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November 12, 1967 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-12

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Indiana ...... .14 Ohio State. ....17 Northwestern .. 39 I Purdue ....... 41 Oregon State .. 3 Notre Dame ...38 W yoming ..... 4
Michigan St.... 13 | Wisconsin ..... 15 Iowa ......... 241 Minnesota ....12 Southern Cal. . 0 Pittsburrgh .... 0 New Mexico...

Miskingiim . . .12
r Hofstra ..... . 9

See editorial page

YI e

, ir43oa"

Da3 iti

Colder; chance of
snow flurries

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom







By GRAYLE HOWLETT halfback Dave Jackson and full-
Associate sports Editor back Rick Johnson powered the Il-
special To The Daily lini to a 14 point lead. In the first
CHAMPAIGN - The University period, after Illinois' Ron Bess in-
of Michigan football team con- tercepted a Denny Brown pass on
tinued its all-out assault on the the Michigan 35, Johnson and
W500 mark yesterday with a second Jackson took the ball into paydirt
half blitz that produced three in six plays, with Johnson getting
touchdowns and a 21-14 victory the score over right tackle from
over the University of Illinois. 15 out.
For the Wolverines, it was their Midway in the second quarter,
second straight victory, upping Illini Terry Miller intercepted a
their season record to 3-5, and im- Brown pass on the Michigan 32
proving their Big Ten Mark to 2-3. and returned it three yards. Six
0 Stunned by two first-half plays later, Johnson went over the
touchdowns by the Fighting Ilhni, left side for a touchdown and a
Michigan came roaring out of the 14-0 Illinois lead.

dressing room for the second half
and proceeded to make a come-
from-behind effort stand up for
a win. A vicious ground attack and1
a hard-nosed, position-playing de- t
*ense was the combination the Il-!
lini couldn't lick.
Big Second Half
Head coach Bump Elliot summed
up the game in this way: "We put
it all together in the second half.
I will say we played our best foot-
ball in the second half, but I can't
*say this was our best overall game
-we didn't play well in the first
In that first half, the J&J boys,

was stopped for no gain on the
quarterback rollout play, Illinois
taking over.
However, the Michigan defense
held and the Wolverines had ex-
cellent field position on the Illin-
ois 36 after a 38-yard Bareither
punt and a six-yard Hartman re-
turn. This time the offense ram-
med it home.
Faced with a fourth-and-two'
situation on the 28, Brown thread-
ed the needle to Jim Mandicti on
the 20. Garvie Craw scissored.
through the left side for 11, Ron
Johnson plowed for two, then
Brown lit up the Michigan side
of the scoreboard with a seven
yard look-in pass to Jim Berline.
Frank Titas was wide to the Rft
on the extra point.
"I think this was the turning
point of the game," Elliot re-3
flected, "because it put us on the
scoreboard. It showed that weF
could come back after being stop.-
ped so close."
After the kickoff, the Michi-
gan defense, in their highly ef-
fective 4-3 alignment, kept Illin-
ois within their own 20. Bareither
spiraled a 43-yard punt out of1
danger, backing Michigan's lone

safety George Hoey all the way
to the Michigan 40.
Hcey gathered it in, headed up
the middle, broke sharply towards
the sideline, and raced untouched
into the Wolverine end zone.
"We had a return on," Hoey
related with a big grin," and the
blocking never allowed them to
lay a hand one me. It was so
quick that I didn't have time to
think about the Minnesota garhe"
(Hoey broke loose two punt re-
turns over 50 yards against Min-
nesota, but each time was caught
from behind).
Down 14-12. the Wolverines
went for two. Brown rolled right
and found Tom Weinmann all
alone with a bullet pass to knot
the contest at 14-14.
Good Listener
"How come Weinmann was in
there instead of Berline? Because
it was a mistake," Elliott queried
and answered, "Berline was sup-
posed to be in there with ur
going for two, but Weinmarai,
who's on the extra point team,
went in. He must have listened
well in practice, because he ran a
perfect pattern."
The start of the fourth quar-
See HOEY, Page 9

