Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Yes, Virginia, SGC Is Representative Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: NEAL BRUSS Renting the Events Building: Will the Price Ever Be Right? THE ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT has had little experience in show business. The 101,000 seat football stadium is too big for Greek Theatre, and too drafty for Arthur Rubenstein. Yost Field House is so smelly that about its only non-athletic use is rained out commencement ceremonies. The baseball stadium isn't much of a drive-in movie theater. But now the- athletic department has a fine new 15,000 seat Events building that will lend itself to far more than a dozen basketball games a year. Student sponsored concerts, shows and lectures are a natural for the new building. Since the new $6.7 million is being fi- nanced out of student fees at the rate of $10 a year (,which will repay a bond issue floated for the construction) the rental rates for student organizations should be modest. Unfortunately a Presidential commit- tee has established a fee of $1,500- against ten per cent of the gross income, whichever is greater, for all profitmaking events. On a per seat basis this is at least 55 per cent higher than the $265 plus labor charged for 4,100 seat Hill Auditorium. THIS SPELLS TROUBLE for both stu- dent groups and the Events buildings. Organizations will be forced to charge higher rates for concerts in the Events building. Or, the groups will shy away from financial risk and stay with Hill Auditorium, depriving the new building of needed revenue. These facts have been pointed up by leaders of student organizations. Don Tucker, head of the University Activities Center has asked athletic director Fritz Crisler that the rates be reconsidered. UAC officials and Maurice Rinkel, auditor for student organizations, have agreed to study the financial records of student organizations to see if the new fee schedule is equitable. Unfortunately before this study could be completed Athletic Director Fritz Crisler transmitted the $1,500 or 10 per cent fee schedule to the Regents for con- sideration at their meeting today. THE REGENTS WOULD do well to defer final approval of the fee schedule until Rinkel and the student officials can de- termine if campus organizations can af- ford the events building price. For it appears the new rates should be revised downward so students can enjoy the new building they are paying for. -ROGER RAPOPORT Editor By MICHAEL DAVIS The author is a graduate stu- dent in Philosophy at the Uni- versity and serves as Adminstra- tive Vice President of SGC. STUDENT GOVERNMENT Coun- cil has been accused of being unrepresentative. That accusation is justified. But the accusers haven't said in what way SGC is unrepresentative. And that's uri- fortunate, for "representative," like most other political words, is ambiguous - so ambigous that nothing can at one time be rep- resentative in every sense of the word. There are several senses in which SGC clearly is representa- tive and several in which SGC clearly is not, and no one should, I think, be much concerned one way or the other: 1. There is what might be called "imposed representation." Power says, "We accept A as representa- tive of B" and thereafter, so far as power's concerned, A does repre- sent B, no matterwhat B thinks. SGC is, by act of the Regents, the imposed representative of the stu- dent body, 2. There is "authorized repre- sentation." Those to be represent- ed say, "A speaks for us," and thereafter A does speak for them. (This is one sense in which a law- yer represents his client.) Since few students have said "SGC speaks for me," or signed a con- tract authorizing SGC to speak for them, SGC clearly isn't repre- sentative in this sense. But then, no government is. 3. There is a related sense, what I shall call "tacitly authorized to speak for B if B doesn't object when A tries to speak for B. Since few students have objected to SGC speaking for them, it's clear that SGC is representative in this sense. But then, so are most governments, including many dictatorships. 4. There is "template represent- ation." The representative does ex- actly what those he's supposed to represent think he should do. (He has, as it were, the benefit of their ignorance and haste.) SGC isn't template - representative. SGC members have no way to know accurately what their constituents think. If their districts were one- hundredth the present size, they still wouldn't To be template-rep- resentative, SGC would at least 4 I 4 "SGC has neither sufficiently educated its constituents nor always accepted their opinions." need something like a Gallup Poll for each question it deals with. But, if SGC had a Gallup Poll and only wanted to be template-rep- resentative, there would be no need for SGC at all. The poll would be sufficient. 