VOTE Sir6 :43 tiiy WINDY High-32 Low-20 Variable cloudiness and snow flurries expected Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 66 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1967 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Hart Seeks. Justice Dept. Draft Ruling Asks If Hershey Can Orderi Induction Of War Dissenters By DANIEL ZWERDLING Senator Philip A. Hart (D-Mich) asked the Justice Department yes- terday to rule on the constitution- ality of stripping draft deferments from student war protesters who violate the draft law. This would include students who destroy draft cards or stage sit-ins against local board offices. Hart specifically questioned whether General Lewis Hershey, Director of Selective Service, had the right to order Oct. 26 that the nation's 4,000 draft boards induct anybody who "engages in illegal activity which interferes with re- cruiting or causes refusal of duty in the military forces." "The issue," says one of Hart's assistants, "is whether a federal officer like Hershey should be al- lowed to undertake the role of the, courts in determining a student's guilt or innocence, and then de- termining sanctions." Michigan's senior senator stress- ed in his letter to United States Attorney General Ramsey Clark that he is no way condones illegal or irresponsible protests of govern- ment policy. He argued, however, that federal and state laws al- ready provide for prosecution of Unit To Back 250 Eight-Month 2 9) U Model LeaseB aj To Announce New Jatie Protesters NYC Police Recommendations For Student Rentals By DAVID SPURR Members of the Student Housing Advisory Committee said last night that they hoped to have a new University model lease drawn up within a week. . The new lease which will be designed for use by area landlords will specify that it must be "for the term of eight; months." William Stuede, director of the Off-Campus Housing Bureau, said "We have committed ourselves to a greater effort to provide an eight-month lease for those- stu- dents renting off-campus apart- ments."3 The advisory committee is now in the process of developing con- tractual standards for the lease. It will include stipulations con-i cerning utilities, damage deposits,j and occupancy level in addition to the lease length. A tentative draft of the lease has been written. Landlord Approval The Student Housing Association (SHA) plans to get major Ann Arbor landlords to adopt the lease after it has been approved by the University. The new eight-month lease is! nin1 tAfi ha b1a. t~ ~uucati P ff t As Rusk Speaks -Daily-Bernie Baker CAUSE OF THE CONTROVERSY between UAC president, Don Tucker, '68 and Athletic Director, H. O. "Fritz" Crisler is the University Events Building. The controversy centers around the fee charged for use of the plush arena for student sponsored events. Tucker hopes the new building will replace Hill fAud. as the scene of concerts by big name entertainers, but maintains the rental cost is excessive. Arena Rental Fees Hit i violators in civil courts. By DANIEL OKRENT The $10 student fee rate is not as well as to completion-date pro- Violates Constitution A conflict concerning projected uncommon among Big Ten uni- jections. "Cancellation of a student's de-' use of the nearly-completed Uni- versities, and is used to help de- Hill Aud., currently used as the ferment is not, however, one of versity Events Bldg. has precipi- fray athletic department expenses, major site of UAC-sponsored con- the sanctions," Hart said. He add- tated a special meeting for the The money acquired from this certs, seats 4100 people when in ed that Hershey's order "ap- ironing out of remaining problems fund, according to a member of full use, at a minimum-plus-labor pears ... to curtail the exercise of The antagonists, H. O. "Fritz" the Board in Control, will be used price of $265. Crisler's $1500 fee First Amendment rights." Crisler, Athletic Director and ex- to guarantee repayment of a $5.7 equals out to approximately the If the Justice Department de- officio chairman of the Board in million bond issue floated to pay same price per seat as that at Hill. cides that Hershey's directive does Control of Intercollegiate Athle- for construction. Tucker, however, complains that _ds__h_ _rshy'sdr_ d tics, and Don Tucker, '68, esi- Total price of the building, orig- the ten per cent guarantee is an dent of the University Activities inally approved by the Board of overly oppressive tax, and not just MRS. BLACK LOSES Center dn f t wileU dive uss a ve- Regentsata$3.5wmillion, is now a rental fee. MR.B A K L S stCete rdA) w i Cussroapre-c estimated at upwards of $7 mil- Despite the outcome of today's REDWOOD CITY, Calif. P) concerning rental fees for the lion and officially set at $6.7 meeting, it is expected that Crisler -Former child movie idol coshncen renal feufod te million. Crisler has said that labor, will submit a finished plan to the Shirley Temple Black lost a open by Dec. 1 construction and weather problems Board of Regents for approval at