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November 14, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-14

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Wilson Asks
U.S. Ouster
From Europe
Diagram Program
Regulating Take-over
Of Technology, Trade
LONDON (P)-Prime Minister
Harold Wilson issued an urgent
appeal last night to the six Com-
mon Market countries to join Bri-
tain in creating "a vast and power-
ful European technology" to halt
a U.S. takeover of European in-
The prime minister said the
problem was too .urgent, too vital
to Europeans to be delayed while
Britain negotiates its entry into.
the Common Market.
In a speech to= the annual ban-
quet at Guildhall of London, the
capital's financial district, Wilson
outlined a program which he said
his government will pursue with
the Common Market.
He appealed to British industry
and trades unions to back him in
his sweeping proposals for "indus-
trial partnership and industrial
There is no future for Europe,
or for Britain, if we allow Ameri-
can business and American indus-
try to so dominate the strategic
growth industries of our individual
countries, that they, and not we,
are able, to determine the pace
and direction of Europe's indus-
trial advance," Wilson declared.
He said he was not proposing
"costly government-financed ven-
tures" such as the joint British-
French construction of the Con-
corde airliner.
"The test of effective European
cooperation must be industrial
partnership and industrial inte-
gration based on pooling the re-
search, development and produc-
tion of viable and strategic eco-
nomic enterprises," he said.-
He mentioned the fields of com-
puters, electronics and nuclear
"We are ready, too, to embark
on urgent multilateral discussions
with our European partners, de-
signed to create a new dynamic in
European technology. We are pre-
pared to go as far and as fast
as-and indeed perhaps further
and faster than-any country in
Europe in preparing the techno-
logical cooperation and integra-
tion that can give a new impetus
to a European economic union."
Wilson sugested 'formation of
a multilateral European institute
of technology to point the way,
and urgent talks on means of
forming "truly European com-
panies" operating across national

Ask Refuge Communists Release Three


In Japan

After Request from King, Spock

-Associated Press
SGT. DANIEL PITZER, left, of Spring, Lake, N.C., and Sgt. 'James Jackson, of Talcott, W.Va.,
answered questions at New York's Kennedy Airport last night after leaving the plane that brought
them on their last leg of freedom from a Viet Cong prisoner of war camp.
Israel, Jordan Battle in UN,
Refuse to- Modify Positions

Israel and Jordan, meeting face-
to-face in Security Council de-
bate, stuck to their tough no-
compromise positions yesterday
on a Middle East settlement.
Israeli Foreign Minister Abba
Eban declared that what his gov-
ernment sought "and what the
international community should
promote is not a meaningless for-
mula" but rather "the conclusion
of peace treaties by direct nego-
tiations between Israel and th'e
Arab states."
He said a peace settlement ne-
gotiated directly between the two
sides was "not only possible but
Foreign Minister Abdul Monem
Rifa'i of Jordan, showing none
of, the conciliatory tone evident
in public statements of Jordan's
King Hussein in the United States
last week, reiterated Arab de-
mands for the withdrawal of Is-
raeli forces from the Arab terri-
tory seized in the six-day war last
Israeli withdrawal, he said, is a
prerequisite to peace. If the
United Nations fails to act, he

warned, we will have to take the
necessary action "to liquidate this
Israeli aggression.'
Eban said Israel would main-
tain and respect the cease-fire
that ended the June fighting
"until it is replaced by peace
treaties ending the state of war
and ensuring a stable and mu-
tually guaranteed security."
He once again flatly rejected a
resolution submitted to the coun-
cil by India, Mali and Nigeria,
because, he said, it. suggested
"that Israel should move from the
cease-fire lines without a peace

treaty defining permanent and
secure frontiers."
He also criticized a rival U.S.
resolution for failure to "give suf-
ficient weight to the concept of
negotiation and agreement." The
Israelis, however, are believed will-
ing to accept the U.S. formula.
Rifa'i told the council that the
Arab attitude was not the sourcej
of instability in the Middle East.
He contended the instability
stemmed from Israel's "record of
expansionist policies."
The Security Council will meet
again Wednesday on the Middle
East question.

