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Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AY, NOVEMBER 8, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: LUCY KENNEDY The Fuzzy Guidelines Of 'Basic' Classified Research CRITICS OF classified military research at universities should not prematurely congratulate themselves for having forced a major reversal in Defense Department research policy. Although the DOD has established a new policy of no longer classifying contracts in the basic research areas, the policy does not represent a major revision or a solution to the ques- tion of the propriety of military research in an academic community. In the first place, the criteria for dis- tinguishing "basic" and "applied" re- search projects have always been some- what nebulous and the DOD will ulti- mately reserve the right to decide in certain instances. In cases where the DOD reserves the right to enforce classification on a project, the recipient university must either reject the contract or comply with the restrictions.w Currently only 138 of 420 clasified DOD contracts are termed basic by the Pentagon. Secondly, most of the classifications that will be removed are in instances where the researcher required access to already-classified information. Classifica- tion will continue in consulting arrange- ments, in applied studies and in applied research and development. IN ADDITION, the DOD as well as other agencies such as Housing and Urban Development (HUD) are writing lan- guage into many new contracts in the behavioral and social sciences which, in the words of one university administrator, "is a backhanded approach to classifica- tion." Prof. Gabriel Kolko of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania wrote in The Nation recently, "The Pentagon's needs have shifted increasingly from military hard- ware that has so far failed to baring victory in Vietnam to socio-economic 'software' that Washington hopes will compensate for the ideological and hu- man superiority of guerrilla movements." Also, the Pentagon has taken a new tact with the creation of Project THEMIS to "carry out high-quality research on prob- lems related to national defense." After 171 universities submitted proposals on topics ranging from advanced explosives technology to social science applications, the Pentagon accepted 50 projects for fiscal 1967. Although the work to be done under THEMIS is unclassified, the DOD reserves the right to classify any project if it deems it "essential to national se- curity." Since most of the universities sought by THEMIS as participants are ones which have not been extensively involved in DOD research previously, the program represents just one more step by which the military entrenches itself in academic institutions. SO, DESPITE the DOD's shift on classi- fied basic research, the impact on the total university military research picture will not be very large. Those who want to see academic institutions re-assert great- er control over their own functions must continue to press for elimination of all inappropriate military research on cam- puses. -DAVID KNOKE LYNDON B. JOHNSON is an expert political animal whose ability to survive in the Democratic jungle has become a legend in its own time. A little thing like the war in Vietnam certainly couldn't prove the political demise of the long, tall Texan. Therefore, Lyndon Johnson will have to do something between now and election day 1968 to allay the fears of many Americans, both left, right, and middle, who believe the U.S. is waist-deep in an Asian swamp. The polls-of which Johnson was an avid fan before the shift in polit- ical fortunes-indicate that unless the administration satisfies a lot of people pretty soon, LBJ will have his permanent home on the range in 1969. So political analysts, pundits and prognosticators have been putting their heads together to figure out the answer. The most persuasive argument, voiced in a few isolated sectors of the international and national press, contends that Johnson will "end the war" during 1968. IN THIS MONTH'S ISSUE of Atlas, the excellent round-up of the world press, two foreign observers in Washington develop this interesting speculation. Douglas Skelton, writing for the independent British weekly "Spectator," reports that "in private conversations, Lyn- don Johnson has left western journalists convinced that the South Vietnamese are not nearly so close to his heart as his public statements suggest." Speculates Skelton: "... Imagine the scene in the middle of next year, or