special Congressional election The Events Bldg., originally ap- have added to the increased cost, the Board's Friday meeting. last night to Paul N. McClos- proved by the Board of Regents key. With all but 11 precincts in February, 1964, was primarily i reporting, Mrs. Black h a d conceived to replace Yost Field P ammassed 33,015 votes to 50,- House as a basketball arena. Al- C IA63frMlaysete eaaecsyrrn- 634 for McCloskey. ternate use as a facility for Uni- versity convocations and student- ( " go beyond his jurisdiction, it would ponsored events was also in the C a ii p u s R ecru itin g be up to the President to enforce ianplan y n the ecison.s currently outlined, the Board According to a Congressional in Control policy sets up criteria By MIKE THORYN others not, have greeted CIA re- assistant, "Hershey could disobey, for determination of use priorities # cruiters on several campuses this butonlat Htrhey iskofbeingrey' for the building, and also estab- In the interest of "maintaining fall, including are the universities but only at the risk of being fired lishes a rental scale for student a peaceful academic atmosphere,' of Colorado, Maryland, and Iowa, for not following orders.iorganizations. This is the bone the Central Intelligence Agencyf'.a'I But Hershey claims that he is that Tucker hopes to pick. has decided not to send recruiters and California at Berkeley. confident the Justice Department Cost Too Much to campuses near the agency's Ted Steege, a member of Voice will back him. In a telephone in- "At $1500 and labor costs nightly regional offices. acipated i icei of terview last night he said, "I guarantee, or ten per cent of the A CIA spokesman said yester- CIA recruiters at the University - think I'll get their support." gross income less taxes, which- day that college and university last year, said that "it doesn't real- Oppose Hershey ever is greater, the fee for using placement bureaus affected are ly make any difference whether Last week, however, unidenti- I the building is just too much for being notified of the decision, but they recruit on campus or not I fied Justice Department officials a student organization to spend," he did not say where the agency's would like to see the CIA stopped." indicated that they strongly op- Tucker said. He added that he regional offices are located. "As far as I'm concerned," pose Hershey's order - actually hoped the 15,000-seat arena would He estimated that there are "10 Steege added, "thedemonstrations a change in draft regulations - provide adequate facilities for or 12" of them however, presum- will continue wherever they re- because they feel it would sub- large-scale concerts sponsored by ably in the major cities. Accruit." stitute draft boards for courts. UAC, featuring particularly ex- Evart W. Ardis, director of the According to the CIA spokesman, Michigan's State Director of pensive entertainers. University's Bureau of Appoint- the agency normally recruits at Selective Service, Colonel Arthur The $1500-against-ten per cent ments and Occupational Informa- 100 campuses across the country. Holmes, said that he will continue rental schedule was first present- tion said he had not been told of to follow Hershey's directive until ed by Crisler to a special commit- the change in CIA policy. The CIA further notice from either Hershey tee on Oct. 16. The committee, is scheduled to recruit from the a V otin Co n i or the President. "What the Jus- composed of Tucker and represen- University Placement Office on ~ tice Department does is their busi- tatives of the Offices of Student the third floor of the SAB Jan. ness," he said. Affairs, Academic Affairs, Finan- 30 through Feb. 1. Appointments ne"e siAfis cdmierarFnn 0thog e.1 ponments0S ,p is a privilege, grant-'cial Affairs and University Rela- to recruit from the Placement G0p ed by the local drdft board. If it tions, tentatively approved the office are set up a year in ad- decides a student's deferment is plan pending report back to the vance, Ardis said. Students go to the polls today, not in the national interest, it attendant offices. "We are here to serve the stu- in the second day of the two-day can draft him. Upon meeting with his executive dents," Ardis said. "We give them Student Government Council elec- "When a student impedes the board, Tucker formulated UAC's a broad chance to see as many tions, to select six SGC members duties of 'the local draft board we # argument against Crisler's plans. employers as possible". from a field of 11 candidates, and 3o not consider him in the na- "The building was paid for out The CIA spokesman said that to vote on two referenda. The polls tional interest," Holmes said. of student fees at a rate of $10 in some cases interviews would be;will be open today from 9 a.m. to Hart said that he expects the per student per academic year. It conducted in downtown areas of 5 p m U.S. Attorney General to rule on only follows that students should cities that do not have CIA of- G Pir- the selective service directive "by be