5. There is "type representa- tion." A legislative body is type- representative insofar as it con- tains, in the same proportions, the types found in the population it is supposed to represent. SGC is, in many ways, not type-representa- tive. For example: There are no engineers and only two graduate students on Council; but engineers and graduate student together make up over half the student body. Again, only half the student body lives in apartments, while nearly three-fourths of Council does. On the other hand, SGC is, for occupation, sex, and residency, type-representative. I'VE SPLIT ONE HAMR give ways to give pause to those using words loosely. I'll now split it a sixth because I've left the most important sense of "representa- tive" unmentioned: A is "virtual- ly representative" of B if, and only if, A decides as B would decide given the same information and sufficient time to deliberate. I think this is the sense those accusing SGC should be most con- cerned with. Is SGC virtually representative of the studenthbody? It's is diffl- cult to say. The only way to tell for sure is to see that every stu- dent knows what every Council member, knows and takes a long time to think things out. If, that were practically possible, there would be no need for Council. And with that we come to what is perverse in the nature of 'rep- resentation. If a (virtual) repre- sentative does his job, he gathers in formation and deliberates be- fore acting. Because his job is to represent his constituents, he can give (or certainly should give) certain of their affairs more time than they can themselves. Because information and thought help to determine choice, the representa- tive should at least sometimes de- cide against his constituents' opin- ion to decide for their interest. But, to keep his office, he must please those he represents, and everyone wants his opinion re- spected and thinks respect for an opinion best shown by acting on it. Without elections there would be almost no guarantee that a rep- resentative would serve his con- stituents' interests. With elections the guarantee is only somewhat better. How well a representative in fact serves becomes clear sooner or later. What worries a representative is that elections will come even sooner. So, the representative must either 1) satisfactorily explain why, he voted against his constituents' opinions (that is, educate them), or 2) vote as they say even when it's against their interests (that is, betray them), or 3) risk being labeled "unrepresentative." The first is exhausting; the sec- ond is degrading; but the third, for those who have the time, is merely temporarily unpleasant. I THINK IT'S pretty clear that Council has, during the last two years, generally chosen the third. That's why some people have labeled it "unrepresentative." That Council has chosen the third does not, by itself, prove that Council has been representative. It only shows that Council has neither sufficiently educated its constituents nor always accepted their opinions. However, there are I think, tworeasons for thinking that Council has been representa- tive: 1) The issues with which Council has dealt have primarily been those affecting students asstu- dents or as persons living in Ann Arbor - student-conduct regula- tions, student-traffic regulations, student housing. SGC is type-representative for those issues: All SGC members are students and live in Ann Arbor. Therefore, an SGC member need only have consulted his own in- terests to have determined those of his constituents. 2) Every candidate during this SGC election at least paid lip service to student power. Since candidates usually know where the votes are, it must be that consti- tuent opinion has already moved a long way toward authorizing SGC's recent actions. I CONCLUDE from all this that while SGC may not have been as (virtually) representative as it might have been, there's little reason to think that it hasn't been a good representative of the stu- dent body. g A Sickness of the Ill Society JT SOUNDS SO GOOD ... when people talk about getting rid of President Johnson. And the "peace Democrats are passing around petitions; trying to dig up primary peace candidates; talking about Sen. Eugene McCarthy and grass-roots movement. Does it make you feel hopeful? Don't let it! Cutting off the infected right arm of a diseased body won't make it healthy again, and removing Johnson as head of state isn't going to resurrect an ideal America. Cures just aren't that simple. What's wrongwith the U.S. goes a lot deeper than Lyndon Johnson or the war in Vietnam; and it's a shame to see people who know better getting carried away by the "dump LBJ" slogan. When and if they succeed, they're going to be disappointed to find that nothing has changed. Peace Democrats like McCarthy are, in essence, Democrats who want to save their party from the disaster of Waging an expensive and unpopular war. They believe this can be done through de- escalation, leading to negotiations and eventual compromise with the NLF. They are willing to admit that the war is "morally unjustified," but their moral objections haven't come soon enough or loud enough to be taken seriously. They are, basically, trying to correct a political blunder. ON THE OTHER HAND, many of their supporters are sincere humanists who want to see the Vietnamese given a chance to live. These people think that they can achieve more for peace through the Democratic "left" than through the relatively powerless peace and new poli- tics groups. Although their intentions are the best, their conclusions are seriously wrong, for the following reasons: " Viet Nam is not an isolated event, but a natural result of American foreign policy. As long as the United States is ready to support any government that it can control, no matter how reactionary (as it now does all over the world), there will be no peace. Oppressed peoples will continue to revolt, and the United States will be forced again and again to "honor" her commitments or withdraw. A real peace platform, then, would advocate a change in our basic policy, for example: to withdraw the American mili- tary from Southeast Asian and Latin American countries in the near future, to recognize China in the United Na- tions, to stop the accelerating "missile race," etc. O