FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, X967 THE MICHIGAN D A TT.V FRIDYs NVEMBR 31967T vas ri.ET i l e i t1 1 - _ U L U.J PAGE THREE B' Humphrey Rebukes Viet War Critics U.S. Won't Pull Out Under Public Protest; Backs Saigon Regime KUALA LUMPUR, Malsyaa (A') --Vice President Hubert H. Hum- phrey chastised critics of the Viet- namese war yesterday and strong- ly supported the newly installed government in South Vietnam. He stressed that the United States had no plans to pull out of the war despite mounting public protests at home.' "We're there, and we're not going to leave," he declared. "I don't care how many demonstra-' tions you have. The nation is com- mitted. There isn't a responsible U.S. political leader who says we should withdraw. They just argue where we should be at a particular moment." Pessimist Humphrey told the 300 guests assembled in the residence of U.S. Ambassador James Bell, "You do not prove that you are a great patriot by constantly pointing out our shortcomings. You prove only that you are a pessimist. "The United States is not what it is today because it was managed by fools and because everybody made mistakes. It is what it is to- day because we did what we thought was best. If we failed, we tried again." Beginning of an Ulcer "I don't think you prove yourself to be an intellectual by pointing out all our mistakes. You just prove that you just don't feel right, like in the beginning stages of an ulcer." Humphrey said he felt criticism of the recent Vietnamese presiden- tial and legislative elections was unfair. "Most other countries during war suspend elections," he said. "This little country, Vietnam, is trying to establish local government which is the heart and core of representative government which had been destroyed by 100 years of colonial rule. They're now trying to rebuild, and I ask the American people to have patience with the Vietnamese and patience with our- selves." 'ILBJ Asks Public for Tax Raise WASHINGTON (AP) - President Johnson urged Americans yester- day to demand that Congress3 raise taxes and defeat proposalsj for controversial import quotas. I In an address prepared for az consumer assembly here, Johnsont said these two issues demand the' attention of every citizen andE "threaten our consumers and ourt country." In appealing over the1 heads of Congress to the people-t something he has rarely done in' the past-Johnson declared thats members of 'Congress should hear from the American consumer- "loud and often." Inflation One of thegreat threats facing the consumer, he said, is infla- tion, which the administration wants to combat by means of a! 10 per cent surcharge on income taxes. The chief executive urged pub- REUTHER WILL NEGOTIATE: UAW To Strike at Chrysler If No Contract by Wednesday DETROIT (AP)--The United Auto Workers Union said yesterday it will strike Chrysler Corporation next Wednesday if no contract is reached by then with the nation's third-biggest automaker. The UAW, in its 57th day of strike against Ford Motor Co., said the union president, Walter P. Reuther, will join Chrysler nego- tiations Saturday afternoon in the drive to reach a settlement. Ford, second-biggest U.S. auto builder, remained out of production be- cause local-levei contract disputes 'tract gain in auto industry his- remain unsettled at about a dozen tory, Reuther said. Ford plants. Ford, which estimated it lost $74 The UAW announced the strike million in the third quarter due to deadline at Chrysler following a series of bargaining sessions be- tween subcommittees yesterday. The union is striving to win from Chrysler a contract like the one it obtained at Ford. The Ford pact, which included gains equal to one dollar an hour in wages and fringe benefits at the end of the third year, is the biggest con- Angolian Soldiers Invade Congo's Katanga Province -Associated Press PRESIDENT JOHNSON, speaking before a consumer assembly in Washington, yesterday appealed to Americans to inundate Congress with letters demanding a tax raise and the defeat of proposed import quotas. In one of his rare appeals to the general public the President said these two issues are the most important because quotas "threaten our consumers and our country." KINSHASA, the Congo (R) --A MAXIMUM BASE RAISED: Senate Approves In In Soial Scurit I a i 1 --- creases lic sprfrhcolumn of white mercenaries and li support for this measure, while black soldiers, invading from Por saying, "I believe that it is hard tuguese Angola, has raced across for you to ask people you repre- the southeast Congo and is bear- sent to surrender more money in i& ono h aia fcp taxes."in, down on the capital of cop- The consumer assembly, bring- per-rich Katanga Province, gov- The onsmerassebly brng-erment sources said yesterday. ing together representatives of Thcounwihwasidt c"nsum e oup an thgvern-"' Theolumn hchwssaito cme rd rosmad Jthesoven have crossed the border Wednes- ment, heard from Johnson even day, was reported within 100 miles stronger language about "the of Lubumbashi, formerly Eliza- thea o roecini w hich i WASHINGTON (AP)-The Sen- ate Finance Committee voted yesterday to increase Social Se- curity payroll deductions from 4.4 to 5 per cent next year and to raise the