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:4Ia ity
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Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
"I'd much rather keep renting
my apartment from the University.
They're a lot better than most of
the landlords around here," ex-
plains one of the University's many
satisfied central campus lessees.
As the University has acquired
real estate around central campus
in anticipation of _ future expan-
sion, it has been forced into the
role of the Ann Arbor landlord.
This is not an unfamiliar position,
but in the past the University has
restricted its efforts to married
student housing on North Campus.
In the period before the demoli-
tion of the existing structures, the
University leases to students a
number of old homes and apart-
ments. Instead of tearing down the
apartments immediately on pur-
chase of the land, administrators
have chosen to wait until they
are ready to begin construction on
the University building.
Much of the property, however,
is not even slated for a particular
project, but contributes to a fu-
ture "land bank" from which the
University can work out plans for
needed buildings, according to
James Brinkerhoff, director of
plant expansion.
For example, Observatory Lodge,
located at the corner of Observa-
tory and Washington Heights,
forms "Expansion Program No. 3"
for the School of Public Health.
Brinkerhoff explains that the
University considers three alterna-
tives when it buys an old dwelling
in the central campus area. If it is
in good condition, it is rented until
demolished. If there is a demand
and the condition is good enough,
it may be turned over to a aca-
demic unit for use as classrooms
or offices. If the condition is very
poor it is usually demolished.
The University-owned property
is scattered around the main cam-
pus, but is chiefly found across
from Markley Hall and in the
Business School Area.
The University stacks up pretty
well against the average Ann Ar-
bor landlord. Rates are generally
below standard levels. In addition,
a thirty day release clause allows
the tenants to leave without pen-
alty on thirty days notice. In
some cases where the houses are
slated for early demolition, no
lease is required by the University
and both parties are free to ter-
minate the lease with sufficient
Although the residents are gen-
erally pleased with the University
as a landlord, most of them have
individual complaints of one kind
or another.
One tenant charges that "they're
terrible about getting things done.
They seem to be pretty bogged
down in paper work." She and
others had refrigerators too large
for their spaces sitting in the cen-
ter of their kitchens until some-
one went down to the University
to complain in person.
One girl complains that her
rent is "fair for the area, but the
area isn't fair. I expect more from
the University."
One rentee comments, "the in-
dividual apartments are pretty
good, even though the outsides
may be run down." Another adds,
"The University isn't very crazy
about pouring money into a house
on the verge of being torn down."
Frank Sheil, manager of the
University's Service Enterprises
which handles the rental prop-
erty, explained that rents vary
from place to place depending on
the condition.
"In the long run," he explains,
"there are no profits from this
property. Rent from the profit-
able areas make up for where
we're in the red. If there is any-
thing left over at the end of the
year, it goes for more property."
Many residents have complained
that light maintenance tasks,
such as vacuuming the halls, have
been neglected by the University.
Paul Boyer, superintendent of
maintenance of University housing
acknowledged yesterday that the
job wasn't being done. But he
added, "it has just been brought
to my attention and it will be
taken care of immediately."
In the meantime some residents
have taken matters into their
own hands, pulling vacuum clean-
ers into the hall and doing the
job themselves. But in others the
work just hasn't been done and
as one student comments, "the
halls are pretty grubby."
Bank Plan Proposes
Loans for Students
Collegiate Press Service
The Panel on Educational In-
novation has recommended the
establishment of an Educational
Opportunity Bank that "would in-
crease the extent to which stu-
dents can take responsibility for
their own education instead of de-
pending on a 'free ride' from
either their parents or the govern-
ful, destroy the whole basis of
voluntary support for private
higher education." the two as-
sociations charged.
The association warned that if
the opportunity bank is success-
ful "in pushing up the already
rising spiral of student charges,"
low and middle income students
will be forced to borrow from it.
Their statement expressed fear
that all of higher education will
be dependent on the financial sol-
vency of the bank for its very
continued existence.
The associations urged expanded
institutional support. particularly
unearmarked federal grants, as
the means of relieving the tighten-
ing college financial bind.
