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November 05, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-05

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Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

Continental Opinion and U.S. Policy

_ti .,;,

Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Hypoeraey of the AAUPs
New Line on Activists

Collegiate Press Service
relatively stupid, Europe has
always trusted international opin-
ion to be strong enough to change
any country's unpopular policy.
So Europeans are now a little
:onfused when they see almost the
entire world protesting American
involvement in Vietnam, and the
war widening anyway.
Two recent speeches accented
this growing isolation of the U.S.
from the world's good graces. The
first, in the United Nations, was
made by Sardar Swaran Singh, the
Indian Defense Minister. The sec-
ond was in Paris, made by Pierre
Mendes-France, the former chair-
man of the French Assembly.
It certainly wasn't the first
speech in the UNsdemandingan
inconditional end to the bombing
)f North Vietnam. But it's signifi-
-ant, in that Singh adds his pro-
test to those of a number of other
zountries considered friends if not
allies of the United States.
and France-all NATO members-
have bitterly attacked Johnson's
Vietnam politics. Canada, Indone-

sia, Sweden, and Ethiopia have
taken similar positions: that the
U.S. must take the first step to-
ward peace.
Mr. Mendes-France said pretty
much the same thing, but his tone
was much sharper than Mr.
Singh's. He called the bombing
"absolutely unjustifiable," a n d
gave homage to "the proud peo-
.le of (North) Vietnam."
His unequivocal language will no
doubt be received with a heavy
heart in Washington, where the
State Department types predict an
'apres-Gaullisme"' controlled by
the Federation of the Left, whom
Mendes-France represents.
At this writing there are only
three countries left in Wesern
Europe who haven't formally pro-
;ested the U.S. conduct of the war.
[reland, wose Foreign Minister, Mr.
Frank Aiden, has always acquies-
-ed to anything the U.S. did;
Mioro's Italy, for whom NATO is
"a way of life;" and finally Great
OF THESE THREE "silences,"
Washington is undoubtedly hap-
piest about Britain's. But last
week, the Labor Party began to

lean on the Wilson government to
"dissociate itself completely" from
America's war. The same day, Na-
tional Opinion Polls of Britain
said that the Wilson government's
popularity was at its lowest since
the last general election in March,
1966. NOP said that if there were
an election tomorrow. the Wilson
regime would get whipped.
Maybe Wilson will continue his
Support. He ignored last year's
Gabor call to "bring all pressures
to bear on the USA to end the
war." But significantly, this week,
Foreign Secretary George Brown
said the British Government "de-
test what is happening in Viet-
aam." He added, no doubt for
Washington'es benefit, that he
didn't feel Hanoi had indicated
that it would respond to a bomb-
ing halt.
Despite his stolid silence now, it
it obvious that if Wilson is going
to lose the election on the Viet-
nam issue-an issue that doesn't
gven belong to him-he will
,hange his stand.
AS FOR HANOI, it seems clear
that they won't "indicate" any-
thing until the American elections

are over in November, 1968. If they
agree to negotiate before that elec-
tion, and talks begin, President
Johnson is sure to win by running
Dn a "don't-switch-negotiators-in-
midstream" platform. This must be
intolerable to Hanoi, which trusts
Johnson as much as he trusts
"nervous Nellies."
Glancing at the rest of the
world: one student killed, 745 in-
jured, in an anti-war demonstra-
tion in Japan; U.S. Navy shop
quarantined in Turkish port for -
fear of anti-U.S. rioting; 70 Italian
Communists defect to pro-Chinese
party because their pro-Soviet
party isn't stiff enough with the
U.S. on Vietnam; a second Bud-
dhist nun burns herself to death
in Sa Dec, Vietnam. This kind of
stuff doesn't raise an eyebrow any-
Well, OK, so the foreigners don't
like the U.S. What about them
red-blooded Americans, who fought
two wars in defense of peace?
this week says "public support
for the Administration's conduct
of the war in Vietnam has declined
measurably in recent weeks. with