even earlier, around the time of the political primaries. There is no more bombing of North Viet- nam,twhich pleases a number of people; the troops are starting, very slowly to be sure, to come home, which pleases everyone (at the very least fewer people are being called up); the war isn't costing so much, which reduces the budget deficit and also pleases everyone. With the end of the war in sight, it would be easier to make a start on some of America's real problems, and this could very well deliver the Negro' vote. Johnson would once more look a hard man to beat." Atlas supplies further evidence from the German newspaper Die Welt in Hamburg: "President Johnson undoubtedly wants peace. But he wants it with the right 'timing.' To put it plainly: A settlement .. . a year before the U.S. Presidential election would be wasted in its effects. Americans go to the polls in November 1968. On the other hand, a peace that crystalized early next year would be ideal 'timing' for the President." Although Newsweek magazine warns that neither of the foreign observers is "plugged in on current White House thinking," CBS newsman Eric Sevareid, a veteran Washington analyst, suggested similar Johnsonian tactics several weeks ago. Though not predicting "peace," Seva- reid said that when the timing was right, LBJ might an- nounce that the U.S. has seen the light at the end of the tunnel and that Johnson may declare our "limited ob- jectives" in Vietnam practically accomplished. This could be followed by a gradual troop pull-out and a call for re- allocating some of the military funds to the nation's domestic problems. ALL OF THIS RATHER RECKLESS conjecture is grounded in several very sound premises. First, Lyndon Johnson desires re-election (presuming he re-acquires the Democratic nomination). Second, Lyndon Johnson and his party's Congressional candidates will have serious trouble winning if the war continues at the same ex- cruciating, senseless pace (too fast for the left, too slow for the right). Third, Lyndon Johnson is neither vain enough nor stupid enough not to realize that he is in political hot water because of the war. An additional variable is the Republican and possible third (or fourth) party challengers. Though the leading Republican possibilities (Nixon, Reagan, and possibly Rockefeller) would probably take a firm war stance, the convention is still too far off and their views too hazy to be established. Only Reagan, who is being more and more seriously discussed as a Presidential prospect, is fol- lowing a line that will answer a 1968 "end the war" move by LBJ. Reagan has been arguing during the last month that Johnson is withholding favorable information from the American people about the course of the war, thus implying that if the President declares the military com- mittment accomplished in 1968, Reagan can say "I told you so." Putting these ingredients together, it is apparent that something will have to give. And the very nature of the war in Vietnam, a guerrilla conflict that negates the superiority of American firepower, eliminates any prospect of Johnson "winning the war" with a further acceleration of American ground and air forces. The other alternative, which is rather reasonable proposal, is to restate the "limited objectives" of our in- volvement, which we have carefully neglected so far, and to judge them fulfilled. For instance, most of the North Vietnamese army regiments in the South have apparently been driven out; elections have occurred in the South and the Saigon regime may undertake negotiations with the belligerent factions; and the military government, whose collpase was so certain at the beginning of our involvement now seems a bit more stable. NONE OF THIS MEANS that the U.S. has succeeded in Vietnam. Our foreign policy seems geared to a policy of blind counter-insurgency which could entangle the U.S. for decades. The best America could eventually gain in Vietnam is probably a neutral government. But the serious mis-direction of American foreign policy will probably be of little importance in the election. Rather, the problem will be presented as the surface issues of Vietnam or U.S.