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November 16, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-16

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See editorial page


D a1 Aj

Warming with a chance
of rain by afternoon

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


Circuit Judge Rules PA 379 Covers











t' Not Exempt
From State Law
University employes are public employes and are covered under
the provisions of Public Act 379 of 1965, Washtenaw County Circuit
Court Judge William Agar ruled Tuesday.
Agar denied a request for an injunction against the State Labor
Mediation Board and two unions made by the University, Central
Michigan University and Eastern Michigan University.
The unions involved in the suit were the Washtenaw County
Building and Trades Council and the American Federation of State,
County, and Municipal Employes (AFSCME).
Agar noted universities are autonomous under the state constitu-
tion, but added the constitution was "not meant to exempt the Regents
and Boards from all laws passed by the Legislature."
PA 379 authorizes public em-
S ployes to form unions and bargain
CSU To O ust collectively, but prohibits them
--;from striking.

Con-C on,






Pilack Power

The University originally refused
to comply with the act because
officials said it infringed upon the
autonomy granted to the Regents
by the State Constitution.

wie s Lej ad
Westei'dale, Quiim,
Loweii, Shermaii In
Constitutioiial Convention Carries 2-1;
Non-Student Membership Still Legal
Students voted to hold a constitutional convention and to
allow non-students to continue their membership in campus
organizaions, in elections completed yesterday.
Voters also elected six at-large members of Student
Government Council: Michael Koeneke, '69BAd, E. 0
Knowles, '70, Sam Sherman, '68, Andrew Quinn, '69, Thomas
Westerdale, Grad, and Sharon Lowen, '71.
The constitutional convention is scheduled for next
semester to restructure SGC. The issue was placed on the
referendum at the request of student organizations who feel
that SGC is currently "unrepresentative."
Council must now devise a formula for g oosing delegates
to the convention. The report by University Activities Center
President Donald Tucker, '68,
out of'which the constitution-
i al convention idea grew, pro-
posed a tentative plan to select
delegates by an intricate peti-
tioning process.

WILBERFORCE, Ohio (P)-Offi- The University, together with
cials at the predominantly Negro Central and Eastern Michigan
Central State University-scene of Universities, filed suit in 1965 to
violent rioting-moved yesterday have the act declared inapplicable
to weed out what they call organ- to autonomous state institutions of
ized Black Power elements on higher education.
campus. Non -compliance
School officials confirmed that In September of this year, Uni-
some radical students may be ex-!I etme fti er n-
se adsversity noncompliance with PA379
gelled.' led to a week-long strike by skilled
Central State President Harry tradesmen and building service
Groves ordered the school closed employes seeking University rec-
until after the Thanksgiving holi- ognition of their unions as col-
Sdays following Monday night's lective bargaining agents.
rioting that resulted in 94 arrests.
Patrol Campus The strike ended when the Uni-
Most students had left the cam- versity agreed to tentatively rec-
pus by Tuesday night, but armed ognize labor unions to press the
National Guard troops patrolled court case.

-Daily-Bernie Baker -Daily-Richard S. Lee
OVER 5800 STUDENTS VOTED yesterday to hold a Student Government Council constitutional convention and to allow non-students
to maintain their membership in campus organizations. In the elections, completed yesterday, Michael Koeneke, '69 Bus Ad, E. O.
Knowles, '70, Sam Sherman, '68, Thomas Westerdale, Grad, Andrew Quinn, '69, and Sharon Lowen, '71, were elected to six SGC seats.

the campus amid intermittent rain
and snow.
Highway patrolmen and Greene
County sheriff's deputies sealed
House approved a $460 million
cut in antipoverty funds late
last night and then passed a
bill extending the program for
another year.
After a long string of defeats
in their efforts to revise the
program, the Republicans suc-

Last month, the State Labor
Mediation Board created two bar-
gaining units for University non-
academic employes-one made up
of 60 powerhouse employes and the
other comprising 250 building
tradesmen. No units were formed
j for the other 2,500 employes be-
cause the SLMB said they had not
shownsufficient interest in form-
ing a union.
Bargaining Agent
In a recent representation elec-
tion for University powerhouse em-
ployes the International Union of
Operating Engineers was chosen as
a bargaining agent.

SGC Administrative Vice-
President Michael Davis, Grad,
said that Council would prob-
ably not make its decision be-
fore the Thanksgiving break.