increased sentiment for less mil-
itary action and more negotiation."
Gallup polls continually show Mr.
Johnson slipping because of his
conduct of the war.
On a given day you can get one
country to demonstrate against
the war (like this April 15). The
number of draft dodgers in the
States, as well as the number of
deserters in Europe and Vietnam,
is rising sharply. Walter Lippmann
and the New York Times are
against the war.
Mr. Johnson says the nation
backs his war effort.
MR. JOHNSON is wrong. The
U.S. has lost the support of NATO,
it may lose Britain's support soon,
it has lost the support of Senators
Fulbright, Gruening, Morse, Mans-
field, Church, McGovern, Morton,
Kennedy, Cooper, Case, Percy,
Javits and Symington, with more
to come. Dozens of Congressmen
opose the war vociferously. The
U.S. has been attacked in the
United Nations by Communist and
non-Communist, friend and foe
alike. It is not winning the war.
It may be the Year of the Goat
in Vietnam, but it's the Year of
the Ass in the White House,

"JN VIEW of some recent events,
the council deems it important to
state its conviction that action by
individuals or groups to prevent
speakers invited to the campus from
speaking, to disrupt the operations of
the institutions in the course of dem-
onstrations or to obstruct and re-
strain other members of the academic
community and campus visitors by
physical force is destructive of the
pursuit of learning. and of a free
"All components of the academic
community are under a strong obliga-
gation to protect its processes from
these tactics."
-American Association of University
Professors Council,
Oct. 28, 1967
"THE STUDENT who'violates insti-
tutional regulations, such as those
relating to class attendance, in the
course of his protest should be sub-
jected to no greater penalty than
would normally be imposed if the
violation had not arisen in the course
of a public controversy. When stu-
dents run into police diffeulties off
the campus in connection with what
they regard as their political rights
the college authorities should take
every practical step to assure them-
selves that such students are protect-
ed in their full and legal rights
against abuse."
-AAUP Bulletin,
Autumn 1964
THE AAUP COUNCIL'S recent blast at
disruptive campus protests has drawn
week-long comment and defense on these
pages, and for good reason. College stu-
dents have increasingly made campuses
the headquarters and targets of protests
against the draft, the war, classified re-
search, paternal administrations and
stmdry other grievances.
The tactic of these demonstrations can
range from outright violence as at Wis-
consin and Brooklyn/ College to non-
disruptive teach-in/sit-ins such as held
last week at the University. On the whole,
however, the basic "occupy and resist ex-
pulsion" technique has been imported

from off-campus uses that the AAUP
in 1964 viewed with almost benign eyes.
Now that political demonstrations strike
closer to home, the AAUP has gone
through a very apparent metamorphosis
in attitude that is not altogether consis-
tent with its "liberal" tradition as its
defenders may believe.
When the 1964 AAUP committee on stu-
dent academic freedom considered "viola-
tions of institutional regulations," the
Berkeley phenomenon had not been born.
Trivial examples like cutting classes or
events remote from campus such as rid-
ing on freedom buses were largely the
concern of a few individuals. Three years
later, however, student and even faculty
activists are able to mobilize large num-
bers on campus to interfere with or dis-
rupt the operations of the university.
THERE IS an apparent contradiction
in the AAUP's two statements when
applied to cases such as the boycott which
has slashed classroom attendance at
Northern Michigan University. By latest
AAUP council proclamation, the boycott
is disruption, but according to the older
statement, is not deserving of a greater
penalty than if an individual had cut
class for an afternoon.
The inherent difficulty in justifying
these two policy statements as being con-
sonant with a "liberal" AAUP tradition
can best be resolved by looking at the
different degrees of AAUP self-interest
involved in the changing situations.
When panty-raids and fraternity
pranks were the order of campus regulat-
ing-breaking, the association could easily
take a detached view and admonish ad-
ministrations not to be overly paternalis-
tic. Now that students with motives other
than raising cain have moved into the
faculty's back yard and begun to raise
touchy questions about conflicts of in-
terest, research contract criteria and the
quality of teaching, the professional se-
curity of the AAUP members is more
directly confronted.
THE FACULTIES' true colors of con-
servatism (i.e., self-interest) naturally
begin to show with a turn in the wind.
And the AAUP, the most prestigious and
influential faculty group in the nation,
is no less flighty than other kites.


