PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN' DAITX AL RWft"t t VII A>-WT 1tA4 !? ... ..-WO ..., as sfI ETaaa w'A 'ibAT SAT.IJUDAY, NUVE] Et GARY ELECTION: Justice Department Charges Officials Diluting Negro Votes Race Rioting N. Carolina Mayor Orders 800 National Guardsmen Into Winston-Salem WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. W/P) - A city-wide curfew was clamped on Winston-Salem last night and hundreds of National Guardsmen sammas anafsir .: _ ................._ SUMMARY OF ACTION TAKEN BY DTUFELTIGOVERNMENT COUNCIL DAILY OFFICIAl AT S I MEETING NOVEMBER 2, 1967 Accepted: Resignation of Lewis Paper, BjLLETI1 TCo-ordinating Vice President of Stu- dent Government Council. Appointed: Ruth Baumann, Thomas Copi, Judy Greenberg, Marty Lieber- The Daily Official Bulletin is an man, Leslie Mahler, Bill Meeske, Anne official publication of the Univer- Patton, Janis Sorkin. Kay Stanshury% sity of Michigan for which The to the Credential and Rules Con mitt ,t' Michigan Daily assumes no editor- for the fall elections. ial responsibility. Notices should be Appointed: Tom Westerdale to the sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Committee or the Bureau of Appoint- Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- ments. fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding Approved: That the Undergraduate publication and by 2 p.m. Friday Psychology Association be recognized for Saturday and Sunday. General as a student organizaltion. Notices may be published a maxi- Approved: That an honor or profes-j mum of two times on request; Day sional society recognized by a depart- Calendar items appear once only, ment. college, or school of the Univer- Student organization notices are not sity shall be exempt from the conditions accepted for publication. For more of Section 2 of Bases of Recognition information call 764-9279. but shall otherwise be treated as a student-community organization. tronomy Building, Chair-man: R. L. Sears. Doctoral Examination for:Wayne Kut- rawo Lehto. Nuclear Engineering. Thes- is: "Measurement of Dynamie Reactor Parameters by Photon Osbervation," on Saturday. November 4 at 9:30 a.m., in Room 315 Auto Lab, Chairman: J. M. Mgr., college courses in bus., acctg. and stat plus 6 yrs. exper., 2 superv. BOOKLET ON WISCONSIN CAREER CANDIDATE, '67 & '68., detailed dis- cription of work in all areas of state employ. For further information please call 764-7460. Gen, division. Bureau of Ap- pts, 3200 S.A.B. GARY, Ind. AP) -- The Justice gibie persons have been added Department charged in a federal to voter rolls in predominantly court suit yesterday that Lake white precincts. County election officials were at- A purge of voter registration tempting to dilute Negro votes in lists has made it more difficult the city election Tuesday, where for Negroes to retain or rein- a Negro is running for mayor. state their voting eligibility, the The suit, filed in U.S. District suit charged. Court in neighboring Hammond, The Justice Department suit is seeks an injunction to prohibit the first such voting rights ac- County Clerk John G. Krupa tion filed in a Northern city., and other election officials from The suit appears to back up a engaging in any act for the pur- sinilars suit filed in the same pose "or with the effect of abrid- court earlier by Hatcher, who ging or diluting the votes of Ne- asked the court to postpone the groes on account of their race, election if voters' rights were not Krupa, also secretary of the protected.' election board and county Demo- The election board Thursday cratic chairman," has been op- restored more than 5,200 names posing Negro