maximum base from $6,600 to $8,800 to pay for higher old-age benefits. The increases are higher than the 4.6 per cent and $7,800 fig- ures which Chairman Russell B. Long (D-La.) said the committee had arrived at Wednesday. But he said the new figures still are not final. The committee plans to look at them again to- day and Long said he expects it to finish work on the legislation. The House voted to -leave at 4.4 per cent the rate for both payroll deductions and the em- ployer's matching payments to the Social Security fund, but voted to. raise to $7,600 the annual income point at which the tax cuts off. The administration had recom- mended that the rate be left at 4.4 per cent but the base raised to $7,800 next year. If the Senate committee figures become law, this means an indi- vidual earning $8,800 or more would pay $440 in Social Security taxes during 1968 instead of the maximum of $290.40 anyone pays this year. Long said the resulting $6.1 billion increase is needed to pay for the bigger benefits voted by, his committee. These include a 15 per cent across-the-board boost with a $70 monthly mini- mum benefit. Several additional benefits are. known although they have not been announced officially. They include: Permitting men and women to draw Social Security retirement payments at age 60 on a reduced scale. Only widows have this privilege now. Men and women workers now can retire at age 62 with lowered payments and can draw full benefits if they retire at 65 or later. Increasing to $2,000 the amount a person eligible for retirement can earn without losing any So- cial Security benefits. Now the lecduc tio ns limit is $1,500. The House votedj to raise that to $1,680. It was learned that the com- mittee also made major changes in the controversial public wel- fare provisions of the bill. It modified restrictive language in- serted by the House on the pro-I gram for aid to families with dependent children. The committee was reported to have knocked out a freeze provi- sion which would deny federal aid for dependent children beyond the proportion of children a state had on the rolls in January 1967. 1 Long conceded, that the bill as it finally emerges from Congress probably will not include all the benefits voted by his committee. "We undoubtedly will lose some of the benefits in the conference with the House, we never get everything," Long said. "And, if, we do, we can adjust the taxI rates accordingly." The House has voted tax pro- visions that would raise Social Security taxes from this year's estimated $28.9 to $30.8. The Sen- ate figure would push it to $35 billion. Long conceded, however, that the sharply increased Social Se- curity taxes might "make it hard- er for some of us to get re- elected." "1bethville, the Katanga capital. rearing its head in the form of The number of the invaders certai quota bills now before and their purpose were not clear. Congress." Some observers believed the inva- bis .utn mustnotecpromelaw," sion was intended to relieve pres- bills just must not become law," sure on rebellious white mercena- he said, "and they're not going ries and Katanga soldiers sur- to become law as long as I am rounded by government units at President." Bukavu, more than 600 miles As he has before, Johnson north of Lubumbashi. contended that for most if not!Got Tr all families, a 10 per cent income About2ver ent troopsCongo's tax surcharge would cost less 30,000-man army have been re- than what he'terms "the inaction ported centered around Bukavu, inflation tax" which he said will a provincial capital near the boost living costs if taxes aren't eastern b o r d e r. Government raised. sources said all troops in the area Turning to those positioned of Lubumbashi, have been order- with him on a dias, including j soe Cngrss embes, ohnon'ed to cut off the new mercenary some Congress members. Johnson column. declared:o, The sources said the invaders, "You don't see the effects of after crossing the border Wednes- inaction now but you're going to day, stole a number of trucks, see them next year when it is too drove 60 miles east and captured late to do anything about your mistakes."[ Massive Retaliation TONIGHT and I a train. The report indicated that the mercenaries, moving along a 400-mile rail line from the border to Lubumbashi, had already pass- ed Kolwezi, a copper-mine center and capital of Lualaba Province. Military sources said the gov- erment was believed to have a paratroop battalion and an army battalion available in Katanga Province to meet the mercenaries. Ethiopian Jets Kalima air base is within strik- ing distance but the military sources said four Ethiopian jets flown there against a possible mercenary attack were withdrawn two weeks ago. Several T28 fight- ers equipped with rockets and machine guns are based at Al- bertville, more than 400 miles to the north. There have been un- confirmed reports that mercena- ries were gathering in Angola for a possible invasion intended to re- lieve pressure on rebellious mer- cenaries and allied Katanga sol- diers at Bukavu. Mercenaries in the employ of President Joseph D. Mobutu's government revolted last July after Moise Tshombe, exiled for- mer Congo premier, was kidnaped and taken to Algeria while on a