THAILAND ENTANGLEMENT See editorial page SiA r Iaity CLOUDY hligh-47 -50 Low-41, Light showers likely; chance of rain today and tonight Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No.56 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1967 SEVEN CENTS TEN PAGES 'U'Health Research Yields Theory, Skills, Dr ?vices By STEVE NISSEN A drug-addicted monkey lies strapped to his cage in a Univer- sity medical laboratory. Research- ers watch as the monkey presses a bar triggering the release of a measured quantity of cocaine intor his bloodstream through a thin plastic tube running into the ani- mal's arm. If the monkey is given irncreas- ing dosages of the drug with each bar-press, he will press the bar less often, discovers the project head Dr. Maurice Seevers, chair- man of the pharmacology depart-: rnent. Dr. Seevers also notes that some monkeys refuse to "inject"I themselves with mescaline, the3 hallucinogenic drug extracted from peyote. Medical School researchers carry on studies like this one as they seek to answer such questions as; -Why might cigarette smoking ical changes in the human mouth. was successfully used on a human be a health hazard? Life science research represents volunteer in the University Hos- -Do viruses cause human leuke- I about 27 per cent of all research pital. mia? at the University-and the per- The device effectively removes -Can viral infections during centage is increasing, according to poisons which build up in the blood pregnancy cause birth defects? Vice-President for Research A. of a patient during kidney failure. -Do acutely disturbing emo- Geoffrey Norman. Norman ex- It filters blood through a foot-long tional experiences play a signifi- plained that Congress has become cylinder packed with 11,000 hol- cant role in fatal traffic accidents? more willing in recent years to al- low fibers. Previously the proce- --Can sperm frozen for years locate fund to the Public Health dure required an apparatus the produce viable pregnancies? Service, which in turn sponsors size of a family laundry tub. Some research projects in the projects on various campuses. Furthermore, the mini-kidney is: life sciences require doctors, to "Research is encouraged at the small enough so that the patients'E cooperate with physicists, engin- University because we know it at- own heart action is sufficient to eers, electricians and other non tracts the kind of faculty we like pump the blood through it. Con- medical scientists. Such coopera- to have here," Norman says. Cur- ventional artificial kidneys require tion led to the development of a rently expenditures for life science a booster pump as well as a large radioisotope camera which is used research at the University amount quantity of donor blood to prime in the diagnosis of tumors, a min- to almost $13 million per year. the apparatus. iature artificial kidney one tenth Several breakthroughs have come Physicians hope to use the new the size of conventional models, from recent University medical re- artificial kidney to keep the thou and an electronic "tooth" which search. A new artificial kidney sans of patients suffering from broadcasts information on chem- which took five years to develop chronic renal disease alive until kidneys from recently deceased ability to make a series of images. vhich analyzes the chemical persons can be transplanted. or a sequence. that shows the flow changes. "Nuclear medicine" has pro- of changes in an organ. A great deal of research at th duced several significant advances. A $15.000 tooth which contains University is on a more theoretica A revolutionary radioisotope cam- a miniature radio transmitter and level than development of artificia era is being developed with nuclear chemical analyzer complete with kidneys or radioisotope cameras research techniques that promises its own battery has been built by Probably the largest single project to speed medical diagnosis of dental scientists at the University. in the medical school's research tumors. The instrument can sup- Delicate sensing devices within the program is a $1 million study of ply an image of Polaroid film for tiny device broadcast a running the role of heredity in diseases. instant viewing. Previous devices account of changes in the acidity project aims at the diagnosis sometimes required two hours for of saliva. University dentists say treatment and prevention of gen- similar tasks. this knowledge will tell them im-a etically related diseases and ab- The radioisotope camera scans portant secrets about gum disease normalities. the appropriate area of a patient's and the formation of tartar and Th 'n,,ni,,,-.rhh body and maps out the distribution of a radioactive substance which had earlier been administered. Because the camera produces images for instant viewing, doctors are able to observe continuing ,hanges in an organ. The chief advantage of the new camera is its 1 ue±v1a J cis of z mes. win naa cavities. The entire apparatus is in the past supported a great deal the size of a normal bridge of an of research at the University, re- upper first molar. It is tailored to cently awarded a grant of $84,152 fit into the mouth of a volunteer. to Dr. Gordon C. Brown of the Monitors placed near the patient epidemiology department to study receive the information as it is maternal