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November 10, 1967 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-10

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VAnl yr



.. Phil Brown
'Everybody Plays'.. .
But W'ho's to Pay?
Something of a modest phenomenon has been taking place on the
Slcal sporting scene in the last few years.
And if you think immediately that this must surely be the demise
of the Michigan football "winning tradition," forget it. That venerable
and honored institution is still alive and thriving-despite recent
events which might indicate that it has finally run out its own clock.
No, the great revolution is only distantly related to varsity
athletics. It involves instead those students who, being generally
dissatisfied with competitive offerings for non-varsity athletes,
have assumed the initiative themselves and established programs
which satisfy their specific sporting appetites.
Unhappy with overcrowded intramural facilities and a limited
variety of sports in the IM program, ambitious student groups have
founded independent clubs for the promotion of relatively unpopular
games among all elements of the University community.
Soccer and rugby, totally alien to the Midwest until recent .years,
are enjoying wide popularity since being imported by students fam-
iliar with them in foreign countries and Eastern states. And lacrosse,
even less familiar to the area in the past, has met with the same
These three sports form the nucleus of the club system, which now
operates under the jurisdiction of the Intramural Department. Along
with such activities as karate and judo, they give all campus residents
an opportunity to compete against teams from other schools-much
like varsity teams, but in a less formal structure.
Graduate and undergraduate are both welcome within the club
system. There is no such thing as divisioning, which would separate
participants by age or association with campus organizations in the
Each club operates with complete autonomy, responsible for sched-
uling games, organizing practices, and keeping its program active.
And these task are undertaken enthusiastically by the re-
spective clubs. The opportunity to compete has provided the only
incentive necessary. And for those who have taken the time to
t make the clubs dynamic institutions, the rewards have been well
worth the trouble.
The receptiveness displayed by student toward the club sports
reflects two significant facts. First, it indicates general dissatisfaction
with the existing intramutal program-a reality which has not gone
unnoticed by IM director Earl Riskey and associate director Rod
Grambeau. Grambeau has cooperated willingly with the clubs in their
ambitious expansion plans.
The other basic indication is that students want an oppor-
tunity to compete on a higher level than is possible in an intra-
mural program of any kind. All of the clubs represent sports
offered, by neither varsity teams or IM activities. They occupy
the "middle ground" between the two, a position which presents
certain problems to both the Athletic Department and the clubs'
Expansion can take place up to a certain point without causing
much trobule. Membership can grow almost without limit, as long
as competition is limited to intra-squad games and scrimmages -
like all 1iTh sports. But when contests are scheduled with teams from
other schools, problems fly faster than three-day weekends.
Travel, uniforms, league dues - all take money, and if it doesn't
come from the Athletic Department it has to come from the pockets
* of club members. And when money becomes involved in these pro-
portions,.Iheadaches in the Athletic Building are vastly' compounded.
A very basic policy decision has to be made, first by the
clubs themselves and then by the Board in Control of Intercol-
legiate Athletics. If the clubs are tb continue as purely inde-
pendent organizations, responsibility for financing their activities
must be assumed by the members themselves. But if they are
to receive help from the University, they must be willing to con-
cede certain aspects of control to those who contribute the money.
The club program presently receives $2000 from the Office of
Student Organizations, which provides uniform and other inci-
dental items for roughly a dozen club sports. But travel expenses,
which continue to grow with expanding schedules, are still born by
the members. And the pinch is being felt by all of the major clubs.
The soccer club was forced to decline an invitation to play
the University of Kentucky in Lexington because of a lack of
funds; Kentucky, however, graciously accepted Michigan's invita-
tion to come to Ann Arbor, so the two teams will still be able to
While the clubs have been highly successful as recreational out-
lets, their rapid growth has suddenly put them in the somewhat
awkard position of being candidates for varsity status. By attain-
ing that-. rank they would add a new dimension to varsity athletics
at Michigan, but such a move would simply undo all the good that
the clubs have done in the last ten years.

