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November 16, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-16

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ELLSWORTH BUNKER, U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam
terday it would be "very unfortunate" for the U.S. to a
long bombing pause in Vietnam unless there were indica
would lead to something." Bunker, who returned to Wa
for conferences with President Johnson, testified before
door session of a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee.
*S., Gives Japan
Control of Bonth

WASHINGTON (P)- President
Johnson's military and political
chiefs in Vietnam joined yester-
day in advising against an ex-
tended bombing halt during the
year-end holidays
Ellsworth Bunker, U.S. ambas-
sador to South Vietnam, met
with Johnson and his top Wash-
ington advisers yesterday shortly
after Gen. William C. Westmore-
land, U.S. military commander in
Vietnam, arrived here from Sai-
Westmoreland Reports Today
Westmoreland and Robert Ko-
mer, Johnson's pacification offi-
cer in South Vietnam who accom-
panied the general from Saigon,
meet with the President today,
Westmorelandat noon and Ko-
mer, at 1:30 p.m. The White
House said they and Bunker, who
arrived here last week, would
meet jointly with Johnson later.
Sources said Bunker gave John-
son a relatively optimistic Viet-
nam progress report yesterday,
but also cautioned the long pull
ciated Press still lies ahead.
said yes- Bunker reportedly did not press
pprove a for more U.S. forces than the
ations "it 525,000 men now authorized, al-,
shington though he indicated he and
a closed- Westmoreland want a speedup in
deploying the remaining 57,000
troops earmarked for Vietnam.
There now are about 468,000
servicemen there.
'Very Encouraging'
"It is very, very encouraging,
Westmoreland told newsmen as ne
arrived by plane from Saigon. "I
have never been more encour-
aged in my four years in Viet-
is At the same time Westmore-
land made clear he opposes any
r committee prolonged halt in the bombing of
issioner of North Vietnam at this time.
Gen. Fer- The Saigon government is pro-
posing the usual one- and two-
at the end day cease-fires during Christmas
overnments and New Year's. Some critics
it and con- have advocated a longer pause for
tus of the another ,effort to bring Hanoi to
by the aim the negotiating table.
ative rights In midafternoon, the White
pan. House said Bunker joined John-
onal Press son at his weekly lunch with Sec-
o stressed retary of State Dean Rusk, Sec-
ary base on retary of Defense Robert S. Mc-
est In the Namara, special assistant Walt.
dconinueW. Rostow, and press secretary
yend ifipoll-- George Christian.
t ge-- G
CIA Present
Also present were Richard
ees 'Helms, director of the Central
rities have Intelligence Agency, and Gen.
view if it Earle G. Wheeler, chairman of
ted States the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
i Japanese Instead of a troop increase,
vement of the Vietnam advisers believe
and out of many U.S. contingents now used
etnam war for construction and other logis-
tical duties can be assigned to
the early combat because the basic build-
and Bonin ing jobs are completed. They in-

elude five ports, 68 air strips;
eight jet plane fields in the
21 years.

Martin Says
Increase Of
Taxes Vital
CHICAGO (AP)-- William Mc-
Chesney Martin, chairman of the
Federal Reserve Board, urged yes-
terday a quick tax increase to
combat inflation.
He told the annual meeting of
the American Petroleum Institute
that a cut in federal spending
also is needed.


But it was reported the deploy- Poible
ment schedules of the troops ear- Martin, whose central banking
marked for Vietnam may be set Mamhsectrla ng
markey foruetam m1organization influences the flow
up by about a month. of credit and money in the na-I
The Vietnam chiefs' rep.istion, implied that the later a tax

said to shape up like this:
On the military front, the
North Vietnamese were not able
to score a single victory in the
South this year. They suffered
heavy losses in battle, and the
air raids caused them to put 500,-
000 more men to work on repairs
to keep their war machine going.
Viet Cong Recruitment Tumbles
The Viet Cong guerrillas in the
South also suffered heavy losses
and their recruitment has tum-
bled to 3,500-4,000 a month com-
pared to twice that many in 1966
Infiltration from the N -)r t h
amounts to around 6,500-7.000
men monthly.
On the political front, South
Vietnam took important strides in
holding five elections within the
last 14 months, establishing a
constitutional government in Sai-
gon and beginning to expand mil-
itary recruitment and give tax
and land reform functions to lo-
cal governments.
U.S. estimates list about 68 per
cent of South Vietnam now under
Saigon control, compared with 55
per cent a year ago.

