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November 14, 1967 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-14

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Curtis' Steals Kindle Defensive


Champaign, Illinois has never
been a town known for great de-
fenses. Ever since the days of Red
Grange, offensive power has dom-
inated the University of 'Illnois
football scene. The best way to
win was to score points . . . and
points ... and more points.
For a while last Saturday it
looked as if the Illini were going
to do just that. With 2:45 left in


Ohio State
Michigan State





the first quarter, fullback Rich
Johnson cracked over right tackle
and went fifteen yards for a
touchdown Then after an Illinois
interception of a Denny Brown
pass at the Michigan 35, John-
son again bolted into the Wol-
verine line for seven yards and
the second score of the game.
Halftime rolled around and
Michigan was behind with what
seemed to be a comfortable Illi-
nois lead of 14-0.
Someone must have put the
ghost of Red Grange in the Mich-
igan locker room at half time be-
cause the Wolverines defense took
the field determined not to let
the Illini offense score any more
points and even more determined
to wipe out any hope for the
presence of the Galloping Ghost.
Defense Awakens
In the second half of the game,
the Michigan secondary showed
the people of Champaign just how
football games are won by de-
Indiana 119, Dallas 118
New Orleans 106, Anaheim 98

MICHIGAN at Wisconsin
Iowa at Ohio State
Michigan State at Purdue
Indiana at Minnesota
Illinois at Northwestern

fense instead of offense.
With second down and ten on.
their own 13-yard line, the Ulini1
fumbled a handoff and defense-
man Jerry Hartman recovered for
Michigan from his cornerback
Michigan proceeded to lose the
ball on downs, but the fumble
recovery helped to keep Illinois
deep in their own territory. The
defense held them there and
forced a punt. Michigan then
drove its first touchdown.
After the kickoff, the defense
held again. The Illini punted into
the waiting arms of George Hoey
who did a cute little disappearing
act galloping 60 yards to score
Michigan's second touchdown of
the day.
Just for the record, Hoey is a
defensive back. Chalk up number
two for the defense.
Actually the defense hadn't
even warmed up yet.
Curtis Begins
The fourth quarter began and
the Illini began to move. The
Wolverine defense wasn't about
have any of that, so Tom Curtis
decided to take things into his
own hands and cover the entire
secondary by himself.
Illinois quarterback Dean Volk-
man completed four passes in
four attempts in the quarter -
two to Illini receivers and two to
The Illini advanced the ball 24
yards in three plays and had a
second down with nine yards to
go for a first down. Volkman de-
cided that it was about time to
Phillips Sentenced
KALAMAZOO, Mich P) '-Jesse
Phillips, a, Michigan State Uni-
versity football star, Monday was
sentenced to 15 months to
14 years in State Prison at Jack-
son on forged check charges.
Phillips, a 20-year-old senior
from Beaumont, Tex., pleaded
guilty Aug. 21 to the charge that
he passed a forged cheek for
$369.10 at a store in Kalamazoo.
Phillips suffered a torn knee
ligament in the first game this
season and was lost to the team
for the rest of the season.

try the deep pass play that was
good for 20 yards just two plays
Volkman took the snap from
center, dropped beak and fired -
right into the hands of Curtis.
The interception gave the Wol-
verine offense the momentum it
needed to drive the 44 yards for
the winning score.
The touchdown came with only
5:12 gone in the fourth period,
giving Illinois ample time to
mount its offensive in an effort
to tie the score.
The only ghosts in Champaign
this week were the nightmarish
kind that looked like Wolverine
defenders. On the third play fol-
lowing Michigan's final scoring
effort of the afternoon, Tom
Stincic blasted into the Illini
backfield from his defensive end
position and glued a tackle on
Volkman that unglued the ball.
While Stincic was busy prying
himself loose from Volkman,
Michigan linebacker Dennis Mor-
gan got into the ball-stealing act
long enough to recover the fumble
on the Illini 35.
Offense Controls
The offense came back into the
game and held on to the ball for
eight plays before Drehman's
punt rolled out of bounds on the
Illini nine yard line. There was
still 5:10 remaining in the game
and Illinois wasn't about to quit.
Until ...
Until that nightmare popped up
again. Illinois had just reeled off
two consecutive first downs. With
first and ten and the clock run-
ning out, Volkman decided to
throw a relatively deep pass in
Curtis' direction again.
Volkman took the snap from
center, dropped back and fired
- right to Curtis arms.
Final score: Michigan defense
21, Illinois offense 14.
Victory 200
The victory was number 200 for
the Wolverines in conference play.
The Wolverine secondary ac-
counted for five of the six un-
expected turnovers committed by
the Illini. Hartman recovered a
fumble and intercepted a pass.
Curtis found himself on the re-
ceiving end of three Volknian
aerials before the day was over.

