Ohio State ...... 21 Michigan State . . .7 1 Purdue Illinois .. ... 42 .. ....9 Indiana,.. Wisconsin . . ...14 Minnesota ....,..1O0 Iowa ...........Q U.C.L.A. . . . Oregon State .. .16 ... .16 Southern Cal. 31 California ...... 12 Notre Dame . . ..43 Navy...........14 Lock Haven ... Slippery Rock . .26 .6 AAUP'S STAND: NEW LINE ON ACTIVISTS See editorial page Y L AO i!3an D~Aitl MORE SNOW?! high--38 Low--24 Continued cold; chance of snow flurries. Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 58 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5.1967 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES By BOB McFARL Executive Sports E The 500 Club-Harva ton, Yale, Pennsylvania brash, : young upstart of the Alleghenies, th Wolverines. Concealed on the pen nis Brown, the memb plication, after being r straight weeks, sliped tiny gap in the Northm fense late in the second six points and THE vic successful assault on t membership committee The nouveau riche the elite's elite with all of Harvard President Mather's gardener, altt finally showed the b their blood in yester contest with the Wildco the halowed Ivy off th they went. 1-Game Winning A narrow squeaker ov western squad not kno football prowess would not seem as sweet. But win, in addition to sr five-game losing skein, time when even the AP god seemed to siding w position, and the victo was finer than Lonb pagne in the Wolveri room. Struggles AND Among the cornucopia of smiles ditor on the victors, Michigan's head ird, Prince- coach, Bump Elliott, owned the . ... and a widest. "We needed that win very from west badly. We're delighted with the e Michigan victory. So many times before. we've come close and lost it. It son of Den- was just a great thrill to go over ership ap- the top in this one," Elliott ef- ejected five fused. through a Facelift Nestern de- It took a facelifting of the Mich- quarter for igan playing style to clear the vic- tory, a 7-3 tory hurdle, but the new look he Wildcat couldn't have been more com- plete or more successful. The Wol- broke into verines didn't play powerhouse the finesse football, not throwing an inter- t Increase ception or dropping a pigskin, on hough they a day which brought back mem- lueness of ones of the 1950 "Snow Bowl" day's tight with Ohio State to 62,063 shivering ats, tearing partisans. e walls as The Michigan defensive eleven imitated their offensive counter- Streak parts, keeping their heads better er a North- than a pressure cooker in key wn for its situations. Jerry Hartman's two I normally snatches of Wildcat aerials, and the 500th sophomore Phil Seymour's recov- naping the ery .-of a squirting Northwestern came at a fumble on the Michigan two-yard ache snow line were aids in the Michigan ith the op- effort to escape the cellar. ry draught The weather provided the offen- org chain- sive punch in the first quarter, ne locker- with the exception of a field goal attempt by the Wildcats' Dick to 500th Win Emmerich that went wide to the left. A Chico Kurzawski effort that netted a five-yard loss, thanks to a Rocky Rosema-Dick Williamson rush, and two incomplete North- western passes had forced the three-point try from the Michigan 26. Without snow tires, the Wol- verine offensive machine couldn't get started, and Northwestern found itself with the football again seconds after the second quarter opened. Kurzawski, a 183-pound junior, slanted off right guard, found him- self all alone in the Michigan secondary, and cut for the right sidelines, scurrying for 19 yards to the Wolverine 34. Wildcat sig- nal caller Bill Melzer, who had trouble hitting receivers with or without the obscuring snow flakes, unleashed a pass to right half Bob Olson to take the ball down to the Michigan 12-yard line. Seymour A Stifler Seymour and the Wolverine de- fense intervened at this point and Emmerich trotted out again. A bad angle didn't obstruct the Wild- cat placekicker this time, and the ball sailed securely through the uprights to give Northwestern a 3-0 lead. Taking the action back the other way with all the deliberate speed they could muster, the Wolverines launched a drive from their own 30-yard line. Brown and Ron Johnson, who may end up the greatest revisionist ever of the Michigan record book, showed a 1-2 punch that could floor Muh- hammed Ali as they led the Wol- verines over 70 yards in 14 plays for the score. Johnson carriee six times for 25 yards on a drive that typified the Michigan offensive strategy dur- ing the contest. Brown completed on four of five tosses, two each to split end Jim Berline and flanker John Gabler, and kept on the other three plays, the touchdown coming on a quarterback sneak. Mike Hankwitz added the extra point to cement the