TUESDAY,: NOVEMBER 7, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PArr. C **vA ta&ii NATIONAL NEWS DEVELOPMENTS: RI fld- V" V-1AaLd 0 I" it loollAch s- Court Rejects Maryland Loyalty OathIi 2dvidflndG (Z1ir In Clevelndl ,.,qr I ,uU; vV n c By The Associated Press WASHINGTON The Su- preme Court yesterday threw out Maryland's loyalty oath for teach- ers and other public employes on the grounds that its requirements are too imprecise. The Maryland loyalty program is the fourth such state program upset by the court since 1964. Others involved Arizona, New York and Washington state. The 6-3Wdecision written by Justice William O. Douglas, left serious doubt that any other state program requiring loyalty certifi- cates of teachers could pass high court muster. "We are in the First Amend- ment field," Douglas wrote. "The continuing surveillance which this type of law places on teachers is hostile to academic freedom." Specifically, the majority found fault with the requirement that prospective state employes certify they are not engaged "in one way or another" in an attempt to forcibly overthrow the U.S. or Maryland government. Douglas said the six judges did not know whether this was in- tended to cover innocent mem- bership in a subversive organiza- tion. "As we have said in like situa- tions," Douglas continued, "the oath required must not be so vague and broad as to make men of common intelligence speculate at their peril on its meaning. Justices John M. Harlan, Pot- ter Stewart and Byron B. White dissented, with Harlan saying they found nothing unconstitu- tional about the oath. He attri- buted to the majority "a process of reasoning that defies analysis." U.S. Rebuffs Moscow Talks WASHINGTON - State De- partment officials said yesterday there was no basis for reports that the United States would send * representatives to Moscow for Vietnam peace talks with Nobel Prize winners. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., civil rights leader and 1964 reci- pient of the Nobel Peace Prize, said last week he had accepted an invitation to East-West talks on the Asian war. King said he understood that representatives of North and South Vietnam, and the United States and the Viet Cong also had accepted. U.S. officials said there appear- ed to be confusion over plans of a Norwegian committee to send a delegation to Hanoi, Saigon and Washington to try to find a starting point for negotiations. The officials said the Johnson administration would cooperate in meeting with a delegation if it{ came here. But they said they had no in- formation on plans of King to travel to Moscow and said the civil rights leader had not been in contact with the State Depart- ment. In Norway, Dr. J. B. Hygen of the Nobel Peace Prize committee said he had invited King but added "thereare no definite plans so far." Hygen's group is not con- nected with the Nobel Committee., Guard, Army ' To Add 19,800 I authorized as a means of main- taining manpower levels ordered by Congress. The additions in the Army Re- serves would be absorbed in the existing units. The new guard units would be mainly of com- pany or detachment size. In its official announcement, the Pentagon made no specific mention of the riot control de- mands which have weighed heav- ily on the guard in recent years. It referred only to the requests for troops for state uses. The guard had 2,900 units planned previously under the Pentagon's latest reorganization program. Congress Poll Favors Ethics WASHINGTON - A l t h o ugh neither house of Congress has a code of ethics yet, a Missouri con- gressman reported yesterday that a majority of senators and repre- sentatives answering a poll said they favor a code for newsmen covering the House and Senate. Rep. William L. Hungate (D- Mo), said 150 of the 533 members answered his survey, and 91 favor a code of ethics for the press while 43 oppose it. Most of those answer-. ing did not sign their names. The questions showed that most congressmen answering the poll felt that radio, television and newspapers do a reasonably accu- rate job of reporting congressional activities. Radio came out ahead of tele- vision or newspapers on a question as to which of the media the mem- bers consider reasonably or highly accurate. But 52 per cent said newspapers coverage is excellent or good compared with 49 per cent for television and 44 per cent for radio. Asked to choose one weekly magazine, 82 members voted for U.S. News and World Report to 33 for Newsweek which came in second. Asked to list the columnist they read most regularly, the members gave 29 votes to Evans and Novak, 20 to David Lawrence, 17 to Drew Pearson, 13 to James Reston, 10 to Art Buchwald with others rang- ing from William F. Buckley to Ann Landers. Moon Target Of Surveyor 6 CAPE KENNEDY, Fla.