Democrat Richard to the voter rolls which had been G. Hatcher in his campaign purged Oct. 25. against Republican Joseph Radi- Hatcher sent telegrams yes- gan. terday inviting the President's The Justice Department suit, Commission on Civil I Disorders said to be based on a three-week "to see racial strife being manu- FBI investigation, charges that factured." the names of fictitous and ineli- In telegrams to Illinois Gov. REMAIN IMPRISONED: Iowa Students Spill Blood, Protest Marine Recruitment IOWA CITY, Iowa 'P)-Student 1 no repetition of the scuffling and demonstrators soaked the steps of hair pulling which led to 108 ar- the University of Iowa Memorial rests Wednesday. Union in their own blood yester- Campus security officers and day, then staged a macabre skit police were on hand again but no in which a soldier rose from a cof- arrests were made. fin to protest "senseless killing" in An estimated 50 students and Vietnam. teachers gave a few ounces of their They also handed University blood, then carried it to the union President Dr. Howard Bowen peti- in paper cups to splash it on a tions bearing signatures in blood sign placed on the steps which which protested the university's read, "Let the bleeding end here." "implicit sanction" of American Later, the demonstrators carried involvement in Vietnam. a'coffin to the front of the old M~ .~J~LAAA U1J UJS., S'. f J t h ldA. JA Otto Kerner, commission chair- man; New York Mayor John Lindsay, vice chairman, and David Ginsberg, executive director, Hat- cher said his Republican op-F ponent has asked Gov. Roger D. Branigin to station National Guardsmen outside all voting' places on election day rather than hold troops on standby outside the city. "The idea of uniformed troops standing outside the voting places is an insult to the citizens of this city and is repugnant all Ameri- cans," Hatcher said. "This is an obvious attempt to create the atmosphere of civil disorder, and civil disorder itself, where none has existed . . Mayor A. Martin Katz, defeatedj by Hatcher for the Democratic nomination in the May primary, said yesterday. He is ready to call in state and federal help if Car enter.- - Summer Jobs in washington, D.C. Doctoral Examination for: Alan Ben- An informational meeting for all stu- jamin Solinger, Physics, Thesis: "A dents who would like to work for the Model for the Explosion in M82," on Government next summer will be held Saturday, November 4 at 10:30 a.m. in Monday. November 6 at 4:00 p.m. in Room 817 Physics-Astronomy Building, the Multipurpose Room of the Under- Chairmen: M. H. Ross. R, L. Sears, D. graduate Library. If you are unable to C. wentzel. attend this meeting watch for notice j-- of a similar one to be held in early December. TEACHER PLACEMENT Correction on Agency for Interna- 'The following schools will interview tional Development interviews - for at the Bureau during the week of Monday interviews-November 6: 'Mini- November 13. mum accouting courses for accountants Monday. November 13 and auditors only. Advanced degrees in Dearborn Height, Michigan iDist. No. Economics desired without accounting 7)-Elem. - Vocal, J.H. - Boys P.E., courses. H.S. - Boys .. Math, Math, Sch. Nurse Program in Data Processing for Auto- Lansing. Michigan-Elem., H.S. -- mation of Hospital, Dept. H.E.&W., Eng., Math, Gen, Sci., Biol., Girls P.E, Publ. Health Serv. Nat'l Inst. Health, Lib., Voc Inst. Mus., Sp. Ed., Ind.. Arts, Chevy Chase. Md. - Mathematicians Chem Phys., Graphic Arts, J.H.-Span,, graduating in Dec.. program starts Fr., Ger. March 1. Please call Gen. Div., 764-7460, Tuesday, November 14 if interested. Alpena, Michigan - Elem. - K, 1, 3, -----k o 1-.