.. .. . . . . Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS THE VIEW FROM HERE The Perfectly, Perfect SGC candidate BY ROBERT KLIVANS -ARM Where Opinlcns Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 '."tA.'.1M tf" :":ni' .S.V 'asV.::"}:ises" a '..: . y^. . :."1. ..\ " C. :"'t'."Li1 t. .Y ":"t . "tf ,. " }:: :::.....t ." M^.1^L "Y 1" Y V . sam am m sme uma m am n Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14;1967 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID KNOKE On teReerend STUDENTS SHOULD VOTE No on the anything, a large bicameral body would question of a constitutional conven- probably become more bogged down in tion (Issue Two) in today and tomor- its own rhetoric and procedure than row's SGC election, is the present SGC. While recognizing the desires of If students pass Issue Two and a those who- are seeking to make SGC Constitutional Convention is establish- mord representative", we believe that ed, administrators will have an effec- poor timing and the priorities of cam- tive excuse for a slow-down on needed pus -problem demand rejection of the reforms. Would SGC function as well if constitutional convention. Should the University officials could point to the voters ,approve such a gathering, it referendum as a rejection of Council's would be. held during the winter, in the authority? initial stages of Robben Fleming's ad- Despite criticism, SGC has proved ministration."The legitimacy of SGC, to be a highly workable and compact which has been making substantive organization. It is beginning to effec- gains for the student body, would be tively mobilize support in housing and seriously undermined. With a conven- counseling areas, and it is now start- tion ieeting, in effect, to tear SGC ing to confront major problems with apart, ouncil leaders would find authority. A constitutional convention themselves hard-pressed to effectively now would be changing horses in mid- confront maj or problems. . stream, with no assurance that the enn orimportant, the conven-new steed is sturdier than the old. tion would drain :energy -and .interest Vote NO an Issue Two. from important Council activities intoE the petty playground of structural re- THE OTHER REFERENDUM, Issue foria. The deployment of considerable One, asks for a campus decision on maaow nd timeto a massive re-6. SGC's- Student-Community Organiza- structuring when. students are being tions motion of last Spring. Students bled by merchants, tooled by landlords, should vote YES to preserve the pres- and ignored by administrators wold ent structure, which permits an auton- be a ,senseless distotioni of priorities. omous SGC-sanctioned group to deter- mine its own membership composition Moreover, few seasoned observers of within reasonable limits. If this motion student government will even concede were overturned, it would be a serious that structural reform is relevant to blow to the freedom and self-deter- any problem ailing SGC. Rather, SOC'smblo o frstdomtanduse success 'or failure ;s a function of the personalities serving on- CounciL If -THE SENIOR EDITORS A Case(of"Too Many Indians TODAY BEGINS the Student Government Council elections, and-as those of us forced close to the candidates have learned-this semester's slate once again represents the typical, intelligent University student on the extra-curricular make. They mouth the same plati- tudes ("If elected, I intend to improve the relationship between the student and his representatives"), make the same demands ("A more responsible, representative gov- ernment is needed"), and eventually-become the same unapproachable councilmen when elected. All of which of course got me thinking. After all, with the vast computerized, information services on this cam- pus, it should be no problem to find the Perfect Candidate for SGC. Always searching for a better idea, I rambled over to the computer center and processed all the qualities desired of the ideal SGC member against the data on every student at the University. In a half hour the com- puter had coughed out an answer: Jason Good. JASON GOOD-who had lived in a dorm as a fresh- man, a fraternity as a sophomore, an apartment as a junior, and now was spending his senior year in a co-op. Jason Good-who worked simultaneously as sit-in chair- man of Voice-SDS and subversive groups chairman of Young Americans for Freedom. Jason Good-who is serving his third year in ROTC while taking Conscientious Objector lessons at draft counseling service. Jason Good- who represents the perfect candidate for SGC. So, I naturally invited Jason down to the MUG yesterday for a special Daily interview. "Jason, according to the IBM 4090, you're this cam- pus's ideal candidate for SGC!" Jason face turned pale white. "If nominated I will not run, if elected I will not serve," he screamed, rising from his chair and heading out the door. "Hold it, Jason," I pleaded. "I'm not here to draft you, but to find out what the ideal candidate thinks. Now sit down and be frank with us. For instance, what do you think of SGC's action last Thursday eliminating all stu- dent driving permits and refuting the Regent's by-law as illegal?" "That was a bold and brilliant move! As the Student Traffic Chaos Board pointed out, the Regents have no legal, right to tell an 18-year old he 'can't drive while a 21-year old can. Transcending the legal issue is the moral injustice of the Regents telling students how to live their lives. The Regents have no moral right to regulate any student behavior. In