Hopefully, the club system will be able to re-structure itself
to the point that varsity competition could become a reality with-
out damaging the original concept of 'everybody plays that vants
But this is highly unlikely. If and when the club sports move
to, the varsity level, the general student population will once
again be forced to abandon dreams of informal inter-school
competition. Graduate students and foreign students not familiar
with American games will once again be out in the cold.






When a defensive safetyman is
on, he's invisible.
He can be covering his man
like a blanket all afternoon, and
the only one noticing him will
he the guy who says "Pass broken
up by..."
But let his feet slip just once,
as a receiver sprints past to gath-
er in a long bomb, and immed-
iately thousands of onlookers will
go rushing for their programs to
see who "blew it."
Yet there's one way he can get
his name in the statistics; one
way everyone in the stands will
stand up and yell for him, not
against him:
An interception.
Long Wait
For safety Jerry Hartman, the
two glorious pilferings commitred
against Northwestern were a long
time coming. True he had pulled
one off against Michigan State,
but no one was taking any credit
for that game. It was a long way
from quarterback at Ann Arbor
High, where weekly headlines had
detailed his prowess; now, as a
defensive player, he might well
have wondered if notoriety would
ever come along.
But the Wolverine junior does-
n't think that way. "I came up
here basically as an offensive
player," he recalls, "but I had
gone both ways in high school.
I just want to play, and when
the coaches decide dI'd have a
better chance on defense I gladly
went along with it."
The Decision
The decision to switch him to
defense came in spring practice
last year, as defensive backfield
coach Don James relates, "Jerry
had been working out with the
offense, and was doing fairly well.
But Hank Fonde (offensive back-
field coach), in working with all
the players, had been assigning
one or two to 'cover' pass receiv-
ers. Jerry, in that capacity, came
up with two or three intercep-
tions, and looked good at it.
"When all the coaches got to-
gether in the evening, as usual,I
Jerry's name came up, and Hank
mentioned to me how he had
done. I decided to look at him,
and from that time on he has
made good progress. Even last
yearhe was understudyvto Rick
Volk (now a star safety for the
Baltimore Colts)."
Not Total Surprise
But this discovery of Hartman's
defensive abilities was not a sur-
prise to everyone. Not only had
he gone both ways his senior
year, but during his junior year;
he had played defense almost ex-
"I was going into that year as
quarterback," he remembers,

aging for the earlier part of the
season," says James ruefully.
Yet here, too, the abiilty to
time the opposing player comes
from experience elsewhere. From
a high school career which foundI
him lettering in four sports -
hockey, baseball, and track as well
as football - Hartman has con-
tinued play on the ice along with
the gridiron. As a forward in a
sport where close timing is ab-
solutely essential, he gained a
hockey letter last winter.
Can't Take a Breath
The combination of the two
sports, however, leaves him little'
time when he's not in training
for one or the other. "This year,"
he predicts, "I'll be going directly
into hockey practice as soon as
the Ohio State game is over. Last
year, I had exactly one day off
between the end of the hockey
season and the beginning of
spring practice."
Even summers are a time of
keeping in shape. "This past
summer," he relates, "about eight
of us stuck around Ann Arbor
and sort of tossed the ball around
for fun and to keep our timing
The future after graduation
may be vague ("I'd kind of like
to go into some kind of coach-
ing"), but for Hartman and the
rest of the defensive backfield
the immediate future is not.
Long Way
"They've come a long way," de-
clares James, "and next year
they'll all be back as an exper-
pienced unit."
It isn't quite as glorious as the
offense, but it can be just as sat-
isfying - especially if the inter-
ceptions, the tackles, and the in-
complete passes mean tallies on
the win side.
He is not with the Comelet
Brothers any more. He is
in business for himself.
Alterations for Men & Women
1103 S. University
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-Daily-Bernie Baker
SAFETY JERRY HARTMAN smothers an unidentified runner
during Michigan's 10-9 victory over Duke in the first game of the
year. Against Northwestern, Hartman intercepted two passes to
lead Michigan to its first victory in six weeks.

