THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY. WAVF. V.R". 1R- 14911 -. ' ?ATTT4.ItflAs 1 .TfVI l'1wr" 1 Oi' . jws.,aalox aja .aJ x .J ud Jniversity Administrators Meet [o Discuss Financial Problems Experts Note Trend Toward Acceptance of Contraception (Continued from Page 1) granted directly to students, gen- eral support grantsfor the univer- sities themselves, and grants for specific projects and programs. Different groups support differ- ent programs, Kerr said. In their legislative proposals NASULGC members favored the kind of pro- grams that give money directly to institutions. They opposed tax credits and such direct student- aid programs as the proposed "educational opportunity bank." These programs, they felt, would result in sharply increased tuition fees. Kerr predicted that a combina- tion of the various funding pro- posals would eventually be imple- mented.' One combination plan was of- fered by owa's President Bowen. He called for "minimal" grants to students, based on need, that would allow them to get an in- expensive education close to home; loans that would allow students to attend more expensive and dis- tant universities; and basic sup- port grants to 'institutions, based on rising enrollments and cost per student. More Federal Funds Though the educators say they need more federal funds to -meet the needs of' their- 'students and keel 'charges down, the govern- ment seems inclined to cut back aid to higher education. In a 10-minute' speech given over a telephone hookup Wednes- day, President Johnson told the educators to seek more funds from the state and private sources. He noted that federal support of higher education has risen from 14 to 26 per cent while state sup- port remained the same. His mes- sage seemed clear; the federal government is not now prepared to continue large increases in its support of higher education. He did present three long-term goals, however, calling on the edu- cators to aim for their fulfillment by 1976. The goals are: " Increasing the percentage of high school graduates who go on to college from one-half to two- thirds. 0 Eliminating all financial bar- riers to higher education for po- tential students from the poorer segments of society.h, r Maintaining the pr es en t quality of higher education. Morse Speaks Sen. Wayne.Morse (D-Ore.) told the 'conference about several areas -fellowships, building construc- tion, international education, and the teacher corps-in which funds have been reduced or cut off by Congress. N A S U L G C director Thackery echoed Morse's state- pessimism. "It has not been a good year," he said, and the outlook for next year is "anything but good." Nor can higher education "look forward with any degree of com- placency to a better time in the future when the Vietnam war will be settled, and the billions in- volved made available for other purposes," Thackery reported. "Now and for the next several months, much of the activity in and out of Congress with respect to national legislation, and the ad- vocacy of legislation, can best be interpreted as a jockeying for position against the time when the present war budget can be substantially reduced." How can higher education hold its own in that jockeying and also get more federal funds now? * "You must take the facts to your government and fight for what is needed," Sen. Morse told the col- lege presidents. He suggested that they talk directly to their own Senators and Representatives to try to get better legislation and funding for higher education out of Congress. The presidents apparently agree. NASULGC President James Jen- sen, President of Oregon State University, said the importance and needs of higher education must be made clear to the public. But before that can be done, the administrators were told, higher education must end its division over what form federal assistance upon ought to take. Kerr called for more discussion among uni- versities and said "the distinction between public and private institu- tion is out of date." Even Thackery, who represents state universties and who had some harsh words for the proposals most often advocated by private institutions, agreed. "Unless the higher education commuity speaks with uity and emphasis," he said, "it is likely have no priority at all. By JENNY STILLER and AMY FOX American women seem to be approaching total acceptance of some form of birth control, two sociologists declared yesterday at the Sesquicentennial Conference on "Fertility and Family Plan- ning: A World View." Charles S. Westoff, associate director of the Office of Popula- tion Research at Princeton Uni- versity, and Norman B. Ryder, director of the Center for Demo- graphy and Ecology at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, told the con- ference yesterday morning that "the norm of fertility control has become universal in contemporary America" regardless of religious preference or devoutness, race, education, income, husband's oc- cupation, or area of residence. The trend toward increased practice of birth control was particularly evident among Ca- tholic and non-white women, Westoff and Ryder said. They predicted that the trend will continue, though necessarily at a slower pace as the percentage of those to whom birth control is unacceptable slowly diminishes. The major group differences still persisting relate not to whether a couple will practice contracept- ion but rather to variations in how