fact, that moral right does any state body have to distinguish between a 14-year old and a 16-year old driving a car? In fact, what right does the state have to determine any personal conduct rules for anyone?" bellowed Jason, frothing at the mouth and hollering out his student power line for all to hear. "What the hell right do parents have to tell children how to live? Decisions must be made by those most affected. And since you yourself are most affected by your own behavior, you make the decisions! That's what I call 'personal power'!" cried Jason, who was by now standing atop the table, waving his hands to the crowd that had gathered. "But isn't that anarchy?" I asked. "ANARCHY, SHMANARCHY. It's better than Regent- al monarchy," wailed Jason, who was only now wiping off the saliva that had dripped down his chin onto his ragged work shirt and $25 sweater. "Let's calm down, Jason, and go on to something less emotional. Perhaps you have some opinion on the need for a Constitutional Convention to restructure student government?" "Why I'm really in favor of that. In fact. I'd like to be a delegate." "Oh yes?" "Of course. After all, how do you think John Hancock became famous? Who knows whether he contributed anything to writing the Declaration of Independence? He had the flashiest signature." "That's very interesting. But let's get back to student power. What about the relations with the Vice-President for Student Affairs?" "Why, I've never had relations with the Vice President for Student Affairs!" defended Jason, obviously distraught by my questions. I DECIDED TO draw a conclusion to the interview. "There has been a lot of criticism of SGC as a 'sandbox government.' How would you correct this image if you were a candidate?" "That's easy," answered Jason. "SGC has laws, rules, and bureaucrats. Ithas courts, appeals, and legislatures. It's only lacking one thing." "And that's what?" I queried. "Guns," said Good, grinning with the wisdom of the long-lost answer for the 'oppressed majority' on college campuses. "Guns, bullets, bombs, and bayonets," he screamed. With that final outburst he left, trotting out of the MUB for his one o'clock lecture on "Man's Inhumanity Toward Man. m a Letters:Two Views of the Constitutional Convention WHEN CLARK KERR coined the phrase "multiversity", concerned followers of the course of higher education en- visioned their alma maters being turned into' the IBM's of the future; huge cor- porations with courtesy and the 'human element' lacking. The university was to become aninstituti6n run by a chain of command, all factors gravitating upward until the small unit of student and pro- fessor would disappear from the conscious of the power-directors. In many ways, America's university has suffered the opposite plight. As Roger W. Heyns indicated here last week, "The frustration 'of the modern university is that there is no one in charge." Students demand "rights"-the ability to influence decisions and to request actidn. Legisla- tures want quality, but at a minimum cost and with the least sQcial and political agitation. Parents and - alumni ask for excellent education, a good image, and a quiet, orderly campu.- IJEYNS CALLED FOR a new "authori- tarianism" to give the institution the ability to cope with the .myriad of re- quests, .lade of it; and to remain above the status of mediator of warring fac- tions . He wants a focal poirt for planning, for responsibilityphe wants a director of action, or architect of progress. Leader- ship in the modern university does not exist. A university today is run by media- tion, arbitration,, and organization, but not by leadership. Heyns wants the uni- versity to become less of a structure for action and more an instigator of progress. A university should be a single force mov- ing ahead instead of a group of joined forces pulling the whole apart. To obtain this sense of direction, a university must clarify the power roles: it must give specific powers to the branches of the university administra- tion, it must clarify the areas in which students and faculty have influence, where they have advisory or decision- making status. Universities are now test- ing methods, trying to determine the proper role of its overseers, its adminis- trators, but in testing different methods, in letting itself be ruled by the factions of the non-academic community, the uni- versity runs the risk of losing its own voice in that society. THE VALUE OF the academic voice is that it is an unpressured, hopefully rational voice. It would be °'unfortunate if such an important social critic silences } itself through a leadership void. '-CAROLYN MIEGEL 3 To the Editor: THE ISSUE of reorganizing SGC faces the students in the campus elections today and to- morrow. A referendum offers the student body a chance to estab- lish a Constitutional Convention which may produce a more repre- sentative Student .Government Council. Now, we understand the reasons presented in The Daily by Urban Lehner for voting against the referendum. Mike Davis, Administrative Vice-Presi- dent of SGC, may be correct in assuming that a Constitutional Convention next semester may undermine some of SGC's power to bargain with the new adminis- tration. But since The Daily does not feel that it is worthwile to print arguments which favor a Con-Con, we would like to put forward our views. It has been said that a reor- ganized SGC will still have many flaws, and we can't argue with that. However, we can foresee a structure of Student