-Amer- ica's ATS 3 "pinball" satellite yes- terday successfully parked over Brazil as a moon-chemist robot named Surveyor 6 was poised to rocket toward a lunar plain so rugged it has less than a 50-50 chance to land safely. Surveyor 6, perched atop a pow- erful Atlas-Centaur rocket, was scheduled to head moonward dur- ing a favorable launching period between 2:22 a.m. EST and 3:17 a.m. today in an attempt to break the even number jinx in the Sur- veyor program. Surveyors 1, 3 and 5 successfully soft-landed on the lunar surface, while Surveyors 2 and 4 failed. After a 65-hour, 231,416-mile flight across space, Surveyor 6 was to softly settle on crater-pocked Sinus Medii-a potential Apollo landing zone located squarely in the middle of the moon's visible face as seen from earth. Like Surveyor 5, which landed Sept. 10 on the moon's Sea of Tranquility, Surveyor 6 was equip-1 ped with a revolving TV camera eye and a small chemistry set to I JEL -W -W 'l A l t / % 1 IL-AL ! t S # Is ! am. analyze the soil. Surveyor 5's ter- fees amounting to $48,000 from Negotiators for the two govern- , in rain tester indicated that much Morris Shenker, a St. Louis crim- ments announced agreement on of the moon's surface may con- inal lawyer who was Hoffa's chief the treaties last June 26 but since WASHINGTON (AP)-Hundreds of man John G. Krupa of attempting sist of earth-like rock. Project of- counsel. then they have come under bitter towns and cities choose mayors to dilute the strength of Negro ficials said Surveyor 6's target- The article spurred the inquiry attack, both in the United States and two states name governors voters. Sinus Medii-was so rugged that by the ethics committee. The com- and in Panama. today following election cam- Hatcher contends thousands of statistics indicate the moonship mittee said in its findings that Now Panama is engaged in spir- paigns often marked by emotional of Negroes have been dropped had only a 47 per cent chance ofi payments to Long by Shenker questions of race and the Vietnam from voting polls and thousands ha onya4 e etcac fpyet oLn ySekri ted~ pre-nomination political ac-' war. of phony names of whites have landing safely. "had no relationship whatsoever to.e Mr. Hoffa or the Teamsters tivities in preparation for the Two cities, Cleveland and Gary, been added. PrUnion election May 12 of a president, Ind., have Negro Democratic can- Hatcher faces Republican Joseph P o eR p e two vice presidents and the full didates for mayor while school in- B. Radigan in this campaign The committee is accused in the 42-member National Assembly. tegration has been the major issue which has seriously split teeming NEW YORK -Life magazine, latest Life article of ignoring and i'nBso' aoat ots.Lk onyssldDmcai which last May accused Sen. Ed- failing to pursue the matter of Reports from Panama say it is in Boston mayoralty contest. Lake County's solid Democratic ward V. Long (D-Mo), of receiving payments, which it said Long ad- virtually certain the treaties will Fear of election disorders in Gary party. $48,000 from a St. Louis attorney mitted amounted to $160,000 since not be submitted for approval to prompted prpaibyvthe aua rge racesue for Teamster boss James R. Hof- 961, hi first full year in the Sen- the present Panamanian assem- tina Gudms fo p e rviolence Krupa bitterly opposes the 34- fa, today called a Senate ethicstbly which ends its term in Janu- year-old Hatcher. He has accused committee investigation into the ary. And the U.S. Senate is not nam wil appear on the ballot in Hatcher of having leftist backers matter a whitewashILexpected to consider the treaties San Francisco and Cambridge, and failing to disavow "Black magazine has now added the Sen- Mass. Neither resolution, of course, Power" leaders. Hatcher has The ethics committee, chaired ate ethics committee to its smear until Panama approves them. wil have any binding effect on denied both charges. by Sen. John Stennis (D-Miss), campaign. The committee report The treaty texts have not been national policy. Hatcher and State Democratic announced--Oct. 25 that it foundcapinThcomtereot HcerndSteD ortc no evidence to support charges speaks for itself." announced officially, but have An election eve legal battle is Chairman Gordon St. Angelo have been published in both countries. being waged over a charge by counter-charged that Hatcher's that Long misused a wiretap in- They created a furor in Panama, Richard G. Hatcher, Negro Demo- race is the primary issue to Krupa. vestigation of a subcommittee he where the Canal and its opera- cratic nominee for mayor of Gary, Meanwhile, Adj. Gen. John S. headed. WASHINGTON - Three trea- tion for years have been a major that his own party's county organ- Anderson set up a command post Life had accused Long on May ties relating to operation of the issue in every political campaign. ization was juggling election rolls in the Valparaiso Armory new 26 of misusing the probe in an ef- U.S.-owned Panama Canal ap- In the U.S. Congress, more than to keep him from winning. Gary to oversee deployment of an fort to help Hoffa, imprisoned parently have been shelved legis- 100 members of the House of Rep- Court suits filed by Hatcher and undisclosed number of National president of the Teamsters Union. latively in both countries, prob- resentatives attacked the agree- the Justice Department accuse Guard troops around Gary to pre- The magazine said Long received ably until late 1968 or early 1969. ments. ILake County Democratic Chair- vent possible rioting. -------------_____--.