long after marriage the couple delayed use of contracept- ion and to regularity with which contraception is practiced. Ryder and Westoff's findings were the results of national sur- veys taken in 1955, 1960, and 1965. Bernard Berelson, vice-president of the Population Council, re- ported that more than four mil- lion couples around the world have started voluntary family plainning during the past five years. As a result of the inter- uterine device alone, he added, an estimated 2.5 million births have been prevented. Birth control pills will replace abortion as the primary method of fertility regulation in the next decade, according to Dr. R. T. Ravenhold, director of the Popu- lation Service of the War on Hun- ger, Agency for International De- velopment. Ravenholt and other famliy planning experts discussed future fertility control in the devolop- ing world at the closing session yesterday afternoon. Induced abortion now plays a major role in fertility control, al- though it is generally illegal, said C. Chandrasekeran, United Na- tions Regional Demographic Ad- visor. Most of the delegates agreed that the pill will eventually win widest acceptance because it is the most effective and easiest con- traceptive to use. According to Dr. I. C. Yuan of Taiwan, "most of the govern- ments in the developing world have been interested in using bith control. Most of these will try to regulate fertility in the next few years," he said. At a convocation yesterday morning, the University awarded honorary d o c t o r of science degrees to Dr. Leona Baumgart- ner of Harvard Medical School; Frank W. Notestein, president of the Population Council; and David V. Glass of the London School of Economics. TONIGHT-TOMORROW CINEMA I presents T THE BEATLES in "HARD DAY'S NIGHT" and Chapt. 4 FLASH GORDON 7:08 and 9:15 PM. Aud. A, Angell Hall Use Dail y Classifieds, * A Fortas, Perkins, Vanik Join In Castigating Gen. Hershey DAILY OFFICIAL BULEI .....:..:........'.."" a.:\":..}. :":.M":M:.:M::::;M.f:MM".::;:.x ,""?a,4.' From Wire Service Reports United States Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas joined the pres- idents of two Ivy League univer- sities and an Ohio congressman who have spoken out against a proposal 'to strip draft deferments from students who interfere with military recruiting. Fortas charged in a speech Thursday night at Colgate Uni- versity that the author of the proposal, Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Her- shey, head of the Selective Service, is "a law unto himself and re- sponds only to his own conversa- tion." Fortas further said Her- shey's proposal probably did not "have the approval of the execu- tive branch of the government." Earlier, Rep. Charles A. Vanik, (D-Ohio), Cornell University Pres- ident James A. Perkins, and Ray L. Heffner, president of Brown University, took issue with Hershey in separate actions. Vanik disclosed a letter dated Oct. 26 in which Hershey told local. draft boards that draft law viola- tions were of "utmost concern" to the Selective Service System and to the public, and that "I therefore request each government appeal agent to make known to the local boards any knowledge of such vio- lations and any knowledge of a violation should be reported to the state director." Vanik called Hershey's effort "an attempt to make a mockery of the local services provided by the appeal agent." In-a previously disclosed letter, also written Oct. 26, Hershey sug- gested that local boards consider revoking college deferments of lo- cal student protestors who inter- fere with the selective service operations. In a telephone conservation with special assistant to President Johnson, Douglass Cater, Perkis urged that the White House abol- ish the Hershey proposal, saying "I am particularly opposed if it involves action on the'university campus." In Providence, Heffner said he intends to tell Hershey he strongly disagrees with the proposal, con- sidering it possible illegal and "certainly unwise." He said students who engage in forms of protest involving physical force or obstruction "shall be sub- ject to university discipline," but that "peaceful assembly, free ex- change of ideas and orderly pro- test are among the basic rights of all members of a university community." In Geneva, N.Y., Hobart College Dean Richard DeBold called upon President Johnson to relieve Her- shey of his post, charging the Selective Service director with a "a lack of ability to understand the youth in our times." "I strongly urge that you relieve Hershey of a command for which he is obviously incompetent," De- Bold concluded. The Daily Official BulletinU isan official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; Day Calendar items appear once only, Studentorganization notices are not accepted for publication. For more information call 764-9270. