus. The work he is given to do is quite narrowly defined, and he concen- trates on it because he has a real interest and talent in this work- in this case the pathophysiology of anthrax. His team has, over several years, found a cure for the toxin, one of the most vicious bac- terial agents and a ,major hazard in the livestock, wool, and tanning industries. This is certainly basic' medical research for humane goals. THE WAY THE SYSTEM works, however, is this: The work of Dr. Fish and his team on toxic effects of anthrax and protection against it is passed on by higher authority not only to the medical profession, both civilian and military, but when it has reached the right stage, to another section of Fort Detrick or some other armed forces center for its usefulness in designing a means for aerosol dis- persion of the toxin, and a means for protecting the user of the weapon. Or the informatign might have gone to the Institute for Co- operative Studies of the University of Pennsylvania, whose Director for Army Projects Spicerack and Summit told the Daily Pennsyl- vanian in October, 1965 that ICR's work included research into the inducement and epidemic spread- ing of wheat rust, influenza, an- thrax, and rice blast. (See Viet Report, 6-7/66). But for the individual researcher whose work can have both bene- ficial and destructive applications, it is clearly easier to believe that his work goes only toward pro- tection and healing. This belief is provided for by both formal and informal censorship within the total research and development system in which he participates. -Randy Jacob Institutional Politics: How I Won The War By RON LANDSMAN T IS A BLUNT fact that institutions are the relevant decision- making bodies in this country today. To be effective politically we must act through them." Institutional leverage can be used effectively to oppose the war in Vietnam, according to Prof.,Joseph Sax of the Law School, who made the above comment at a recent debate on "The University, the American Corporation and the War." The best means for opposing the war is a quest which radicals and liberals alike have had small success. Sax's views probe the limits of clearly legal actions and thus are probably the strongest measures available for those unwilling to step outside the bounds of legality. The rise of institutions - such as the universities and corpora- tions - as major powers in American social and political structure has not gone unnoticed., However, there is a serious lag between structural changes and recognit- ion of their reality in relevant social action. There is a myth - an ethic actually - acquired from a pre- vious time which says it is.wrong for an individual to impose his personal views upon the policy of h,. the institution where he works and spends most of his adult life. Precisely this outmoded ethic has resulted in the political impotence> of the vast majority of Americans. Sax explained, "People feel Im- potent because they have not seen that institutions in which they play decision-making roles have a great impact on govern- ment policy. "Instead of simply fretting about thines they cannot control, they ought to start thinking about how they can affect de- cisions in the institutions they Joseph Sax do control." SAX'S "PLAN" to oppose the war through institutions goes like this: * Convince the members of the University of the propriety of using the University for moral purposes, e.g., opposing the war. Then get the University to take a stand against the war by selectively refusingnto cooperate with government agencies and corporations In- volved in the war. " This ,will affect both' other universities indirectly and corpor- ations diretcl'y. 0 The combined effort will undoubtedly have an effect on Wash- ington - not only because of very real limitations on ability to im- plement policy, but by "the most powerful political message you could get across - that decent, upstanding citizens oppose the war." Sax goes on to point out that such a form of .opposition - the "classic form of non-violent resistance" - is both legal and extremely effective. THE ENTIRE QUESTION of the University's co-operation in the war effort - as it is for any institution -I Is the basic one of "the goals toward which our society ought to be working." When individuals refuse to apply personal morals to influence institutional policy, they in effect deny for all practical purposes the validity of those morals. Sax feels, perhaps too optimistically, that if every person at the University against the war would say so publicly, war foes would' be a majority. But if a faculty vote were called to eliminate classified research, no such majority would materialize: Too many people either do not see or do not accept the connection between the University's coopera- tion with the government and the government's ability to fight better in Vietnam. Making this connection evident is a top priority. Up to now, it seems, the University administration has gone quite contrary to faculty opinion. It represents the Regents' interests rather than the faculty or students. Sax disagreed with this view: "If the faculty senate were to vote to abolish classified research, the admin- istration would see that it was done." If the University took a stand opposing the war, no doubt, mas- sive repercussions would be felt at least in the academic world and possibly elsewhere. However, there are major impediments