-Soviet relations. And in the arena of world events, the acting President has a supreme abil- ity to regulate opinion, as this summer's summit at Glass- boro demonstrated. As long as Lyndon Johnson dart boards remain a a hot-selling item in bookstores and novelty shops, the Texas tactician will have to do something about his war. FEIFFER THAT"S Mci. MOTfM&5 MR)E. The Faculty and Administration Take a Big Step Forward INDEPENDENT of each other the faculty and the administration took two im- portant steps toward freeing up the clogged campus communication channels last week. The Senate Advisory Commit- tee on University Affairs (SACUA) set up a variety of formal and informal mech- anisms for allowing at least partial press coverage of their meetings while the ad- ministration has begun making quicker disclosure of the Minutes of Regents meetings. Traditionally the faculty has proved reticent about press coverage of their meetings. The University Senate, the Fac- ulty Assembly, and SACUA have simply allowed their chairman to brief reporters on activities following the meetings. This has inevitably meant incomplete coverage of crucial faculty affairs. And the admin- istration has held up disclosure of the monthly Regents minutes for four to five months. But now SACUA has decided to set up press conferences, background and off- the-record briefings. Reporters will have a regular mechanism for interviewing SACUA members and gaining relevant background information. Most important. SACUA has also agreed to set up special open meetings with agendas drawn up jointly with the press. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school year ($9 by mail). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St , Ann Arbor. Michigan, 48104. Editorial Staff ROGER RAPOPORT. Editor MEREDITH EIKER. Managing Editor MICHAEL HEFFER ROBERT KLIVANS City Editor Editorial Director .SUSAN ELAN Associate Managing Editor STEPHEN FIRSHEIN ..... Associate Managing Editor LAURENCE MEDOW ..... Associate Managing Editor JOHN LOTTIER .... Associate Editorial Director. RONALD KLEMPNER Associate Editorial Director SUSAN SCHNEPP ........... .....Personnel Directoi NEIL SHISTER .. ........... . Magazine Editor CAROLE KAPLAb, ........ Associate Magazine Editor LISSA MATROSS ...................... Arts Editor ANDY SACKS ... Photo Editor RO13ERT SHEFFIELD . ... ........... ..Lab Chief NIGHT EDITORS: w. Rexford Benoit, Neal Bruss, Wallace Immen, Lucy Kennedy, David Knoke, Mark Levin, Patricia O'Donohue, Daniel Okrent, Steve Wildstrom. DAY ,EDITORS: Marcy Abramson, Rob Beattie, Jill Crabtree, Aviva Kempner, Carolyn Miegel, Walter Shapiro, Lee Weitzenkorn. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS. Eleanor Braun, Henry (..ri J Hek Richard Herst-in. Helen Johnson. And the administration has begun to release Regents minutes within two months after the regular meetings-a definite step forward. BOTH THESE decisions will mean better coverage of campus affairs. In SACUA's case the press will now be able to give more detailed information on their ac- tivities. This necessarily assumes a wider airing of the viewpoint of this crucial faculty executive group. And it will also help reporters in their effort to provide the most accurate possible coverage. In short it is a mechanism for letting the entire University community learn more about what the faculty is thinking, saying and doing. Similarly prompter disclosure of the Regents minutes will mean the public can have more immediate knowledge on the activities of the University's governing body, as many activities of the Regents are disclosed only in the minutes. The Daily has long believed that steps such as these will make the University function more effectively. If the campus community is fully aware of faculty and administration activities it will be better able to make sound decisions on a multi- tude of significant issues. As the recent controversy over the University's Thai- land project illustrates, it is best to reg- ularly publicize all important decisions. Waiting until caught or exposed before admitting all is to risk the most violent and disruptive sort of confrontation. HOPEFULLY THE laudable decisions by SACUA and the administration on freer information represent only a begin- ning. The Faculty Assembly and the Uni- versity Senate would do well to establish a policy similar to SACUA's. Both would find news coverage of their activities con- siderably enhanced. If all three groups had press confer- ences, background and off-the-record briefings and some open sessions the whole campus would benefit. It is hoped that ultimately these groups will find the policy so successful that they will decide to open up all their meetings to the press. And hopefully the Regents will decide that their activities also merit fuller cov- erage. One idea would be to publish their minutes within a month after their meet- ing. More important they should consider opening up morning Regents meetings as well as afternoon sessions. Such a c r, n c, yo(YVE A16~ cS5o -S CESS~oI A AM- FDtr MWO ~'AM.K- IF SHAD2 IT To c2 ALL IT 6X- ACE Y SaAW. I'5 THAT AM? - J TAM. 1% tThUI%> MIMU . TO _ - SE1LL ELY- 7N-AT3S M1&)E. Nf== 2L J .p". '..