final score. Never Say Die Not that the Wildcats gave up trying after this. Michigan had encountered about as much suc- cess holding onto a lead as they would have experienced clutch- ing at a greased pig in the first six games, and Northwestern knew the story. They countered with a march that brought them to the Wolverine two-yard marker. before sophomore Seymour claimed the Olson fumble. After trading punts to open the second half, Hartman staved off a Northwestern advance into Michigan territory with his first See LOSING, page 7 WOLVERINE QUARTERBACK Dennis Brown (22), prepares to hand off to (40) in yesterday's contest. The sight became rather familiar to spectators times for a Big Ten record. Leading the way into the Northwestern line are John Gabler (18). -Daily-Thomas R. Copi halfback Ron Johnson as Johnson carried 42 Garvie Craw (48) and REGISTRATION BLUES Mar Waterman Gym: 'Hated Object' Holds Wages U , Employes To Vote By MIKE THORYN "I hate Waterman." Cyndi Brown, '70, is not alone. There are countless students at the University who share her loathing for Waterman Gym- Students don't necessarily hate a the building itself, but detest the process it symbolizes - regis- tration. However, Ernest Zimmermann, assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, has promised a change in the process of regis- tration. Log Jam' During W i n t e r registration, "lines will be split between those people who have advanced clas- sification and those who haven't," Zimmerman said. "This should break the log jam that exists getting into Water- man Gym. There is no virtue in having to stand in line," he con- tinued. The change is being plan- ned through consultations in the Registrar's Office. . Donald Beach, director of regis- tration, admits that the lines at * Waterman are long and that the process is impersonal. "We put 8,000 to 8,500 people through a day in fall and winter registra- tion. 'Impersonal' "We're open 211/2 hours during the three days of registration. up until midterm time because they are just getting started," said Mrs. Lois Clever, assistant to the Faculty Counselors for Freshman and Sophomores. Once approved by the coun- seling office schedule cards are sent to the Advance Classifica- tion Office in the Administration Building. This office must then p r o c e s s 16,000 undergraduate schedule cards in a 10-week per- iod. class conflicts. When the con- doing anything ahead of time. He flict cannot' be resolved, the claimed he would "hire an army schedule card is sent back to the to run the gym and tool up for counseling office. one week of madness." One University veteran de- Students, the beneficiaries and scribed the last semester without victims of the entire system, mud- advance classification in the 1962 dle through as well as possible. Fall semester. "Course would One sophomore claims to have Ot Employe 1n Bargaining Student Worker Failed To Sign Loyalty Oath Required by State Law. open for an hour and then close. People would sit in the gym for hours waiting for a course toI open." Zimmerman s a i d that the. The entire schedule card is cheape'st and easiest way, from checked four times in the office. an economical standpoint, to run Changes are made when there are registration would be to avoid 'Southern Moderate WX InLouisiana Primary NEW ORLEANS, La. 0P - in the state's modern political Gov. John McKeithen, a South- history- ern moderate, swept to a land- The McKeithen landslide was slide victory for re-election last especially heavy in the metropo- night in a Louisiana Democratic litan New Orleans area, primary that decided the course The governor, who learned his! of the state party in next year's politics from the late Gov. Earl Presidential politics. Long, easily turned aside the With no Republican to chal- challenge of Rep. John R. Rar- lenge him in the Feb. 6 general ick (D-La.) a supporter of Ala- election, the 49-year-old Mc- bama's George Wallace. Keithen was assured of return- With 728 of the state's 2,396 ing to the governor's office for a precincts reporting, McKeitheni second straight term unmatched rolled up 225,172 votes to 42,051 no problems. "I just walk in like By DANIEL ZWERDLING I know what I'm doing. If you The University of Maryland has. have confidence, no one will ask refused to pay a student employe you any questions." because he will not sign a state And another student consoles loyalty oath. himself with the thought that The oath, required of all state, "You meet a lot of people in employes by the Maryland Ober lines." Act, affirms that the signer "is not curently engaged in one way or another in an attempt to over-1 throw the Government of thel ins Vlote United States....orany political subdivision . . . by force or vio- lence."j 'Skip' Wenz, a 21-year-old F lectio n freshman, said "signing the oath would have involved perjury. I am for Rarick. Three other candi- working to overthrow the govern- dates in the race received only ment in the sense that I advocate token counts. a radical change in the American An unexpectedly heavy turnout system . . . I'm in favor of a par- in the state was attributed to 'liamentary form of government." numerous hot local races. Also, According to Wenz, who is ap- Negroes held hopes in the primary plying for conscientious objector of putting a member of their race draft status, the conscientious ob- in the state legislature for the jector's handbook defines force as first time since the Reconstruc- any type of political or military tion era. pressure. Large Negro votes were reported The local chapter of the Amer- in some precincts. ican Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) The third election factor was an has agreed to bring Wenz's case effort by the state's leading Dem- before university officials, or if :cratic conservatives to gain con- necessary take it into court. trol of the party structure in or- d Wenz worked as a photographer der to give Alabama's George Wal- during registration week, but lace the prime spot on the state's claims he wasn't told about the presidential ballot next year. oath until he had already worked More than 350 candidates vied 43 hours. He refused to sign the for seats on the state Democratic oath, worked two more hours, and Central Committee. Party leaders was consequently denied his $65 said it might take several days to earnings. analyze the outcome. Maryland's personnel director, Moderate George Fogg. claims the university McKeithen, 49, a moderate on would "gladly" pay Wenz if it the racial issue, was a strong could do so legally, but it is "bound By RON LANDSMAN tion by the Washtenaw County Daily News Analysis Building Trades Council (WC- Two groups of University em- BTC) and no representative at ployes will hold elections tomor- all. The employes in the heating row and Tuesday to choose col- plant, about 60, will decide lective bargaining agents. These whether to join the International elections are the first results of Union of Operating Engineers (I- the week-long plant department- UOE) or no union at all. Both led walk-out staged in Septem- elections, held at the heating ber- plant tomorrow and at the plant The 250 plant department em- department on Tuesday, will be ployes, mostly skilled tradesmen, on University grounds during will choose between representa- working hours, according to James 'I Agents Brinkerhoff, director of plant ex- tension, "to insure the largest possible participation." Two other unions, Local 1583 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Em- ployes (AFSCME) and Local 3'78 of the Building Service Employes International Union, (BSEIU) still have petitions before the State Labor Mediation Board (SLMB) requesting representa- tion rights. The AFSCME, which had ori- ginally sought rights for only a few selected units on main cam- pus, re-petitioied during the September walk-out to ask that the entire campus be made one unit. That petition, modified to ex- clude the two units already set aside, and a conflicting petition from the BSEIU also asking for a few select units, will be decided on by the SLMB in hearings slated for Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 13 and 14. Election dates and procedures will be set at that time or soon after. The AFCME and the Building Trades Council made a "mutual support pact" about a week ago in which the AFSCME agreed to withdraw from the electioniin the plant department in return for support from the skilled tradesment in attempting to or- gainize the other employes on campus. The BSEIU, the smaller of the two remaining unions, is petition- ing for three units - University housing, the Law Club, and the That's 1,333 people an hour. Twenty-two people should walk out of the gym each minute. I ' W can't think of anything more im- Anti- W ai personal than that," Beach said. "Counseling needs to start early because we need the time to get D o w everyone in," explained John C. 1j uO W Pyper, assistant Chairman of Junior and Senior Counseling. rProtests Recruiting Pyper claimed that one of the biggest problems in his office is appointments. He plans to em- ploy more people to handle the ap- pointment process and possibly establish separate appointment books for each subject. He is , hopeful that this would cut down1 MIDLAND (A-Anti-war dem- Indiana, and Minnesota, he said. onstrators protesting Dow Chem- "Protests are escalating," the ical Co. production of napalm ap- spokesman