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November 18, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-18

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See editorial page

I 4c

Inkt 43gau

:43 a t ty

Chance of showers,
turninz to snow.

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom






Stirs '
A University employe's refusal
to sign an employment agreement
has sparked a growing contro-
versy which may cost Alice Fial-
kin, an assistant in research in
the public health school, her Job.
When Miss Fialkin applied for
a position on Nov. 1, she refused
to comply with the "Employment
Agreement" section of the ap-
plication. The section gives the

in Application
1' Controversy





'W. Reister, of the occurrence he
declared the action was "a cleri-
cal error" and added that all non-
academic employes "must sign the
agreement or they cannot work."
Miss Fialkin says she won'tt
sign the agreement. Dean Myron:
M. Wegman, of the public health
school, says he is "completely
amazed" that such a statementk
exists. Prof. Roy Penshansky, Miss
Fialkin's boss in the department*

"SECURITY STATEMENT: I understand that if I am em-
ployed by the University I may be assigned to work on U.S.
government contracts and that a complete investigation of my
past employment activities will be made. I understand further that
(1) any false statement or willful omissions in connection with
my applications for employment or in connection with any such
investigations regardless of when discovered by the government or
by the University; (2) my failure to cooperate satisfactorily in
any such investigation; or (3) the failure of any military agency
to clear me will be sufficient cause for my dismissal."
-"The University of Michigan Application
for Employment."
..s...................s......*...f i:*:

"It's atrocious," Miss Fialkinj
said, "that I have to sign some-
thing which denies me my civil
liberties. It makes me a part of
an ever-expanding military so-
"It's a housekeeping detail."
Reister explained. He called the
section a "catch-all."
On Notice
"It's an attempt to put on the
application." Reister continued,
"the kinds of approvals we need
and puts the employe on notice
of what would ensue if he is as-
signed to a military contract."
Reister explained that if an
investigation is carried out, the,
employe is told about it before-
hand and required to sign forms
indicating his cooperation. He was
asked about the possibility of em-
ployes being integrated into con-
tract work without; their know-
ledge, and the using of the signed
statement to carry out an Investi-
"I guess I'd be surprised," he
answered, "if you could put an
employeinto something he didn't
know about.
"I'm not going to say we
wouldn't do it," he added.
"I assume it's there to cover us,'
Reister said. "The total statement
is a clearance."

o Deal With Councl1
On Conduct Authority
(:olxlhle1(I Faculty 2ommittee Report
Lal(ding Student Rule-Making Power
Student Government Council has "exceeded its juris-
diction by purporting to abolish existing University rules and
regulations," the Regents said yesterday.
In a prepared statement presented at their monthly
meeting, the Regents claimed, "Without Regental approval,
such legislation is totally without effect. Previously existing
regulations therefore remain in force."
SGC has abolished freshman women's hours and driving
regulations which establish
certain conditions for having4
a car on campusm
The Regents "commended" the --'ib u

University the right to carry out
an investigation of the employes
and the right to fire employes
who do not receive military clear-
But Miss Fialkin was hired
anyway, and given a shorter form
to sign - one whith deleted the
employment agreement and which
is usually reserved for clerical or
janitorial applicants.
Yesterday, when The Daily in-
formed Personnel Officer Russel
When college presidents get to-
gether there are a number of
subjects they can discuss-student
and faculty unrest, the need for
educational innovation, the cam-
pus and the war, and academic
But one topic usually dominates
their deliberations: money. And so
it was when administrators from
the nation's largest state univer-
sities gathered here this week for'
the annual meeting of the Nation-
al Association of State Universities
and Land Grant Colleges (NAS-
ULGC). Russell Thackery, NAS-
ULGC executive director, articu-
lated the financial problem at,
In a strongly worded annual
report, Thackery said that even
the idea "that society is the pri-
mary beneficiary of the education
of its members"-the rationale for
public higher education-is being
Alliance Threatens
Thackery explained that this.
threat to public higher education
is coming from an alliance of "a
few people in private education"
who are in "sheer panic over their
own financial problems," "Federal
and state officials caught in the
squeeze between tax resources and
needs for public financing," and
those "who will support any argu-
ment to reduce taxes for any pur-
pose except protection of their;
: f.,n...r. s v..7 t~nras~t "

of public health says he is"
upset" about the form, an
Taylor, president of Local
of the American Federatio
State, County and Municipal
ployes (AFSCME) says he
surely" do something about it:
The parts of the agreement
have caused the controversy
in the second paragraph o1
zection entitled "Employ
Agreement" on University:
academic application form,

d Al
n of

y are Amazed
f the "I don't believe it's there,"
ment Wegman said. "We have nothing
non- in our office at all that requires
8. that type of clarification. I'm
completely amazed by it."


