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November 09, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-09

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See editorial page



:43 a t ty

Variable winds and
not so cold.

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom





The automated clo4
system at the UGLI
operating for six weeks
of the students who
more irritated with its
ings than impressed w
The system was d
make the UGLI's mos
books available to as
dents as possible. It r
open reserve system wh
effectively distribute t
and which was plague
hiding, thievery andz
New System
The new system has
fitted with a compute
record keeping more ef
students interviewed at
reserve section compl
-Lines are too lo
closed reserve desk.
-There is no way to
if a book is available
waiting in line.
-The staff cannot
cate periodicals.
One student comply
the system's computer

NNES cial grudge against her. She sa
sed reserve it consistently rejected her ide
has been tification card. In desperation, s
and many got a new card-which the con
use it are puter rejected as well.
shortcom- But the students aren't con
'ith its in- plaining about the problems whi
led to the creation of the syste
esigned to When the UGLI was opened"
t-requested 1958, explains Miss Rose-Gra
many stu- Faucher, the building's chief libr
eplaced an ian, reserve books were placedt
ich did not open shelves so students would1
he books- able to browse through a ran
d by book- of books related to the reser
vandalism. boo! they were seeking.
However, she continues. t]
been out- "honor system" did not work o
r to make because students managed to "g
ficient. But around the rules." The most con
t the closed mon way to get a book was to ste
ain that: one, with a year's theft to
ng at the mounting from 2,000 to 3,0
books. Fifty-two percent of t
determine books stolen were on the reser
except by lists, and although many of tl
books were "conscientiously" r+
quickly lo- turned at the end of each seme
ter, the UGLI was not able
ained that compensate for such a great to
had a spe- of books.

aid Other students of barely higher
n- personal morals assured them-
he selves of the use of a book by
n- simply removing it from its pro-
per position on the shelves, and
m- hiding it in an obscure part of
ch the library. Miss Faucher says
m. that because of this ruse manyk
in books would be lost from general
ce circulation until a library em-
ar- ploye found them and returned
on them to the shelves.
be A third illegal method used to
ge "get hold of a book" is to "razor
've blade" the assigned pages from
the binder. Mutilation had become
his a large problem by last year as it
ut takes at least a week to repair
get a book, during which time the
ge book is kept out of circulation.
eal More Complaints
tal Another complaint aimed at the
00 open reserve came from profes-
he sors who were angry because their'
ve students couldn't complete re-

UGLI began to search for an al- taneously determining whether or
ternative method by which stu- not the student owed the library
dents would be better served. an overdue fine.
Although a few books had al- It was hoped at the system's in-
ready been placed on closed re- ception it would be able to speed
serve by last year, the decision up the time it took to check
to place all books and periodicals out a book. However, since the
from syllabi was reached this system's birth, many difficulties
year. Then, the major faculty step have been encountered. Although
was taken to aid the staff of the the machine generally operates
library and to cut the costs of unerringly, many times students
operating the closed reserve sys- are kept waiting when the key-
tem manually. This was to auto- punch input system fouls up. This
mate the bookkeeping through the i npt te foul up. s
,is added to the fact that students
means of an IBM 357 computer, must wait up to 15 mInutes to
the purpose of which is to keepgvetheircalslist the help
track of the charging and re- thecall slips tand even2rs
turning of books. minute waits for books during
Name and Time rush periods are not uncommon.