flight over the Mediterranean. the strike by 160.000 workers in the UAW, said yesterday it could resume production if local agree- ments could be reached at three union bargaining units in Ohio. A Ford spokesman said the units included two engine plants and foundry operations in Cleveland, a stamping plant in Cleveland and two automatic transmission plants in the Cincinnati area. Local agreements have been Ireached at enough assembly plants to allow processing of newly manu- factured parts, the spokesman said. Ford was struck at midnight Sept. 6 when the old three-year contract expired there, and at Chrysler and General Motors. The UAW called its men out of Ford plants, but kept Chrysler and GM workers on the job. The national contract settlement was reached at Ford last week and signed by company and union of- ficials last Monday. The strike, however, remains technically I; effect until local agreements are reached at all Ford plants. After contract issues are resolv- ed at Chrysler, the UAW will take its demands to General Motors, which already has been warned by the UAW that local strikes will be authorized if the giant automaker resorts to too much overtime in an effort to stockpile cars that would let it wait out a lengthy strike. American Motors Corp., fourth largest U.S. automaker, continues discussions on national contract issues with the UAW today. Meanwhile the strike has seri- ously effected auto sales. Although Chrysler Corp. and American Mo- tors reported record passenger car sales during October, with strike- bound Ford Motor Co. shut down industry sales were off 16 per cent from last October. S4 SERGEI EISENSTEIN FESTIVAL TONIGHT ALEXANDER NEVSKY (1938) A brutal drama of medieval Russia, with the most exciting battle ever filmed. 7:00 and 9:05 ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM STILL ONLY 50cm- dSATUR©AY World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - -Sen. Stephen M. Young (D-Ohio) says he ex- pects that Gen. William C. West- moreland will be relieved of his command in Vietnam. However, Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara said there is no truth to the suggestion. Young, a critic of the adminis- tration's handling of the Vietnam war, said he expects the general to be relieved "probably before January." On the other hand, McNamara said, "The allegation that there is disillusionment or disappoint- ment over Gen. Westmoreland's handling of our forces in South Vietnam is false. Such false state- ments do a grave disservice to one of the great military commanders of this century and to all men who serve under him. "Gen. Westmoreland has the absolute confidence of the Presi- dent, of me, and of the entire membership of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. There is no truth to the sugestion that he may soon be relieved. WASHINGTON-A- hard-fought compromise was reached by a House-Senate conference yester- day on a $2.67 billion foreign aid authorization for the current fis- cal year. The figure is $730 million below the amount requested by President Johnson. The conferees ratified formally a decision to eliminate next June 30 the Defense Department's au- thority to guarantee repayment of loans made by the Export- Import or other banks to under- developed nations for arms pur- chases. LANSING-The House today ap- proved a bill increasing the state gasoline tax by one cent per gal- lon and appropriating $3.5 million a year to refinance the Mackinac Bridge. Approval of the bill put the finishing touches on the Senate- approved "Good Roads" package, designed to raise $61 million a year for road and street construc- tion and maintenance. 1 4 In an unusually strong denun- ciation of these proposals, the President said: "Those proposed quotas would invite massive re- taliation from our trading part- ners abroad. Prices would rise. Our world market would shrink. So would the range of goods fromj which American consumers choose what they buy." Using the most emphatic lan- guage, Johnson concluded, "these bills must not become law." I IThE ARK 1421 Hill Street 8:30 P.M. CHRISTOPHER AND SARA to sing contemporary and ORIGINAL folk music $1.00 Cover includes entertainment & refreshments ,bursting upon ourDB14 SCFM~N in all . em oors of the rainbow... a Prtse-winnieg blue ribbon treat for old and young slikel Kerse something for tho whole ifamily to see togetherl TONIGHT AND TOMORROW at CINEMA II "ODD OBSESSION" (KAGI) 7:30 & 9:15 P.M. Aud. A, Angell Hall Due to the highly con- Price 50C troversial nature of this film, student or faculty .D. must be presented. h) Mid li i i i( OUT OF SIGHT! (for the past 30 years) rediscovered at NEWPORT FOLK FESTIVAL SKIP JAMES MISSISSIPPI DELTA BLUES SINGER -Just back from Europe with the American Folk Blues Tour '67-NOW AT G]II2TIBUNY iTOtSB TON IGHT-Saturday and Sunday 8 P.M. $1.50-after 2nd set-$1.00 330 MAYNARD SPECIAL MATINEE SAT. & SUN. Sat. 12, 2, 4; Sun. 1:30, 3:30 Vth FORUM 21.0 S. Fifth Ave.-761-9700 GET YOUR DATE NOW For Ann Arbor Civic Theatre's first production of the new season A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS by Robert Bolt NEXT WEEK in Trueblood Auditorium Wed.Thrs -- 51.-.75 BY A STRIKING AND ORIGINAL TRAGI-COMEDY STUDS TERKEL 1 1 I I