1-- AAI k( 4. -o Like, I don't dig; it, man TEXTS AND COP Namier and Tv The Hippies, by the Correspon- dents of Time, e d i t e d by David Brown. Time Incorporated. $1.95. by David Potter America's burgeoning infor- mation industry is ever on the lookout for new saleable copy. The Kennedy assassination, the Viet- nam war, and now the hippies provide easily exploitable oppor- tunities for this not always ethi- cal profession. Adding to the heap of magazine and newspaper arti- cles about this group of alienated American youth, Time Incorpora- ted presents its attempt to define and understand the hippies. The editor's note to The Hip- pies states in part: To find out what the hippies are really like, and what, if anything, they prove about this country, Time assigned its reporting staff to sur- vey this new subculture of Amer- icanssociety. In all major American cities and several foreign ones, Time correspondents explored the hippie world, its customs, its lan- guage and (if it can be called any- thing so formal) its philosophy. The result was the detailed material - some shocking, most of it, we feel, illuminating - that isipresented on the following pages. Unfortunately, the book does not live up to its editors' claims. The information it contains is seldom detailed or documented, the cor- respondents have not "explored the hippie world", and the results are neither shocking nor illumi- nating. The first two chapters, one a cover story from Time, tell us that hippies are usually young, that they reject most conventions of our society, that they are relative- ly leaderless, and that they evolve from kick-seeking teeny-boppers to hippies through the doctrine of love and the sacramental use of drugs. We learn little about the hippies, although we do find out about the authors. All of them seem frustrated that young peo- ple become hippies by them- selves and without the influence of obviously charismatic leaders. Though the reporters understand that hippies turn each other on without directions from above and that the hippie movement is a reaction to the many objejction- able aspects of our society, they seem unable to accept the fact and persist in looking for a source of unrest which can be muzzled. The bulk of the book con- sists of notes on hippie culture f r o m Time correspondents around the world. These reports often sadly lack the "detailed material" mentioned in the edi- tors' note. One has the impression that these "explorations" were often accomplished in a day or less: a morning of telephone calls or visits to narco squad agents, church leaders, and up- town discotheque or head shop owners; with perhaps an after- noon or evening visit to a hippie neighborhood to watch and .oc- casionally interview the more flamboyant members of the com- munity. Very few on-the-street interviews of hippies seem to have been made. The reporter either could not communicate with the frequently inarticulate hippies, or, as seems likely from the superficial tone of the contri- butions, didn't take the time to try. One especially disturbing dis- patch in this respect came from a correspondent in New Delhi re- porting on the hippies who came to spend "Christmas in Kat- mandu." The vague second- or third-hand reports of the hippies and their actions leave one feel- ing that the writer never went to Katmandu .But it is hard to condemn a journalist for not wanting to leave his hearth at that time of year. There may or may not have been a report on Chicago hippies; this reviewer does not know. The review copy had a duplication of sixteen pages about Atlanta and Detroit hippies. This meant that the East Village and Boston re- ports and anything between them were incomplete. It may be that the missing section contained the shocking material mentioned in the editors' note and was obligingly removed by the Chi- cago Post Office. Doubtless the excellent businessmen of Time Incorporated will rectify this oversight before the book is re- leased. Just the same, anyone who buys this book should check to see if pages 86 through 119 are there. Barring anything lost in the deleted section, the most shock- ing observation in the book was registered by the correspondent visiting Morning Star, a com- mune near Sebastopol, California, founded by a former member of the Limeliters. He was somewhat surprised to come upon a young lady wearing nothing but beads and a feather, and was still more upset by the daily yoga exercise: "Gravity does strange things to nude, upside-down women." At least one is assured that this re- porter did dig down to some of the basics of hippie life. The center of the book contains sixteen photographs, twelve of them in color. Most of them are attractive, in the style of Life magazine's color photography. However, even photographs can't escape Time's famous punning and jargon. For example, two photographs show a young couple dancing at San Francisco's Pan- handle, which is "a park just a short trip from Haight-Ashbury." Finally, after