Four from Intrepid
Go A WOL; Oppose
U.S. Role in ietnarm
TOKYO ()-A Japanese peace
group announced Monday the de-
fection of four U.S. Navy men
from the 7th Fleet carrie Intre-
pid because they oppose Ameri-
can involvement in Vietnam. It
said the men had asked for po-
litical refuge in Japan or any
other country not involved in the
The Japan Peace for Vietnam
Committee showed a movie in
which four Americans in civilian
clothes read statements which
said they did not want to take
part in the war. The Intrepid is
stationed off Vietnam and its
planes fly bombing missions over
the North.
The peace group identified the
men as John M. Barrilla, 20, an
airman; Richard D. Bailey, 19,
airman; Michael A. Lindner, 19,
airman apprentice, and Craig W.
Anderson, 20, airman apprentice.
In the film, entitled "The In-
trepid Four," the youth who
identified himself as Barrilla said
he had lived most of his life in
Baltimore, and the one who said
he was Anderson listed his birth-
place as San Jose, Calif. The
other two made no mention of
their home towns and the peace
committee said it could not give
Joint Statement
In the film Bailey read what
was described as a Joint state-
ment of the four.
"We believe that further esca-
lation in Vietnam will eventually
lead to a direct confrontation
with China, resulting in a world
war," the statement said.
"We oppose the war as true
Americans, not affiliated with any
political party.
"We face military disciplinary
action as a result of our beliefs;
therefore, we s e e k political
asylum in Japan, or any other
country not engaged in the war."
The peace committee said the
film was made Nov. 1.
Young in Japan
The Japanese peace group said
a representative of a group it
called "The American Peace
Movement" came to Japan last
week and talked to the men It
identified him as Prof. Ernest P.
Young of Dartmouth College. The
group also said the word of the
defections had been sent to David
Dellinger in the United States.
Dellinger heads the U.S. Na-
tional Mobilization Committee to
End the War in Vietnam. He
helped organize the antiwar dem-
onstrations outside the Pentgon
in Washington last month.
The U.S. Embassy in Tokyo said
it had not been informed of the
four men's defection. The Japa-
nese Foreign Ministry said Japa-
nese law agencies would search
for the men and arrest them if
the U.S. government asks that
this be done.
AWOL from Intrepid
A U.S. Navy spokesman said the
four men named by the peace
committee were absent without
leave after the Intrepid left for
Vietnamese waters Oct. 25. She
had been in Yokosuka to give her
crew a week's recreation and rest.
In Baltimore, Barrilla's sister-
in-law, Mrs. Frank Barrilla, said
Barrilla's mother had received
mailed notification Monday of
her son's absence from duty and
that she was "very much upset."

PARIS (A") -- Three U.S. Army three U.S. Army sergeants as a
sergeants released by Vietnamese gesture of goodwill toward Ameri-
Communists at the request of Dr. can Negroes.
Martin Luther King and a group He said 11 civil rights workers,
of ten other American civil rights including singer Joan Baez, Dr.
workers began the final leg of Benjamin Spock and himself, had
their journey home Monday ac- cabled the North Vietnamese gov-
companied by a U.S. State De- ernment asking for the men's
partment official and Thomas release on humanitarian grounds.
Hayden, a member of King's "We appealed to the humani-
group. tarian instincts of the North
The three left Phnom Penh' Vietnamese," King said. "At it
Cambodia. Sunday, the day fol- happened, two of the three were
lowing their release there, accom- Negroes."
panied by Hayden.
Speaking at Newcastle-on-Tyne, The men are M. St, Edward R.
England, King said yesterday that Johnson, who has been reported
the North Vietnamese released ill with dysentery and malnutri-
Court Martial Convicts
Anti-War NYegro Soldier
SAN FRANCISCO (,) - A She and two others were
general court martial Monday quickly ejected by MPs and the
convicted Pvt. Ronald Lockman, spectators were warned to main-
23, of refusing to obey orders to tamn decorum.
go to Vietnam. A colonel ordered them arrested
The court deliberated only 11 and as they were being led away
minutes at the end of a trial that they started struggling. Shortly,
erupted in violent confrontation military police were rolling on
between civilian spectators and the pavement with several dem-
military police soon after Lock- onstrators. In all, nine demon-