virus infections that may broadcast by the "tooth." The in- kill or cripple unborn children. Dr formation is fed into a computer Brown has already shown that an URGE OPEN CONVENTION: Young Democrat Poll Favors Councilman; Urges Law Kennedy, Rockefeller over LBJ For Tenants By GREG ZIEREN sibilities of promoting "open de- Seventy-one per cent of over bate on the questions of platform, 100 University Young Democrats credentials and candidates" at the (YD's) taking part in a recnt Democratic National Convention. poll are opposed to the renomin- Some 100 members of the East ation of President Johnson in the Lansing Democratic Club passed 1968 Democratic National Con- a resolution applauding Ferency's vention. "efforts to preserve the tolerance Sen. Robert Kennedy of New for diversity that has always{ York was favored for the Demo- characterized t h e Demorcatic cratic nomination by 45 per cent. Party." the resignation of Secretary of State Dean Rusk and the ap- pointment of a new secretary to bring a more objective attitude "into the arena of discussion on Vietnam and possibly even con- tribute new alternatives for a solution to the conflict in South-I east Asia." The resolution accused Rusk of "repeated failure" in bringing about successful negotiations to end the war in Vietnam. Ferency, speaking at the meet- ing of the East Lansing Demo- crats, repeated his call for an open convention and said that he knew of "no doves trying to drive hawks out of the party, but there are plenty of hawks trying! to drive the doves out."I Sen. Eugene McCarthy of Min- nesota, Sen. William Fulbright of Arkansas and Sen. Wayne Morse of Oregon received scattered sup-, port., Sseventy-five per cent of those responding to the poll said they would support Gov. Nelson Rocke- feller (R-N.Y.) if he ran against: Johnson. Twenty - six per cent1 would support Gov. George Rom- ney (R-Mich.) while former Vice President Richard Nixon and Gov. Ronald Reagan (R-Calif.) receiv- ed support from 16 and 10 perI cent respectively of the respon- dents. Half Answer Questionnaire East Lansing Response The resolution was in response to the criticism Ferency had re- ceived when he recently urged dis- sident Democrats to unite before the end of the year if they want "to be heard on either the na- tional ticket or the platform." A second resolution passed by the East Lansing group called for I appaert Seeks Ban On 'Delaying Tactics' At State, City Level By JILL CRABTREE Ann Arbor City Councilman Le- Roy Cappaert (D-Fifth Ward) is urging passage of new state or local laws favoring tenants rights. In a recent communication to City Council Cappaert suggested that new laws are needed to pre- vent landlords from using "delay- ing tactics" to avoid complying with existing housing standards. "Something is seriously wrong," Cappaert's communication stated, "when a single landlord or com- binations of landlords can manipu- late and delay action on homes that are unfit for human habita- tion. Such landlords risk the lives of tenants in order to make money; they require of building inspectors, city attorneys, admin- istrative officials and many others hours and hour of costly work with their delaying tactics." Two Methods Cappaert suggested two methods of protecting tenants: -Landlords might be required to file affidavits of reasonable compliance with the housing code as aprerequisite to bringing an action of eviction or to collect rent. -A landlord's willful mainten- ance of substandard premises i t i i t i 4 J I infection of "Coxsaxie B" virus during pregnancy greatly increases the chances of a baby having con- 1 genital heart disease. 1 To determine possible causes of birth defects, Dr. Brown and his t associates have been checking samples of blood taken from women early in pregnanacy against samples taken after the pregnancy is over. By comparing the levels of antibodies against certain viral diseases the researchers can deter- mine if a woman has had the par- ticular infection during her preg- nancy. The researchers are convinced that this test is far more accurate than the patient's own illness diary since many of the viral in- fections are mild in adults. "At the present time science has See 'RESEARCH,' page 10 Norman Answers Demand Says Decision on Research Policy To Follow Study By DAVID MANN Following a report by two mem- bers of the faculty Committee on Research Policies, "a decision will be made" on whether or not the University should continue its participation in a $1 million Department of Defense project in Thailand, Vice-President for Re- search A. Geoffrey Norman said yesterday in reply to one of four "demands" made last Tuesday by Voice, the University chapter of Students .for a Democratic So- ciety. Engineering Council last night "announced support of research work done by the faculty and staff within the College of En- gineering whether it is classified or unclassified..:." To the Voice demand for an "end of the University counter- insurgency project in Thailand,\- and of all classified research," Norman replied: "Two members of the Univer- sity faculty Senate Assembly Committee on Research Policy are reviewing the nature of the pro- ject. They have been asked to prepare promptly a report to the academic community. Then a de- cision will be made. To the Voice demand for "com- plete and open disclosure of all University research contracts," Norman replied: "For the general information of the faculty, a listing of all re- search grants received and con- tracts executed is published every four weeks. In response to a Voice demand for "termination of membership in the Institute for Defense analy- sis," Norman replied: "The IDA was established at the request of the Secretary of De- fense. It has no operational respon- sibilities or laboratories. In response to a Voice demand for an "investigation of possible faculty conflict of interest" Nor- man replied. Each member of the University faculty and staff is expected to consider any possible conflict of interest which may arise. -Daily-Michael Felberg CHINA WATCHER KARSTEN PRAGER, '60MA, a Southeast Asia correspondent for the Time-Life News Service, related observations of the Cult ural Revolution in Communist China. 'Black Power' Defender Demands Ghetto Control NO FEAR OF DOMINANCE: Cecily Becker, Grad, newly By KATHY MORGAN where we can live, stated definitelyj elected president of YD's, said "The white establishment con- by the power structure. It is al- * esterday that half of 217 ques- trols the black community and we most impossible for the black tionnaires distributed had been are concerned with a transfer of getptoand amoseimostsiblefor returned to her office though she power. The black people plan to andalo o added that "a few responses were control all sections where we pre- a black man to get a decent job." still coming in." dominate," Rev. Albert Cleage, Jr. ,"W 'Your Creatures' g Mrs. Becker said she was pleas- said last night in Pease Auditorium Cle said, ralizeat thyeou co ed with the "great response" of Eastern Michigan University. ony and the inhabitants are your (over 100 questionnaires return- Cleage is pastor of Central Unit- creatures-you made them. Foreign Secretary Endorses Continued U.S.-Canadian Ties By RICHARD SHULIK lhas become less willing to share North America and the Socialist "Canada can only benefit in the tasks and programs with her nations. Thus we continue to seek sphere of foreign affairs as a result ' friends. "I can only hope that, and desire a solution to this con- s pher o fre airsasia rt in the conferences that will be held flict very soon, and we believe that of her close relations with the early next year, Canada will be you, too, desire a solution." United States," Paul Martin, Ca- I!allowed to assume a larger role 'pv MA1P . Vt UuNUVCittuWlU ,El1 G1111aG J t I et. ed Church of Christ in the middle "We want to control everything "The poll shows that a large of the Negro community in Detroit in the ghetto, but we don't want percentage of our membership and co-chairman of the Citywide to control the suburbs. The black supports an open convention and ; Citizens Action Committee, power movement rejects integra- an alternative candidate to Pres- "In Detroit, the black popula- tion as a goal ident Johnson in the 1968 Demo- tion is aproximately 42 percent "Until a few years ago, we cratic National Convention," she - and increasing. We are becoming waited for the moment when we said. a physical majority and should would be integrated. We wanted She also noted that only Rocke- become a political majority." to be part of the white people's feller had achieved any "signif- Sponsored by the Student Rights life, but we were relegated to icant support" within the club. and Relations Committee, Cleage's second class citizenship. It was a City Democrats address drew about 1000 student tremendous faith in a Christian and faculty members, including, dream, that white integration A resolution of support by the according to a committee member, 'would come," Cleage explained. Ann Arbor city Democratic Party "many more Negroes than there "We don't have a dream now, we for "Zolton Ferency's (State Dem- are at any other campus function." have a plan. We have tactics and ,cratic chairman) call for an 'Black Tax' we are getting our family to- open convention," was passed "The white people have separ-'gether. Wednesday night by a 3-1 margin. ated us and are exploiting us. We "We have changed in the last According to Mrs. Laurence Clark, pay the same rent for rat-infested twelve years since the Supreme party secretary, the resolution will flats that white people pay for Court decision that 'seperate but be transmitted to the Democratic nice suburban apartments. Every equal' is not constitutional." State Central Committee, Sen. store in a ghetto charges 25 per- Cleage considers the bus com- Philip Hart (D-Mich.) and the cent more for meat that has al- pany boycott in Montgomery, Ala- emocratic National Committee, ready been in a suburban store bama that was triggered by a The city Demorcats appointed for two to three days. In all these Negro seamstress refusing to move Dr. Edward Pierce, former Fourth ways, we pay a black tax," Cleage ' to the back of the bus to be "a Ward Council member and former continued. bigger victory than the Supreme mayoral candidate, chairman of "We don't move because we Court decision because the black a committee to investigate pos- can't. There is a prescribed area people did it for themselves." *AT STANFORD, IOWA, WAYNE: Week-Long Student Demonstra By JIM HECK use of Adance Hall to raise money 100 protesters climbed a fire es- A long week of violent demon- in support of "McClellan week."