~h 6, P .E ., M us., H .S. -- E ng., M ech. Peace Corps Week, Nov. 13-17. Monthly Wyoming, Michigan Godwin Hghts ,I ringed the downtown area to pre- SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 vent recurrance of racial violence School of Music Concert-University which injured at least 47 persons ofsMichigan Men's Glee Club-Philip the night before. Duey, Director and Ohio State Univer- Mayor M. C. Benton ordered sity Men's Glee Club-Norman Stiger., the curfew into effect at 11p 3Director: Hill Auditorium, 7:00 and Ith cfewto cat1p.m. 9:30 p.m. It will end at 5:30 a.m.--- The city Board of Aldermen earlier had refused to order the curfew, although some Negro leaders had urged one. But Benton acted just before night fell, saying reports from the Negro Department of Philosophy Conference -"Fresh Aproaches to the Concept of a Person"-Paul Ricoeur, University of Paris: Multi-Purpose Room, Undergrad- uate Library, 2:00 p.m.; Sidney Shoe- maker, Cornell University: Multipurpose Room, Undergraduate Library, 8:00 p.m. The aeproval of the following student sponsored events becomes effective after the pvblicatin of this notice. All pub- licity for these events must be withheld until the approval has become effective. Approval reaoest forms for student sponsored events are available in Rooms 1001 and 1546 of the Student Activities Building. Seventh-day Adventist Student As- sociation-Slide and Discussion Program on Religion in Russian-Nov. 11, 1967- 3-5 p.m.-UGL Multipurpose Room. Turkish Student Association-"Ameri- can Influence on Turkish Education"- Nov. 20. 1967-7:30-9:30 p.m.-3529 SAB. The Tutorial Project--A Bucket Drive -Nov. 20, 1967--8 a.m. to 5 p.m.- Campus. Women's Research Club--Miss Elva Minuse. Epidemiology. "Equine Influ- enza and its Relation to Human Strains," Monday, Nov. 6. West Con- ference Room, Rackham. 8:00 p.m. II community "had not been good." Department of Speech University Play- Iers Production-Jonn Arden's Serjeant Police Prepared Musgrave's Dance: Trueblood Theater, As dusk fell, about 100 Negroes 8:00 p.m. congregated on a downtown street needed to crush any violence. between a largely Negro section Katz canceled all police de- and a white area. About 40 police- partment leaves and said an un- men formed a wedge and fired disclosed number of state troop- shotgun blasts into the air to force ers will move into the city to help them to disperse. the 275-man local police force. Police Chief Justus Tucker said National Guardsmen called out he had given orders to his beefed Thursday night by the governor up force not to shoot unless at- will stand by outside the city, tacked, but they were instructed he said. to "protect themselves and this "I am absolutely unaware of1 city." any imminent danger to the peace The 800 Guardsmen were called of the Gary community," Hat- up Thursday night when Negroes cher said. began burning, rioting and looting Radigan said, "I, for one, don't in the eight-block area and in foresee any disturbances on the f two shopping centers. evening of the election." But he Fifty-one persons were arrested. added that residents couldn't af- Police and fire officials estimated ford to second-guess the gover- damage would run into hundreds; fordoto second-guess the gover- f ,r7 ..7 7 ...