Letters: Senator McCarthy as an Alternative to LIJ

To the Editor:
WE WERE disappointed to dis-
cover that there was no article
in Friday's Daily reporting the
meeting of the Ann Arbor chapter
of the Americans for Democratic
Action (ADA) that was held on
Thursday night. When Allard
Lowenstein, the national vice-
chairman of the organization, gave
his speech, he made it clear that
there was value in an open Dem-
ocratic convention, that there was
the promise of a challenge to Lyn-
don Johnson in the primaries, and
that there was indeed a potential
candidate. This group, which sup-
ports immediate cessation of
bombing North Vietnam, negotia-
tions with all parties, and a
phased withdrawal from the area,
is pledged to throw their support
to a candiate who will carry out
their goals.
SENATOR Eugene McCarthy of
Minnesota promises to to be such
a man. The Senator will be in Ann
Arbor on November 10 speaking at
the annual dinner given by the
Democrats of this Congressional
district. It is up to the alert voters
on this campus to observe this
man and exaluate his qualities as
a Presidential candidate, to decide
whether he is the man to support
at an open convention in Chicago.
We may not have to vote "no"
for President.
-Cecily Becker, President
-Gene Farber
-Art Aaronson
-Joan Fealk
-Amy Cohn
-Jared Beckee
Members of the Young
Democrat Executive Board
Examining Hamilton
To the Editor:
Office of University Relations
has for~ some time been speaking
and writing with the voice of rea-
son and the words (not his own)
of deceit. His letter of Oct. 31 is
an example.
In it he accuses Profs. Gendell
and Mayer (who state that "fear
of losing government contracts
underlay the University of Mich-
igan's servile capitulation to
HUAC" and that "freedom of dis-
sent was less important in the
minds of the administration than
generous research grants") of "re-
peat (ing) a shibboleth and add-
(ing) an assumption unverified
and unsubstantiated."
He further states that as a par-
ticipant in the discussions leading
to compliance with HUAC, he "re-
calls" that, (1) membership lists
were not confidentially submitted
to SGC; (2) "no mention or al-
lusion to government contracts

was made"; (3) freedom of dissent
was an important concern; and
(4) "central to the decision to
comply was consistency in com-
pliance with the law."
As for confidentiality, it is true
that the existence of the lists was
acknowledged in open meetings of
SGC, however: their contents were
always considered by SGC as con-
fidential; a Spring 1966 admin-
istrative directive from the Office
of Student Affairs rendered them
confidential; and Vice President
Cutler personally stated to the
man who served the HUAC sub-
poena, that the names were con-
REGARDING THE considera-
tion of government contracts, I
pass along the following inter-
change which took place at a
meeting between Vice-Presidents
Cutler and Smith and 50 interested
individuals - a meeting precipi-
tated by the compliance.
Students: "What concrete harm
to the University would have come
from resisting the Committee?"
M. sutler said there were many
people in the country who felt as
strongly that the Vietnamese war
was right, as we felt it was wrong.
He suggested that these people
would harm the University if the
names were not.released. "If the
University willfully disobeyed the
law, it would lose public support,
good factulty salaries and con-
Now it may be that the contracts
were never discussed in those
meetings, but I suggest that this
is because of the unanimity of
sentiment among the discussants,
not the lack of importance of the
contracts. Furthermore, I much
sooner accept Mr. Cutler's admis-
sion against his own interest, than
Mr. Hamilton's statements as Uni-
versity mouthpiece.
AS FOR THE importance of
protecting dissent, I pass along
that portion of the above meeting
immediately following the above
interchange. Mr. Smith reported
that the argument that the greater
freedom of all was being threat-
ened (should the names not be
handed in) weighed heavily in the
decision. -
Students then asked when the
balance would swing the other way
-If 300 names were asked for, or
600; if the people turned in would
face execution instead of hara ss-
ment-when would such factors
lead to resisting the Committee?
Mr. Cutler answered that the
University would never resist a
lawful subpoena.
Hence, freedom of dissent was
not a matter of administrative
concern, but, at best, a great test
of conscience.