said. parently haven't hampered the "Dow was singled out because on lines. "Freshman elections are heldI companys college recruitment pro- , anti-war protesters feel they can favorite to return to the governor's gram-and, in fact, may have I focus on napalm, because it is a 'chair, on the basis of heavy ap- helped it. very emotional product. It's pretty proval of a two-term constitutional Dow said yesterday the number hard to get people opposed to the amendment by voters last fall. of requests it has received for job war excited about the building of John R. Rarick, 43, a Wallace interviews from college students an airplane." supporter, banked on the issue of this year is 25 per cent above the Dow hired 1,300 college grad- organized crime in the state in his number it ever received before. uates last year out of 11,000 inter- bid to unseat the governor. A company spokesman said re- viewed. The spokesman said it ap- The freshman congressman, a cruitment efforts apparently have pears about 15,000 college grad- former state district judge, was been aided because anti-war dem- uates will be interviewed this year j hampered by a shortage of cam- onstrations call campus attention on 330 campuses. paign funds, cutting down on his to the fact that a Dow recruiter Napalm Sales advertising and television appear- will be on hand on a certaindate.ILess than one half of one per ances. "This is one reason we'ye in- cetoIo' oa ae f$. Dull Race crese te umer f ntrvew,"J billion-on more thali 800 prod- The race was one of the dullest the spokesman said. "We'd rather ucts-comes from the manufacture in Louisiana's political history. It increase them in some other way, of napalm. cane alive only in the closing days' however."--, _ of the campaign when Rarick by law" to withhold his salary. A similar case, involving a pro- fessor who was denied a job at Maryland because he also refused to sign the oath, is currently pend- ing before the United States Su- preme Court. UNIVERSITY PLANT DEPARTMEN walk-out against the University in collective bargaining agents tomorro' will be held on University propert insure full participation. LIBERAL BACKGROUND REGUIRED: Journalism Department Professional Courses to Dearborn Center. They already have about 500 members, com- pared to the AFSCME's 1200. While they are requesting that the three units be separate, if the AFSCME unit is honored, they -Daily-Thomas R. Copi will still appear on the ballot T employes participated in a with the necessary 10 per cent of September and will voteon the total membership in the unit. w and Tuesday. The elections The AFSCME will appear on the ballots regardless of whether *y during working hours to their proposal for a single 'unit is accepted or the BSEIU's three separate units are recognized as appropriate. They will appear on the ballot if their own proposal is accepted, and, even if the three T r it '1 seart units are set up, as the SEIU requested. the AFSCME will appear on each of the three , L ev l nits' ballots separately, accord- i:II; IIA~f~ Leve to Jerry Kendziorski. APSC- ME international representative. l arts, according to Prof, Ed- The AFSCME has successfully nd Wooding, in charge of the organized nine of the 11 state rnalism curriculum. universities ,and is presently wait- Forgrauats, maters po-ing for elections at the tenth, or graduates, a master's pro- Central Michigan University. All m of four and a half semesters have a single bargaining unit, l consist of intensive training which is what both the Univesrity orunalism techniques and prac- and the AFSCME wanted, al- e. nd a reamired specialization _ an e nhnti i h By MARY LOU SMITH "We are shifting many of our New undergraduate courses will era center around the working and ef- mu II Napalm The company is the leading pro- ducer of polystyrene, a plastic1 Dow manufactures n a p a 1 mwch is thetrengred which is used in the Vietnam war, Other ingredients include gasoline and this product has been the par- and benzene. ticular target of a number of anti- war demonstrations this year. "'We are not a prime military Ui U11C t: nillpa,1611 W 11611 xx ai l%,la pounded away at the crime issue. professional courses in journalism fects of mass media in society. Four shots were fired at the con- to the graduate level," Prof. Wil- They will include such titles as gressman in a New Orleans motel liam Porter, journalism depart- "Writing for Mass Media," "Con- parking garage two days before ment chairman explained, "be- tempoary Affairs" and "Psycho- the election. Rarick said he had cause a broad liberal arts back- logical Principles of Communica- no idea who was gunning for him. ground, teaching the student to tion." jou F gra will inj Gice FMIW.Mffllmmmm