Johnson s
Theoretically, a halfback would
be rather tired after being tack-
led 42 times in one football game.,
But in Saturday's post-game
locker room, Wolverine workhorse
Ron (Flipper) Johnson didn't
show the effects of his record-
breaking performance.
"I didn't feel tired at the end
of the game. The thought of fin-
ally winning one kept me going."
Indeed, it might be added, the
thought of 'finally winning one'
kept the entire Michigan grid
team plowing through snow and
mud Saturday afternoon.
The -victory had been a long
time coming. Five straight losses
had taken their toll on the spirit
of the gridders. Just last Thurs-
day, head coach Bump Elliott had
said after .the week's final pre-
game practice session: "This
team is in good shape physically
But all had changed by the end
of the 7-3 whomping of North-
western's Wildcats. Elliott greeted
sportswriters with an ear-to-ear
Happy to Win
"We are really happy to win
this one. We needed it bad. We've
come close so many times - it
sure is nice to come out on top,"
he bubbled.
His game plan had been to run
Johnson over the Northwestern
line, but midway through the
contest, it became apparent that
things were getting carried away.
Johnson was the only back be-
side quarterback Denny Brown
who carried the ball. And often
he lugged it three and four and
five times in a row.
"I just followed Garvie Craw
through the holes in the line," which encompassed most of the
claimed Johnson. "He cleared the games, the snowy substance re-
path." turned to usher the victorious
The players being "cleared" Blue off the field.
out of the way were reluctant to Other than this, there was very
give ground. Johnson seldom little stirring in the Stadium at-;
gained more than four yards at mosphere. Brown completed but
a crack. His only sizeable gain 10 of 22 ariels for the Wolverines,
went for 16. But then his only and Bill Melzer, the Wildcat field
loss was for one. general, hit on 8 of 23 throws.
Agase Silent (The only other passer in the
Northwestern coach Alex Agase game - Northwestern's sneaky
had very little to say about the halfback Chico Kurzawski ~
game, other than he wished "they compiled a perfect record of one
hadn't used Johnson so much." interception in one attempt.)
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His ball club threatened several
times in the first half but was
able to tally only one field goal.
This preceded Michigan's lone
touchdown in the second quarter.'
But Agase was apparently not
surprised by anything the Wol-
verines did, for when asked
whether his team had been caught
off guard in any way, he replied}
smirkingly, "That's a canned
question if I ever heard one." He
never did get around to answer-
ing it, however.
In the aftermath of the victory,
Elliott was pleased to find no in-
juries among his charges other
than "the usual assortment of
bumps and bruises."
Views Film
As he and his coaching staff
settled down yesterday to gradei
out the players' performances
from films of the battle, they
must have temporarily felt as if
they were being treated to a vis-
ual trip through fantasyland. For
precisely as the game was to get,
underway, the grey sky opened
up and a deluge of white flakes
flooded the field.
After an extended timeout
Two encouraging sidelights on
the receiving end of the Michigan
air attack were Jim Berline and
John Gabler. Each caught four
passes to insure retention of their
spots among the elite of Big Ten,
Another bright part of the Blue
picture was the punting of sopho-
more Pete Drehmann. He banged
out six floaters for a total of 243
yards; for better than a 40 yard
average per kick.
Elliott feels that his defensivej
unit deserves much of the credit
for the win, due to their "tougher
than nails" play in the second!
half. "We came up with the big
plays defensively - that was the
Several of the "big plays" were
the two interceptions by Jerry,
Hartman and the fumble recovery
by Phil Seymour which ruined
a Wildcat touchdown opportun-
The play of the Michigan's of-
fensive was the subject of some
comment by observers, but Agase 1
was not one of those who choose
to give an opionion. When asked
which Wolverine players blocked+
most effectively, the Wildcat;
mentor replied: "That's too hard
a question. I can't answer that."
The Nauseating Scourge
iOf 'Creeping Pro fessionalism'
Good evening. Welcome to the 'Original Amateur Hour.' This
is your commentator, 'Belt' Buckley. Tonight we are discussing
Creeping Professionalism,' a subject which should nauseate all
true Americans. Our guests are Robert High-See, founder of the
Yawn Birch Society, and H. L. Heinz, reputed to be the richest
man in America. H. L., you look sick."
Heinz: "That's because the subject tonight is 'Creeping Profes-
sionalism,' Belt. And by the way, my friends call me 'H' for short."