- 1. Letters: For a Strategic Diversion of the Janitors To the Editor: IT IS fascinating to learn from Saturday's Daily that Library Director Wagman is concerned that some floors of the UGLI be closed at midnight to make "it possible for the janitorial staff to clean the areas not in use." Those of us in buildings where daily cleaning is merely a wist- ful dream can take some vicar- ious pleasure from knowing that there evidently remain a few buildings on campus not yet con- demned to pigpen status, and where concern can still be when, rather than whether, cleaning shall occur. I WOULD be delighted to see the UGLI open 24 hours a day if it would mean diverison of jan- itorial staff to other places. (My office has not been swept or dust- mopped for over two weeks, nor wet-mopped since the beginning of the semester.) -Edward G. Voss, Assoc. Professor & Curator University Herbarium Anutiocih To the Editor: TT IS DIFFICULT to determine just what motivated The Daily's series of articles about Antioch College (Oct. 31-Nov. 2). Clearly, the motive was not to present a reasoned picture of a fascinating and problematic experiment in education. The reporting provides no insights into the organiza- "One Side, Lady We're Looking For A Conspiracy" II-- 41. I I~ - - - _ I I aI J' to~ 'C tional and political workings of the college. No ideas are offered on the emotional experience, on the anguish of choice and plan- ning that students and educators undergo in such a radical envi- ronment. The articles amount to little more than yellow journalism. "Yellow," too, in the sense that the writer lacks the courage to make a probing examination of his subject, and tries to cover the. shallowness of his knowledge with a cavalier narrative. It is not simply that he warps his presen- tation by a highly biased selec- tion of adjectives, incidents, and "examples." In some places he is just dead wrong. ANTIOCH IS not a casual psy- chedelic camp where classes hap- pen like accidents. It is a locus of intense academic effort, populat- ed by people with serious-some- times over-serious-commitments to all sorts of real, this-worldly goals. Yellow Springs is not a homo- geneous hippy community. True, it is unique in that its residents show a very high educational level, a diversity of geographical origins and political leanings, and a considerable amount of mobil- ity. But there too one finds some of the usual town-gown antagon- ism-the result of a lack of com- munication and understanding. There, too, one finds at least five sets of traffic lights, a host of stop signs, and the rumbling of the daily train-minor facts which the writer did not bother to check out. IT IS SAD that -The Daily wasted its typespace. It is sad It is sad that when Heck visited Antioch he saw and met only a small part of the Antioch com- munity: the 5 per cent who man- age to be so visible. He missed the students away on co-op jobs all over the world, he missed the large group of~ upperclassmen who live off-campus, leading quite dif- ferent lives. He missed the people working in the surrounding coun- ties where Antioch is actively in- volved in OEO programs and ex- tension projects. All Heck got was a "trip." May- be that was all he was looking for. -Fred Arnstein, Antioch '66 -Kerry Drach, Antioch '67 -Carole Forsythe, Antioch '67 -Jan Franklin, Antioch '67 -Brenda Manning, Antioch '67 -Bob Green, Antioch '67 Dump LBJ To the Editor: THE TWO MOST recent Gallup polls indicate the road the Democratic Party must take in 1968 to avoid a disaster matching that of the Republicans in 1964. Gallup found that a Rockefeller- Reagan ticket would defeat John- son-Humphrey 55 per cent to 41 per cent. At the same time, Gallup announced that among all voters, Democrats, Republicans and In- dependents, the preference for the 1968 Democratic nomination is Senator Robert Kennedy by a margin of 51 to 39 per cent. Senator Kennedy offers real alternatives - peace in Vietnam, no tax increase, massive attacks on poverty and urban problems and a restoration of the vitality his brother brought to the presi- dency. It is not necessary to go all the way to national and international disaster with LBJ. The American people must act now to make Robert F. Kennedy the President in 1968. -George Pawlowski Chairman, Illini for Kennedy I -0 vt - X- j .// 'A - ;41/! 7