Then in the third period, Mich-
igan's Pete Drehmann, currently
the punting leader in the Big
Ten, and Illinois' Charlie Bar-
either locked up in a kicking duel
which was eventually won by
Michigan. After an exchange off
three kicks, Drehmann punted
dead on the Illinois 13. Two plays
later, Michigan's Jon Kramer
forced Johnson to fumble, and
Jerry Hartman recovered for the
Wolverines on the Illinois eight.
But it looked like the same old
script when, with fourth and
goal-to-go on the three, Brown

-Associated Press

Gerry Hartan ((26) Makes Fingertip Interception A gainst Illinois

Huron River
Guidelines for

Valley Study:

SGC Move
May Restrict



Board Blocks May

"We don't want the Huron River
Valley to turn into another Sta-
dium Boulevard-a hodge-podge
of billboards, commercial and pri-
vate units," says Prof. Richard R.
*Wilkinson of the School of Land-
scape Architecture. "There's no
unity, no sense of community in
that. It's just a place to live."
Wilkinson is directing a $15,000
study of the Valley between Barton
Pond and Superior Dam at city
and University expense.
Wilkinson says the .valley has
great potential as an identifying
an unifying element in Ann Arbor.
"The river presents us with op-
portunities not many midwestern
cities have."
Federal Funds
In 1963, the city acquired $120,-
000 in federal open space funds for
use toward the purchase of prop-
erties along the Huron River. The
citypresently owns approximately
1,800 acres of river land including
properties formerly owned by the
Detroit Edison Co. The city now
*faces the problem of effectively
utilizing these properties.
Many citizens have expressed
the desire to make the river and
the land on its borders into a con-
tinuous park - corridor running
through the city.
Wilkinson, however, does not
*think this is feasible. "The city
would need to buy another 1,800-
2,000 acres to implement a plan
like that. It is highly unrealistic."
Wilkinson added that such a plan'
could take "up to 50 years" to
'Rational' Plan
Wilkinson believes the structure
of the river is more suited to an
alternative plan allowing the}
maximum amount of open space
while still permitting "rational"
development of industry, service
facilities and residential areas. He
stresses the word "rational," how-
"The character of Ann Arbor has
changed in the last few years. It
used to be essentially a small
town consisting of single-family
lots and a few palatial mansions.
As of 1962, however, 67 per cent
of the city's residents were living
in multiple family units."
According to Wilkinson, al-
though the city has kept up with
its residents in terms of providing
them with plumbing and electri-
city, "as far as the amenities of
public service are concerned-
sparks, promenades and natural
wooded areas-the city is treating
its residents as if they were still
amiably scattered on their own
private family lots."
'Breathing Room'
Wilkinson says the need now is
to organize the multiple units with
of " niiifin


Wilkinson proposes that com-
mercial and residential develop-
ment in these land units be re-
stricted to the edge along the river
and the outer edge, leaving the
center free for parks and prom-
enades. "Right now this natural
pattern is destroyed by roads run-
ning directly through the land
units and breaking them up," he
Industrial and service develop-
ment should be concentrated at
the intersection of the land units,
the places where traffic arteries
cross the river.

ing conditions, the development of
"a conceptual way to resolve the
conditions" and the planning of
specific policy proposals. At the
present he has not progressed be-
yond the second stage. However,
he has one definite idea about the
nature of whatever proposals he
will make.
"The idea of this study is not
to regulate the use of every square
inch of land, but to provide a con-
text for decisions on individual
parcels. It is impossible to have
a rigid city plan, but having a con-
text for decisions will eliminate

of City City Parking In Co
Raymond Martin, City Planning Experts Say Abolition
Director, is enthusiastic about the Of Vehicle Regulation By MARK LEVIN
plan. He notes that there is a The Michigan State Unil
fourth phase about the plan, that (old Crowd Streets Board of Trustees overruled
of implementation. "This will in- By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN Vice-President Philip J. M
volve acquiring land and money,!purchasing the existing C
zoning changes, and gaining full Student Government Council's Data Corporation central
community acceptance." He says move Thursday night to abolish all puter for $2.3 million in
that there are a few obstacles to Student Vehicle Regulations ex- { it was revealed yesterday.
the plan, such as inopportunely cept those pertaining to bicycles Warren Huff, former cha
located facilities and the fact that may well decrease the number of of the MSU board, told the I
some property on the river's edge parking spaces available on cam- Free Press that May had
is still owned by private individ- pus and in Ani Arbor, according cated International Busines
uals. However, he feels these can to city officials and University chines equipment over the C
faculty members. Data unit.
be eliminated or circumvented. "If we have more cars, we will IBM is the principal tenE