Belt: "As you gentlemen know, 'Creeping Professionalism' is per-
haps the greatest threat to integrity of collegiate athletics today. There
was a time when men strong of body, moral of character, grim of
determination, and weak of mind would take a few spare moments
from their studies to congregate in a near-by pasture and knock heads
with men of similar mold from visiting institutions. Sport did not
smack of the stench of monetary reward; it was good, clean fun, an
exercise in purity ..
High-See: "Excuse me, Belt, I don't want to interrupt, but
my friends call me 'Robert.' I just wanted to be sure you knew."
Belt: ".... Then the 'Creeping Professionalists' moved in. Men with
money as their motive, willing to sacrifice the integrity of young men
to further their own cause ...."
Heinz: "I don't think you mean to imply that money in itself is a
bad thing, do you Belt? Just when it gets into the hands of the wrong
-Daily-Lanny Austin
SHADES OF TOM HARMON: Michigan's record breaking right
halfback Ron Johnson struggles for extra yardage as North-
western's Hans Leissoo (62) attempts to drag him down. The
Wolverine junior carried 42 times to set a Big Ten record for most
But all analyses of the action Northwestern offense has rolled
must return to the performance up on the ground this year.
turned in by Johnson. His com- For the second straight week,
plete dominance of the offen- the Wolverines played errorless
sive play allowed him to eclipse ball - no fumbles and no inter-
the old conference record of 38 ceptions. The pass defending an-
carries in a game held jointly tics of the Blue secondary kept
by Ernie Parks of Ohio State and their opponent's completion per-
Jim Grabowski of Illinois. ception under .400 for the second
Grabowski racked up 196 yards straight week, and lowered their
against Wisconsin in 1965 for season percentage-against mark to
his share of the record, while .447 (46 out of 103.)
Parks gained 158 against Illinois This tightening-up of the de-
in 1943. fenses is an encouraging factor
Johson entered the game as for Elliott as he prepares his
the eighth leading rusher in the squad for the final three games.
country and emerged with a total Michigan's last three opponents
of 815 yards gained through the - Illinois, Wisconsin, and Ohio
first seven contests. This is 10 State - have a combined season
yards more than the entire mark of 5-14-1.
. ":
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Red Wings' Crozier Retires
DETROIT (/P) - Roger Crozier, was being sent to the minors. He
the National Hockey League's All- told me he'd go anywhere if he
Star goalie as a rookie two years thought it would help his play
ago, told the Detroit Red Wings and help the Red Wings "
yesterday he was quitting hockey Abel also said he was calling up
for good because he had- "lost goalie Roy Edwards from Fort
his touch." Worth and would start him
The 25-year-old netminder from against the Pittsburgh Penguins
Bracebridge, Ont., informed De- Thursday.
troit Manager-Coach Sid Abel of Edwards, 30, is the top goal-
his decision just as Abel was tender in the Central Professional
about to ship him to the minors Hockey League. He has given up
in a roster shakeup designed to an average of 1.33 goals per game
help Detroit snap a three-game at Forth Worth with four shut-
losing streak. outs.
Black Coffe
and Eyesh
sun and sta
"I had called Roger in to tell
him I was sending him to Fort
Worth in the Central League,"
said Abel, "but he floored me be-
fore I floored him."
Abel stressed that Crozier's de-
cision "wassnot made because he
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Abel said there was nothing
physically wrong with Crozier but
s a i d the 5-foot-8, 160-pound
goalie told him he was "at the
cracking point" emotionally and
had "lost confidence" in his abil-
ity to play.
Crozier has allowed 18 goals in
the last three games. He was the
NHL's Rookie of the Year in
1964-65 and was named to the
All-Star team. He followed up in
the '65-66 season by winning the
Conn Smythe Trophy.
Last year, as Detroit failed to
make the playoffs for the first
time in five seasons, Crozier al-
lowed an average of 3.36 goals per
game, but posted six shutouts.
Just before his slump last
week, Crozier had allowed only
four goals as Detroit won four
straight games, including his 20th
career shutout.
Howe, Hull Tied
NEW YORK - Veteran Gordie
Howe of Detroit, belying his 39
years of age with one of his best
early-season _ performances, has
moved into a tie with Chicago's
dynamic Bobby Hull in the Na-
tional Hockey League's individual
scoring race.
The latest statistics revealed yes-
terday that Howe, six-time scoring
champion, has accumulated 16
points on 10 goals and six assists.
Hull, the goal-scoring pacesetter
with 11, has five assists.
Yvan Cournoyer of Montreal is
third in the scoring derby with 14
points. He is followed by Fred
Stanfield and John McKenzie of
,Boston, Andy Bathgate of Pitts-
burgh, Dave Keon of Toronto,
Jean Ratelle of New York and
Alex Delvecchio of Detroit, all tied
'with 13 points.