"its f
V gan)
In resolutions sent to botht
houses of Congress, the panel calls1
foi a feasibility of the proposed
bank. Under the plan, money;t
would be made available to under-
graduates or othei' post-high
school students in return for anI
agreement by the student to pay;
back the loan in small percentages
of his annual income for 30 or 40
years after college graduation.
::v .. _.N s..,. . ..aiitk. .....s. ,... - r.. ....,.. . ......,, .t.Self-Sustaining
Preliminary estimates indicate
Daily-Jim Forsyth I the bank could be self-sustaining l
AN JOINT ANN ARBOR press conference yesterday, Rep. Robert Taft (R-Ohio) and Rep, if it charges borrowers one per cent,
Irvin Esch (R-Mich), discussed the Vietnam and draft policies of the Johnson Administration. Taft of their gross income over 30 years1
ked the current unrest on college campuses to the President's indecisiveness and charged that for each $3,000 borrowed. Thus,t
hnson Administration has no Vietnam policy. .for example, a student who bor-
rowed $2,000 a year for four yearst
of college, or a total of $8,000, and
"at Charg St dent Unrest"earned $10,000 in some subsequent
af Cyear would pay $266 that year, or
$22 a month. The report suggests,
! " " *the annual payments be collected
in conjunction with the borrower's
future come tax. h oroe'
Lesu t of Jolrnson Indecision futr noetx
Reject Recommendation
By JIM HECK change anything in the draft sys- Taft said he hadn't "yet ruled However, shortly after the pan-
p. Robert Taft, Jr., (R-Ohio), tm" helped to cause the recent out" opposing Ohio Democratic els report was released in early
ged yesterday that the John- college protests. Taft, a member Senator Frank Lausche in his bid September, the National Associa-
administration's "guns and of the House Foreign Affairs Com- for re-election next year. It would Lion of State Universities and
r approach to Vietnam" and mittee, said that as far as he is be Taf't second attempt to win a Land-Grant Colleges issued a
failure to face up to the draft concerned, "there is no policy in Senate seat.
lem" have in part caused the Vietnam." In 1964, Taft, son of the former statement. Iejecting the recon-
ing unrest on the nation's col- Esch added that he "strongly Senate Republican majority lead- mendation. It contends the loan
campuses. supports the right of free speech er, Robert Taft, Sr., was defeated program would shift the majorj
ft, in a joint news conference and protests by any lawful means" by incumbent Senator Stephen M. responsibility for support of higher
Rep. Marvin Esch (R-Michi- on the campuses. But, the Ann Young, in the wake of the John- education to the students.
explained that the Vietnam Arbor congressman said that he son landslide. Taft is expected to The statement issued by the
coupled with the fact that didn't "condone the breaking of wait at least until after next Tue*- college association said, "It is an
administration really didn't ; the law." day's Cincinnati mayoral elections ironic commentary on our times
before making any announcement. that in this most affluenet nation
hs s H t 1 iTax Hike in the world's history . . . a panel
Stt 'should seriously take,the position
. Concerningthe administraidohsthat our society cannot afford to
Sproposed ax hie, .at ai.h continue to finance the education
orth of 1et 2 1ast Parallel e p i nd of its young people, and must
hVP exactly how much the tax would therefore ask the less affluent to
e must stop the bombing of roist activities in the South. be and the state of the economy sign a life-indenture in return
h Vietnam above the 21st If Hanoi responds, the bombing at that time." He indicated he for the privilege of educational
llel for 60 days," Rep. Marvin would be halted above the 20th would support the tax only if it opportunity."
(R-Michigan) told an audi- parallel for the next sixty days, could be shown that without itj The opportunity bank "would
at the UAC sponsored Forum the process continuing until all there would be excessive inflation. on the one hand destroy the whole
rday. bombing of the North ceases. "We must start thinking of concept of public higher educa-
noi is on the 21st parallel. Esch believes this will "bring other remedies," Taft contended. tion, and on the other, if success-
THE UNIVERSITY leases this old house on Haven St. to students while waiting to develop the land.