Big Cha
To Stal


ceeded at the last minute in
cutting its authorization from The Washtenaw County Build-
the $2.06 billion sought by Pres ing Trades Council, the AFSCME
:dnth $J.ohnson og1.6 byllios-and the Building Service Employes
dent Johnson to $1.6 billion. Internatioal Union are vying for ,
the right to represent the other,
off the university, setting up five employe groups.
checkpoints at campus gates. The SLMB has not yet set dates
Though the rioting was touched for the other representation elec-
off by the expulsion of one stu- tions.
dent, university officials say a Executive Vice-President Mar-
Black Power movement is in- yin L. Niehuss said he was un-
volved. nL.Nhs adhewsn-
voled'aware of the decision when con
"We're going to clean that Black aced by Theco i atnight.
Power thing out and this gave us Other University officials were
the opportunity," said John H. not available for comment.
Bustamonte, chairman of the
school's board of trustees, com- Appeal Plans
menting on the rioting that re- It could not immediately be
sulted in the hospitalization of one learned whether the University
highway patrolman and damage to planned to appeal, although of-
campus dormitories. ! ficals indicated some weeks ago
"It is not just something to be that an appeal probably would be
shoved aside and dealt with as a filed in the event of an unfavor-
normal student demonstration," able ruling.
Bustamonte added. The University, along with other
'Well Financed Group' state universities and colleges is
Contacted at his home in Cleve- currently planning court action
land, Bustemonte said that cam- c
pus Black Power advocates were against two other state laws
a "well financed, highly organized which they claim infringe upon
disciplined group." ? their autonomy.

"The problem of reducing fer-
tility concerns attitude and mo-
tivation rather than technique,"
Prof. Paul Demeny of economics
department, a director of the Uni-
versity's Population Studies Cen-
ter said yesterday.

Commenting on four world
papers on fertility trends in the
modern world Demeny spoke at
the opening session of the final
m a j o r sesquicentennial con-
ference, "Fertility and Family
Planning: A World View."
There has been no evidence of
a world "explosion" in contra-
ceptive use, according to sociology
Prof. Norman B. Ryder, director
of the University of Wisconsin's
and Ecology. Ryder said a majorI
change in attitude is needed in
order to bring about the reduc-
tion of 40 million births needed tol
curb the "population explosion."
The declining influence of soc-r
io-economics status on fertility
control was emphasized in papers
written by Prof. David V. Glass
of the London School of Econ-
omics and Political Science and
Prof. Dudley Kirk of StarnfordI
University's demography depart-


The approval of the student-
0 -~ community organization ref eren-
nge in Attitudes Needed dum will continue to allow non-
student members of student or-
ganizations. About 15 groups in
the student-community category
now exist, including Young Dem-
u la t *,l 1 1' o ionocrats, Voice, Ann Arbor Tutorial
i 'Population Explosion'E i
(.j Project, Inter-Cooperative Council
and Indonesian Student Club.
"Information, health, and edu- j ciation. called the papers, especi- "The role of marriage will be Council voted last April to
cation items were found to be ally those by Glass and Ryder, , crucial in future population de- allow the formation of student-
more closely correlated with ter.- " 'a significant addition to our velopment," Glass said. "Changes community organizations b u t
tility than economic, industrial knowledge and a sophisticated ex- in the age of marriage will cause agreed to leave the issue up to
and urban development," Kirk ample of demography which will a pendulum movement." student-wide referendum at the
said. This is encouraging, he add- undoubtedly have a major impact Each of the four researchers was: request of several campus groups,
ed, because the devolopment of of future decisions." j given an opportunity to speak including Interfraternity Council
these factors can be accelerated Coale, commenting on Kirk's after Hauser, Demeny and Prof. and Panhellenic Association.
more easily than economic and report, suggested that there my be Duncan of sociology department Both referendum questions had
industrial factors to reduce popu- different kinds of cultural resist- and director of the Population Stu- been expected to pass without
lation growth rates. once to fertility control in different dies Center. Duncan discussed the difficulty.
The key question today. Kir'k areas of the world, perhaps due to techniques used in compiling data Frs
added is, "Can fertility eduction deep-seated cultural factors. for the reports. For the first time in five years,
be initiated and accelerated ahead day. -- G eleions weehl vrto
of its 'normal' pace within theE srg
general framework of soc~o-eco- ---it- [Flai Elections director Paul Milgrom,
noms development?"f o - S'70, estimated the voter turnout
at 5800. Because many did not
Ryder's findings were riubstan- vote for the four candidates to
tiated Prof. Ansley J. Coale, sir- w"ty eentdrn
ector of the Office of Population F o1 i 11n eVts1 1 s the referendum and because no
Research at Princeton University, ' count was made of the total num-
who said that his study of de- cutwsmd ftettlnm
clining fertility in Europe found By DAVID KNOKE "We have questioned whether ber of ballots, precise tallies were
little connection to socio-eennomicd Graduate school Dean Stephen it is good educationally, socially unavailable.
factors. Spurr yesterday outlined to the and economically to keep candi- Milgrom attributed the lack of
^ - - -'t-- rs. - -. - I ... 3 + _" n m a f O o r _ 's r r _ '- -- - _ .. _ t. . ,t ...,..t