FINALLY, Mr. Hamilton's re-
mark's on consistency in- compli-
ance with the law suggest that the
University in its recent history has
been consistent, and that the op-
tions open to the University at the
time of the subpoena were either
to immediately comply or violate
the law. The facts are just the
In its treatment of non-acade-
mic employees (even at that time)
it violated the law while contesting
it in court.
In order to consistently comply
with the law (of subpoenas), it is

When asked whether the Uni-
versity had sought legal advice
prior to compliance he answered,
yes. A later investigation by
SACUA revealed that, save for an
ad lib opinion submitted by Prof.
Kauper of the law school, no ad-
vice was sought. How could a legis-
lative subpoena be consistently
complied with, if the relevant le-
gislation is not even known by ther
ALL OF THIS information has
been publicy known for at least
six months. The fact that Mr.

("Dr. Stranglove," though cer-
tainly a much better movie tech-
nically, is anti-war in a different
Never before have I seen the
inhumanity and the literal insan-
ity of those who think war is
glorious and militant national
pride honorable so effectively
portrayed on the screen. Some-
what less well done, but still im-
pressive is the portrayal of the
futility and frustration of the de-
cent individual caught up in car-
nage he does not really want to
commit, beginning to recognize
the capricious brutalization and
violence of the chauvinistic na-
tion-state for what it is, but not
getting out from under quite in
time to keep it from destroying
I FOUND the total effect of the
m o v i e devastating, and the
laughter and hissing of the aud-
ience .(Thursday night) made me
want to puke.
-Bill Barnes, Grad
Cross Lacrosse
To the Editor:
THE MICHIGAN Lacr9ss club,
along with all the other ath-
letic clubs have been consistently
thwarted by H. 0. Crisler and the
Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Atheletics. The problem will be
clearly demonstrated this week-
end; forced onto Wines Field,
which is in terrible shape to begin
with, will be both the rugby match
and the lacrosse game against
Michigan State.
This situation developed on Fri-
day afternoon, two days before
the game. Until then, the Lacrosse
Club had been promised the use
of old Ferry Field. Instead of final
confirmation, our president was
told that we would be unable to
Qse the field and that we would
have to squeeze both games onto
We will work out the conflict
and we will play both games, but
it is ridiculous for a university of
this size to operate in this man-
ner. It is amazing that the Mich-
igan Marching Band gets more
sympathy and assistance than the
various athletic clubs. At any rate,
we would like to have everyone's
suport and attendance on Sunday
afternoon for both rugby and
lacrosse at Wines.
--Michigan Lacrosse Club
All letters, must be typed,
double-spaced and should be no
longer than 300 words. All let-
ters are subject to editing;
those over 300 words will gen-
erally be shortened. No unsign-
ed letters will be printed.



210 60 or Fight

.d,4AAAAJ ts' W 1


statements Friday morning indicate
that his heart is in the right place when
calling for de-escalation of the conflict
in Vietnam, but the measures he proposes
to bring about this de-escalation demon-
strate a misunderstanding of the situa-
tion there,
Esch called for a halt in bombing above
the 21st parallel for a 60 day 'trial' period.
North Vietnam would then be expected to
de-escalate, and if they complied with
our wishes, there would be another 60
day bombing pause with the restricted

