PAGE SIX '11.11.E IlIitHIVAN DAILY TT]ESDAV- WnVF FR. 1 A_ 14al PAGE SI,; TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 V X0 unX p 'M V YV1vmm5 u ' A1%, ''..~*A~*'~U44*D.JI l A -U tk7 .UNIJON-LEAGUE y EuroeanTravel MICHIGAN UNION, Rooms 3R and 3S November 14, 8 P.M.f -.~ . ,xI, 4 The Daily Official Bulletini official publication of the U sity of Michigan for which Mlichigan Daily assumes no e iai responsibility. Notices shou sent in TYPEWRITTEN for Room 3564 Administration Bld fore 2 p.m. of the day prec publication and by 2 p.m. F for Saturday and Sunday. Ge Notices may be published az mum of two timas on request Calendar items appear once Student organization notices a accepted for nublication. For information call 764-9;170. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 is an niver- The ditor- uld be m to g. be- eding Friday eneral maxi- Day only, selaer Polytechnic Institute, "Recent Day cale dr Developments in Nonlinear Convection School of Music Recital-Recital b Theory," Wednesday. November 15, 325 S c hm o l o f u d si c : e ci t a l - R e ci t al b W e s t E n g in e e r in g B ld g ., 4 :0 0 p .m . C o f- Trumpet Students: School of Musicfee hour will be held in 214 West Recital Hall, 12:30 p.m. Engineering Bldg.. 3:30 p.m. School of Music Recital-Recital by String Department Students: School of Music Recital Hail, 3:45 p.m. Department of Psychiatry Lecture- Peter Knapp, M.D., Boston University, "Breathing, Emotion, and the Enigma of Asthma": Auditorium, Children's Psychiatric Hospital, 4:30 p~m. Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies-Professor T. Cuylerj Young, Jr., University of Toronto, "Re- cent Archaeological Survey and Exca- vation in Western Iran: An Ecological Approach to Human History," Thursday, November 16, 200 Lane Hall, 4:10 p.m. in Room 4609 Haven Hall, Chairman: itecture, Univresity of Florence, Italy, I. L. Claude. Mr. Carlo Caldini, November 16-18, 1967. Asociate Professor of Architecture, Doctoral Examination for: Mvren University of Florence, Italy. Laurance Krom, Mathematics, Theis: Profesor Josefina Fonacier, November "Invariant Means," on Tuesday, No- 17-26, 1967. Chairman, Mathematics vember 14 at 2 p.m. in Room 2033 Work Group. Science Teaching Center, Angell Hall, Chairan: A. L. Shields. University of the Philippines Dr. Gisela Bonn, November 18-21, 1967. Doctoral Examination for: Shawkv Writer-Author of several books on India Abdel Hamid Hassan, Epidemiologic and Africa, Stuttgart, Germany. Science, Thesis: "Human Viruses and Mr. Buu Vien, November 19-21, 1967. Birth Defects, an Experimental Ap- Director of Planning, Ministry of Plan- proach," Tuesday, November 14 at 3:04 ning and Development, Vietnam. p.m. in Room 2022 School of Public Mr. Tran Trung Luong, November 19- Health, Chairman: K. W. Cochran. 21, 1967. Special Assistant of the Educa- tion Secretary, Vietnam. Doctoral Examination for: Donald Ed- Miss Yoko Nakal, November 20-25, mund Secrest, Political Science, Thesis: News Program Analyst, USIA, "Arnrr n Pnlin tni~r d +rtamJpn 4 Le not The approval of the following student more sponsored events becomes effective after renter al otces : the publication of this notice. All pub- Interdepartmental Seminars in Fluid icity for these events must be withheld 4te repa s rtmenta l .emia s g Fl uid- ntil the approval has becom e effective. 4 Mechanics-Professor L. A. Segel, Rens- Approval request forms for student sponsored events are available in Rooms 1001dand 1546 of the Student Activities z Buiding. American o Jyowara .eutralm during the Truman and Eisenhower Adminisetrations," on Tuesday, Novem- ber 14 at 3:30 p.m. In Room 4649nHaven Hall, Chairman: H.K. Jacobson. Foreign Visitors Mr. Sabure Hoshiyama, November 20, 1967. Professor of English, Toyko Women's College, Japan. Mr. Shimou Peres, November 20, 1967. Member of Israel Knesset and Its Security and Foreign Affairs Committee. Mr. Thomas Simpson, November 21- 25, 1967. Research Professor at the UNIVERSITY CHARTER FLIGHTS IROU ND T R IP F ROM DETROIT MAY 9-JUNE 20...........$205 MAY 20-AUGUST 19.......$230 Peach Torch Coordinating Committee -Poster Sale/Magazine Sale-Nov. 13-27 -All Day-Diag/front of Union. New .. AtrS t cnitn~~~r. JUNE 27-AUGUST 23 . . .. $250 761-2348 761-2348 $100 deposit SIGN-UP .ewmantudent Association-Catho- The following foreign visitors can be National Council for Scientific and lic Voices Lecture-Nov. 14, 1967-8:00 reached through the Foreign Visitor Technical Research, Buenos Aires, Ar- p.m.--Aud, A, Angell Hall. Programs Office, 764-2148. gentina. Undergraduate Psychology Association Professor H. Glejser, November 13-26, Industrial Sciences Group, College of -M-ass Meeting and Lecture-Nov. 1967. Economist, Free University of Engineering, Cooley Laboratory-Mr. 1967-8:00 p.m.