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Now take the nest
multi-sensory trip:
Walk to any soft-drink
machine and have some Sprite.
It happens as soon as you
pay your money and take your
bottle. Suddenly, Sprite
takes youtthe hedonist, on
your way to asensually
satisfying tactile-aural
First, you observe the
refreshing green bottle. A tempting sight. Then you
reach forth and touch it. Very cool. Finally, you
uncap the cap. Now
you're ready to
drink in that
delicious tartness
--but wait!i Before
to the
of taking your bottle,
stop. And listen.
Because Sprite is so utterly noisy.
Cascading in crescendos of effervescent
flavor. Billowing with billions of
ebullient bubbles. And then sip. Gulp.
Guzzle. Aaaaaaaaaaal Sprite. So tart
and tingling o'er the taste buds.
And voila! You have your
e, multi-sensory experience.
But what about the olfactory
factor, you ask? Well, what do
you want for a dime--a
N five-sense soft drink?

"but before the season began I
broke my hand. When it healed,
I still couldn't get hold of the
snap from center, so I was moved
to the defensive backfield. Then,
my senior year I kept the defense
up even while quarterbacking."
Michigan's strong senior corps
of safeties and cornerbacks kept
Hartman and the rest of the
sophomore crew on the bench
much of last year, but Hartman
himself played enough to gain a
letter. "He played a lot in the
Oregon State and Minnesota
games, where we had substantial
leads," says James. "Otherwise,
most of his action came with the
specialty squads."
Big Losses
This year, the graduation of
Volk, Mike Bass, John Rowser,
and Rick Sygar has forced James
to use a relatively inexperienced
quartet in their positions, with
Hartman as the only letter-win-
ner returning. And Hartman's
slight (6'1", 170 lb.) frame made
some observers wonder if he could
stand the continual punishment.
But James is quick to refute
any such talk. "Jerry's a good
tackler, and one of the hardest
hitters I've seen," he exclaims.
The statistics bear this out, as
Hartman ranks third on the
squad in tackles and assists, right
behind two linebackers, while his

three interceptions place him
third in the Big Ten.
Even more impressive is the,
fact that he has caused three op-
ponents to fumble away the pig-
skin with jarring tackles, more
than anyone else in the confer-
ence. "You might say he's an ex-
plosive kind of tackler," James,
"Moreover," continues James,
"Jerry has a knack for playing
the ball in the air. Of course, his
height helps, but he has just the
right touch for getting to the ball
or the player at the right time."
This "touch" stood Hartman in
good stead last week, as the jun-
ior received a 91 per cent in last
week's game on the coaches sys-
tem of grading defensive players.
"That's quite a difference from
the 50's the backfield was aver-



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The changes we're talking about aren't exactly what you'd
call glaring changes.
With one huge exception-the Station Wagon (it's so notice-
ably changed you can't help but notice it).
Practically everything about it is different. From windshield
(which is 27% larger) to interior (which has gotten very cushy)
to the rear engine (which has been enlarged to 1600 cc).
But as for as our little sedan goes; it still looks like a bug
of old.
And our big sedan, the Squareback, still looks like a Square.
back. Ditto for the Fastback.
Then there's the Karmann Ghia-still the beauty of the bunch.

But they're all more formidable VWs than ever. That's the
big change.
Bumpers have been beefed up. Interiors have been softened
up. Signal lights and tail lights are easier to see from all sides.
The '68s also have improvements that make them neater cars.
Things like flatter door handles and window knobs. Larger
wipers and better windshield washers. Dozens of little things. The
kind that probably won't bowl you over until you've had a VW
for a while.
So instead of running in for a quick peek at the '68s, plan to
take your time. Pick one out in your size and take it for a test drive.
Give yourself a fair chance to be carried away.

K fVO.. i nOMEN .a


I .1 i7 -....._.....

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