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Cloudy today with
snow flurries.
Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
Trvel Irons, Friendliness Ilel Students A
If you are ever in doubt about whether to bring a
traveling iron with you to Europe, it's useful to know
that an iron can'double as a stove.
Cooking with an iron may seem bizarre, but several
students who have spent their junior year abroad confess
that they often revert to the iron method when they
don't have a stove and don't want to buy a burner; or
when they dislike standing in line for a meal.
This is an example of the type of new discoveries
made by students who participate in the junior year
abroad program. Under 'the direction of the literary
college, study abroad can be taken through University
centers in Aix-en-Provence, France, and in Freiburg,
While enrolled in University programs in France and
Germany, a student receives residence credit for his work
abroad. Course election is closely supervised by the Uni-
versity staff abroad and the Ann Arbor office.
Under the co-sponsorship of the University and the
University of Wisconsin, the French junior year abroad
program was born in September, 1962. The German pro-
gram, inaugurated in 1964, is co-sponsored by the Univer-
sity, Wayne State University, the University of Wisconsin,
and Michigan State University.
The program in Aix-en-Provence is directly associated
with the University of Aix-Marseille, and it provides
for all courses of study except the sciences. Dean James H.
Robertson, director of the Residential College and of
both programs, explained, "We felt the admission criteria,
should be reasonably demanding in order to attract top
students with good competence in French and an ability
and promise to learn more, since all instruction is in
To prepare the juniors for the opening of the regular
university courses in late October, a preliminary session
is held in Aix in September. It consists of six weeks of
intensive study of the French language.
During this preliminary session, the Program Direc-
tor, Prof. Guy Mermier of the University French depart-
ment advises each student on which courses at Aix will
best suit his individual interests and abilities. The French
junior year abroad program concludes around June 15.
"One important thing to remember is that French
students do not mix studies and recreation," said Barbara
Nelson, '66. "When they study, they really study.
"However, when they go out they don't talk about
studies and don't like others to do so either. Life at a
French university can be a very rewarding experience if
a certain amount of planning is done, and if the foreign
student accepts the French educational system for what
it is-rather than constantly comparing it to American
"One of the best things that can happen during the
year is the sudden realization that your French friends
have stopped looking at you as Americans whom they
treat nicely out of curtesy, but as friends whom they trust
and whose opinions they truly respect," confided Penny
Hommel, 66.
Many students returning from last year's Freiburg
program agreed that a year at a German university is
markedly different from the American experience. The
German university student is given much more freedom,
for there is not nearly as much
this country.
supervision there as in
"German students are very aware, very intellectually
stimulating. They are the cream of the nation since only
about five per cent of the German population ever gets
to the university level," explained Judith Operhall, '66.
Most students agreed that the people were friendly,
the opportunities for travel were readily available and the
educational experience was incomparable.
"But all was not a bed of roses," cautioned Sally
Shannon, '66. "Especially in the beginning it becomes
very frustrating not to be able to understand what people
are saying to you.
"And since all your courses are in German, you have
to spend more time studying than the average German
student," she added.
"For a non-German major it can present a great
many complications unless you have a strong desire to
learn German," said Robert Walker, '66.
Students who have studied abroad recommend the
programs highly, but also cite disadvantages. Many
warned students against being over-optimistic about their
reception in foreign countries. Most returning students
recommend making friends with the .natives and not
associating continually with other Americans.
Educators and students have both agreed that the
University French and German junior year abroad pro-
grams serve a dual purpose: the students receive an
education as well as some cultural contact in a foreign
country. The academic experience of studying abroad
and the personal experience of international living con-
tribute to the student's cultural and social development.
DMily-Jay Cassdy
Participaits of Junior Year Abroad
Forgotten Arts Live On Fac
In Condemned Firetrapi-
Student Conduct Rules
By BRIAN FORD "You don't dare put anything In fair weather the fumes can
Despite repeated pleas from lab down and walk away," said Cheryl' escape through the window, but
technicians, students and profes- Warren, '67A&D, "because some- in the winter they hang in the
sors, several photography classes one else will take it." The lack of room.
in the 40-year-old Architecture chemicals and other materials High temperatures in the sum-E
and Design Bldg. still meet in a causes competition among stu- mer hinder the development of
sixth-floor tower which was de- dents. They must carry all their high quality pictures that should
clared a fire hazard by the Uni- equipment up 164 steps because be produced near 68 degrees.
versity Plant Department 18 there is no elevator. Supplies of coffee and cigarettes
months ago. Art students down- Palazzola believes that grad- are kept in the tower because of
stairs continue to use flammable uate students suffer most from the taxing trip up and down the
paints and solvents. the laboratory conditions. In ad- 164 steps.
