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November 09, 1967 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-09

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Tom Stincic, like all defensive
football players, is a forgotten
man on the gridiron.
Football fans can reel off the
names of starting offensive back-
fields and probably the names of
some of the other offensive stal-
warts, but how many arm chair
quarterbacks can name more than
one or two defensive standouts?
Defensive players just don't
make the headlines. Press releases
and newspaper copy are reserved
for the Ron Johnsons and Dennis
Browns who score the touch-
' k $.F .... downs. But the players who stop
an opponent's last minute scoring
drive near the goal line, recover
..crucial fumbles and lead a team
in tackles are forgotten men.
Only a few fans still remember
the heroics of Rick Volk and
TOM STINCIC Frank Nunley on defense last sea-.
the kitchen cynic
A lHogue '68 Bus. Ad.
Does Al Hogue the student know what he really wants? Why does
he wallow in the Ugli, seeking meaningless A's and lays? And a degree
in Business Administration. What will he have done, he never asks.
Signs in the John speak softly of phone numbers he will never call.
Pictures in the Ann Arbor News show car accidents he will never be in.
And accidents of life, meaningless little trifles that mean so much and
are so hard to find because there are so many of them all around. And
alas poor Al never separated the bad from the good and would never
face the bad with an honest face anyway sad to say.
I talked to him in the dorm once and he said to me "You know,
I know myself backwards and forwards, inside out." He broke off
the conversation then and went to study.
Al would never speak to darkness, instead he would always
chicken out. He never tasted manure-like substances and wouldn't even
give credit to the ones who did taste it, for having attained something
that he couldn't. He laughed at the impotent kid who, seeking love,
wasn't happy in a whore house. Al only heard the story and laughed
but he wouldn't go to the house himself.
There is beauty in the subways that Al never fotnd. He was never
alone with himself in the subway because he always stared nervously
around at the deviants and never switched roles with them. It is an
understatement to say that he didn't identify too well with them. They
have miserable guts inside themselves. Al never decided to ponder about
whether or not his own guts were miserable.
Body of boy in blue
on the subway sleeping and quiet
no pain no nothing.
Body of man in olive drab
on the subway sleeping and quiet
know pain, know all,
Al never made the transition from "no nothing" to "know all." He
knows nothing.1
Al was a sports fan.
When the leaves that are green ii the summer turn to brown in
the fall, it doesn't phase Al. You know where he ends up. Never on a
Sunday does he think anything butthat it is Sunday, and the same is
true of Saturday, too.
And he was unwilling to hitch-hike to Grand Rapids.
In the dorm he sterilely washed his face every nite, and said a
prayer for his notebooks, so they say. The curly-headed kid down the
hall who flunked Chem 104 and couldn't pledge because of it, was just
another unk-head to Al, who went to bed instead of bull sessions.
There was one bull session when the curly headed kid got really
involved and did start to cry and Al wasn't even there. He had a mid-
term in three weeks.
Al's roommate was the curly-headed kid's friend.
Al's professors taught he was great. He did his accounting home-;
work, with reckless abandon, everynite, and the professor ate it up. It
was a really funny thing to see, too.
Al did, he did with reckless abandon. He did homework with
reckless abandon, he drank booze at TGs with reckless abandon, he
called his mother with reckless abandon. He was proud of the reck-
less, cocksure way he did things.-
I wonder what his wife will be like.
The dope peddlers came to South Quad one Sunday nite. They
disseminated drugs and showed a "skin flick" in 6969 Taylor House. Al1

didn't go.j
He was riveted to an IBM machine as a matter of course.
In a mental hospital I once visited, there is a 65 year old fellow
with a fifth grade education who is studying zealously to be a certi-
fied public acountant. He studies a third grade arithmetic book. Al also
studied to be a certified public accountant. He'll make it. The other
fellow probably won't.
Al wears Adler socks.
He looked under a newspaper once at some pukey looking stuff and
didn't even smell it. It was garbled truth, half digested, half rejected,
all ejected by some poor fool before him who had at least tried-it and
threw up.
Al doesn't remind me one bit of Holden Caulfield.
Or Hector Bloom. Both are products of degenerate geniuses. Al may
well be a product of nothing.
But he is a University of Michigan student, and a product of our
(your) fair state and society. Go Blue!
Al will die, one day. In his life it will be the last day. Nothing

