Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS There Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MicH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Truth Will Prevail Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ,IDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: NEAL BRUSS The thailand Project: An Intolerable Engtanglement AT-LARGE Self-Destruction As Big Business Ly NEIL SHISTER , WHEN THE SUN rose over Ann Arbor yesterday morning, the University was still conducting classified military re- search. It still was involved in Thailand counter-insurgency operations and still retained its secrecy shroud over Willow Run Labs and other research complexes. Yet Wednesday's sit-in was not a wasted effort, despite the disappointment of hard-core activists. It proved that Voice, Student Government Council and The Daily are not alone in their anger over the misguided. course of University research. It proved that administrators are willing to listen-though perhaps not be swayed-by the arguments of critics. And it should have convinced University leaders that two very necessary steps should be taken to clean up the whole mess. FIRST, THE ADMINISTRATION should acknowledge its regret over the Thai- land involvement and announce cancel- lation of the project. The reason for the cancellation can be readily explained: though assistance to the That military may be proper for the United States gov- ernment, it is not proper for the Univer- sity of Michigan. Few would disagree- even most advocates of classified re- search in pure sciences-that the Univer- sity's role has been abused in helping the Royal Thai army locate and shoot guerrillas." It will merely compound the error to retain the University's commitment to a project which has such little support on the campus. One knowledgeable fac- ulty member-himself a defender of se- lective classified research-said that not an administrator at the sit-in, which in- cluded four vice-presidents and a number of lesser functionaries, was really in favor of the Thailand project. Professional stubbornness should quickly be replaced by an honest reassessment. And if any further arguments are needed, one need only examine the de- fense of the Thailand project presented by Vice President Norman and others. It was never defended in specifics, but rather in vague terms of all classified re- search. But the goal for the moment- for both opponents of all classified re- m t Dat The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by carrier ($5 by mail); $800 for regular academic school year ($9 by mal). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. search and those critics of the Thailand project-should be the University's $1 million counter-insurgency involvement. With that battle won, the attack can be continued on a broader front. THE MORE GENERAL area of all clas- sified research should be the second step taken by the administration. When it becomes clear that the classified re- search guidelines now in effect have permitted University involvement in an Asian army adventure, it should be ob- vious that the next step is a reappraisal of guidelines. A thorough study should be made of the desirability of classified research, its function in the University, and conclusions about its future on the campus. The committee should be tri- partite in nature, for students certainly have a stake in whether or not classified research is undertaken at the University. To those critics who denounce the tightening of secret research criteria as an invasion of academic freedom, the retort must be that these guidelines do now exist, but are either too vague or simply ignored. Officials confess that the University does not accept chemical and biological warfare contracts; it is only an extension of that decision to prevent the University from aiding in hunting down and killing other human beings in the jungles of Thailand. If the University continues to defend its Thailand involvement on the grounds that all classified research (except chemical and biological warfare con- tracts) is defensible, one wonders at its judgment. The University's present pos- ture is convincing the sit-in critics and others that administrators really can't distinguish between appropriate and in- appropriate research pursuits. But if they can make this distinction- and one certainly hopes this is true-they should say so publicly and quickly by cancelling the Thailand contract. If they cannot, concerned students and faculty should initiate tactics that will bring attention and change to this University's intolerable entanglement. ROBERT KLIVANS Editorial Director Editorial Staff ROGER RAPOPORT, Editor MEREDITH EIKER, Managing Editor MICHAEL HEFFER ROBERT KLIVANS City Editor Editorial Director SUSAN ELAN..........Associate Managing Editor STEPHEN FIRSHEIN ..... Associate Managing Editor LAURENCE MEDOW .... . Associate Managing Editor RONALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial Director JOHN LOTTIER ........ Associate Editorial Director SUSAN SCHNEPP .......Personnel Directoi NEIL SHISTER . Magazine Editor CAROLE KAPLAb. Associate Magazine Editor LISSA MATROSS. . Arts Editor ANDY SACKS ... ............Photo Editor ROBERT SHEFFIELD...Lab Chief NIGHT EDITORS: W. Rexford Ben iot, Neal Bruss, Wallace Immen, David Knoke, Mark Levin, Patricia O'Donohue, Daniel Okrent, Steve Wildstrom. pHE MOST IMPORTANT thing that came out of Wednesday's sit-in at the administration building was its testimony to how far Voice-SDS has come in being able to mobilize segments of the campus,,with a litte help from the war. They pose the initial issues, The Daily digs up the facts to lend credence to their charges (al- though this is not done in any conspiratorial fashion, it is just that what they talk about is good news), and then they call for the demonstration. The rest of the scene Wednesday was pretty