Ideally. the system recordsl
a student's name and the
he charges the book on an


card, which is then fed into the
computer; when the student re-

-Daily-Robert S.Lee
WHILE SOME STUDENTS have found the Undergraduate Library's new closed reserve system
bothersome, bewildering and computerized, this library worker seems to know just where the IBM
card is at. The new system has been in effect since Oct. 1.

search asignments due to their turns his book, another card re-
inability to locate books and per- cords his name with the time
iodicals when they needed them. of return.
Finally, last year, when student Thus the computer is able to
and faculty complaints had be- keep track of all the books in
come increasingly common, the the closed reserve, while simul-


Grad Assembly


Kelley' s



The long waits seem to be the
major irritant to the system's
users. Still, the general attitude
among students is that if the
automated system can be im-
proved to the point where there
is little waiting, then they would
consider it more desirable than
an open reserve system.
See UGL's, Page 6
-Ma y

To Repeal E-Sticker Feed



By DANIEL ZWERDLING of a citizen to operate his motor tion-made rulings, and let GA's
Graduate Assembly voted last vehicle upon , . . . public high- resolution prevail.
night to abolish "any and all ways." According to JJC Chairman
driving regulations" imposed by According to GA President Roy Peter Steinberg, however, the
the University on graduate stu- Ashmall, "We're acting on the council would first have to decide
dents. presumption that the Joint Judic- "whether the Graduate Assem-
A resolution, passed 25-2, struck iary Council will continue to en- bly is a suitable body for making
down the E-sticker registration force only student-made rules." rules for graduate students."
fee on the grounds that it is "a In the event that the Univer-
use tax levied upon automobiles sity attempts to fine graduate GA originally sought the back-
by other than the proper statu- students for driving without pay- ing of the American Civil Liber-
tory authorities" and because it ing the E-sticker fee, Ashmall ties Union in court suit against
attempts "to restrict the right expects JJC to ignore admmistra- the University. Although the AC-!
LU "questions the constitution-



LBJ Foe McCarthy
To Give Diag Speech

ality of the driving regulation
policy," according to local ACLU
President Lawrence Berlin, it is
unable to assign a lawyer to the
No Money
GA is currently unable to pro-
vide the minimum $1000 to $2000

By GREG ZIEREN a radical change in Johnson's required to press cnarges in-
Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy (D- foreign policy would make him dependently in court.
Minn.), who has been mentioned definitely not enter the primaries. Driving regulations will con-
as a possible candidate for the One of the sponsors of the Diag tinue to affect undergraduates
Democratic Party presidential speech is an Ann Arbor group unless Student Government Coun-
nomination, will address students called Citizens for McCarthy for cil passes a similar resolution to
from the steps of the General President, whose chairman is Dr. abolish them. The Student Traf-
Library at 7:15 Friday night; Edward C. Pierce, former Fourth fic Advisory Board recommended
McCarthy will be the featured Ward City Council member and to SGC on Oct. 31 that it elimin-
speaker at the Second C0ongres- mayoral candidate last spring. ate restrictions on all students but
sional District Democratic Din- McCarthy has besn one of first semester freshmen, but SGC
ner to be held in the Union after Johnson's sharpest orities on the has returned the proposal to the
his address on the Diag. floor of the Senate but only re- board for further study.
The senator is arriving at cently has he suggested that he s
Metropolitan Airport Friday a- would actively oppose Johnson's r Restrictions
2:00 and will hold a press con- lenominzation. The senatci' has' Presently, the Universi~v re-
ference at 2:30. McCarthy plans 1.aid that opcsition to the Presi- stricts driving privileges to scu-
to spealr to a group of' Harvard dent in the primaries would pro- dents with a minimum of 70
Young Democrats in Cambridge vide a "repudiation of adminis- credit hours, and taxes students
on Saturday and on Sunday will tration ,o icy befcra election who do drive with the $5 E-
address a Chicago group of labor dUy. stire Rlagrof chee
leaders opposed to the Vietnam McCarthy- las taki a ,rrong regulations would aggravate the
commitment. m stand in favor of war protesters already serious parking problem,
> McCarthy has become the ob- and has criticized Johnson's call Iaccording to the Student VehicleI
ject of considerable speculation for unity. "We're not going to I Office.
since he admitted that lie was have unity in this country on "As a propterty owner in Ann
considering running against Pres- Vietnam," he has said, "The Arbor, I resent anyone telingi
ident 'Johnson in some of next academic community, religious me that I have to pay taxes to
spring's Democratic primaries. leaders and the nation's youth use streets I've already paid for,"
McCarthy has stated that only are too aroused." . declares Ashmall.
General Library Construction
Features Noise, Gases, Talk