versity urer is
MSU around $
ay in "There
ontrol Huff sai
com- members
1964, true pre
.irman !in the a

s Ma-
ant in
ing at

y, whose secretary-trea
May's wife. IBM pa
$100,000 a year rental.
was quite a hucklebuck
id. "Some of the boa
had the feeling that t
ference of some of t
c people was being mut
dministration's present
ey General Frank Kell
n Wednesday to rule c
conflict of interests
ness transactions of MS
t John Hannah and Vic
t May at the request+
k Faxon (D-Detroit) fo
Daily article.

agreed o
the busi
Rep, Jac
lowing a

Wilkinson's study includes three major flaps over essentially minor "The problems are far outweighed have to provide more lanes for
phases, the determination of exist- problems." by the opportunities," he said. traffic to move," said John E.
Robbins, Ann Arbor director of
parking and traffic engineering.
f . . ;><;; . ,> {:. ,.;."y > , ,r !.{:;:. . . . . .nsindicated t atif t etraf-
:: 2fC situation became bad enough,
r ":"Y. ..cars might have to be banned from
parking on the streets.
He said that the situation muight
. . ~:;<~'~'.~ be similar to special efforts pres-
J....;;n fi>" . ently made to handle the traffic
>.::..h:on football Saturdays.
".,*, 4.f:.' Ken Mogill, '68, head of the Stu-
... r.J.:.dent Traffic Court, said, however,
.. {r ..J.+ : that "there are already many carsI
. . on campus which the University
. #:" . .v; {w"".:"{.:does not know about. Therefore,
..the increase in the number of
.~ vehicles on campus would not be
.as high as one might expect."
....'Parking Problem'
:.sIf there is going to be a park-
:}:.:ng problem," said Mogill." it will
..;.:i;;i:. :. , :: .L now fall on the facutly and ad-
.i:* ..* ....ministrators, as well as the stu-
>.. dents, which is much more equit-j
:" able.
MVeil added that the Student
..::.}Y{}>:":::}}:.:"}: , ............. ...f....ifi... ... , .. .,,ehicl..e" "BureauVehileuB rdau coul now tur
}+. . from the task of registration of
Daily-Jay Cassidy cars to the problem of finding
THIS MAP SHOWS the Huron River Valley and surrounding areas as they will be if Prof. Wilkinson's more parking space.
plan is implemented. Running through the center of the area is the river. Dark areas show wooded But Supervisor of the Student
sections of the valley. The heavy line running along the .river is the proposed Fuller-Geddes Vehicle Bureau, William J. Perige
said "We're still bound by the Re-
Penetrator Route. Traffic off the route will be directed around the perimiter of the land units gents by-laws," which set up the
formed by bends in the river. Circled areas include North Campus, the University Medical Center, and Student Vehicle Regulations. "We
the city's central business district. still require students to register
their cars," he said. If all students
RIOT AFTERMATH: were allowed to drive on campus,
said Perigo, some sort of parking
registration might be set up. j
" " Student Courts
Faculty, Administrators Aid If the student courts refused to
enforce the University regulations,
Perigo said, "we would have to set
In o of Rebuilding Detroi upsomeotheray of enforcement.
{' o r o f e e ro i S e idicaed hat"we'l t-al to i ( see what the Regents do." The!
Regents meet on Nov. 17.
By LEE WEITZENKORN job placement, improved recrea- evoke "a greater sensitivity on the Faculty grumblings were appar-j
In the aftermath of the riots in tion facilities and police-com- part of the elite. The power struc- ent in response to the SGC move.
Detroit this summer, a number of munity relations, open housing ture, in particular the motor com- "I think it's going to make an
University administrators and fac- laws, and better communication panies," he explained, "have been awfull mess on campus," said Prof.
ulty members have individually be- among the elements of society. I more sympathetic than they ever Robert C. Elderfield of the chem-
, come involved in the city's "New Professor Robert Harris of the were before." istry department.
Detroit Committee," aimed at the , Law School has been working with Despite the efforts and the Prof. Kendall Walton of the
physical and social rebuilding of the New Detroit Committee. He promise of the New Detroit Com- philosophy department, however,
the city. has been particularly influential in mittee, however, Harris said that said that, "It is hard to argue
The New Detroit Committee, the drafting of a package of bills ' the solution to urban problems is that I have more right to a parking
consisting of 39 representatives of ' concerning open occupancy and still far away. Although the New space than anyone else."
- ino,,fric,-..-.i! s , .landlord tenant. and housing Detmit Committee has undertaken I Ann Arbor Chief of Police Wal-