Government which would present, more chan- nels of communication between students and council than now exist. Though a Con-Con would not perfect SGC, it could certain- ly improveit. As to the comment that a Constitutional Convention would weaken the bargaining power of Student Government Council, we ask the question: how nuch power should SGC exercise if it is not truly representative of the students? Our position is that first we examine SGC to see if a new structure, might 'be more representative of the student body. If a new Council is called for, then let the new SGC, not the present one, do the bargain- ing with the administration. We would like to point out that there are some "influential and respected" student organizations - j t"'-^ - "--- "Stisiswhth-ay "So is s u.,a tey meant by Black Power . ..." next semester might undermine some of SGC's power to bargain with the new administration. But since The Daily does not feel that it is worthwhile to print argu- ments which favor a Con-Con, we would like to put forward our views. It has been said that a reor- ganized SGC will still have many flaws, and we, can't argue with that. However, we can foresee a structure of student government which would present more chan-, nels of communication between students and council than now exist. Though, a Con-Con would not perfect SGC, it could certain- ly improve it. As to the comment that a Constitutional Convention would weaken the bargaining power of Student Government Council, we ask the question: how much power should SGC ex- ercise if it is not truly representa- tive of the students? Our position is that first we examine SGC to see if a new structure might be more representative of the stu- dent body. If a new Council is called for, then let the new SGC,' not the present one, do the bar..- gaining with the administration. We would like to point out that there are some "influential and respected" student organizations on campus which support the Constitutional Convention. They include: IFC, IHA, West Quad C o u n cil, Engineering Council, Markley Council, and the College Republicans. We join these or- ganizations in urging the students to vote yes on the referendum calling for a Constitutional Con- vention. --Wally Rhines, Pres., Engin. Council. -Michael Renner, Chrm., College Republicans -Diane Dreyfuss, Vice-President, Markley Council Con IHA To the Editor: D ON RACHETER'S campaign SGC has brought out a very poor attitude on his part toward his present position on IHA. He has often been asked why he will not resign his IHA post if he is elected to SGC. On WCBN he an- swered that he has time to do both because being Executive Vice President of lEA is not really that big a job-all he does is draw. up agendas and do other odd jobs that Steven Brown gives him. Steven Brown is hardly a tyrant who would not his vice president take any initiative. And if Mr. Racheter cannot see that there are many ways that he could be working to improve IHA (and that it needs a lot of time and effort put into it)?,- then he is sadly lacking in imagination and leadership. Racheter's actions and posi- tions have been inconsistent and contradictory. He is already hold- ing one important office, and yet he is running for another posi- tion that is also very demand- ing. Under these circumstances, running for SGC was an irrespon- sible action. By doing so, and by the statements he has made dur ing his campaign, Racheter has shown his disregard for IHA. Regardless of the outcome of the election, I hope that Don Racheter either changes his at- titude or resigns from IHA. -Connie Cleaton '69 Reminder To the Editor: We would like to remind grad. uate students that they are eligible to vote in the SGC elections. -Marsha Daigle -Stu Katz -Ron Cohen Graduate Assembly 4 on campus which support the Constitutional Convention. They include: IHA, West Quad Council, Engineeringd Cou n c i1, Markley Council, and the College Repub- licans. We join these organiza- tions in 'urging the students to vote yes on the referendum call- ing for a Constitutional Conven- tion. -Steven A. Brown President, IHA -Wayne A. Miller SGC Candidate -Carl J. Bloch SGC Candidate More of Same To the Editor: THE ISSUE of reorganizing SGC faces the students in the campus elections today and to- morrow. A referendum offers the students a chance to establish a Constitutional Convention which may produce a more representa- tive Student Government Coun- cil. Now, we understand the rea- sons presented in The Daily by Urban Lehner for voting against the referendum. Mike Davis, Ad- ministrative Vice - President of SGC, may be correct in assuming that a Constitutional Convention 4 'a ........... ......................... ........... ............... r............................".: ':.'.5'Vr r: r........5"J.".".VY.. V. ....r.V.:".V::ISVJJVh45V.'f"rf rr " ."... rrr..... v ." "Nr.......5 ........... ....h...h...... M.... ........4.., h.....{?... X. M1 ." .9' f.r . rh.... . A."....Y"54 ...... . . . ......... N .. ....................... ...... r..h..:rJ::" f " .J .... { ... .... ..... .. NJJJ::'NJJ': r: ".VXJJ SVt:!" " .. .. .. ........... .. ... .......:...................... ... A.. ..........., ................................ " ..A.. .... Jf ...h ..{... .. 4 .S fh ...... 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MARRIED STUDENTS living in Univer- sity housing, especially those who withheld $10 from their September rent check to protest a rent increase, have formed an organization to represent their grievances to University housing director John Feldkamp. Both Feldkamp and the married ten- ants are, enthusiastic about the new group, Northwood Terrace Association. This is a word of caution to the latter. 