Professors and students also dition to working with outdated A beautiful view of the campus
complain about lack of space and and over-used equipment, they do and the surrounding area excites
poor teaching conditions in the not have individual work areas. photography students, but it does
crowded tower, which the Plant The classroom and laboratory not compensate for the materials
Dept. called "unsatisfactory for vibrate whenever someone jumps theyantd
human occupancy." or the wind blows. "High qualitsaidWe'ye had plans for 15 years.,
"The University has forgotten pictures are difficult to take in said Dean Lewis. Numerous pro-
the arts," said John Eding, '67 these conditions," Vasich said. posals for changing the photog-
t Dh arts,"nsaidmJohnk raphy laboratories have been dis-
A&Drihuphr.W Lack of ventilation makes work cussed, but no money has been
"Nothing is right up here. We difficult, approprat to alte thtatin
should never have been put here."'sappropriated to alter th situa
said Sam Vasich, photography lab Fumes and dust rise through There is a possibility that classes
technician. Vasich wants at least the chimney-like tower and col-; will be moved to the basement
four times as much space for the lect in the photography rooms, of University High School next
Afn ti sr ramiiau spa e 1gr dte covering equipment and projects. year.
LSA Faculty
Tables Stand
legConsideration of a literary col-
lege faculty resolution condemn-
ing classified research was post-
poned yesterday until the Janu-
ary faculty meeting.
The original resolution, which
was to have been presented to
the Regents asked the University
to approve no more contracts
restricting publication of results.
It was also condemned classified
research in general arguing that
"the potential benefits of scholar-
ship" were endanged by secrecy.
A substitute resolution asking
the literary college faculty to take '
a stand on five more specific pro-
posals on classified research was
also tabled.
The second resolution was pre-
sented in response to faculty com-
plaints that the first resolutionj
(1) was too inflexible; and (2)
could be interpreted as rivalry
with other university colleges.
It would be better, many faculty
Un LergrdiU&U116gauu
students who must share two sinks
and four darkrooms.a
To alleviate the space shortage.
graduate students have rented
space outside the University and
Vasich permits students to use
his personal darkroom in Detroit.
Interest in photography has re-
SGC Elections Today Focus
On Con-Coni, Non-Students
cently increased, but students have By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN dent - Community category now
been turned away for lack of space, Students will go to the polls exist on campus. These include
according to Prof. Guy J. Palazzola today and tomorrow to select six Young Democrats, Voice, F ui-
of the art department. William A. at-large S t u d e n t Government Gospel Student Fellowship, Inter-
Lewi, associatedan of theA Council members from a field of Cooperative Council, Tutorial, Ann
college, said that the lab was . addtsadt oeo w Arbor Motorcycle Club and Indo-1
designed for only half the number 11 candidates and to vote ontwo nesian Student Club
of students presently using it. referendums. The polls will be -C
Water and elect.ricity supplies open on both days from 9 a rn The second referendum asks
alsocaue cmplint. VaichI t 5 ~m"whether there shall be a "con-
also cause complaints. Vasich to - pmstitutional convention this aca-
sometimes blows several fuses a The first referendum asks demic year to consider restruc-
day while using equipment on an whether "Student-Community as
inadequate current. weLa tdn ognztos uring of student government" at
inadquat curent well as Student organizations"1 the University. If this referendum
Water is needed at the rate of should be recognized University phe SC I s t e
3.5 gallons- per minute. But pres- groups. Student - Community or- meaism forhouldingtathescon-
sure is far below that level because ganizations comprise at least 50 vention. Coholding the cn
the laboratories are on the top per cent University students while S Cvo 6
floor of the building. The small, Student organizations draw their SGC voted 6-2 in favor of the
outdated refrigerator cannot pro- membership solely from the stu- re-organization referendum last
duce enough ice to cool the water dent body, month. If students vote to hold
which arrives too warm for pho- dAboutd1 gusnh S-the constitutional convention, it
'i x
3 C
Daily-Anita Kessler
DONALD FISH, left, an army biologist, fielded questions from Voice Political Party members, right,
who confronted him at yesterday's microbiology department seminar "Pathophysiology of Anthrax.".
Voice onrons rm 1 iologis t
OnPurpose of Anthrax Studies
TAsk Regents-
To Consider
Sugg estions
Pass New Structure,
Grant Voting Rights
To Students on SRC
The Faculty Assembly yesterday
approved a Student Relations
Committee report calling for stu-
dent responsibility in creating con-
duct rules and sent the report to
the Regents for consideration at
their Nov. 17 meeting.