------ W ith race looming as a major issue in Cleveland, too, a big voter turnout is expected there in a Congress Continues Pork Barrel Spending ntesbtkesnd hisrwhemre- ontest.btwe nd NegrohDeoRat publican opponent, Seth C. Taft. Taft seems to be aided by the 61 Despite Demands for Federal Economy peret votealtogh ofregise BS Ie BR&R OTB BT CO~ m ei' cent white majority of regis- tered voters, although registered Democrats outnumber Republicans WASHINGTON (P)-The politi- cause, with few exceptions, the tax surcharge and Congress de- requested totalted $734,637,000," by five to one, giving Stokes an cians beloved pork barrel flour- freeze only delayed some work. manded presidential spending cuts the report said. "The present es- edge. ishes at the rate of $1.3 billion this The freeze, imposed Oct. 6, was of first: timated cost of these projects is But Stokes has mustered surpris- year, despite much huffing and two weeks duration-then was ex- -Johnson requested construc-1$735,502,000-an increase of one- ingly strong support from white puffing in Congress about econ- tended while Congress passed stop- tion starts on onie nine new ro-Itenth of 1 per cent, This is a truly voters, while Taft-despite his omy. gap resolutions continuing current remarkable record." strong protestations that race spending and awaiting the day ap- tdestnumbercompared All told, the public works bill up should not be an issue-is vir- WhentheShaneeIndanswithrecnt ear. iAlltol, th pulicwors bll p !tually assured the support of a camped below Kaysinger Bluff in propriation bills finally would be wnIfor Senate-House conference ac- 1 Missouri's Ozarks, pork-barreling passed. -The -House knocked out four tion called for $4.7 billion in fiscal large number of white Democrats might have involved no more than The reaction of Sen. Jack R. of the nine-then added 16 new 1968. By coincidence, that is ex- jumping party lines because they a chief's ordering a fishing bank Miller (R-Iowa), was typical: ones of its own. The Senate put actly the amount the President wil not vote for a Negro. cleared of brush to enhance his "I'm certainly ready to go back back all of the starts killed by the proposed in January. The surtax Stokes won big in the Democra- Ilae fbuht nac i Imcranyrayt obc House-and added 25 of its own. rpslnwi prcn. tic primary Oct. 3, defeaigting in- standing with the braves, to my people and say I'm sorry, proposal now is 10 per cent. u--Instead of providing only nine Tcumbent Mayor Ralph S. Locher Toaya 20-mllonexmpe fbut some of our public works pro- -nta fpoiigol ie The $. billion includes the $1.3by1,0voe.H rcied 7 Today a $200-million example of jects are going to be slowed down," new starts, the bill now calls for billion that wuld be cla a by 18,000 votes. He received 17 jet-age pork-barreling is being "Thesyd'd per cent of the white vote as well built where the Indians once fished he said. They'd understand-as - E50 pork, plus funds for the Atomic as 96 per cent of the Negro vote. in the shadow of the, bluff. It in- iong as Iowa isn't picking up the conomy Spes Energy Commission, antipollution Since then he has picked up the volves a power dam, artificial lake whole slowdown tab. If it's spread Talking economy and voting projects, Interior Department rec- endorsement of the party organ- and recreation facilities, around to all the states, I'll agree something else is an established lamation works and other civilian ization, a vote of support from to it. practice on Capitol Hill. Last year construction. organized labor, the backing of the city's two major daily newspaper, and even the support of some na- tionality groups. A near-record turnout of Bos- ton's 286,000 registered voters is expected to choose their mayor for the next four years with the pos- sibility it will be a woman for the first time in the city's 337 years. School committeewoman Louise Day Hicks, a 48-year-old grand- mother, has based her drive for election on promises of $10,000 salaries for police and firemen, and taxes on suburban commuters who work in the city but live out of town. She also opposed busing Negro children to achieve racial balance in the Negro neighborhood schools. Her slogan has been "You know where I stand." Her opponent, Massachusetts Secretary of State Kevin H. White, scoffed at his opponent's pay in- crease promise as "fiscal fantasy." He contended the salary boosts would make Boston's current tax of $117 per thousand soar to $150. White proposed modification of a state law which allows the Mas- sacrusetts Board of Education to withhold state funds from com- munities which have racially im- balanced schools. He and Mrs. Hicks were in partial agreement that the law should be changed toprohibit busing, with White pro- posing busing be banned in grades one through four. His opponent has court action pending for a decision that the law is unconstitu- tional. National Implications Kentucky Democrats and Re- publicans prepared to get out their organizational vote Tuesday in a governor's race which could have national implications. A Republican victory might in- dicate a continued voter trend against President Johnson's