son. And still fewer fans know
who leads Michigan in tackles this
season, or for the last two weeks.
Nevertheless, defensive players
are held as responsible as their
offensive cohorts for Michigan
victories and defeats.
A player such as linebacker
Dennis Morgan has gained some
recognition for his bone crush-
ing tackles and overall fine play,
but there are other defensive
stalwarts who usually go un-
One of the unnoticed is Stincic.
Stincic, a quiet, shy and hard-
working player, has led the Mich-
igan defense in tackles the last
two weeks. What's so phenomenal
about that unnoticed accomplish-
ment is that Stinic played line-
backer for the first time in his
career two weeks ago.
Former End
For a year and a half, the Ohio
native had been a standout de-
fensive end for the Wolverines.
Stincic made the switch to line-
backer because "we just didn't
feel we had the strength there
except for Morgan," defensive end
and linebacker coach Y C Mc-
Nease said.
"Middle guard Dennis Monthei
got hurt and we had to change
our defense to compensate for
the loss. We had to change from
the five-two (using two lineback-
ers) to the pro-type four-three
(using three)."
Defensive end Rocky Rosema
made the transition to linebacker
along with Stincic.
Best Game
"The junior linebacker practiced
at linebacker for the first time
only two days before the Minne-
sota game but McNease feels it
didn't hamper his performance.
"He played one of his best games
against Minnesota."
McNease says that Stincic was
able to make such a quick change-
over because "he has a lot of foot-
ball sense. He's a great competi-
tor with a knack for knowing
where the ball is. When the ball
is snapped, Tom ends up in the
right place at the right time."
Stincic, a little embarrassed by
McNease's praise, says "I end up
in the right place because the of-
fensive tackle usually leads me to
the play."
Last Game
McNease has been so happy
with Stincic's play at linebacker
that he said, "I imagine he has
played his last game at defensive
end. Tom is much more valuable
to the team as a linebacker sim-
Lord 1st Again
Herb Lord captured first place
honors in the All-Campus Power-
Lift Meet held last night at the
IM Building.
The meet is made up of three
events, the bench press, the squat,
and the dead lift. The total for
each competitor is made up of the
sum of the weights lifted in each
of the events. In order to com-
pensate for the different body
weights of thetvarious participants,
each one's total is divided by his
body weight. That makes up his
competitive score.
Lord lifted a total of 915 pounds
on lifts of 225 in the bench press,
310 in the squat, and 380 in the
dead lift. Since he only weighs
152 pounds, his final score was
just over six points.
Allen Kovacs was the second
place winner with lifts of 185, 340,
and 400 pounds for a total of 925
pounds. Although this was 20:
pounds more than Lord had lifted,
when it was divided by Kovacs'
body weight the final result was
just under the score registered by
This was Lord's second first!
place finish in the event in as

many years. He is presently a doc-
toral candidate in engineering.
MON. thru SAT.
8:30 to 5:30 P.M.
Near Michigan Theatre