The Philadelphia Flyers have
the best goaltending record as Ber-
nie Parent and Doug Favell have
combined to yield an average of
only 2.2 goals a game.
Wilt Best Shot
NEW YORK-Wilt Chamberlain
of Philadelphia, the NBA's all-time
scoring king, is averaging 13.6
points per game and his total of
109 points isn't enough to get him
in the NBA's top 20 much less its
top 10.
But Wilt, who didn't even at-
tempt a shot in last Saturday's
game against San Francisco, still
leads the league in field goal per-
centage with a nifty .568 average
on 46-for-81 and stands third in
rebounds and assists.
Jimmy King of San Francisco is
the leading scorer with 322 points,
while teammate Nate Thurmond
tops the rebounders with 313 and
Len Wilkens of St. Louis leads in
assists with 92.
Chamberlain's 74 assists average
out to 93 per game-the best aver-
age in the league in that depart-
'OK, Puny, I'll trade you Fidmer for A pizza...'
Belt: "I think that is enough by way of introduction. Our two
guests have agreed to garticipate in a little skit that we've pre-
pared to demonstrate the impending evils of 'Creeping Profes-
sionalism.' So I'll turn it over to you, 'H'."
Heinz: "Here is the powerful Athletic Director H. O. 'Blitz' Edsel
meeting with another powerful Athletic Director, Clarence 'Puny'
Munn. There is good reason to believe that neither would exactly cry
at the thought of aiding the cause of 'Creeping Professionalism'...."
Puny: "Well, H. 0, what can we do to (chuckle) aid the cause of
'Creeping Professionalism' tonight?"
Edsel: "As you know, Clarence, I am a mere puppet of Paul
"Yogi" Bryant, the creepiest of all the 'Creeping Professionalists'.
But he HAS sent me many evil orders to further the destruction of
the Amateur World. And by the way, my friends call me 'H' for
Puny: "What does Yogi have in mind this time? Remember whey,
he (chuckle) got the idea of giving athletic scholarships? Little did
anyone know that that was merely a clever ploy to bind unsuspecting
young high school stars in chains."
Edsel: "This is Yogi's biggest, most diabolical move yet. I'll give
you a clue. What do 'pros' do that we've never yet dared?"
Puny: "Move the goalposts up?"
Edsel: "Don't be ridiculous. That would be going too far. No,
Clarence. We're going to start trading players."
Puny: "You mean lik'e I give you two future high school draft
choices for your fleet end, Jim Beeline?"
Edsel: "Precisely."
Puny: "This is a great day for the cause of 'Creeping Profes-
sionalism,' 'H.' But there's just one problem . . . once we start
trading players, there won't be anywhere left to creep."
Edsel: "Yogi's already (chuckle) thought of that, Clarence. There's
plenty of room for expansion in the NFL. We're a cinch to make
the pros."
Belt: "Goodnight, ladies and gentlemen. It may already be
too late."
. . ..... .
NIL Standings
East Division
W L T Pts.
Indiana 105, Kentucky 95
Toronto 7 4 1 154
New York 6 2 3 15
Detroit 6 5. 1 134
Montreal 5 3 3 13
Boston 5 2 2 12
Chicago 2 7 2 6
West Division
Los Angeles 5 4 3 13
Pittsburgh 5 6 1 11
Philadelphia 4 4 2 10
Minnesota 3 4 3 9
St. Louis 3 5 2 8F
California 2 7 3 7
Sunday's Results
Montreal 1, Philadelphia 1, tie
Los Angeles 6, Detroit 4,
Toronto 2, Boston 2, tie
Chicago 2, California 2, tie
Yesterday's Results
No games scheduled.
Today's Game
California at Los Angeles
46 27
37 25
41 42
24 25
34 23
25 44
36 37
31 30
20 22
22 30
22 23
25 35
NBA Standings
Eastern Division
Won Lost Pct. Behind
Philadelphia 7 1 .875
Boston 6 1 .875 %/.
Detroit 5 4 .556 2%
Cincinnati 5 5 .500 3
New York 5 6 .455 3%
Baltimore 3 7 .300 5
Western Division
St. Louis 11 1 .917
San Francisco 8 5 .615 31,
Los Angeles 6 4 .600 4
San Diego 2 9 .182 81/
Seattle 2 9 .182 8%/
Chicago 1 9 .100 9
Sunday's Result
New York 115, San Diego 107
Yesterday's Results
No games scheduled.
Today's Games
Boston at Cincinnati
St. Louis at Chicago
Philadelphia at San Diego
Seattle at San Francisco
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