poli- cies, .which have been denounced by Republican candidate Louie B. Nunn, who has also attacked the eight-year record of the current Democratic faction. A triumph by Democratic can- didate Henry Ward might indicate the electorate's purported resent- ment of Johnson is not as deep as some polls show-or at any rate it is subordinate to state issues. Iii C Such projects now under way or in the planning stages-bridges, dams, harbors and levees-will cost the American taxpayer $15.2 billion by the time they are fin- ished years from now. And Con- gress, while huffing mightily about economy, is in the final stages of approving new work that is con- tributed an ultimate $4.1 billion to that total. In the fiscal year which started July 1, spending on the 44 public works projects planned or in progress will add up to $1.3 billion. That compares with such, other big items as $4.6 billion for space, $2.1 billion for Medicare and $2.26 billion for the Office of Economic Opportunity-the anti- poverty program. It is a political fact of life that aicongressman will be praised for bringing public 'worksprojects torhis district and that praise usually pays off in votes. Alphonse-Gaston In October, while President Johnson and Congress were en- gaged in the Alphonse-Gaston act of "you cut spending first," the administration hit the legislators in their most sensitive spot-the pork barrel. A freeze was put on new civil works construction. It covered nearly $66 million in contract awards and bid adver- tisements-122contractsdinmore than half the states. There was no loud outcry be-I ~ 1 Applying Screws But Rep. Charles S. Gubser (R- Calif), accused the Johnson ad- ministration of "using popular programs in order to put the screws to Congress" in the admin- istration's battle for a tax in- crease. Some other congressmen also muttered about administra- tion arm twisting. The construction industry was not visibly alarmed. "We believe most of the projects we're concerned with are so essen- tial that they won't be seriously affected by the freeze," said one lobbyist. Public works projects are im- portant bartering material to con- gressmen-even between the two houses. It is a case of you vote for mine, I'll vote for yours. # Consider the sequence this year,j when the President asked for a; the President asked for 25 actual starts and 27 planning starts. Con- gress added 33 construction starts for a total of 58. It added 44 plan- ning starts for a total of 71. The starts are minor amounts, but millions became billions when small starting-up costs balloon in- to fullfledged construction. The U.S. Army Corps of Engin- eers, which argues each pork case --pro or con-before congressional committees, has been acused of giving unrealistically low esti- mates to win approval for pro- jects. The Senate Appropriations Com- mittee ordered an inquiry into the charges. Its staff studied the 51 projects scheduled for completion in fiscal 1968. "The total estimated cost of these projects at the time the first construction funds were --- t" - - ' - _ _ Ol ............................_. __ III I' I , I' Opening TOMORROW at Trueblood Theatre! The 1967-68 Ann Arbor Civic Theatre Drama Season with: A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS By Robert Bolt 1111 Wednesday-Thursday-$1.50-$1.75 Friday-Saturday--$1.75-$2.00 Box Office Now Open i This week at Th, IEAR;K SAVE! SEASON TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE! - III 8:30 P.M. 1421 Hill Street I WASHINGTON - Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara yesterday authorized a 19,800-l man increase in the Army Re- serves and National Guard that would include more state troops for possible use against riots. About 125 new units would be created ip the state-administered National Guard. McNamara said they were being added "in re- sponse to state requests for units to accomplish state missions." An Army spokesman said this referred mainly to handling civil disorders, but also included aid in disasters and other special assignments. The increase in troops was Wednesday-A HOOT! A continuous variety of folk singers throughout the evening Thursday-FRITHJOF BERGMANN SPEAKING on the Nature of Freedom Friday-THE LAURALEI singing English, Scottish, and Appalacion Ballads Saturday-THE WEST AFRICAN GROUP (with Fobi, Solomon, Horacio, Chief Koko, and others) doing typical African music-including the TALKING DRUMS, xylophone, and Folk music. t E 1 Z presents VOICE-SDS MEETING TONIGHT-8:00 UGLI MULTIPURPOSE ROOM ARTHUR FIEDLER Conducting The YOMIURI NIPPON U of M: END WAR RESEARCH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA COMING SOON (you should live so long) A Jewish Style DELICATESSEN T HE SpIg . Soloist: Miss Hiro Immamura, Pianist I * C tVAr I X-odam,6 .domik- IN HILL AUDITORIUM Friday, Nov. 10, at 8:30 SOPH SHOW "Once Upon A SMattress" BY A STRIKING AND ORIGINAL TRAGI-COMEDY STUDS TERKEL Program: Overture to "Semiramide" (IRossini) ; Piano Concerto No. 2 (Chopin) ; "Classical" Symphony (Pro/zofieff); Selections from "West Side Story" (Bern- stein); and Suite from "Gaiete Parisienne" (Offenbach). TICKETS: $6.00-$5.50-$5.00-$4.00-$3.00-$2.00 I iIII