to taking such a stand, bothas to implementation and effect. THE ESSENTIAL PROBLEM no doubt lies in drawing together an individual's personal and institutional roles. Even if that hurdle were cleared, inherently time-consuming tasks remain which will blunt the impact of institutional anti-war activity. Sax suggested that issues be attacked which have a substantial impact on American life and which stand as symbols of a broader type of policy. Both these criteria,. however, require that the issue be "pop- ularized." Issues do not have an effect on society and do not acquire a symbolism until they have become the common object of attention by the press. By that time the government's position has usually os- sified; any abrupt governmental change, which is most often an urgent necessity, is ruled out on politically expedient grounds. The University community would thus tend always to react to government policy only when the policy has become entrenched and intractable. A reactive policy of non-cooperation is thus limited because it can never assume a constructive role in policy-formation. In the long run,-non-cooperation with the present war, can make the govern- ment ,more cautious the next time it formulates policy without con- sidering academic reaction. ANOTHER RISK of academic non-cooperation in the war effort is possible provocation of an anti-intellectual reaction against the University. Especially for a state-supported school,'the reaction would be strong, immediate and financial. "That is the risk we must be willing to take, commented Sax. In sum, Sax's proposal requires the radicalization of the Univer- sity, although within legal limits. But he recognizes that will not 'happen until the community can be convinced of the appropriateness of "institutional action." It is now up to the liberals and radicals on campus to put their case across convincingly. 0 PS #1 1 of 44 . . ... s~ fi..ยข..2 .. .w. ... fi. s.... .. .. .. :.. .. .. .. :. ... .. .. .. .: ,. .: a.: z..., ... .-o. xa..,.. :... c.:.2 ..r....r <..:#s.. ,~.Pe...,w. :.x. f:.:#: :.t::'s'::o'.'">, sk' .t. .,....z, .#..-;::.Y.,#?. : #i EC: ::.'L'Q: -.,.&.'::$:.. -, '.. . .e d x ', ', .. .$:" :.. ..x:' c....h...$:H1F...:. d.. : .:#:: : t .x 3b''. : :3Si&, :. w'Pc.:3.:,?.#. : :.d.::;:.,:.,,.,..: ,..,...,..:.s:a..::.:. .:.&.:a:..,..:.f....o:.3.:3,,.H. :l..a..r.,c 3xo>.3.,,,....x.k. :e:-3?:z.A:.,3:::v.:. :& ..y..... : :r: .'#..:.... :.. 5. .: irr.+??r: r+ia:: :il." $: ii>i: Sf;Y2Y:Li::":{?rv:^:r~'.ti rr: r:.^X+ $: i > : }7}>:%:v INTER VIE W EDITOR'S NOTE: When anti- j war leader Dr. Benjamin Spock ' ~was in Ann Arbor last Friday, Daily a reporter Walter Shapiro interviewed n him. The 65-year-old pediatri- C cian, recently elected co-chairman 1 of the National Conference for a New Politics (Ni~NP), commented 9 on many issues facing the Ameri- can left.- D AILY: Politics seems to have o replaced medicine as the fo- co cus of your life; if you were a beginning again today woulda you still find medicine relevant? r SPOCK: I retired a year early A from Western Reserve University no to devote my full attention to o politics, but I still would find on medicine relevant as a career in ba Spock Prescribes DAILY: What has been the re-. action to the recent announce- ment by the Senate Internal Security Sub-Committee that - they were planning an investi- gation of NCNP and the groups which participated in the New Politics Convention? SPOCK: We have heard nothing dficially from the Senate sub- ommittee or from HUAC. I was t a meeting last week with rep- esenatives of many groups which were at the Convention and the CLU and other lawyers. While o final strategy has been worked it, the sentiment is unanimous n total non-cooperation. And ased on previous decisions we SPOCK: It's silly to talk of revolution when 90 per cent of the people are contented and mod- erately happy. However, if the s it u a t i o n becomes desperate enough and the legal -means to change are exhausted, this could theoretically justify revolt. But let met stress I haven't anything per- sonally which could conceivably cause me to revolt. DAILY: What about black vio- lence and urban uprisings? SPOCK: I don't believe any white should blame the blacks for getting violent. They have been betrayed-brutally treated by the police both psychologically and this support would depend on his being sharply dedicated to ending the war and at least moderately liberal at home. DAILY: Then you still believe you can work through the Dem- ocratic Party? SPOCK: This has never been a question to me. It's been a stated NCNP policy that one of our op- tions is working through the es- tablished parties. I keep telling people NCNP is not a new party, but a new movement. Remember it is far from impossible for par- ties to change direction. DAILY: In the two months since the Chicago convention Newi SPOCK: The Board represents 24 individual views. Only when it came to the election of the co- chairman did the blacks vote as a block. And it seems to me the election of James Rollins, a St. Louis community organizer, rather than Carlos Russell, the leader of the Black Caucus at the Conven- tion, was designed to put a milder face on the movement. DAILY: Wasn't increased mili- tance of the anti-war movement the cause of the recent split in the Committee for a SANE Nu- clear Policy? SPOCK: The dispute in SANE was papered over for years. Na- tional SANE was founded by es- olitics _ .:::.. 0