pre- dictable. There was a lot of talk, a lot of listening, and in the end-after over five hours-there were a handful of Voice people left to make decisions as to what should be the next step. The movement against classified research is coming up against the same problems as last year's student power thing: Thanksgiving and finals. But last year's lesson was learned, it seems, and the big push wil probably be with- held until January when Robben Flemming officially becomes President and students aren't quite so up-tight about grades. But the significance of the classified research con- troversy, as part of a pattern of challenges to administra- itve authority in the University, is that this is an issue which is probably more important to faculty than most students-and thus it must come to a head. ALONG THIS LINE it is important to note that there Is a new breed of professors emerging, many of whom were sittirig on the floor Wednesday. Mostly young and assistants without tenure, they have made it clear that they are willing to challenge what they do not believe in, despite their vulnerability to reprisals. Their presence has a tremendous effect in bringing more attention and involvement in the movement than it otherwise would have. And it is revealing that many of these men are the best teachers around, the most accessible to students and giving some of the better courses. The implications of the research issue extends far beyond the campus. The University is part of the mili- tary-industrial establishment that is pervasive, and which makes it steadily harder to buck military enterprises, as McNamara found out when he tried to prevent the estab- lishment of the Anti-Ballistic Missile System. THERE IS A SHORT article in this week's Economist about Peru buying fighter bombers. The article comments that this act "offically inaugurated the latest, and most singularly futile of all the world's costly arms races: the Latin American race for supersonic military aircraft that are not even relevant to the problems of internal security faced by several of the region's governments." It seems reasonable to speculate that Peru is buying bombers-"chucking money into the sky" as the Econ- omist puts it-because it is afraid of Cuba. And Cuba arms because it fears the United States. And the United States arms because it fears Russia. And Russia arms.... The whole thing spirals onward and upward, in a moral vacuum where each step is taken on pragmatic, matter-of-fact grounds. This international obsession with self-destruction, moreover, is good business for big busi- ness, and makes one think of Marx as he says that capitalism requires periodic war. Eisenhower, in his final days as President, warned the nation that it was in danger of being hopelessly entangled in a military-industrial complex that was far removed from the traditional restraints governing power. WE ARE NOW IN VIETNAM and the tragedy of the whole affair is that we have no legitimate reason for being there, despite the mumbling of Dean Rusk. The rationale for that involvement was a post-facto thing. Kennedy did not begin the intervention because of a SEATO commit- ment, according to his aid Richard Goodwin, and maybe the "yellow terror" scare is the closest thing we have to a rational explanation of our action. The point being made is that it is indeed naive to believe that a concentrated military-industrial complex, for whom limited war is a desirable thing, did not have a major influence on the politicians who made their one- step-at-a-time decision. The universities, it is now evident, are an integral part of this scene. This shouldn't be surprising, for Clark Kerr defines the great university as one which can "best serve the needs of society," delivering what it demands. Thus the power demands the intellectual raw material of war, and the university produces. At the sit-in, Professor Emeritus William G. Dow, re- tired chairman of the Electrial Engineering Dept., was red-faced and emotional as he proclaimed: "I am proud of the posture of this country and its military. We here have aided the military establishment in defense of the our reputation has been greatly strengthened by our country. The element of achievement is paramount, and participation in classified research." It probably has-in professional circles. But what in the end has this secret work done to the climate of so- ciety? Has this classified work contributed to making this a healthier, more hospitable place in which to live, or has it in the long run added to the national paranoia which is being cultivated and exploited by much of the "power elite"? I FEIFFER A.! 1106 AID P1SCOVE7 1 WA5 oa' AMp 00 TNT' 5T 66T "W106 HOW MUC OS TOa CRY*' ANDMP WF' F ABOUT MOtJ6Y YOU'LL AMD SHE 50fO 60GT WATCH0 i HORS MPX MY ScI N Thc AMPHM TO0 CR. AMp 00 116 8US1 Sit TO u" Youtu Fff AM r TO CRY*' A IU ATlTU6OFFI CC Toi 6 B055SAIP JOB AOL? 27-~ WHOL - TO C Y. MS5ARV FI'TAT OY I10 flii. iublishsHaIL Syndicatt Aid ~E' U$5RE'7 MPW W5FCUr OP' CN )M D LALYG fI- .-- "TRACKS. i~ > a\ . o 0r~ cfe 44 Letters: The Sit-In and War Research To the Editor: KEN KELLEY'S article on the sit-in (Daily, Nov. 2) implies that there is greater consensus among the faculty members in- volved than in fact exists. I, for one, am not opposed to classified war research "primarily because of its contribution- to the defense effort and because of the lack of dissemination of findings." De- fense technologies, unfortunately, are a necessity in today's world, and to impede their development may well be suicidal. Moreover, the assertion that the findings of classified research is not dissemi- nated is false. In addition to the public spin-off from defense pro- jects, classified results are in fact made known to the community of scholars most directly involved in the field of research, and most capable to judge it; those with a "need to know." This is not to argue that