able to use the building at a fices. SGC elections Director Paul Mil- the end of the week," price that is not prohibitive." Protests, some obstructive, and groi, 70, estimated that about ______ _______ 2800students went to the polls going Lonave a su suanial eiecL on those landlords who are now using University leases, according to SHA chairman Mike Koeneke, '69 Bus.Ad. SHA circulated 2,500 flyers to off-campus apartments Sunday urging students not to sign any lease for fall, 1968, unless it was for eight months.C "Apartment managers will tell students they must sign up now to be sure of an apartment for next year. This was true once but the situation has changed. There is 'now a five to ten per cent vacancy rate during the year," Koeneke said. Mark Schreiber, '69, chairman of the Student Rental Union said, "If the University does not recom- mend the new lease, it is the same as approving a 12 month- lease." Didn't Come r"SHA has talked to a number of apartment managers a n d owners and they have agreed to consider the possibility of the eight-month lease," Schriber add- ed. A representative of the Aun Arbor Property Managers Assoc- iation, however, decided not to at- tend the meeting. Schreiber said that if the lease were not put out within the next two or three weeks "it will have a minimal effect on the marker." Steude, however, pointed out that landlords would probably not adopt the lease until 1969 in any case. "We are working in the direc- tion of a more positive hope that the eight-month lease will be extended and offered to a greater number of students," Steude said. inues Today ,-. 4d~lh-17 1ic1 4II C'% IE01 A'3Q -Associated Press A POLICEMAN applied a headlock to a demonstrator last night when about 2,500 protesters rioted along New York's Sixt Avenue while Secretary of State Dean Rusk spoke to a meeting of the Foreign Policy Association. FOR 'SAFETY': University Trustees Close Central State NEW YORK (iPh - A roaring mob of about 2,500 antiwar dem- onstrators overflowed sidewalks and battled police on Sixth Aven- ue last night, picketing Secretary of State Dean Rusk as he addres- sed a Foreign Policy Association dinner., Shoulder to shoulder at some points, charging the mob at in- tervals, massed police cleared the avenue after two hours of melee that surged between 55th and 42nd streets. In its aftermath, Sixth Avenue was littered with debris. Rusk addressed a dinner meet- ing of the Foreign Policy Associa- ation at the New York Hilton Hotel, on Sixth Avenue between 53rd and 54th streets. By that time, police reported 21 arrests had been made, although details were lacking on all of them. Of the first 13 arrested, two were booked for rioting, and 11 for disorderly conduct, police said. Seven injuries were reported, including four policemen. Will Negotiate Rusk told his audience of 1,200 that he deplored the Vietnam war as much as the next man. was willing to negotiate with Hanoi, but he insisted that the United States must honor its pledge of security for South Viet- nam. Rusk spoke in a ballroom tightly guarded by police against any attempt by the anti-Vietnam war demonstrators to invade it from outside die. hotel. Police Commissioner Howard R. Leary arrived on the scene before the secretary spoke. The demonstrators began gath- ering in late afternoon and swelled by police estimate, to more than 2,500 before darkness. It was then that the violence began, with the pickets shouting, "Peace!" even as violence erupted. Theatregoers Trapped Theatregoers found themselves trapped in taxicabs that were rock- ed by the demonstrators. . The windshield of one cab was kicked in. Young girls in the throng shout- ed obscenities and pounded on the windows of passing automobiles. Traffic inched to a standstill as the broad north bound avenue was blocked intermittently as far south as 45th Street. Trash baskets were hurled into the roadway in the Rockefeller Center area. The world-famed Radio City Music Hall was a mid- point in the surging battle bn the avenue. Several young girls were left writhing on the pavement as the battle moved south to 42nd Street, and then moved back again uptown. By JIM HECK Central State University was shut down yesterday by its Trus- tees "for the safety and welfare of the student body" following a week of bitter protests and riots. Last night the central Ohio campus was quiet as most of the Stokes then protested to CSU president Groves demanding dis- ciplinary action be taken. Warren was escorted off cam- pus by local police Friday. Mon- day he returned to attend his 10 a.m. lecture with over 250 black militant supporters at his side. Groves called in the high- , 4 a ? r! t 2,700 students left for home on;"A y p aro a nd a rren..a.. thespcia frceofGrehondway patrol and Warren was the special force of Greyhound peacefully jailed in near-by Yel- busses the student government low Springs. had chartered.l The closing of the predomin- Students then massed for pro- antly Negro school came after a test"and the scene erupt night of rioting