To Regents
The Regents are expected to
consider a recommendation from a
special presidential committee to
charge $1,500 or ten per cent of
gross receipts, whichever is higher,
for rental of the new University
Events Building.
According to Athletic Director
H. 0. "Fritz" Crisler, this fee
schedule is on the agenda for the
monthly Regents' meeting which
begins today.
Officials of the University Activ-
ties Center have indicated concern
about the fee schedule which is
considerably higher than the $265
charged for use of Hill Auditorium.
Some student officials have in-
dicated that their organizations
cannot afford the proposed rates.
At a meeting yesterday with
UAC officials and Maurice Rinkel,
Auditor of Student Organizations,
Crisler said that the presidential
committee may be willing to review
the fee schedule after the Regents
approve it.
However, if a change were made
as a result of this review, it Would
have to be reapproved by the
Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletes and the Regents.
Crisler emphasized that the
proposal, including the fee sched-
ule, was not his, but the recom-
mendation of a presidential com-
mittee composed of himself, UAC
president DonTucker, and repre-
sentatives of the offices of Stu-
dent Affairs.
This committee met Oct. 16 and
considered policy and procedure
regarding the new building as spe-
cified by a presidential directive.
Aims, purposes, and priorities con-
cerning use of the building were
considered as well as the rental
schedule. Prior to this meeting a
study of policiestand procedures at
other comparable buildings in oth-
er universities and communities
was conducted.
After discussion by the commit-
tee, a draft proposal calling for the
$1,500 or 10 per cent fee schedule
was agreed upon.
The next day, Crisler requested
amendments from the members of
the committee. Several were re-
ceived from the offices of Business
and Finance and Student Affairs
and incorporated into the pro-
According to Crisler, UAC did
not express concern about the fee
schedule until Nov. 3, the same
day the Athletic Board endorsed
the proposal and agreed to send it
to the Regents. At that time the

Rackham faculty a proposal for dates on campus for the 6-7 years a larger turnout to inclement
A f a s r r dcontinuous enrollment of doctoral that the average social science and weather, and the absence of a
in summary by Prof. Philip M. candidates on a non-credit hour humanities doctorates take," Spurr presidential contest or "outside
Hauser, of sociology department basis. explained. SGC" referenda.


Terkel Challenges Technologic


same thing with or without a tape!
rt-nnr hr hit wind. But when you I

of the University of Chicago and About 60 faculty members at a "The University is one of 10
director of the Population Re- meeting in the Rackham Ampi- , schools which have received Ford
theatre heard Spurr open the pro- Foundation grants to try to reduce
search and Training Center. posal, prepared at the request of the amount of 'elapsed time' to the
Hauser, who is also president of the graduate school executive level of enrolled time these can-
the American Sociological Asso- board, for "advice and counsel by didates spend while pursuing their
S - ~the whole graduate faculty over doctorates," he added.
the coming months." Elapsed time is time spent while
The objectives of the continuous not engaged in doctoral studies.
enrollment plan, as proposed by
1 fT the executive board, are intended:
jY Uses to eliminate criteria of credit-] 1 t
ci' I.J E? hours, academic terms and geo-
graphic local for doctoral students AT-LARGE
thing, wo don't know what," he once they are admitted to candi- CANDIDATES (E denotes E
said. dacy; to provide yearly review of! K k-E
Speaking on the apparent con- dissertation progress to speed up
tradiction of violence in antiwar the rate of completion; and to en- Knowles-E ...............
demonstrations, Terkel explained, force a continuous enrollment pol- Sherman-E .............
"You can't compare burning icy to keep a current roster of all Quinn-E................
babies and breaking windows. The active doctoral students regardless Westerdale-E ...........
less babies that are burned the of their whereabouts. Lowen-E
less windows will be broken." Spurr said that under the pro- Lowen-E................
Terkel is in Ann Arbor for the posal students would be divided Hollenshead .... .....
beginning of rehearsals for the into pre-candidate and candidate Racheter ............... . .
Professional Theatre Program's groups. A minimum residency of Miller...................
production of his play, "Amazing four terms past the baccalaureate Bloch....................
Grace."w or two terms past the masters de- Ho.t
During an interview, Terkel ex- jgree, taken xithin a five years per- Hot.....................

Last fall's referendum on draft-
ranking attracted a record 10,000
Milgrom noted that the sec-
ond day of elections prevented a
"total disaster." Without it, he
said, "the turnout would have
been substantially less than 3000."
ion Results 1


Studs Terkel, Chicago radio al to ao t her o n hki sl epsL
broadcaster and the author of talk to a mother on the steps
the best-selling "Division Street: of a housng project, or to a Mexi-
Aerica,yesserdaycalle for te. can kid in a parked car at one in
America, yesterday called for theth mrngoehngmgc
utilization of technical change to the morning, something magic
"make man free." happens. The become articulate. '
They are beginning to teach- fromj
"With technical growth, you below."
would think that we would feel
powerful - and power in a per- "In Chicago, urban renewal is
son is a great thing - but we - reform from above. While we all
don't we feel impotent," Terkel oppose slums, we are aghast at
said at a University Activities the depersonalization which takes
Center presentation in Aud.,A last place when people are moved out


.. <2759
.. .1920
.. .1888
.. .1454
.. .1436
... 1062



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