'You protested because the administra- tion didn't give you "adequate notice" of the rent increase. (Because you are com- pelled under the lease to give 60-day notice before moving, out, you felt the University should. similarly be compelled to give 60-day notice before increasing, the rent.) The administration relented after 171 of you withheld the $10 hike in Septem- ber. But the University is big business, and operates like a large firm--in self- interest. Where it can cut corners, it will.. When adverse publicity hurts, it will work to change the boos to applause. distasteful connotations of that sort of work. REALIZATION OF THIS should provide a clue for further dealings with the University. Feldkamp is willing to listen to, you because you're probably still rep- resentative of the outrage prompted by the rent increase, not because you're good people, acting in good faith. Your course should be determined by how you can bring about a re-drafting of the lease which is slanted toward the University. That should be the whole point of the rent strike. -W. REXFORD BENOIT Endorsements IN SUNDAY'S DAILY the Senior Editors made their recommendations for fill- ing Student Government Council vacan- cies. (The elections will be held on cam- pus today and tomorrow with the vote tabulation beginning tomorrow night after the polls close.) An r11 An f^"- +,I -i +1 ,03o X7 t 1YA11 POLITICS '68 hit Ann Arbor Fri- day night and when the yell- ing died down and the crowds had melted away the remaining feeling was a mixture of confused bore- dom and thwarted expectation. While Sen. Eugene McCarthy did little during his visit to excite the political adrenalin, his almost in- tentionally lackluster performance provided a revealing glimpse of the Minnesota Democrat's strategy and style. - To the sign-carrying crowd of 3,000 massed on the diag, McCar- thy didn't have to say anything revolutionary, radical, or even par- ticularly anti - Johnson: Almost anyone there that drizzily evening would have been capable of men- tally improvising a hellfire and brimstone anti-war oration for himself. The Senator realized that his mere appearance at the rally was sufficient for the students and faculty gathered there to easily project their virulent objections to the President's Asian adventure onto the man who has recently hinted that he may oppose John- son in the primaries. THE SENATOR'S performance at the Second District Democratic Congressional dinner in the Union Ballroom was even more restrain- forward-looking Democratic Par- ty. This is probably the most polit- ical effective justification which McCarthy can give for opposing President Johnson's foreign poli- cies within the ranks of the Dem- ocratic Party. It was the kind of low-key speech with McCarthy can be expected to make often in the next few months at party fund- raising dinners. THE PROBLEM underlying both speeches was the unique tightrope McCarthy is attempting to walk, carefully balancing himself be- tween the expectations of enthu- siastic audiences and the accusa- tions of heresy from professional Democrats. McCarthy's appearance here in- dicated that his solution to this dilemma is to employ his semi- academic, low-key style to hint at the thought and aspirations of his anti-war audiences. For like most successful politicians, he is adept at suggesting, rather than explicitly delineating political ideas. The senior Senator from Minne- sota recognizes that a highly emo- tional anti-Johnson crusade has been steadily growing across the country. All it has lacked is a leader. And since the anti-war forces are already mobilized, it is not necessary for McCarthy as thircarn-ho k rar to rik ft, 1970, McCarthy comes from a state where a primary system and a weak party structure have led to a long record of tolerance for political independence and dissent. THE ABORTIVE failure of the liberals' 1948 dump-Truman cru- sade strongly reinforced the dic- tum that you cannot deny renom- ination to an incumbent president. The movement, entranced with the political possibilities of an exceed- ingly reluctant General Eisen- hower, was rooted in the;lack of an active anti-Truman candidate. With McCarthy on the verge of entering the primaries as an active candidate, all historical parallels breakdown. And if the anti-John- son sentiment is as overwhelming as the polls seem to indicate, it is not inconceivable that McCarthy could radically change the entire political picture with a few major primary victories. Even if unsuccessful at the Con- vention, McCarthy will have great- ly strengthened his credentials as the heir to the Stevensonian con-' stituency of academic liberals and idealistic youth. But the weakness of the McCar- thy candidacy is that he has not significantly updated the mid-cen- tury liberal legacy of "the man who has made us all proud to be called Democrats." What McCarthy will offer the ii 4 4 McCarthy at the Diag Rally will undoubtedly be lauded as an act of political courage. And if political courage means taking gambles at high odds, then this is precisely what McCarthy is doing. any assessment of contemporary political realities indicates that un- less the variables are massively al- tered, Senator Robert Kennedy will enter the White House for two terms fnllnwing the .Tnhnsonian in- I