SRC chairman Prof. Leonard
Greebaum of the Engineering Col-
lege said he felt the Assembly
approval showed "great faculty
willingness to support responsible
student government."
The report favored SGC's dele-
gation of non-academic discipline
to students but pointed out that
authority' to enforce all conduct
rules still has to be delegated by.
the Regents.
Assembly at yesterday's meeting
also approved a system of com-
mittee organization and proced-
ures which gives the four student
members of SRC a voting mem-
bership on the committee thus
granting them equal standing with
its faculty members.
The SRC report, which Assem-
bly president Prof. Frank Ken-
nedy of the Law School indicated
was' approved by a "substantial
majority" of members present, was
drafted in response to SGC's re-
cent change in the booklet "Uni-
versity Regulations." The SGC ac-
tion exempts students from dis-
ciplinary action by any student
judiciary for any non-academic
conduct rules not created by stu-
See TEXT, Page 2
The motion presented to the
faculty said the University had'the
responsibility to develop "work-
able guidelines" concerning general
student conduct and that these
guidelines "should not be consid-
ered .as rules; except that such
conduct considered intolerable to
the educational function of the
University community should be
subject to appropriate discipline."
The SRC reported concepts to
be considered such as:
-division between academic and
non-academic disciplinary areas;
! Al ivrinnerbodv hn fnr nc-
members felt, for the resolution to
be presented by an all-University;
body such as Faculty Assembly1
than through independent literary
i i
college action. By STEVE NISSEN Fish repeatedly dodged aud-
Many faculty members felt About, 30 members of Voice Po- ience questions on whether his
both resolutions should be tabled litical Party yesterday confronted research for the army at Ft. Det-
until investigations by Faculty army biology researcher Donald rick, Md., might be used in bio-
C. Fish at a public seminar on the logical warfare against human be-
Assembly Research Policies Com- "Pathophysiology of A n t h r a x" ings. He said he had no knowl-
mittee could be completed in late sponsored by the University's edge of what his work was being
December. department of microbiology. used for.
tography work.
i 2aT --v S" 544" sa ill Uii O.;um- I
will be empowered to decide
whether a student government
will continue to exist, in what.
form and for what purposes.
A groundwork report drafted by
Donald Tucker, '68, president of
the University Activities Center
calls for the convention to begin
the first week of January, wi, h
its decisions taking effect next
"Not only can grad students
vote, but we want grad students
to vote," said SGC Executive
Vice-President Ruth Baumann,j
'68, clarifying prevalent miscon-I
ceptions that they may not.
SGC Elections Director Paul
Milgrom, '70, said he expects a{
large turnout, at the polls. The
last two-day Council elections
,r,. halt in the nrinz of 192 1
The purpose of his research was
to "find out what causes anthrax
and how to cure it," Fish said.
"We found that we could save
rats injected with anthrax toxin
that would otherwise have died
in six minutes," he explained.
Anthrax is a bacterial disease
which infects sheep, cattle, and
sometimes man; according to
Fish, "it is 95-100 per cent fatal"
"Oppenheimer didn't drop the
bomb on Hiroshima," Fish said.
"We scientists don't concern our-
selves with political decisions. It
is up to the politicians to decide
Urge More Student Awareness
Of Existing Grievance Channels
By ELEANOR BRAUN dean of the graduate school, said municating student, especially un-
Students should be aware of the report has not yet been ap- dergraduate, opinion.
"proper channels" through which proved by the Presidential Com- -That schools and departments3
they can voice grievances and ad- mission. Lewis stressed that the establish "ombudsmen." These#
vance suggestions about the aca- I report in its present form is not would be apppinted periodically
demic affairs of their school and ' a "working document." it is only "to hear questions, suggestions.
departments, according to a report a draft of the committee's find- and grievances." The report sug-f
presented yesterday to the Pres- ings. gests that those units which now
idential Commission on Student To increase student knowledge use chairmen or deans for this
Decision-Making. about grievance channels, the ' purpose should investigate their
Tneased a wareness of seh committee made the following effectiveness, since "student opin-
whether or not to use a weapon."'
Fish was a student at the Uni-
versity from 1958-64, earning a
masters degree and a doctorate.
One student asked Fish what
he would do if the government
asked him to develop an especially
virulent mutant strain of an-
thrax. "Oh, it might be fun," he.
Fish, however, later said that
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