Sixteen years.
Down the drain. Or should I say down the septic tank.
It all started, innocently enough, in kindergarten. The teacher
would draw four objects in a row and ask everyone to pick out the
one that was different from the rest. For instance, she would picture
three rabbits and one squirrel. Or maybe three squirrels and one rabbit.
That was a little tougher,.
By the time I got to grade school the teacher was drawing
graphs on the board .. . bar graphs, line graphs, circular graphs.
I was still looking for the rabbit.
In junior high the teacher would shove a book under our noses
and tell us to read. That was all right until he asked me what I'd
read. But at least I was beginning to understand what education was
all about. I never had figured out what rabbits or bar graphs had to
do with the Korean War, rising taxes, or the Brdoklyn Dodgers, all of
which seemed more important.
High school was notably uneventf-ul.
But then I came to college and discovered the mysteries of life,
became attuned to the ageless questions which have plagued man,
and began for the first time to appreciate the beauties of the written
word, the complexities of modern existence, the profundities of the
world's greatest thinkers . . . and in zoology lab I finally found out
how to distinguish a rabbit from a squirrel. Education was beginning
to make sense.
Until last Saturday. Saturday they gave the Law School Ad-
mission Test, better known as law boards, at Rackham Auditorium.
It wasn't so much the degree of difficulty-as the type of ques-
tion asked-that was so disillusioning. I went in thinking I was an
educated man.I came out muttering something about septic tanks.
The first section was concerned with reading comprehension.
Shades of junior high, I thought. We read something about bats
The next section presented a number of graphs for our consump-
tion. Shades of grade school, I thought. There was one graph depicting
the rising and setting of Venus with various dots and dashes that
resembled a Kandinsky original. "Never saw a dash-dot graph before,"
I muttered, marking the answer sheet at random (with a "number
two" pencil.)


-Associated Press
MICHIGAN QUARTERBACK Denny Brown steamrolls through
a hole in the Illinois line for a five-yard gain in the second quarter
of Saturday's 21-14 Wolverine victory. Doug Whitman (80) of
Illinois prepares to lunge at the diminuative field general.
Indiana Ros Along




for SGC'

In two weeks, the unbelieveable
Hoosiers of Indiana may find
themselves battling an overwhel-
mingly powerful Purdue team for
the Big Ten championship.
The incredible Indiana Hoosiers,
whose last period victories are1
becoming old hat,. came within
two minutes and 50 seconds ofI
losing Saturday's contest with
Michigan State when whiz kid
John Isenbarger breezed five
yards for the score to give Indi-
ana a 14-13 victory.

fense, as Purdue buried the Go-
phers. 41-12.
Fabulous Leroy Keyes, with his
three touchdowns, set Big Ten
records for most touchdowns in
a season, 14, and most points, 84.
Keyes' running was equaled by
the brilliant passing of young
quarterback Mike Phipps who
completed 17 of 31 passes for 235
yards and a touchdown.
The Gophers scored first on a
31-yard field goal by Bob Stein.
B u t then, the Bolermakers
marched down field on the first
of their six touchdown drives.


Isenbarger, who was injured in A Chance
the first half, came off the bench The Gopher defense, which had
and along with quarterback Harry only given up 44 points all season
Gonso engineered the climatic 69 prior to Saturday's debacle, never
yard drive. had a chance against the beau-
The Indiana defense, anchored tifully balanced Purdue attack.
by linebacker Ken Kaczmerek Northwestern scored four touch-
turned in a fine job and had little downs in less than seven minutes
difficulty with the mystifying in the second quarter of last
inept Spartan offense. Quarter- Saturday's contest, to wreck
back Jimmy Raye completed only Iowa, 39-24.
three of 15 passes for 29 yards. The wild offensive show was
A Kaczmerek interception of a highlighted by two successful
Raye pass thwarted the Spartans Northwestern on-side kicks and
last chance after Isenbarger had a fake punt which was good for
scored the lead touchdown. 33 yards. Quarterback Bill Melzer