Negotiations with the Viet Cpng are not going to be as easy as peace Democrats make them sound. The NLF wants the U.S. military out of Vietnam completely, and compromise may be im- draw every single American from Viet Nam, if, this is necessary to achieve peace. So far, there is no evidence that the Democratic party is willing to do this, and if not, they will probably be forced to continue the war. This would be a tragic repeat of the Johnson cam- paign promises of 196, Without a promise of complete with- drawal, if necessary, from Vietnam; without any significant discussion of re- vamping U.S. foreign policy entirely; without any real differences from the expressed aims of the present admin- istration, the peace Democrats have little to offer. Supporting them is an act of faith, and unfortunately, there is nothing to justify it. FINALLY, ALL OF these considerations are secondary to the fact that you can't separate the "evil" war in Asia from the society that created and sup- ports it. If decision-making processes are such that the people are deliber- ately kept ignorant of facts and alter- natives, if policies are controlled by pow- erful pressure groups rather than by the individuals they affect, how can we end the war-or any other "bad" policy the government might choose to adopt? The Democratic party is as much a part of that society as the Pentagon. It has followed a course of combating social ills with shallow, stop-gap mea- sures. It has lost its voice agreeing with those who .raise moral and social issues, and has worn itself out passing the buck. It has been intimidated and manipu- lated by military and big-business pres- sures, and it has done its share of in- timidating and manipulating when it could (witness the NSA-CIA affair). The Democratic party is the party of the Cold War, of the accelerating arms race, of a national neurosis fearing any- thing remotely connected with Commun- ism; it is the party' of a budget where 50 per cent goes for "defense," of con- tinuing toleration with racial oppression, of meetingboth urban ghetto disturbances and anti-war protests with tear gas and riot squads; it is the party that sold out its own poverty program in- favor of a war; the party of HUAC investigations and CIA "remote control" of organiza- tions; the party of secret scientific re- search at Universities. And, of course, it is the party of VietNam. TO GIVE ATTENTION to any single one of these symptoms will lead to errors in diagnosing the disease. Sup- porting a "peace Democrat" could im- probably end the war (by dumping LBJ). But even this is a goal independent of the desire to truly reform American so- ciety itself. And thus, the "peace Demo- Letters To the Editor YOUR NOVEMBER 5 editorial by Ronald Klempner on my pro- posal for a staged de-escalation of the bombing of North Vietnam was both disappointing and puzzling. It was puzzling principally be- cause of the following sentence: "Cessation of bombing above the 21st parallel is not a de-escalation of the conflict since most of Hanoi and all of Haiphong lie above the 21st parallel." Perhaps, as the rest of the editorial implies, you meant to say that these two cities lie "be- low" the 21st parallel. But either case istwrong: Most of Hanoi lies above the 21st parallel and Hai- phong lies below the 21st parallel -which is precisely why that particular line was chosen. Thus it is simply not true to say that a halt to bombing above the 21st parallel is "not a de-escala- tion of the conflict." The area in- cludes most of Hanoi, most of the supply depots around Hanoi, the Phuc Yen air base, the supply de- pot at Lang Son along the Chinese border, and the highway and rail- way between the Chinese border and Hanoi. These targets, together with sup- ply depots at Haiphong, are pre- cisely the targets which the Joint Chiefs of Staff last summer plead- ed to be allowed to hit. They are precisely the targets the bombing has been concentrated against in recent months. OUR PROPOSAL is that the United States halt all bombing north of the 21st parallel for sixty days. If North Vietnam responded with a similarly limited but sim- ilarly verifiable de-escalation step of its own, the U.S. could then drop the bombing ban to the 20th parallel. Through a continuing iseries of small and reciprocal steps the conflict could be de-es- calated on both sides-and per- haps some mutual confidence could be generated which might lead to negotiations. In July we suggested that possi- ble de-escalation steps by the North Vietnamese might include: ". ..the cessation of shipments to and from specific military sup- ply depots in the southern portion of North Vietnam; the erection of barriers on and the non-use of specific supply routes in North Vietnam and Laos along the Ho Chi Minh trail; the withdrawal of all MIG fighters to distant bases in Northern Vietnam; the cessa- tion of all terrorist bombings in specific areas of South Vietnam; the release of U.S. prisoners of : For Gradual De-escalation in Vietnam guerrilla incidents in South Viet- nam," We' believe a step-by-step reci- procated reduction of the bombing is preferable to a total cessation for both diplomatic and military reasons. A total cessation might invite Hanoi to move toward peace but it also invites Hanoi to gain military advantage by increasing supplies to thesouth. Our proposal involves minimum military risk to American service- men; it would not result in an end to all U.S. bombing in the North until Hanoi had shown some gen- uine interest in de-escalating the confict. But, most important, it would representna genuine