Some 30 students, in remembran
dinners, celebrated Thanksgiving
in the Markley courtyard. Winne
of course-and a splendid time w

Wegman said he would look into
Ofiiasthe matter "immediately." S oe
Penshansky said he was told
that Miss Fialkin was given the
short form, because the long form
0 "was a clerical error." it
1Rn an ces IPenshansky saw no reason why
n a c sthe University should accept the I fl l 4
criteria of a government agency
Bowen, president of the University in deciding the "acceptability" 01 By AVIVA KEMPNEI
of Iowa, says the states are bearing its employes.
too large a share of the burden for Things to Say "We have to get into the area
higher education and that federal of civil disobedience. After trying
funds must supplement, rather' Uaylor said he knew nothing
than semae estipn , source ofabout it, but added "I feel suz e'y all the legal means at our dis-
than eplace, existing sources of that we will have things to sy posal, we are justified in opposing
in ~~~~~~~bout it and things to do aboutths arflwri an wy
But, though they agreed on the t d n do ssibl Dr njamnSpock
need for federal funds, the edu- it in our bargaining session wit co-chairman of the National Con-
cators there were divided over how the University. c rma of e Ntios Cn-
! rvlorsai he oul conactference for New Politics (NCNP),
the money ought to be channelled Taylor said he would contact:
and used, the individual bargaining leaders said last night.
At a press conference, Clark for "consultation" on the matter Speaking before an audience of
Kerr, former president of the Uni- befog e issuing any public state- about 300 people at Ann Arbor
versity of California, said five ment High School, the political pedia-
funding proposals are usually of- Reister gave no indication when trician said the new mood of mil-'
fered: tax credits for parents and ire would contact Fialkin almut itancy demanded such tactics as
students paying tuition, general her ;tatus as an employe. burning draft card and protesting
federal grants to the states, funds "I'm looking into that matter recruiters from Dow Chemicall
See UNIVERSITY, Page 2 nrw." he explained. Corp., the Central Intelligence
Agency, and other such agencies.
Spock also philospohized on the
rle of "new politics" and clarified
Y og J e s T o 11)D ebcte roeo"nwplitcs"anthe position of the controversial;
Black Caucus at the NCNP con-
Moderate Viet Resolution ventin held in Chicago this


-Daily-Jim Forsyth report of the Faculty Assembly
St u d e n t Relations Committee
l (SRC) approved by the Assembly
ce of the work the Pilgrims had to go through to catch their festival Monday. The Regents called the
early yesterday with an Interhouse Assembly-sponsored turkey hunt report "a generally constructive
rs were awarded four complementary Thanksgiving dinners-turkey The SRC report favored SGC's
was had by all. delegation of non-academic dis-
ciplne to students and was drafted
TIFIFD- in response to SGC's recent change
in the booklet "University Regu-:
The SGC action exempts stu-
dents from disciplinary action by
academic conduct rules not creat-
any student judiciary for any non-
ed by students.
! ! 3The SRC motion said the Uni-
so n- * E d" gi e ce veriyhad the responsibility t
1Se L eC"workable guidelines" con
cerning general student conduct
and that these guidelines "should
13 demands which were later ac- Spock said the board consists! not be considered as rules; except
cepted by the white delegates. of 12 whites and 12 Negroes. Three that such conduct is considered
The fifth demand, which alien- of the whites are professors and intolerable to the educational
ated many Jewish backers, con- function of the University com-
demned the "imperialistic Zion- the majority of the Negroes are munity and should be subject to
ist war" without implying anti- moderates from the Southern appropirate discipline."
Semitism. Spock contended that Christian Leadership Council and The Regents formally accepted
this demana xa part of a y.ciy the Mississippi Freedom Demo- a request from SGC to provide for
bolic show of faith to the Negroes cratic Party (MFDP). a "public comments period
and "does not commit the party ,iduring each public meeting of the
to anything." Board of Regents" to be placed
However, 80 per cent of NCNP's BULLETIN on the Regents' discussion agenda.
financial backing was withdrawn DETROIT (IP)-United Auto a Bruce Kahn, SGC president, said
as a result of the controversy. Workers Union skilled trades- Its about time they come to a
Spock observed that Russell saw men last night approved a pro- decision on that, they've known
the "American backing of Israel posed contract with Chrysler about the request for months."
as another imperialist impulse of Corp., assuring the sigining of The Regents' statement con-
the United States like her involve- the labor pact with the firm, tended that "There need be no
ment against black revolutionists the union said. breach between Student Govern-
in Africa.n ment and the Regents. The Re-
- -_-_-. gents will sympathetically consider
proposals for revision of the pres-
ent system. They have established
uproper administrative channels for
i s ~i~vLthis purpose. The Regents cannot
abandon their constitutional au-