-Room 3-C, Union. Brussels. Hilmar Kristjonnson, Chief, Fishing Dr. Mahmoud Robbana, November 15- Gear Branch, Food and Agriculture Doctoral Examination for: Bernard 22, 1967. Physican to the President of Organization, United Nations, Rome Mennis, Political Science, Thesis: "An Tunisian Republic, Chief, Department Italy. For seminar information or an Empirical Analysis of the Background of Surgery, Ernest Conseil Hospital, appointment, contact Mr. Irving Roian and Political Preferences of American Tunis. (764-4284) Foreign Policy Decision-Makers," on Mr. and Mrs. Mario Preti, November Tuesday. November 14, 1967 at 12 Noon 16-18, 1967, Associate Professor of Arch- Placement Peace Corps: Activities today, Nov. 14. Speakers still available for housing I.Eunits or classes. Testing at 9 a.m., 12 noon, 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Free Peace Corp Flicks at 4:15, room 3529, S.A.B. No appts necessary for general informa- tion and informal talks, 3529, SA.B. Activities Wednesday, Nov. 15. The Ark hosts short session at 8:30 p.m. Testing same hours as above. Speakers avail for campus groups. Pannel of re- turned volunteers will discuss Peace Corps in relation to American Foreign Policy. Time and place will be an- nounced. Phone 763-3189. 14 I- W.Wo 0011 per reservation Seats Now Limited Dash of spice: . .z> .!. K . .....: x x never shudbebad Asbecaussmoe Ghnsmtn ohatgy.r.en.tsbsemlieves makshirt... j.:. 7. '~~ K2 shrbsmrecausmtinso ayorte oGanIt..abeliu/ntea akesyiu/eel StrioedOxfod bt/o-dow. AdedIngrdiets: anttaiorin, csua rol"ofcal "Idon't have two years' experience. I have one year twice. Some people get experience, in a job. Other people get older. There's a big difference. And it all depends on where you work, and with whom you work. You can start some place that has all the proper systems engineering creden- tials --significant contracts, modern physical plant, and the usual fringe benefits - and find yourself a couple of years later, just a couple of years behind. Or, you can come to a place like MITRE and get experi- ence. And grow. We have the credentials, of course. (We happen to think they're the best.) But we have something more. An attitude. We want you to get the best systems experience in the business. We want to share what we know with you, want you to absorb it as fast as you can. The quicker you grasp things, the quicker things get done. The more experience you get, the faster you grow. And that's to our mutual benefit. Here's the kind of experience you get MITRE is pioneering in the design and engineering of complex information, sensor, command, control and com- munications systems for the United States Government, Our assignments include prominent military electronic. systems, as well as civilian systems for future national air traffic control and high speed ground transportation. We'd like you to know more about MITRE About what we do, how we think, and what it might be like to work with us. If you'd like to know more about us, and have a degree (preferably advanced) in electronics, mathematics or physics, we'd like to talk with you. (Continued on Page 8) liiim IIIIIIIIIIIIIIInIIIIIIInlnIIIIII MATHEMATICIANS PHYSICISTS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS LINCOLN LABORATORV has openings for a limited number of en. gineers, physicists and mathematicians. LINCOLN LABORATORY, a research center of the Massachusetts institute of Technology, is engaged in research and develop- ment in advanced elec- tronics, with emphasis on applications to national defense and space exploration. A LASORATORY REPRESENTATIVI WILL INTERVIEW APPLICANTS NOVEMBER 17 CONSULT THE CAMPUS PLACEMENT OFFICE IN ADVANCE LINCOLN LABORATORY Massachusetts Institute of Technology BOX 21 " LEXINGTON MASSACHUSETTS 02173 4 "I 4 INTERVIEWS WILL BE CONDUCTED ON CAMPUS, NOV. 16, 1967. SIGN UP NOW AT THE PLACEMENT OFFICE. Or write for more information: Mr. L.J. Glinos, College P ^'- Lions Coordinator, The MITRE Corporation, Box 208 CNA, Bedford, Massachusetts. ~ THE =MITRE An Equal Opportunity Employer (Male & Female) Formed in 1958 . . . pioneer in the design and development of command and control systems . . . MITRE serves as technical advisor and systems engineer for the Electronic Systems Division of the Air Force Systems Command and provides technical assistance to the Federal Aviation Administration, the De- partment of Defense, the Department of Transportation and the National Aero- nautics and Space A dmninistration. 4 1 rl THE YOUNG DEMOCRATS PROUDLY ENDORSES THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES FOR SGC: THOMAS WESTERDALE MICHAEL KOENEKE .1 good, look good throughout the day This is why Gant puts spice into this King la, trim Hugger body: In a potpourri of spice colors. About $8 at discerning stores.