Draft Law
Ris all-up
R tR
Students Returning
Cards To Boards
To Lose Defermeits
From Wire Service Reports
College students who have turn-
ed in their draft cards to Selective
Service offices as a protest gesture
against the Vietnam War and the
draft itself face the prospect of
immediate call-ups or criminal
Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, di-
rector of the Selective Service
System, has told local draft boards
that college deferments should be
denied men who refuse to carry
their classification cards or who
physically interfere with armed
forces recruiting officers visiting
college campuses.
The office of Michigan Selective
Service director Col. Arthur Hol-
mes said all local draft boards,
have beenainstructed to process
as delinquents those registrants'
who willfully abandon or mutilate
registration certificates and classi-
fication notices.
Col. Holmes said individuals still
have the right to freedom of;
speech and peaceful demonstra-
tion. "We are concerned only with
those who engage in criminal
violation of the Selective Service
Act or who impede the procure-
ment of manpower," Holmes ex-
To date, the national Selective
Sei'vice headquarters has formallyj
refused to accept draft cards turn-
ed in by protesters. Instead, they
have sent the cards to local boards'
of the registrants.
Hershey said registrants without
their cards should be reclassified
as available for service, with their
names advanced to the top of draft

When Soph Show's "Once Upon a Mattress" hits the boards in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatr
the efforts of the Class of 1970 will be presented for public viewing for the first time. Kar
son, '70, applies the last bit of greasepaint to the apprehensive face of Rick Oppenheim,"
last night's final rehearsal for the fledgling group.
- - - -- - - - - ----- ---- -------
Albion Pledges Negr
U' Panhel Resolves SUppo

Of Conflictsf
Top MSU Officers
To Be Investigated
At Request of Faxon
Michigan Atty. Gen. Frank
Kelley announced yesterday that
he will rule on possible conflicts of
interest in activities of Michigan
State University President John
Hannah and Vice-President for
Business and Finance and Treas-
urer Philip J. May.
Kelley is responding to two
separate requests from Rep. Jack
Faxon (D-Detroit) asking that
the attorney general investigate
a $1 million East Lansing land
sale by Hannah and "facts pre-
sented to you on conflict of in-
omasR. Cop terest allegations regarding Philip
70 w May."
OW Faxon said yesterday that Han-
tonight, nah and May involve two "en-
e Ander- tirely different sets of circum-
en Ander- stances. Hannah gave up real
70, before estate and May used real estate.
"In May's case, a sequence of
events raised the issue of an In-
dividual who enhanced his own
small initial investment," Faxon
O * "Would the same opportunities
be available to any person, and)
to what ,extent did May's public
position enable him to realize fin-
r t ancial gain? Conversely,now did
May's private position affect his
public decisions?" Faxon explain-
ies can be ed.
"Enough has been brought
y Presidents' forth to necessitate legal clarif-
to the Beta ication," he added.
ion is little The land transactions which the
ion of moral Attorney General's office will in-
el President vestigate as a potential conflict
of interest were disclosed in The
chapter has Daily yesterday. Faxon specific-
n by the na- ally pointed to a possible conflict
for allegedly of interest in May's "purchase
in pledging and subsequent utilization of
hapter's exis- lands acquired from the Whiteley
Albion Pres- Foundation and contracts issued
ris said last thereto," in his request to Kelley.
ity will ter- Faxon's request came after a
iliation Nov. story appeared in yesterday's
onal officers Daily revealing:
on pledging 0 From 1940 to as recently as
1963, Hannah accumulated some
Ibio chater180 acres of land adjacent to the
tbon chaprter MSU campus. He sold the land this
to sororities July for nearly $1 million to the
d Mrs. Step- Walter Neller Real Estate Com-
y to Panhel, pany of Lansing. May is on the
y to become board of the Neller company,
h fear of the * May and the Philip Jesse
1. Company, a holding company
s an issue o whose secretary-treasurer is May's
is locazed wife, purchased land from the