boost, thehigher it may be.
He recalled that President
Johnson has asked in January for
a 6 per cent surcharge on federal
income taxes. His request was
boosted in August to 10 per cent.
"I see nothing in that progres-
sion," he said, "that suggests that
it pays us to wait."
Congress has delayed action on
the tax increase proposals.
"We. need restraint on both
sides of the federal ledger," Mar-
tin said, "and we need it as quick-
ly as it is possible to get it."
Talks With Newsmen
Those lines of advice were in
his prepared remarks. He didn't
read them but developed the
same theme in his speech and in
a brief huddle with newsmen.
Martin told the oilmen he is
not predicting controls, but later
said the nation "may face a wider
adjustment than any of us want
to see."
He said deficit financing has a
role to play under certain circum-
stances, but added: "We are on
the road to getting into perpetual

The United States and Britain
appealed to the UN Security
Council yesterday for pr.ompt,
concerted action for a Middle
East settlement. The United
States, while recognizing the need
for Israeli withdrawal, backed
Israeli's demand for "secure and
recognized" boundaries with Arab
Britain's Lord Caradon, urging
"a final and supreme and suc-
cessful effort to set aside all dif-
ferences," declared that "the
time to decide has come.
"This week we must conclude:j
our debate," he added. "This week
we hope to see an end of talk
here and the beginning of action
on the ground.
'Important Decision'
"I trust that before this week
is over we shall have taken per-
haps the most important decision
which the United Nations has
ever taken."
U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. Gold-
berg, urging support for a U.S.
draft resolution before the coun-
cil, contended that a Middle East
settlement imposed from outside
could not endure.
Parties Must Seek Peace
"Only the parties themselves
can make peace," he said.
Goldberg said Israel m u s t
withdraw "and the Arab states
must renounce the state of bel.-
ligerencenwhich they have claimed
for many years.
"Secure and recognized boun-
daries must be mutually worked
out and recognized by the parties

themselves as part of the peace-
making process," he added.
Soviet First Deputy Foreign
Minister Vasily V. Kuznetsov, sup-
porting the Arab position, said
that a settlement in the Middle
East, "if one seriously wishes to
strengthen peace," must include
Israeli withdrawal to positions
held prior to the war.
The U.S. formulation of Israeli
withdrawal, he said, left open the

possibility that Israel alone would
determine the positions to which
she withdrew. The Soviet official
challenged the United States to
clarify this question.
Goldberg and Kuznetsov con-
ferred privately on the Middle
East for about 20 minutes prior
to the meeting, but their speeches
did not indicate they had drawn
any closer toward agreement on
a resolution.

U.S., Britain Urge Conclusion
Of Middle East Debate in UN

-Associated Press
Fireman Edward "Ed" Juncalk reaches new heights of choreo-
graphy as he balances on one foot while he empties his boot of
water during a three-alarm blaze in Pittsburgh yesterday.