Court uing
On PA 379

Vice-President and Chief Fin-
ancial Officer Wilbur K. Pierpont,
told the Regents yesterday at their
monthly meeting that the Uni-
versity "is going to study" the
court decision of Public Act 379
and will possibly make a recom-
mendation to the Regents at their
next meeting.
PA 379, an amendment to the
Michigan Public Employment Re-
lations Act, allows . public em-
ployes to form unions and bar-
gain collectively, but denies them
the right to strike.
The Regents are expected to
appeal to. a higher court a de-
cision handed down Tuesday in
Washtenaw County Circuit Court
which upholds the constitutional-
ality of PA 379 in relation to
University employes.
Constitutional Autonomy
Because of its constitutionally
autonomous status, the Univer-
sity has maintained that it is
exempt from the provisions of the
act and that all relationships with
employes are within the exclusive
jurisdiction of the Regents.
During the meeting yesterday,
Regent Otis Smith (D-Detroit)
turned to students in the back
of the room holding signs pro-
testing war research, and said
"The Regents are neither blind,
deaf nor dumb . . . we understanddl
your concern and are discussing
the problem."
The Regents reportedly discus-
sed classified research at. their
private meetings and the admin-
istrative officers indicated that
they probably wouldn't accept a
project similar to the Thailand
project again.-
Approve Rents
The Regents also approved the
criteria for use and rental scale
set up by the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics for the
n e a r 1 y completed University
Events Bldg. There will be a trial
period of at least a year and a
half, according to Pierpont, to see
how these rental rates work out.
At the end of this trial period,
the rental policy will be reviewed.
Pierpont said, "We're thinking of
increasing the rates at Hill Aud.,
the rates are probably too low."

A moderate resolution urging.
a new drive for peace negotions'
based on land reform and a bomb-
ing pause in Vietnam was sent'
to the floor of the National Con-
vention of Young Democrats in
Hollywood, Fla., yesterday.
The proposal, seen as essentially,
supporting President , Johnsoni
was voted out of committee by a
17-5 vote and will be presented on,

would be adopted and added, "I
am committeed to getting this
Reed explained that the origin-
al ten candidates had been "nar-
rowed down to three." He said
that his group was looking for
with another candidate, Peter
Masselo. The pre-convention fa-
vorite and strong Johnson backer
Spencer Oliver, who resigned a
Job on the Democratic National
Conmmittee staff to run, appears

The concerns of new politics,j
he explained, are a peaceful and
just world, better race relations
and the end of poverty.

Possibly Damaging

Citing as hi
cus leader and
ber Carlos R
that "Negroes
faith of the w:
convention to
"The Negro
not expect th

s soUr BlakCu-By MARK LEVIN
is source Black Cau- The U.S. economy will snap out
[NCNP board mem- of its current dullness next year,
Russell, Spock said unless the proposed 10 per cent sur-
s were testing the charge on income taxes is enacted
phite radicals at the dicts Prof. Daniel Suits of the
allow them to be;ped t t
allo thm t beeconomics department.
"Whileholding down price levels
es," he noted, "did enactment of the surcharge would
1e whites to accept do serious damage to unemploy-

m .