U.S. conces- sion toward peace which, while in- volving minimum military risk, would reverse the trend toward an ever-widening and more dangerous war. IT SHOULD also be noted that my colleagues and I who formu- lated the staged de-escalation pro- posal last July did so in the hopes that a Congressional dialogue would ensue and that other alter- natives to our present disasterous course would be offered. I have found that some 26 pro- posals have been brought to the attention of Congress and I am in the process of analyzingthese and others. All comment and crit- icism is welcome and earnestly solicited. -Marvin L. Esch Member of Congress Einstein Paradox To the Editor: PROFESSOR Forsyth's letter supporting classified research in the Nov. 16 Daily contains sev- eral misleading implications and misstatements of fact. Permit me to set the historical record straight. (1) Einstein may have discuss- ed the possibility of nuclear fis- sion on some of his walks, but it is unlikely that the subject domi- nated his conversations to the de- gree suggested by Professor For- syth. He did discuss the uranium problem with certain fellow refu- gees, but it was they who took the initiative in exploring the problem, and most of their work was done at universities other than Princeton. (2) Einstein did not meet with President Roosevelt, or for that matter with any other official of the government, on the uranium problem. He was invited to several meetings, but declined each invi- tation. He did sign a letter to Roosevelt drafted by Leo Szilard, in German laboratories. What in- formation there was had trickled through the scientific commun- ity grapevine, and was distorted and misleading. Had U.S. authorities possessed an accurate picture of what the Germans were doing, the Man- hattan Project would almost cer- tainly have been conducted at a slower and less expensive pace, so that no atomic bomb would have been available in the summer of 1945. It was fear that the Ger- mans were accomplishing some- thing in secret which injected a sense of urgency into government leaders and scientists. This fear was not proven unfounded until November of 1944. Birmingham with theoretical cal- culations on the critical mass of uranium-235. Their results, communicated to American scientists by the Tzard- Oliphant mission in the summer of 1941, had a crucial impact on the U.S. decision to move uranium research out of its leisurely aca- demic status and to put it on a crash program basis. THE PARADOX in this episode hardly needs underlining to those who w o u ld advance military might through security clearances and the classification of research. -F. M. Scherer Associate Professor of Economics "That Guy Nader Makes Ale, Sick" Y - STATS a*.- \ n1 istration Hawks and secure the presidential nomination for a peace candidate depends upon dynamic, inspiring leadership. An intellectual political giant is needed. McCarthy does not fit the bill and those opposed to the war must look again to find someone who can or the movement will abort. -Hilary Clay Hicks Grad, Journalism Michigan Alumnus To the Editor: LAST SPRING I wrote a letter to both The Daily and the Michigan Alumnusabout the lack of concern the Alumnus showed toward printing articles on controversial issues of the times. I cited the Johns Hopkins University alumnus magazinevpf October, 1965, "We Shall Over- come," as an example of student- faculty-alumni communication on the problem of civil rights. It is with great satisfaction that I note the November, 1967 issue. of the Michigan; Alumnus : it has devoted several pages to the controversy involved over Vietnam, and while not as exten- sive in. coverage as John Hopkins' issue was, it is nevertheless a welcome and much needed addi- tion to the magazine. (In all fairness, it should be noted that Executive Director Robert Forman says in the cover editorial for this issue, "It must be admitted that many people who were invited to submit ar- ticles have declined to do so for a variety of reasons. Thus, the articles presented represent only part of the coverage we originally planned.") IT WOULD BE unrealistic to assume that one letter initiated this change. Perhaps there Were others who wrote to the Alumnus following an editorial by Mr. Forman a few months ago de- fending the policy of the Alumnus regarding its format. Or perhaps there were unspoken but honest feelings among the Alumnus staff that controversial articles were a good idea. Perhaps, too, some of us have not given Mr. Forman and others enough credit for be- ing sensitive to the feelings of Alumnus readers. Representing as they do several generations, students, faculty and alumni need a forum where they can communicate with one on- other on the questions that affect their world and even their very lives. Again, I am very gratified to seethe Alumnnus provide the nnnnrfimil rn.-c a-*e~h tnnmrnrntnA l THIS POINT has an important moral, relevant to the current debate over classified research at the University. Secrecy in military research commonly has a stimu- lating effect on the technological arms race-an implication exactly the opposite of what Professor Forsyth, by failing to view mili- tary research as an international interaction phenomenon, sug- gests (4) Neither Einstein nor his Prince Gene ro the Editor: THE FRIDAY EVENING Diag speech of pretender-to-the- throne Eugene McCarthy was un- fortunate for the anti-Vietnam War cause. Expecting inspiration, the audi- ence was instead subjected to a 'knot of Eisenhoweran syntax, ;onfusion, and diappointment. As ;he speaker inadvertentely stumb-