World News Roundup


Johnson agreed last night with
Japan's Prime Minister Eisaku
Sato" to arrange immediately con-
sultations for the return of Japan's
full sovereignity over the Bonin
No change was agreed on in
the status of Okinawa, the major
American defense base in the west-
ern Pacific, but the door was
opened a bit. Johnson and Sato,
agreed in their two days of talks
Gyive Marcos
Big Victory
MANILA (P)-With nearly half
the ballots counted, Philippine
voters appeared last night to be
giving President Ferdinand E.'
Marcos the big victory he had
wanted in Tuesdays off-year
A tide of votes for Marcos'
Nacionalista party from outlying
provinces more .than offset the
results in Manila, where the pres-
ident's. handpicked mayoral candi-
date, Pablo Ocampo, lost by 50,000
votes to Liberal incumbent An-
tonio Villegas.
A Philippines - firster, Villegas
tried to force American and other
foreign retailers out of business
in Manila this year but was block-
ed by Marcos and the Supreme
Six Nacionalistas, a Liberal
and 'an independent led the race
for eight seats in the 24-member
Senate. The Nacionalistas need to
win at least six seats to assure
them control of the Senate and
thus clear the way for passage
of the economic programs on
which Marcos hopes to base his
re-election campaign in 1969.
Liberal Benigno Aquino, an
outspoken foe of the president,
led the senatorial candidates by
19,000 votes.

to establish an advisory
to the U.S. high comm
the Ryukyu Islands, Lt
dinand Unger.
A communique issued
of talks said the two gc
would "keep under join
tinuous review the sta
Ryukyu Islands, guided'
of returning administr
over these islands to Ja
In an earlier Nati
luncheon speech, Sal
that the big U.S. milita
Okinawa, the mighti
Western Pacific, could
to operate effectively e
tical control over the i
turned to Japan.
Military Disagr
U.S. military author
not agreed with this
means that the Uni
would have to obtain
approval for the mo
troops and weapons in,
Okinawa while the Vi
is under way.
Sato declared that
return of the Ryukyu
Islands to Japan "wo
cate itself in establishi
lationship between our
tries . .. on an even fir
dation and would con
ward the achievement
and peace throughout
of Asia."
Newsmen asked Sat
is making similar effo
tain the return of n
lands including Sakhali
small Habomai and Sh
lands from the Soviet U
Direct Negotiati
"I am going to have
gotiations with the S
ernment on this questi
plied. He said the So
had indicated some k
terim solution mightt
before a formal peace
tween the two countr;
He was applauded
said that a U.S. bomb
in North, Vietnam sh
some response from B
would lead to meanin
that would open the wa

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Sen. Robert F.
Kennedy said last night he may
"have something further to say"
about his announced support of
President Johnson for re-election
if Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy (D-
Minn.) declares himself a candi-
date for president.
The New York Democrat made
his remark in an interview with
CBS News correspondent Roger
Mudd on the CBS Evening News.
Kennedy was asked what he
thought of a candidacy by Mc-
"I think he'll receive some sup-
port around the country," Ken-
nedy replied. "I think from the
people I've talked to, in Califor-
nia, New England, the Midwest,
he'll have some support."
Kennedy said if he were Presi-
dent Johnson he would consider
McCarthy's possible candidacy as
"zery serious."
* * *
BERLIN-A man suspected of
being Nazi Gestapo chief Heinrich
Mueller has been arrested in Pana-
ma at West German request, the
West Berlin press office said yes-

Mueller vanished after World
War II and many Germans thought
him to be dead. The Gestapo was
Adolf Hitler's secret police.
The Berlin announcement said
the request had been made after
an informer had told the prose-
cutor of the Berlin district court
that a man, who was at present
in Panama, was identical to Muel-
NICOSIA, Cyprus - Greek and
Turkish Cypriots exchanged fire
yesterday at a village 40 miles
south of Nicosia.
IA spokesman for the UN Peace
Force said it was the most serious
outbreak of shooting on this Me-
diterranean island in several
TOKYO-Prince Norodom Si-
hanouk expressed belief yesterday
that North and South Vietnam
would be unified in five years if
the United States pulled out now,
Japanese newspapers said.
Sihanouk contended a U.S. with-
drawal from South Vietnam would
not touch off a civil war.

uld vindi-
ng the rc-
two coun-
.rmer foun-
tribute to-
of security
the whole
o if Japan
arts to ob-
orthern i,-
in and the
hikotan is-
direct ne-
oviet gov-
on," he re-
viet Union
ind of in-
be possible
treaty be-
ies is con-
when he
bing pause
iould have
Hanoi that
ngful talks
iy to peace.

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