tion, S. Sgt. James E. Jacksoi Jr
and M. Sgt. Daniel Lee Pitzer.
Hayden, a former Daily editor
and a community organizer in
Newark, had his passport revoked
early in 1966 after he made a trip
to Hanoi without official authori-
zation by the State Department.
Even though the passport had
never been reinstated and Hay-
den now lacks "all valid travel
documents," the State Depart-
ment announced, "we appreciate
Hayden's role in facilitating the
release of these men."
Asked what official action
might be taken up on Hayden's
arrival, a spokesman said the
United States has not made a
The men refused to speak to
anyone, including reporters, on
their way home.
"They have told me they do
not want to make any statements
or be photographed." commented
the U.S. Embassy official who is
accompanying them. "They are
under great pressure. They just
want a chance to talk to their'
supervisors in the Defense De-
partment before anyone else."
Approached by a reporter on
the flight from Rome to Paris,
Pitzer shook his head at ques-
Hayden insisted that he himself
had no official role in the affair.
Of his part in their release in
Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Hayden
would only say: "I helped facili-
tate their departure so they could
go home to see their families and
government officials."

UAW Pr ods Labor Force
Back to Chrysler Factories

man had pleaded a loud and clear
"not guilty."
Lockman, a Philadelphia Ne-
gro, declares he refused an order
Sept. 15 to go to Vietnam because
he believes the war is illegal.
He was convicted on two counts,
one carrying a penalty of five
years and dishonorable discharge
and the other a one-year term.
The entire proceedings were
marked by clashes between MPs
and protesting demonstrators both
inside and outside of the court.
The trouble outside the court
room was a follow up to an inci-
dent that occurred in the court
room with the trial barely begun.
The trial counsel had just
handed around specifications of
the charges against Ronald Lock-
man of Philadelphia, 23, when a
man among the 60 spectators in
the court suddenly shouted, "This
trial is illegal and unconstitu-
tional." He identified himself as
Richard Chariper, 42, of Los An-
The trial had been underway
about an hour when two civilians
among the 75 who were gathered
outside and could not get in ask-
ed MPs for permission to enter.
They were refused.
The two withdrew from the en-
trance and started using abusive
language in loud voices,

NEW HAVEN, Conn. {gP-About
400 members of the Yale Univer-
sity faculty have signed a "peti-
tion for peace" that calls on
President Johnson to halt the
bombing of North Vietnam "un-
conditionally and at once."
Johnson was urged in the peti-
tion to bring an "end to destruc-
tion and this nightmare war"
through negotiations with Hanoi
and the National Liberation
Front. ,
The petition appeared in
Thursday's edition of the Yale
Daily News, the undergraduate
newspaper. The signers represent

about one-fourth of the estimated
2,000 faculty members.
The Vietnam conflict, it said,
is "pulverizing" Vietnamese cul-
ture and is "contrary to the best
interests of the United States."
The petition asks Johnson to'
represent "the vast majority of
the people of the United States
who elected him because they
wanted peace and trusted him to
keep it. That same majority wants
peace and magnanimity now.
The signers include Dean Louis
H. Pollack of the Yale Law
School and author John Hersey
who is master of Pierson College.

strators were arrested.
Inside, the trial continued de-
spite the disturbances.
Lockman, whose mother and
fiance were present, was asked,
"How do you plead?"
At that point a Negro girl in
the audience -screamed, "How can
you begin?"