a new $1 million office build
1-11 Michigan Ave. in LE
constructed by the Philip

Viet Cong Prisoners
Vanish after Releas
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia W) Korean War, Pitzer and Jackso
- Three American war prisoners, recited brief statements thankin
one of them seriously ill, dropped Hayden and their captors. Joh
I swiftly out of sight yesterday I son was said to be in the ne
after their "symbolic" release by room, too sick with dysentaryt
the Viet Cong to a representa- appear. But no outsiders saw hi
tive of a U.S. committee opposed The Viet Cong announced a,
to the war in Vietnam. Friday that the Americans wou
The three U.S. sergeants were be returned to their families in
set free in a ceremony staged by gesture of solidarity with antiw
the Phnom Penh headquarters of protesters and Negroes fighti,
the National Liberation Front. for equality in the United State
They gave an apparently memor- The announcement identified t:
ized statement of thanks to the three sergeants and said they we
Viet Cong and to former Daily selected because they "sincere
editor Tom Hayden, who said he repented criminal acts against t.
represented a peace committe led Vietnamese people" and have be
by Dr. Martin Luther King, folk good prisoners.
singer Joan Baez and Dr. Ben-
jamin Spock.
(Hayden was editor of The
4H trvldDaily inas1960-61.ae ved to
Hani lstyea rand has written
books on North Vietnam and the
riots in Newark, N.J.)
Prisoners Taken Away
But Hayden said after the cere-
monies that the prisoners were
not in his custody. He said they
were taken away in a car, but
hie would not say where.
Asked if the men were free,
Hayden said, "I believe so."
"They are in the process of going
home," he said. He added that he ~
would see them later in the day . e n hl ; i S i o , A e i
can officials released a document
which claimed that the three men
had been through Communist
brainwashing programs. In the
document, Donald Rochlen, a
psychological warfare adviser to
the South Vietnamese govern-
ment, told of an interview with a
Viet Cong defector who said he
personally took part in the in-
doctrination of two of the pris-
Release Ceremony'

as- It was also reported that the
ys trustees have curbed May's role in
all future computer purchase de-
k," cisions.
rd MSU Board
he The MSU board and President
he John Hannah reportedly made it
ed clear at their June board meet-
a- ing that they will lean heavily on
recommendations from MSU Prof.
ey Lawrence Von Tersch, computer
on lab director rather than on May's
in recommendation.
SU The Daily reported Wednesday
e- on May's relationship with IBM,
of which does in excess of $400,000
ol- in business annually with MSU.
May built the IBM-rented build-
~ ing after securing a $1.1 million
mortgage from Michigan National
Bank. MSU's chief fiscal agent
and on whose board of directors
May served until September,
May's Dealings
May's dealings with the Ann
Arbor Trust Company came to
light Friday, The Detroit Free
Press revealed that May had taken
on out a $165,000 loan from the
ing Lincoln National Life Insurance
n- Company, through the Ann Arbor
xt Trust Company, to build a two
to story office building in 1955 at
m. 608 Washington in Lansing.
ast Lincoln National Life writes
ld group life insurance policies for
a MSU faculty and staff members.
ar The Ann Arbor Trust Company
Ing has served as fiscal agent for $100
es. million in campus construction
he loans which MSU had taken out.
re IBM had leased the two story
ely office building at 608 Washington
he until this year when it moved to
yen May's new building at 1111 Michi-
gan Ave.


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