when 10 police- violence. Six hundred National men nd anumbr ofstudntsGuardsmen were called in before men and a number of students the itin toped. were injured in a bloody melee te rioing stoppe. war~.tinre r hn wWCirneisbiuAi j _; r i s . _; ! which forced Gov. James Rhodes to order 600 National Guardsmen into the small town of Wilber- force, Ohio. "All students are advised to leave the dormitories and proceed to their homes at the earliest possible time," Harry Groves, president of the university, ,aid. Groves said the decision to close the university was a unanimous one by the administration of the college and its board of trustees. Officials at the school said they expected classes to resume some- Warren was then released on $100 bond from Yellow Springs and is now allegedly "hiding out" somewhere on the Antioch College campus in Yellow Springs. Law officers were instructed yesterday to arrest anyone coming onto the campus without explicit authority from the Regents and any students who were not obey- ing the martial law. U' Gets Grant To Continue yesterday as outdoor polling sta- tions were forced to move indoors by a light snow which fell during most of the voting period. The polling station originally planned for Palmer Field has been moved inside the Museum of Natural His- tory in expectation of continuing inclement weather. The first referendum asks whether "Student-Community as well as Student organizations" should be recognized University groups. Student - Community or- ganizations comprise at least 50 per cent University students while Student organizations draw their membership solely from the stu- dent body. Ahnt 15 'rnmoun in the Stii- W! 1 U L E Lt5 times shortly after Thanksgiving. Students have been protesting is m echanism for holdin g the con - th e suspension of M ichael W ar-Soe a mf a c i t vention. ren, a member of a black militant ThUntdttsAr 'ren- The 11 SGC candlidates seek- organization called "Unity for The United States Air Force an- ing Council seats are Carl Bloch, Unity." Warren was suspened by nounced yesterday the awarding of '68E; Carol Hollenshead, '71; Ve- Groves after announcing at a a $700,000 grant to the University ronice Holt, '70; E. O. Knowles, public ralley that "if the revolu- to continue research on radar '70; Michael Koeneke, '69BAd; tion was going on now" he would techniques for aerospace vehicles. Sharon Lowen, '71; Wayne A. Mil- kill Rembert Stokes, president of William Quinsey, assistant to ler, '69; Andrew Quinn, '69; Don neighboring Wilberforce Univer- the director of the Office of Re- Racheter, '69; Sam Sherman, '68; sity, whom he labeled an "Uncle search Administration in charge and Thomas Westerdale, Grad. Tom." of Air Force contracts, said that MIDDLE EAST EXPERT: Lilienth1al -Defends Arab Case By JOYCE SUMMERS He reached back in history, he said. "Not only the Israelis and "Israel must be a bi-national pointing out that the Balfour Arabs, but the Soviet Union, the state; only through this is there Declaration in 1917, while promis- U.S. and Communist China as well. aythpe;o rthuthusesthreing a national home for the Jews The conflict has become a part of Liyihope for the future," Alfred in Palestine, provided that no the cold war." LiletEas noted expert on the I harm would be done to the resi- "The control of the Middle Middle Es said last night. io dent Arabs (then 93 per cent of East," he went on, "Is of partic- "Israel must cease to be a Zion- the population and that the status ular importance to the Western ist state," he asserted."After this I of Jewish communities would not world, especially when one con- "de-Zionizing" Isreal must give be affected. siders that this area holds more equal and same rights to the "But both of these provisions I than 70 per cent of the world's oil Arabs." "I cannot, however, hold ' were whittled away," Lilienthal reserves." out much hope that this impasse continued. :,. lar Research the project is a continuing pro- gram which has been going on for five or six years. "The researchers are studying techniques for using radar aboard space vehicles to gather data from the terrain below. About one-third of the work under the project is classfied," he added. Director of the project is Prof. William M. Brown of the Engin- eering School's electrical engineer- ing department. Brown is also head of the University's Institute of Sci- ence and Technology Radar and Optics Laboratory. He was out of town and unavailable for comment yesterday. Leonard Porcello, University re- search engineer, is head investiga- tor of the project. He declined to comment on the project yesterday. The funding will carry the pro- ject through until next June with the contract calling for two addi- tional years of University research. The project has been funded at about $100,000 per year for the last five years. The grant comes in the wake of r%: : !{.'ri,{'^.i: ....+,i 'r?: .:i:'tisK: ::: : ::i::>'ii'.-:':?-::i:':: is i:' 5 '< ': ?: 'i:i:::.F: '?:; }:':::: ':: :..+.w :: $ y FAQ{ :', '::i..v ...::Js.