Yale Staff Signs Peace Plea

World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
Episcopal clergyman who preach-
ed a sermon to President Johnson
calling for a "logical, straightfor-
ward explanation" of Vietnam
policy sought shelter Monday
from a whirlwind of controversy.
The Rev. Cotesworth Pinckney
Lewis, rector of historic Bruton
Parish Church, was defended by
his bishop, criticized by congres-
sional leaders and the cause of
a letter of apology from Virginia
Gov. Mills E. Godwin Jr. to the
The minister, besieged by calls
for amplification of his sermon-
including one caller from Aus-
tralia '- declined further inter-
views, indicating he felt his in-
tentions had been misinterpreted
and he wished to bow out of the
* * *
defeated Monday a Republican-led
effort to slash $660 million from
the $2.06 billion .requested by
President Johnson for the anti-
poverty program.

Speaker John W. McCormack
(D-Mass.), leading the attack on
the GOP amendment, said a cut
of the size being proposed would
"constitute a fatal attack on this
most worthy program.."
*.- * *
LAGOS, Nigeria - In the first
heavy fighting reported in, three
weeks, federal troops have beaten
back a Biafran bid " to retake the
secessionist capital, Enuga, Ni-
gerian army sources said Monday.
The attack came at the week-
end as the federal government
appointed Ibo administrator, Uk-
pabi Asika, appealed to Ibos to
return to the captured capital.
Enugu remains virtually de-
serted as the 150,000 population,
mostly Ibo tribesmen, fled before
the federal army which took the
city Oct. 4.

DETROIT UP) - United Auto
Workers officials yesterday push-
ed to get their 103,000 members
at Chrysler Corp. back on the job.
"We'll have a lot of them back,"
a union spokesman said, but he
expressed doubt that all striking
union members would return to
Parts shortages and local un-_
ion disputes in Michigan and Illi-
nois kept 26,300 hourly wage
workers at Chrysler off the job
A nationwide strike against
Chrysler, the UAW's second tar-
get this year, was averted last
Wednesday night when the com-
pany and the union reached
agreement on new contracts cov-
ering the firm's 95,000 hourly
rated workers.
But at General Motors, the
UAW's third target, three one-
day walk-outs were held in at
least three plants, apparently in
protest of the company's stock-
piling of vehicles in preparation.
for a possible strike. UAW Presi-
dent Walter Reuther is seeking
three-year contracts with all of
the Big Three automakers.
Bargainers are still working on
contracts at 56 of the 136 Chry-
sler locals that have not come to
terms on individual plant agree-

The Chrysler contract closely
parallels that won by the UAW
at Ford where workers got rough-
ly a dollar an hour more in wages
and fringe benefits over the pre-
vious Big Three level of $4.70 an
hour. The UAW's contract at
Chrysler also will give Canadian
workers wages equal to the U.S.
scale by mid-1970.
Reuther told delegates to the
union's national Chrysler coun-
cil Saturday to get their members
back to work.
"If they (union members) want
the leadership of this union to
fight their battles when the com-
pany is wrong, then they have to
expect the leadership of this un-
ion to stand up to them when
they're wrong," Reuther said.
"They're wrong."
The council voted to recom-
mend that the membership ratify
the new national contracts. No
ratification date has been set.
GM plants affected by the one-
day walk-outs were in Saginaw,'
Pontiac, and Doraville, Ga., a GM
spokesman said.
In Saginaw, two of five GM
plants, which make steering gears,
were idled yesterday. A spokes-
man for UAW Local 699 said the
union was protesting the firm's
scheduling of overtime.






Nov. 13-17


4 jhi, eer at 'flIF ARK
8:30 P.M, 1421 Hill Street


Wednesday - DEBATE - "Should the Peace Corps Be
Suspended in view of the present U.S. Foreign Policy?"
Thursday-IMAGES OF THE USA-Three Drama Pro-
files-Was the unknown soldier a nigger, a mick, a
kike, a wop, or a wasp?"
doing songs of all shapes and sizes from blues to children's songs,
traditional ballads, to topical songs, playing banjo, 6 and 12 string
guitar, pennywhistle, uke, arnd kazoo.







7:00 P.M.



® Starring M4IOO 'SN!A. BARBAAUH.J'Q)

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