The third section, naturally, featured rows of objects. Shades
of kindergarten, I thought. We were supposed to tell which ob-
ject in the third column contained a certain characteristic which
all the objects in the first column had that none of the objects
in the second column had. I still couldn't pick out the rabbits.
After struggling through hypothetical laws and hypothetical cases,
("Assuming that you can sue a man if he's trying to destroy com-
petition, can B sue A if A threatens B with, a gun that has a faulty
firing pin and B is a gun expert?") the morning session ended, and,
after lunch, we were tested on writing ability and general knowledge.
Apparently the test of a good writer is if he can properly organize a
paragraph about cows. At least I think that's what it was about.
But the general knowledge test was the back-breaker. Sure, there
were questions about Aristotle, the moon, Jonathan Swift, Rembrandt.
But never more than one of each.
Septic tanks, of course, are a different story. They rated at least
three questions. "Do septic tanks lower the water hole in the United'
States?" "What substance is used in septic tanks?" Is grass green?
How should I know. Sixteen years-and I can't remember one day
spent on septic tanks. Can I help it if I didn't go to a progressive
Where did I go wrong. Hadn't I said I liked raw carrots better
than cooked carrots during orientation. Hadn't I eaten dinner
once a week with the housemother when I lived in the Quad.
Hadn't° I pretended to listen to my counselor for four years.
And all I got was a sore neck from leaning over all day. At least
everybody hissed at the end of the test.
But there was one other encouraging sight. A guy at the end of
my row brought a transistor radio and listened to the football game
all afternoon.
He must have aced Sewage 101.



I ii

Let the Non-Students Decide?.
S Why should non-students be voting members of student organizations?
" Can't student organizations benefit from non-student participation without voting
9 Are non-students qualified to communicate student ideas to the public?
o Don't student organizations reflect on the character of the University?
0 SGC Resolution allows up to 50% non-student membership in student organizations
with as few as 2 of the officers being students.
ISSUE No. 1-Student-Community Organizations

This was their eighth victory
in as many starts, a first for any
Indiana football team.
The Boilermakers kept their
share of first place last Saturday
with an awesome display of of-
fense, which totally snowed under'
a highly touted Minnesota de-

paced the rout as he passed for
130 yards.
Ohio State's victory bell, which
was silent for over a year, was
finally heard after the Buckeyes
'eked out a 17-15 victory over win-
less Wisconsin. It was the first
home win of the season for the


fac's b




Olds 4-4-2. Three bucket-seat models: Holiday Coupe, Sports Coupe, Convertible.

Cons titutional Convyen tion
0 SGC presently provides no small constituency for a delegate to represent.
a Virtually no communication exists between the students and their representatives.
e No power of recall is available to students dissatisfied with their representatives.
a A constitutional convention may provide a more workable system.
" Delaying a constitutional convention means extended misrepresentation.
ISSUE No. 2-Constitutional Convention

Type.........................Rocket V-8
Bore x stroke, inches.........3.87 x 4.25
Displacement, cubic inches..........400
Compression ratio.........10.5-to-1
Bhp....................350* at 4800 rpm
Torque, Ib.-ft............440 at 3200 rpm
Built-in Combustion Control System
provides constant carb air temperature.
Optional: Force-Air Induction System.
Requires close-ratio 4-on-the-floor trans-
mission or Turbo Hydra-Matic. 4.33-to-1
axle, 360 bhp at 5400 rpm.
Optional: Cruising package: Includes
400-CID V-8 with 2-bbl. carb, 290 bhp,
9-to-1 compression, Turbo Hydra-Matic,
2.56-to-1 axle. 325-hp Rocket 400 V-8
with 4-bbl. carb and 10.5-to-1 compres-
sion ratio teams with Turbo Hydra-Matic.
*Bhp 325 with Turbo Hydra-Matic.

Transmission.....Fully synchronized,
heavy-duty 3-on-the-floor
with Hurst Shifter
Optional: 4-on-the-floor (close- or wide-
ratio with Hurst Shifter) or Turbo Hydra-
Matic floor shift.
Prop shaft....................Heavy-duty
Axle ratios (to 1)..2.56, 2.78, 3.08, 3.23,
3.42, 3.91, 4.33, 4.66

Power front disc brakes. UHV Transistor.
ized Ignition. Anti-Spin Differential. Rally
Stripe. Rally Pac (clock, tach, engine
gauges). Sports console. Custom Sport
Steering Wheel. Radial-Ply Whitewalls.
Simulated-wire and Super Stock Wheels.
Special wheel discs. Others.


Optional: Heavy-duty axles (H.D.shafts, Wheelbase............112"
bearings, differential gears), 3 ratios. Overall length....................201.6"
Overall width............6.2"
CHASSIS and BODY Overall height.......52.8"
Suspension.........Heavy-duty. Includes Curb wt. (lb.) Holiday Coupe........3628
heavy-duty springs and shocks, front and Fuel capacity (gal...................20
rear stabilizers. Dual exhausts. Headroom (Holiday Coupe)...front 37.6"
Steering ratio....... .......24-to-1 rear 36.3"
Wheels........,....Heavy-duty 14-inch Legroom (Holiday Coupe).....front 42.7"
with extra-wide rims rear 32.7"
Tires................F70x14", Nylon-Cord Hiproom (Holiday Coupe).....front 59.5"
Wide-Oval Red-Lines rear 53.0"
Tread.............front 59.0", rear 59.0"






U of M Engineering Council

;. .


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