The property is part of the University's "land bank" which serves as a reservoir of real estate for
future expansion.
UGLI To Extend HourPs
Xb1Eu r11rrdTu1l R SI
But authors of the proposal y 1jLF .k L U RL4
persist in emphasizing that the
bank could increase the viability
of private institutions of higher By JIM NEUBACIIER cost an additional $20,000 to keep
learning. They note that it pres- Director of University Libraries .the UGL open until 2 each
ent trends continue, private insti- Frederick Wagman announced yes- ULI is currentlynowpen until mid-
tutions will be enrolling no more terday that the Undergraduate Li-UGih uny ohr u irid
than one-fifth of all students by brary will be open until 2 a.m. for night Sunday through Friday and
1980, due to the ratio of private a trial period as soon as someutilibrarie Sa tray.rninge
to public college prices. But the major problems are resolved. the libraries are already running
on a tight budget, he said, some
bank could alter this trend, the Under the tenative plan, stu- jsource of funds must be found
report says, by "allowing the price dents would be allowed to remain before any program is implement-
of education, at both public and in the building to study until 2 ed.
private institutions, to rise to a.m., but book check-out and W
something closer to its actual closed reserve services would close Wagman added that personnel
cost, as would be made feasible at midnight. would have to be recruited to work
by the bank." Wagman explained that it will during the late hours. The 11-
Zoologist Urges Man To S tudy
liDsappearing Tropical Regions
By STUART GANNES continues. "Just as our ancestors the National Science Foundation
Research studies of tropical saw the wilderness as an enemy and the Ford Foundation. Hub-
life are overwhelmingly more im- to be conquered, and tamed, so bell feels, however, that as long
life are verwhminytmanrexm-do the pioneers just settling in as the federal government pursues
portantto hmntIta x
ploration of space, says Prof. tropical regions, a policy of huge military expend-
Thedore H. Hubbe, former dr-f Titures, the chances that sufficient
Theodore H. Hubbell, former dir- . "They know and care nothing funds will be available to con-
ector of the University's Museum about what they are destroying, duct necessary tropical research
of Zoology. what balances are being upset, or will be extremely small.
Hubbell explains that there is what the consequences of their
an urgent need to study tropical actions will be."
life because many areas of un- Tropical regions, according to monioB ishop
molested land are rapidly dis- Hubell, can be of great economic Si~I1i~f
appearing as men seek new areas benefit to the world in the future
for agricultal exploitation if they are not destroyed, Many A11eviate 'r
It s rget ha ineriscpln organic chemicals are unique toU )
ary studies of these environments the trnno. ni~i~ ~v'
brary's personnel office has begun
to look for persons to work at this
time and is offering $2.00 per hour
for the hours after midnight in-
stead of the usual $1.55 in order
to attract the necessary employes.
Wagman also said that some pol-
icy will have to be formulated
for the overnight reserve check-
outs before the UGLI can be open-
ed for the extra hours. If the
check-out time, now 7:30 p.m.,
were changed to correspond with
the change in closing time, Wag-
man said, overnight reserve book
users would be forced to read in
the library resulting in an over-
crowding of the study areas.
When answers to these problems,
are found, a trial period will be
undertaken with the UGLI re-
maining open until 2 a.m. each
night, he continued. Some of these
problems may be partially resolved
by limiting the use of the library
to one floor after midnight and re-
quiring that, all books be checked
out before midnight.
These provisions would cut down
the number of people needed to
operate the library, as well as
making it possible for the Jan-
itorial staff to clean the areas
not in use, Wagman added.
tudent Panels
be undertaken before they deter- va
iorate much further," Hubbell ur
around conditions for negotia-
"bWe keep saying we will talk, tions" in which neither side "loses
but we do nothing else to help ,,
bring about talks. I don't think face."