«,. Professional Theatre Program-Eugene Ionesco's Exit the King: Lydia Men- delssohn Theater, 8:00 p.m. ..r Doctoral Candidates who exnect to General Notices receive degrees in December 1967 are reminded that two copies of the dis- Canterbury Tales-"The Merchant's sertation-ready in all respects for pub- Tale," introduced by Professor Thomas lication-must be filed with the Disser- Garbaty, Sunday, November 5, WWJ- tation Secretary by Monday, November TV, 12:00 noon. 27. Reports of doctoral committees on final oral examinations must also be Engineering Mechanics Seminar-Pro- filed with the Dissertation Secretary by fessor R. S. Rivlin of Lehigh University Monday, November 27, for December "The Formulation of Constitutive Equa- graduates. tions in Mechanics and Physics" on Doctoral Examination for: Bruce Clay- Monday, November 6, 1967, 325 West ton Cogan. Astronomy, Thesis: "Pulsa- Engineering Building, 4:00 p.m. Coffee tioins of Stellar Envelopes with Convec- wEiil be served at 3:30 p.m. 214 West tion zones," on Saturday, November 4 SEngineeringat 8:30 a.m. in Room 817 Physics As- test at Post office Sat., Nov. 18. Tests given by team at Bureau also. Applica- tions avail, at Bureau. Second NSA Test Applications due Nov. 24. Test Dec. 2. CURRENT POSITION OPENINGS: Jewish Family and Children's Service, Detroit, Mich.-Houseparents or house- mother for home serving girls 12-17 yrs. old. Live in, husband may work or go to school out. Emphasis on personal qualities and genuine interest in ado- lescents. State of Oregon, Salem, Ore.--Psycho- logical Associate, Correctional. Oregon State Penitentiary. MA in Psych plus 3 yrs. or BA plus 5 yrs. Mtate of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.- Chemist, Medical Biochemistry, BS plus 3 yrs. Microbiologist, MS plus grad trng. or 2 yrs. exper. Med. Technologist, degree plus eleg. for registration with ASCP. Chief Forensic Chemist, BS and exper in anal. chem. Data Processing [ r., ,, t i (Continued on Page 3) E nor. I Across Campus of thousands of dollars. Among the injured were threej policemen and seven Negroes who! suffered gunshot wounds. They were reported in satisfactory con- dition. Hoodlums Mayor M. C. Benton blamed the trouble on "hoodlums who have taken advantage of a situation .. an excuse they have been waiting for." Phone 434-0190 Entance Om CARPENTER ROAD OPEN 6:30 P.M. FREE HEATERS MGM presents Glenn Ford 'Angie Dickinson Ohad W er l to Panavision" and Metrocolor FEATURE TIMES NOX EASTERN TH EATRES 0 Monday-Friday rILIUGE 6:00, 7:45, 9:20 SHOWING VIE Sat.-Sun.: 1:30- 375 No. MAPLE RD.-"769.1300 3:10-4:55-6:40- 8:20-10:00 MGM presents Aiudd Bernard- Irwin Winkler Production SERGEI EISENSTEIN FESTIVAL Tonight & Tomorrow POTEMKIN (1925) The struggle of the Russian proletariat against the tyrannical Czarist regime! 7:00 and 9:05 ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM -esSTILL ONLY 50c 4 The action culminated three days of protests against the pres- ence of Marine recruiters inside the Memorial Union. 'There was some heckling from onlookers but ORGAN IZATION. NOTICES USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially recognized and registered student orga- nizations only. Forms are available in Rm. 1011 SAB. Lutheran Student Chapel, Hill St. at Forest plans a recording followed by discussion, Nov. 5, 7:00 p.m. * *, * Bach Club meeting; talk by Dr. Thomas Taylor on "The Concerto Idea In Bach's Works", Wed.hNov. 8, 8:00 p.m., Guild House, 802 Monroe, for further information call 761-0699. University Lutheran Chapel. 