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18 Day Calendar Gilbert and Sullivan Society Oper- etta -- "The Mikado": Lydia Mendels- sohn Theater, 8:00 p.m. ORGANIZATI USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially recognized and registered student orga- nizations only. Forms are available in room 1011 SAB. * * * Bach Club Meeting: Lecture-recital by Robert Clark on Symbolism is the choral preluded of the Orgelbuchlein. Wed., Nov. 29, 7:45 p.m., Dr. Mason's studio, 2110 School of Music, meet at Guild House, 802 Monroe, at 7:30 p.m. for transportation. * * * College Republican Club, election meeting, Mon., Nov. 20, 7:30 p.m., UGLI, Multipurpose Room. We will debate Open Housing. UM Folklore society, workshop, Sat., Nov. 19, 2 p.m., Ark Coffee House, 1421 Hill. UM Turkish Student Assoc. invites you to hear Hikmet Sebuktekin and Bekir Ozgen, "American Influence on Turkish Education," Nov. 20, 7:30 p.m., 3529 SAB. Baits Housing Educational Commit- tee lecture: "The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution" by Dr. Cheng Chu-yuan, Center for Chinese Studies, Nov. 2 B7:30 p.m., Stanley House Lounge-Baits I. music Havens:, Entertainng By DAVID MELLINGER Ritchie Havens isn't spectacular but he is entertaining. His major attribute is more his personality than his musical ability. He comes on at Canterbery House as a really good man who has an average man-on-the-street voice and me- diocre skill on the guitar. Ritchie's voice really doesn't have it. He has little depth and has to shout when he is singly loudly. There's no special howl or grate in his tone, of the sort that makes for fine blues singers; nor does he grind his throat in road gravel like Dylan. These absences give rise to dif- ficulties, since Ritchie's repertoire consists of many blues and Dylan songs. He doesn't come out well on such songs' as "Maggie's Farm" and "Just Like a Woman," because Dylan songs aren't musically re- markable in themselves, and a special, powerfully expressive voice is necessary to make them great. However, Havens sings with gool feeling, and in songs which don't demand an excellent vocal quality he comes out well. His slow blues verson of "San Francisco Bay" and his fast "KKK ballad" ("They're good guys when you're in a rush")-"It's Not Too Easy to be Free"--come off powerfully. When he plays fast he plays loudly, capoing with his huge thumb, and keeps the rhythm go- ing strong. During the first set Havens was accompanied by his henchman, Dick Williams on guitar. Williams was very competent but didn't add a great deal to the sound; he just supported Haven's guitar, rather than building on the rhythm or supplementing the sound of the songs with an additional part. In the second and third sets, Carter C. C. Collins did a fine job ac- companying on the congas. The performance of the group as a whole was satisfying, but if you're looking for an evening of standout entertainment, "Hard Day's Night" is a better bet. School of Music Concert-Bandorama mittee on Research Policies- (Symphony Band. Concert Band, Robert C. Elderfield. Marching Band, Jazz Band)-Carl Sev- The Vice Presidents of ti erinsen, Trumpet: Hill Auditorium, 8:30 sity, the Chairmen of the p.m. Committees advisory to the other Assembly Committees, Senate Advisory Committee GeneralNoticesAffairs are being invited the Senate meeting to discu Canterbury Tales - "The Nun's of concern to the Univer Prit's Tale," Sunday, Nov. 17, WWJ- munity. TV, Channel 4, 12:00 noon. All University Musical Soi are hereby reminded that University Senate Meeting-Monday, formances of the "Messiah November 20, 1967, Rackham Lecture cluded in the Choral Union Hall, 4:00 p.m. Report of Chairman two in the Extra series. Yoi of the University Senate Assembly ance at these events is requi on activities of the Assembly-Professor you are excused for illness. Frank R. Kennedy. attend may result in the 10 Report from President Hatcher on Current Matters. Report of Assembly's Advisory Com- Phone 434. mittee on Student Relations-Professor Leonard Greenbaum. Report of Assembly's Advisory Coi- ON NOTICES *AAT COLUMBIA PICTURES Pres University Luthern Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw, Nov. 19, 9:45 and 11:15 IN A MARTIN MANUUS PRODUC a.m.: Worship Service with Pastor Mossman speaking on "Thanksgiving Is Thanksgiving;" 11:15 a.m., Bible Class will discuss "Portraits of a Ser- vant;" 6 p.m., Fellowship supper; 6:45 p.m., Gamma Delta program with Pas-. PANAVISION* EASTMAN C( tor William Schmidt. PLUS S * SAVAGE HELL BREAKS Graduate Outing Club plans an out- ing, Nov. 18, 2 p.m., Huron St. en THE RIP trance of the Rackham Bldg. WITH JACK LOR[ Lose Somethir Havens Find it with Daily Classif III RICHIE HAVENS !I! RICHIE HAVENS Verve-Forecast recording artist TONIGHT and SUNDAY door opens at 8:00 P.M. $1.75 per person- $1.25 after second set (david's goodies are gratis) NOTE: we willinot be showing D. M. Perlman's film "Lunch" 1 HELD OVER! 1 Dial 8-6416 "ROGER CORMAN'& BEST PICTURE. A quite remark- able film, striking and imaginative." -Saturday Review Samuel L. Arkoff a James H. Nicholson " Roger Corman's Production of -PSYCHEDELIC.COLOR R. IECOMMENOED PUE EONDASUSAN STRASBERG AUOE r I How to Celebrate the Week AFTER Thanksgiving! * I : See the University Players I I Department of Speech in Ie IXOmERE' dy Comed I I * - I I A Roaring FRENCH Farce! Wed.-Sat., Nov. 29-Dec. 2 ; c Trueblood Theatre--8 P.M. Sunday Matinee, Dec. 3--2:30 P.M. I Enclosed find $ for (number) tickets S for each dote checked below at the price circled. I * 0 I Wed., Nov. 29 Fri., Dec.1 Sa. Dec . 2 S Thur., Nov. 30 Sun., Dec. 3 i $1.75 & $1.25 $2.00 & $1.50 m i c ls e a self-addressed stamped envelope. Mail my a I icet WOUWe.. ' NAMEI A M~n CC PaULsNEishMeN lust bugs the Establishment as N, 4 NATIONAL. GENERtAL CORPORATION FOX EASTERN THEATRES ORVILLAGE 375 No.MAPLE RD.-"769-1300 and gI nf/ess... Dhespeed1 asndeeel Mon. thru Thurs. 8:00 P.M. Fri. 6:00-9:00 Sat.-Sun. 2:00-5:15-8:45 .... :"ICY.::. .:; ; iv' :ii : ''C'ti .uv: tvts's SY :tit'' '' f. i