The Presidents' Council of Pan-
hellenic Association last night
passed a resolution supporting the
action of the Albion College (Beta
Tau) chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha
sorority in pledging a Negro}
rushee, despite probationary san-
ction by the ZTA national organi-
The resolution states: "In keep-'
ing with Article 7, Section I of
the Panhellenic By-Laws which
states: It shall be the policy of

Panhellenic Association that mem-
ber sororities shall select mem-
bers without regard to race, color,
creed, religion, national origin or
ancestry,' Presidents' Council of
the Panhellenic Association of the
University of Michigan supports
the efforts of the Beta Tau
chapter of Zeta Tau Apha to
u p h o 1 d this principle and
h o p e s that procedural ir-
regularities will be overcome so
that non-discriminatory member-

By GREG OXFORD library users would "just have to
University students may have suffer" until construction is com-
trouble studying during construc- pleted.
tion of the $5.4 million addition to! Attitudes about the noise varied
the General Library, as the con- among carrel users. One girl on
struction has necessitated demoli- the first level complained that
tion of a section of the south side when she left her window open she
of the building, the same side was bothered by workers trying to
where most of the 270 graduate talk to her.
student study carrels are located.
In addition to the noise of con-
struction machinery, studentsJDO To Stop
Sunday and Monday complained
of exhaust and carbon monoxide I
fumes on the first and second Classf ication

Under the building contract,
awarded two months ago to the
Lathrop Corporation of Chelsea,I

construction is scheduled to be "It is obvious that any action!
completed in 600 days. According that violates the Selective Service
to Muller, however, the University Act cannot be in the national in-
will be "lucky to get it in the fall terest and that it follows that
of 1969," though the basic shell those who violate the act should be
should be completed within a year. denied deferment in the national
Muller indicated that part of the interest," he wrote local boards.
disturbance could have been avoid- Evidence
ed if an entirely new library had Hershey told the draft boards
been built on another site. The that demonstrations "when theyI
legislature's appropriations, how- are legal, have produced and will
ever, were insufficient for a com- continue to produce much evi-
pletely new building. dence that relates to the basis of
The new building will expand Michigan Selective Service head-
the capacity of the library system quarters said national officers alsoi
by 801,715 volumes as well as have asked for full reports on any
housing the library's administra- nerons who counsel or aid poten-

ship selection polic
The stand taken by
council in relationt
Tau chapter at Ab
more than an express
support, said Panhe
Ginny Mochel, '68.
Because the Albion
been put on probation
tional organizationf
violating procedure
the Negro girl, the ch
tence is in jeopardy.i
ident Louis W. Norr
night that the soror
minate national aff
17 unless the nati
remove restrictions+
The plight of the A
is of great concern
at the University, sai
hen Ringell, advisor
because it is too eas
"bludgeoned" through
national organization.
Yet because this i
discrimination which

Ed School Votes To Abolish
Grad Language Requisites

levels of the stacks. One or two
students suffered from nausea and WASHINGTON (P) - The De-
headaches. Finally, on Monday fense Department confirmed yes-
afternoon, the Plant Department terday reports that it is taking
was called in and discovered that steps to lift security classification
avhai ffrmhnvfrom all basic research financed

The faculty of the education j
school voted Tuesday to abolish f
the general foreign language re-1
quirement for PhD and EdD de-
Formerly, a proficiency in twot

"Our decision must have the
final approval from the Rackham
Board 'of Directors," said Dean
Willard Olson of the education
school, "but since they alreadyI
told us to go ahead and make theI
decisions we thought best, I as-I


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