a section devoted to a description of the drugs used by hippies and comments from law enforcement officials and sci- entists on the effectiveness and abuse of our present drug laws, the authors speculate on the ef- fects of hippie culture on our so- ciety. The consensus seems to be that hippies are really not much different from previous genera- tions of alienated youth, and that they are political activists in dis- guise. In spite of their insights into the complexity of the hip- pies' motivations, the authors still look for the magic catalyst which will remove the hippies' passivity and restore them to controllable political activity. The authors are unable to conceal either their disgust with the hip- pies' lack of involvement - they are uninterested in changing the old system to fit their new models - or their fear that hip- pies will indeed change and per- haps replace the old society using the new method (or non-method) of non-involvement. "Why can't they be more like us?" - that is the plaintive refrain, and it is as old as mankind. One could collect the reports of observers with distinct personali- ties, and the resulting book would at least be interesting. It might even give the reader clear glimpses of hippie life. Through the manipulations of Time's edi- tors, however, each report loses its flavor and becomes yet an- other homogenized account of the superficial actions and appear- ances of the most obviously hippy hippies. Thus, we never get to see the interior of the usual hippie pad; we only peep into the more publicized communes and homes for runaways, We see hippies in the Avalon ballroom, but not hip- pies in jail or hippies traveling. After the first third of the book, both style and content become repetitive. Perhaps The Hippies is so un- satisfactory because its editors are confused about the book's audience. If it is to appeal to the completely uninformed, or to those looking for novelty or thrills, its tedium dooms it to fail- ure. If it is to appeal to the be- wildered segment of the public which wants to know how to cop with its rebellious offspring, it fails because of its lack of in- sight. Mr. Potter is a fourth-year stud- ent majoring in zoology at Roose- velt University. by Robert Thorne English historical writing of the last forty years has been domi- nated by the work of two men, Sir Lewis Namier and R. H. Taw- ney. Behind them stand two other figures, Freud and Marx. Namier revolutionized the study of eighteenth-century Eng- land by developing a particular historical method, group biogra- phy. By examining the personal interests and connections of key Members of Parliament, Namier was able to come up with certain patterns of political power which he found more revealing than the MP's parties or principles. The book in which Namier first published his findings, The Struc- ture of Politics at the Accession of George III (1929), covered a period of only four years; his method, which was appropriate to the study of this particular per- iod, has proved less useful in the study of other parliaments. First, this technique tends to give a stat- ic view of politics, mainly be- cause it avoids an actual narra- tive of events. Secondly, it often slights the historical effect of ideas and religious beliefs, since these are seldom clearly recorded in biographical material. Of course N a m i e r himself thought that these factors had been exaggerated, and that when ideas did influence decisions, it was to no good end. Man's be- havior, he believed, was deter- mined not by principle, but by ba- sic d e s i r e s: historical study should therefore be based on mass psychology. Namier died in 1960. His work is being carried on in individual studies by various authors as well as in the huge History of Parlia- ment, three volumes of which have been published so far. Namier is associated with a particular historical method, Na- mierisation. Tawney, by contrast, is associated with a particular period, the hundred years before the English Civil War, which have come to be known as Tawney's Century. Tawney believed history was concerned "not with a series of past events, but with the life of society, and with the records of the past as a means to that end." His concern was with economic change and the type of society produced through such change. Thus Tawney's works describe the breakup of subsistence farm- ing, the growth of British com- merce ization develop a socia paredr this pr way ec side trz ity, he Can be r whic] nat shad( consi versi ic exl Tawr profour current ture of stemme "The R Discuss limited istocrac been e all soci We Ha1 lett has which pattern living.' so be s religiou raised Rise oJ caused tributic such as very si The al and 1 ture be of indiv particip historic and Ta portan tions, focus fi es. Tav once s needed but a Many h gestion The tory, i profess now fl fields,1 tutions newfou torian 's Mr. dent in Americ sity of S . 0 CHICAGO LITERARY REVIEW 0 October, 1967 October, 1967 " CHICAGO L it Z a I