the classificaton of information is de- sirable. Given the existence of a system of classification, however, it would be silly for the Univer- sity to restrict access to classified information to a greater extent than the government already does. I PERSONALLY feel that given the world situation, and the na- ture of projects currently under- way at Michigan, there are more important issues. I have three pri- mary reasons for demanding a classification of University policy. First, I object to the prostitu- tion of the concept of academic freedom to cover the activities of individuals not directly concern- ed with the business of education on projects initiated by outside agencies. Second, I believe that the value of human life is greater than the value of academic freedom. While I recognize a need for defensive Non-Violence To the Editor: THE STORIES The Daily car- ried on Wednesday's sit-in had several errors. As one of the chairmen of the meeting that went on in the Administration Building, I want to correct the re- porters' view that Vice President Norman's appearance kept it non- violent. Before he was asked to speak we democratically and over- , helmingful decided that we would be peaceful and non-dis- ruptive during this sit-in, and there was at no point any ques- tion that any one of the approxi- mately 1000 people who took part at one time or another would dis- obey this decision. -Samuel R. Friedman Grad Three Questions To the Editor: DISCUSSION OF THE place of classified military-related re- search at the University has large- ly ignored several important ques- tions of fact that have an impor- tant bearing on its desirability. First, to what extent does de- velopment of weaponry and re- lated technology in the School of Engineering and Willow Run La- boratories draw faculty and grad- uate students away from basic scientific research? Proponents of classified research need to show not only that there is a, feedback from military development studies into the non-classified classroom and non-classified research, but also that the scarce, high-powered scientific manpower could not be better employed by attacking more basic scientific problems. The brain-drain from pure science to applied science is a major issue that should not be ignored. Second, a closely related issue Is the attitude of several depart- ments in the Literary College ly, there is no classified research now being done under the auspices of Departments of Physics, Mathe- mtics, Chemistry or any other LSA Iepartment. Why do they shy away from programs that Engin- eering and Willow Run find so valuable?, THIRD, IF classified research is valuable for the Ph.D. candidate and professor in the sciences and engineering, it is important to know the quantities involved. How many students have obtained ad- vanced degrees by working in clas- sified research projects? How much feedback has there been to the classroom and laboratory? These are only two of the vital quantitative questions requiring specific answers that go beyond the broad generalities of the dis- cussion so far. -Daniel R. Fusfeld Professor of Economics Stimulating Discussion To the Editor: SACUA IS CERTAINLY correct in saying about the classified research issue that ". . . we should attempt to resolve these differ- ences in open, full and frank dis- cussion" (Ann Arbor News, Oct. 31). But it does not follow from this, as SACUA seems to believe, that demonstrations have no place in the academic community. For legal, non-violent demonstrations, such as this week's sit-in, can have the purpose of stimulating such discussion and ensuring that such discussion takes place. There is no guarantee that the sort of discussion of this issue which SACUA commends will take place. Although I am not con- vinced by the arguments of Voice and its supporters, nevertheless I believe that the demonstrators are performing a service for the aca- demic community by seeing to it that discussion of this issue con- First, there is no A&D college Student-Faculty Committee. I am chairman of the Department of Architecture's Student - Faculty Committee, which is composed of four faculty members and nine to ten student members. Second, the revisions I referred to are in the Architecture Department's curri- culum, not the A&D curriculum. (The Department of Art has its own curriculum.) The quote concerning my feel- ing that there would be no "sense of outrage expressed by the stu- dents" was in reply to a question about whether I thought the stu- dents would be upset by the fac- ulty negative vote on the tri- mester calendar. Then I pointed out that it was understood that a change of calendar was a matter for the entire University, not just the A&D college or the Depart- ment of Architecture alone. IT IS MY personal opinion that the trimester system doesn't fit in well wtih the planned revisions of the Architecture Department's cur- riculum because consideration is being given to offering more of the classes in architecture once a year instead of once each term, in order to improve class sizes and composition, and teaching tech- niques. Also many students of architecture prefer using their summers to work in architectural firms, a practice that is encour- aged by the faculty. This ties in with my comment about the "ambiguity" of the fac- ulty vote. It is my impression that the faculty members were respond- ing to a number of different as- pects of the calendar in making their votes. The Architecture Department's Student-Faculty Committee Stu- dent Ballot was designed to try to eliminate these ambiguities by re- questing opinions on certain as- pects of the calendar in addition to a yes-or-no-vote. -Kingsbury Marzolf Asst. Prof. of Architecture Chairman, Student-Faculty Committee Department of Architecture l"Nonsense-I Have A Firm Grip On The Reins" p x- ! - f .31E ' F 1c 11 31 , t3 ij }1T3 i'?% ? +Jd it' " .r;i: ., ii: I I Al