Nease gives him. "McNease prob- "I have it taped up before every his own ability, McNease recog-
ably gave me a point for every practice." he pointed out. He ad- nizes it and says so. Besides feel-
time I fell down." mits he still has pain. "but," he ing that Stincic is as good as any
When asked about his stand- added, if I have good mobility, linebacker Michigan has, Mc-
out play against Minnesota and I'm able to play with it." Nease said, "I don't think he'll
Northwestern, Stincic again tried McNease added, "I think the ever be a better hitter or better
to take some of the credit away back bothers him but he's the at diagnosing plays than he is
from himself. "I just followed type of player who can play right now."
along with the pack. Everyone with it." So the next time Michigan is
was doing well and this made my Stincic is optimistic that t on defense, take a long look at
job easier." Sicci piitcta h linebacker Tom Stincic inmber
And Stincic gives much of the back trouble will clear up. "It is
credit for the ease of his transi- improving every week and it 9
tion to his defensive teammates. should heal during the off sea- You'll probably turn away i
"I learned a lot by watching Mor- son." believer even if you aren't able
gan's films and (Dave) Porter While Stincic is quick to belittle to remember his name.
helps me by doing the same thing
on each play."
Still, even the mild-manneredVols TestHigher Baskets
junior asserts the need for his
own hard work. "The big thing is!
Yor've KNOXVILLE. Tenn. UP)-Would ket. I think the higher basket
learning the fundamentals. You've
lt t hangthe ,,a s. 12-foot baskets help the tall or would hurt the small man more
go o have the basics the short basketball players? than the tall one. For one thing,
Fundamentalist Tennessee's basketball team may it will reduce his shooting range.
McNease feels Stincic is such provide some answers in its annual "But, of course, no one really
a hard worker on fundamentals intra-squad orange-white game to- knows and we hope to provide
that he could play any position night. The Volunteers will shoot some answers."
on the field. at 12-foot baskets, two feet higher Mears has attempted to divide
Like any football player, Stincic than standard. his squad equally for the test
'0-AA-. . nn. -- hs qadeualyfr.h. ts

has his share of physical prob-
lems but he is able to stand them
without a whimper of unhappi-
Stincic has been bothered with
a bad back since last spring
"when I flipped over a pile in
practice and landed on my tail-
bone. I had stretched some mus-
cles but the big problem was that
I experienced muscle spasam."
He nursed the back over the
summer but reinjured it the sec-
ond week of fall practice. Still he
played in the Duke game. But in

Coach Ray Mears agreed to ex-
periment with 12-foot baskets at
the request of Sports Illustrated.
"We've got several tall players
on our squad and we agreed to
use the 12-foot baskets to help
out in research Sports Illustrated
is conducting on the effect higher
baskets would have on the game,"
Mears said.
"Personally, I've never been in
favor of altering the 10-foot bas-

Tennessee's tallest player is 7-
foot Tom Boerwinkle, all-South-
eastern for lastyear's league
champions. Tall Tom led the SEC
in rebounds with 285 in 28 games.
He will be on the orange squad.
Tallest men on the white team
will be Bobby Croft, 6-foot-10, and
Catty Mansfield, 6-foot-8. Both are

CONVERTED DEFENSIVE end Tom Stincic (90) delivers a
crunching tackle from his new linebacking position to North-
western rushing ace, Chico Kurawski. Stincic has done so well
at linebacker that it is doubtful whether he'll ever play end
again at Michigan.


ply because he is in a position to
make more plays."
Stincic expounded on the dif-
ference of responsibility between
the two positions. "At defensive
end, I got in half the plays; those
which were run around my side.
But at linebacker, I'm in all the
And that is just where McNease
wants his talented junior. "Tom's
a real fine football player and is
as good as any linebacker we have
and we have three good ones."
McNease just can't sayenough
about Stincic's play. "He played
two games at linebacker and he's
only made four bad plays."
Football 4.0
And by McNease's complicated
grading system, Stincic is almost
a straight-A player. "In his first
g a m e against Minnesota, he
graded out at 85 per cent and
against Northwestern last Satur-
day, it was 92."

should gra
for us to w
And at
pears that
better gan
against In
system. "T
fect 100 pe
cording to
rassed by

the u11Io nla encounter a
de out at 70 per cent Berkeley, he had to be helped off
win." the field.
defensive end, it ap- Still Hurts
no one could play a After sitting out the Navy and
me than Stincic did Michigan State contests, he came
diana, using McNease's back as strong as ever against
'om graded out a per- Indiana. So strong that he rated
er cent that game," ac- 100 on McNease's grading scale.
the coach. Stincic has been in there ever
seems rather embar- since but the back still bothers
the lavish scores Mc- him.

will have a representative on campus
Nov. 15, 1967
For information about certification,
procedures and teaching opportunities,
arrange for an appointment at:
- _

needs interested people
NOW for the folowing committees
* Booklet
* Friday Night
* Secretary
Sign up this week at Senior offices
of the League


said "the players



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