Cessation of bombing above the 21st
parallel is not a de-escalation of the
conflict since most of Hanoi and all of
Haiphong lie above the 21st parallel.
It is merely an assurance that we will
not escalate the bombing into the area
contingent to the Chinese border. To ex-
pect Hanoi to respond with de-escalation
in such a situation, would be an oversight
of the situation's political realities: a 60
day bombing pause above the 21st parallel
would be insufficient political stimulus to
solicit a favorable response from Hanoi.

first necessary to know the rele-
vant law. Mr. Smith, himself a
lawyer, admitted that legislative
subpoenas cannot command in-
formation not relevant to the le-
gislation u nd er consideration.
When asked what legislation was
being considered by the Commit-
tee, he responded that he did not
When told that the legislation,
concerned the prosecution of dem-
onstrators stopping troop trains
and sending supplies and money to
the NLF, and that neither VOICE
nor DuBois Club members (the
maority of the names handed over)
had engaged in such activities, and
then asked what relevance these
names had to the Committee, he
could not say.

Hamilton has seen fit to cover it
all over further substantiates the
assertion of Profs. Gendell and
-Sander Kelman, Grad
Sand Pebbles
To the Editors:
EXCEPT for his appreciation of
McQueen's line about getting
his uniform washed, Mr. Shister's
review of "The Sand Pebbles"
seems to me to be completely un-
perceptive. Admitting that tihe
acting and dialogue are, for' the
most part, only fair, that the plot
is amateurish at points, and that
the mood occasionally turns
maudlin, "The Sand Pebbles" re-
mains the best anti-war movie I
have seen come out of Hollywood

zone being extended to the 20t
and so on.
The Daily is a member of the Associa
Collegiate Press Service.
Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.5
carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular ac
year ($9 by mail).
Daily except Monday during regular ac
Daily except Sunday and Monday d
summer session.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arb
420 Maynard St, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 4
Editorial Staff

h parallel, IF HANOI were to agree to de-escalate,
Esch suggests that one of the measures
could be the "cessation of terrorist activi-
ties in the South." However, the reason-
ing behind this suggestion also demon-
stratesa lack of understanding of the
ted Press and political forces at work in Vietnam. Un-
D per term by like 'hawks' who see the conflict as one
ademic school between Hanoi and Saigon-between the
ademic school nationalist supporters of the Saigon re-
uring regular gime and foreign Communist forces. Esch
does recognize that the NLF is often
bor, Michigan, ,,
8i04. "representative of the South Vietnamese
and an independent nationalist force.



MEREDITH EIKER, Managing Editor
City Editor Editorial Director
SUSAN ELAN ..,........ Associate Managing Editor
STEPHEN FIRSHEIN ......Associate Managing Editor
LAURENCE MEDOW.......Associate Managing Editor
RONALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial Director
JOHN LOTTIER ........ Associate Editorial Director
SUSAN SCHNEPP ......... ,..... Personnel Directoi
NEIL SHISTER...............Magazine Editor
CAROLE KAPLA .........Associate Magazine Editor
LISSA MATROSS . ...................... Arts Editor
ANDY SACKS ,...................... Photo Editor
ROr3ERT SHEFFIELD ................... Lab Chief
NIGHT EDITORS: W.Rexford Beniot, Neal Bruss,
wallace Immen, David Knoke, Mark Levin. Patricia
O'Donohue, Daniel Okrent, Steve Wildstrom.
Sports Staff
CLARK NORTON ...................... Sports Editor
BOB McFARLAND...........Executive Sports Editor
GRALE OE TT.......Asscate.Sn,.t. Edi.o

If the NLF is often independent of
the North, then what probability will
there be that if we stop punishing the
North by a cessation of bombing, Hanoi
will be able to even decelerate the NLF's
terrorist activities.
such a proposal to heart, it would
play into the hands of those favoring an
escalation of the conflict. There is little
reason to even hope that such a condi-
tional, limited halt in the bombing will
bring a similar response of de-escalation
from Hanoi.
The absence of a response from Hanoi

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