1511 Washtenaw, Nov. 5, 9:45 & 11:15 a.m.; Worship Service with Pastor Kapfer speaking on "Christian Giving is a Gife," 11:15 a.m.; Bible Discussion "Por- traits of a Servant," 6:00 p.m.; Gamma Delta fellowship supper, 6:45 p.m.; Pro- gram with discussion of "Sexuality and the Christian." state capitol on campus which houses Bowen's office. Trailing be- hind the coffin were students dressed variously as soldiers or grieving widows. In a skit timed to coincide with the change of classes, a young man; in an Army jacket, jumped from, the coffin and shouted, "My- self and my dead buddies who died7 !in Vietnam can't rest until this; senseless killing is stopped." Some 1,000. persons witnessed' the skit. There were no incidents and onlookers dispersed at the re- quest of a highway patrolman. Bowen received a group of 12 demonstrators with their petition accusing the university of sanc- tioning the Vietnam war by allow- ing U.S. Marines to recruit on campus and by refusing to "halt the bearing of students nonhvio- lently protesting the war." Demonstrators said they had signatures in blood on another pe- tition, to be sent to President Johnson asking "an immediate and peaceful end to American military activity in Vietnam." The Michigan Men's Glee Club, Negroes were angered by the under the direction of Philip A. death of James Eller, 32-year-old Duey, will present "In Concert" Negro who died after being struck at Hill Auditorium, a joint con- in the head with a blackjack by cert with the Ohio State Glee policeman W. C. Owens. Owens Club tonight. Also appearing on said Eller was resisting arrest for the program will be The Arbors, drunkenness. a professional quartet and Bob Solicitor Prosecutor Thomas W. McGrath, a professional tenor. Moore Jr. said a murder charge This concert will be the first of against Owens, previously dis- the Michigan Club since their missed, would be revived because world tour this past summer, of new evidence. - - - ---- - LEE MARVIN APOINT BLANK(" PLUS... vo ;5TH " 'TO SIR, WITH THE WARMEST WOULD STAND AND FINAL WEEK! costarringANGIE DICKINSON In Panavision'and MetroColor 0VMGM I Voratw I .Lr~J~ WITH DAVID NIVEN I Trilogy on Racism & PART I: "A Time For Bt Sunday, Nov. 5 Povertyj lining 7:30 P.M. "SUPERB6! WVARM, AND HUMOROUS! -Wanda Hale, New York Daily News LOVE' IS ENTERTAINMENT OF SORT, SO RIGHT THAT YOU UP AND CHEER!" Archer Winsten, New York Post ;n JAMES CLAVELL'S 'Tog Ia WITH LOVE NOW SHOWING No Admission C Coffee & Conversatior i NEWMAN 331 harge n following Thompson MMITTEE v N, . I SOCIAL ACTION CO GREAT HITS ENCORE! Shows at 1, 3, 5,7, 9:10 ..:....: DIRECT FROM ITS ROADSHOW ENGAGEMENT! SPECIAL POPULAR PRICES SPECIAL SCHEDULED PERFORMANCES 3 SHOWS DAILY * NO SEATS RESERVEDj .....Every Ticket Holder Guaranteed A Seat fl .. "'GEORGY GIRL' IS SUPERIOR! WONDERFUL PELL-MELL ENJOYMENT, IMMENSELY ORIGINAL!" -Bosey Crowiher. N Y .Tim Everything you know about people will be shattered! "A striking experience and one with an impact that is all but un- forgettable! -Hollis Alpert SATURDAY REVIEW "Like a volt jolt from the third rail" -TIME MAGAZINE I I gy7JI yi NytWl 2::. S-: When a girl like Lidonoets with a man like Clay-- she can love him.., or kill him-or maybe both! "Told with brutal eloquence! Shirley Knight is close to perfect- startling ! Al Freeman, Jr. is excellent," -Brendon Gill THE NEW YORKER * I is ucory. i s i '.Uor s i*n18is80 80 roommate. roommate's roommate. COLUMBIA PICTURESna .JAMESMASON" ALAN BATES-* LYNN REDGRAVE MATURE MME Gen AND * WHpAT MAY' VERY WELL PEVTERS CONTROVE L A EE PUT ON THE STAGE HAS NOW BEN PUT ON FILM LURo JNES'" AWARD WINNING .D SHOW TIMES: Monday-Thursday 7 & 9 P.M. Friday, Saturday 7, 9, 11 P.M. Sunday 7, 9 P.M. The Walter Reade Organzation Presents f 'sofa .. Hy gg2% . ssoc. Poducer H Pr d c rG E N E P E R S S O N " A s $a PrO du Ye H A VY S ILV E R M A N produce GE HNBARRY"Director ANT A ese "PRESENTATO RN Y VEA A GENE PEASSON ENTERPRISES E IT wnNEUN0ER18YEARS O AGE WILL. 8E AO0MTTE . "There had never been anything like this on the American screen." -William Wolf CUE MAGAZINE Al A!NBM w[ PRO~tON .OJ $~Ir IlnG lf wAWL II II C 00 1