persons and pruperiy the floor today when the con- to be "failing," Reed claimed these symbolic demands. They ment. Considering who would be
Education leaders point to cut- vention will elect its natural of- Reed added that though he o- were surprised when we did." unemployed and where they would
backs in federal funds and the in- ficers and consider several Viet- posed Johnson's Vietnam policies, During the NCNP convention, be idle, it would seem to me in-
privte gi to kprpaeith n nam resolutions. "I will support whomever the , Negroes met secretly in private advisable to raise taxes at this
booming enrollments as signs of However, Arthur Aaronson, '68, party nominates." sessions and drew up a list of time," Suits explained.
the "crisis." They agree that the a member of the University dele- -_---
funds to meet these needs must gation and one of the leaders of
coefrom the Federal Gover'n- the peace caucus, told The Daily M SU T u t e e e e i i n oa n h
c momedr v to d 5b SU Trustees Defer Decision on Hannah,
ment, that the minority resolution,
H. Edwin Young, president of which calls for unconditional halt
the University of Maine, saidthefIdefi tely be ombing, lthe f ostM a N ew Conflict of Interest Charged
the money because it has the tax-: Committee "Unrepresenative" M a ;N w C n lc of nt r s C hge
federal government must provide deiieyb as o h lo
ing power that states lack. Howard Aaronson claimed thatithe By WALLACE IMMEN !burg is presently construction su- the time. But President Hannah
committee was "unrepresnetative Special To The Daily perintendent for MSU. threatened to resign if the trustees
J of the convention as a whole" and EAST LANSING-The Michigan Hannah said at the meeting, attempted to fire May. As a result,
U-W Job H unt said that the majority of the dele- State University Board of Trustees 1"It's true that Vandennburg is the trustees only issued a mild
gates were "uncommitted." yesterday postponed consideration my brother-in-law, but I didn't resolution in April alerting trustees
h i .TA 'gests The committee resolution "sug- f alleged conflicts of interest of know he was employed by the to possiblie criticism of their out-
~ gestsfor the consideration of the MSU President John Hannah and University." Earlier he had said, side activities.
President as a possible basis for Vice-President for Business and "As far as I know he (Vanden- The MSU trustees said yester-,
MADISON, Wis., () - The negotiation" a series of steps be- Finance Philip J. May pending a j burg) never did a job for this in- day they will hold a special open
Central Intelligence Agency and ginning with a pause in the bomb- ruling by state Attorney General ; stitution, I was surprised by the trustee meeting as soon as possible
the Air Force yesterday called .off ing of North Vietnam. The resolu- Frank Kelley. figure . . . . I smell what's coming after Attorney General Kelley
plans to conduct job interviews tion further "encourages the ef- ! Kelley is investigating various on. This is an attempt at dis- rules on Hannah and May. "If
on the University of Wisconsin forts of the President" toward private land dealings of Hannah crediting the university by dis- anyone has any specific allegations
campus in the face of threatened seeking a negotiated settlement 'and May in the wake of published crediting me." or wants to present views, they will
antiwar demonstrations. and declares the Young Demo- reports in The Daily and the De-| In an editorial the News wrote, be welcome," said trustee Don
"It was their decision, not ours," crats "a part of the responsible troit Free Press. "The two cases (May and Han- Stevens.I
said university President Fred majority of the American public Hannah said all the trustees had nah) while wrapped together in There was notable relief among
Harrignton. who support the past and future agreed in a private meeting to one sensationalized article by the the trustees when the topic was

Suits analysis was based on the
1968 forecast prepared by the Re-
search Seminar in Quantitative
Economics under a grant from the
National Science Foundation.
In a paper presented Thursday
at the 15th Annual Coiference on
the Economic Outlook sponsored
by the University's department
economics, Suits said the U.S. gross
national product will rise 9.6 per
cent in 1968 to $860 billion.
However, a good chunk of that
gain-4 per cent-will be a result
of rising prices.
Even so, the physical volume of
foutput next year will climb more
than 6 per cent, Suits predicted.
"This rate of growth will supply
enough new jobs to absorb the:
growing labor force and to provide
new jobs for workers displaced by
productivity," he said.
If the surcharge is enacted, Suits
added, unemployment levels will
rise probably to about 4.7 per cent
a level comparible to 1965.
Suits also explained that a hike
in taxes would fall heavily on real
output, the economist said, hold-
ing growth to about 3.3 per cent.
Proponents of the tax increase
which is slated take effect Jan 1,
> hope to dampen the economy
enough to ease demand; reducing

thority and responsibility."
The Regents asked SGC to pro-
vide them with a "full written
report of the basis on which uni-
lateral actions have been taken
and for which Regental approval
has not been sought. Representa-
tives of Student Government
Council should be prepared to
confer with the 1Regents at an
appropriate time."
Kahn said, "I'm glad to see
that the Regents are interested
enough to want to talk with mem-
bers of SGC about the problem.
I'm sure that such public discus-
sion would be mutually beneficial
and I intend to respond to their
suggestion by trying to work out
some time when we can hold an
open meeting with them."

Text of Regents' Statement

The Regents issued the fol-
lowing statement yesterday at
theirregular monthly meeting.
In recent weeks, the Student
Government Council has several
times clearly exceeded its juris-
diction by purporting to abolish
existing University rules and regu-
lations. The constitution of the
State of Michigan places the final
authority over such matters in
the hands of the Regents. Without
Regental approval such legislation'
is totally without effect. Previously
existing regulations therefore re-
main in force.
The Regents have constantly re-
viewed and revised rules and reg-
ulations governing students at the
University as such rules and reg-
ulations have become outmoded

on November 13, 1967, a generally
constructive document and they
commend it. The Regents note
the Committee's comment that
unilateral action by the Student
Government Council is without
legal effect.
There need be no breach be-
tween student government and the
Regents. The Regents will sym-
pathetically consider proposals for
revision of the present system.
They have established proper ad-
ministrative channels for this pur-
pose. The Regents cannot abandon
their constitutional authority -and
The Regents request that Stu-
dent Government Council prompt-
ly provide them with a full written
report of the basis on which uni-


pressure on price and interest
Th o d4Jt P.O tecnonmic t~ieknn


i rojee fo es16 w llpget most of
projected for 1968 will get most of

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