Esch outlined his campaign in
the country can survive a long- the House to eliminate the draft
term involvement in Vietnam. We'infvroapid rfesnl
must de-escalate," the Ann Ar in faorsoft pidprofessional
congressman said. Recruitment Policies
Esch attacked the administra- "The present recruitment poli-
tion's policy in Vietnam, claiming cies." he explained, "discourage
that "we're locked in with 500,000 highly qualified people from en-
men and accomplishing nothing listing."
more than before." Esch called for passage of a
Strong Force pand Project Headstart to con-
"We must recognize that there is tinue through the third grade. At
a strong force in South Vietnam present the program subsidizes
besides the elected representa- education on the pre-school levels
tives," Esch said. "Many times the only.
National Liberation Front may be "There should be tax credit for
a tool for Hanoi, but also many industries that train people,"
times it is representative of the Esch added. He urged federally
South Vietnamese." subsidized vocational training pro-
A pamphlet circulated by Esch grams "beyond the scope of the
ri-A-v,4-.,.nv- ,,- n r n-'pesnt ioh enrns nrogram."
"We need to check the increases
in present spending." Taft would
like to see a greater cut in foreign
aid and space program appropria-
tion in addition to a revamping
of the agriculture subsidy program.
Esch added that the . "opposi-
tion we have in Congress" against
the surcharge "is a useful leglisla-
tive tool to exert pressure to cut
"The pressure relates not merely
to the '68 budget," Taft explained.
"But also for the next year's bud-
I Taft said he is "still looking
over" the Republican Presidential
hopefuls and he expects to back
x the convention's choice next year.
Both he and Esch doubted that
next year's convention will split
into conservative and liberal fac-
Yale Adopts Non-Numericalq
Grading of Undergraduates]
The Yale College faculty, after
months of study and debate, has
voted to adopt a new non-numeri-
cal grading system. Beginning in
January students will receive one
of four designations: fail, pass,
high pass, or honors.
Yale College includes only un-
Yale previously used a unique
system in which students were
given a numerical grade on a
scale of 40 to 100 rather than
the conventional A, B, C, D, or F
rating method.
"Tm nn a t at "711pha A
The new plan is expected to
cause some difficulty with gradu-
ate schol admission policies since
most post-graduate programs rely
heavily on gradepoints and class
rank as criterion for admission.
"It ought to lead to more stress
in the graduate admission process
on things like meaningful letters
of recommendation from faculty,"
says Kessen.
The Yale system appears to be
a compromise between pass-fail
and a rigid numerical grading. The
change reflects growing pressure
luable to medical and agricult- By JENNY STILLER have set up committees to study
al science. These areas could "Student advisory boards are the bureau.
so supply the world with vast Stne essryfo itoreass.You As to scholarships, the board
iantities of food. necessary for two reasons. has "already gotten out into the
can't have demonstrations about open the fact that seven per cent
Hubbell maintains that man is everything and some matters re- of students on scholarships in
esently wasting tropical re- quire a certain amount of exper- a sgiven term will lose their
urces through uncontrolled and tise," John Bishop, Grad, chair- aolars hip withe end of the
iproper use, In Latin America. man of Vice-President Richard term," Bishop said.
ople burn forests to obtain Cutler's advisory panel said yes- To make advisory boards more
owable land. Because of prim- terday. effective Bishops recommended
ve agricultural techniques, the Speaking at a Guild House that students be chosen to serve
nd is wasted and must be luncheon, Bishop said, "This who "are able people, willing to
andoned after a short time. semester's big issues - conduct do a lot of work.
Hubbell is highly critical of regulations and classified research "But more important," he said,
rtain federal agencies. Projects - are issues best dealt with by "they should be basically obstre-
7dertaken by the Army Corps organizations such as Student perous in nature, the kind of
Engineers domestically have Government Council and Grad- people who just don't trust an
ng term disadvantages in dis- uate Assembly." administrator."
pting natural ecosystems which "But in many areas," he con- Persuasion Techniques
eatly outnumber their short tinued, "the University is very in- . Most administrators, Bishop
rm benefits. One example of efficient. Lots of people are in- added, "will do what you want
is short sighted policy says Hub- competent and need to be shaken them to do if you can convince
ll is the draining of the Ever- up and advisory panels serve that them either that it is in their
ades in Florida. This will des- function." interest to do so, or that things
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