|cape and entered the room where strations across the country came Saturday, students will picket the the CIA was recruiting applicants. to a quiet end last night, as stu- capitol and hold a funeral for At the Univesrity of Pennsyl- dents halted protests of the Viet- "Academic freedom on the NMU vania, the student newspaper, the nam war, research policies and col- campus" on the lawn of the cap-IDaily Pennsylvanian; the student lege recruitment practices. itol. government; the faculty; and a Students at Northern Michigan In other developments within committee of prominent student University at Marquette (NMU) the state, Wayne State University leaders, faculty leaders and ad- topped picketing but continued students were apparently success- ministrators unanimously con- their boycottt of classes which was ful in their protest Wednesday of demned protest "which obstructs" backed by a large portion of the presence on campus of a Marine in statements issued yesterday. On faculty. NMU students are protest- Corps recruiter. The recruiter fail- Wednesday demonstrators cut ing the firing of a history profes- ed to show up yesterday. About electrical power off from rooms sor, Robert McClellan, after he!1100 chanting, sign-carrying Viet- where the Navy and Dow Chemical reportedly criticized the school's nam war protesters heckled the company were carrying on inter-I expansion program. recruiter Wednesday and forced views. r might allow a tenant to collect damages-unless the tenant hm- self is at fault. nadian secretary of state for ex- Unfit ternal affairs, said last night at Cappaert gave examples in his the ninth annual Conference on communication where use of de- Canadian-American Relations. -layingtactics has been evident., "Some have expressed the fear In thi t kc+ Y m y-., ,.,.,. -.V C4±artin asser tedpride in can-U in common defense efforts. ada's growing involvement in the East-West relations have been affairs of underdeveloped nations. changing slowly in recent years, He expressed the hope that, by Martin explained, and they have 1971, Canada's foreign aid program been changing favorably. "As for will have grown to $500 million, the Vietnam war, we can only realizing the United Nation's goal Iiius past weex my services s that Canada is overshadowed by ' regard it as a hindrance to even of utilizing one percent of each were sought to assist a family i the United States. But there is no greater improvements between nation's total income for aid funds. wihose housing was despicable," he reason why a proud, self-confident, -- - ------ - said. "An inspection revealed this and distinct nation such as ours home to be unfit for human habi- ishould have such worries," he con- I h n e u e a e tation. Toilet facilities were not tinued.M functioning, electrical wiring was Martin addressed educators -from unsafe, there were no storms or the University and the UniversityFr " * screens. Heat for the home consist- of Windsor via long-distance tele-oec a arTnf multuOal R eo luteion ed of one electrical heater. This jphone from Ottawa. He described ,dome is owned by a landlord who ' Canada's role as a "middle power" By DIANA LUXON to the North Vietnamese are "the owns similar property. And, the and how this role is influenced The Cot Ch c smaller part of aid to the Viet- rent is $125 per month." by her close proximity with the revolution "is over and now there namese," and consist primarily of Consideration U. S. Martin was unable to at- will be a transition," Karsten food supplies. Cappaert's statement has been tend the conference due to official Praeger, '60MA, Time-Life news The state of the Chinese econ- referred to the Housing Commis- commitments in Ottawa. service Hong Kong correspondent omy is hard to determine since sion for consideration. He said in- I Martin stressed the importance said yesterday in a lecture in Aud. the Chinese do not make public i conclusion of his suggestions in of close Canadian-American ties D' many statistics, but Praeger asserts the new city housing code present- in economic and industrial under- "This is just a breather and then that the "third 5-year plan has ly under consideration by Council takings. "Opportunities for tre- Chairman Mao will try again to been generally discarded." is "a possibility, but the likelihood ; mendous prosperity exist in the |attain the China he idealizes," is not great." wealth of untapped resources of 'Praeger said. both nations. Utilization of these Calling the "momentum of the ENGINEERING COUP resources can only be aided as 'revolution aimless," Praeger as- ON RE a result of common industrial ef- serted that Mao Tse-Tung "asked O forts." too much of his people. His idealInaefotorpestth t.'Distinct Policy' was a utopia they weren't capable l In an effort to represent the "inEdSome feel that, as a conse- of attaining." collegenofugneeringpotefme] tion s Ed quence of U.S. foreign policy, Can- Prager appeared as the second cm. announ tirn, spo oe ada's role as a world economicispeaker in this year's "University ulty and staff within the CollI ermnent leaders pleaded with the power will suffer as a result of Lecture in Journalism" series. is classified or unclassified, for th city manager to order the police friendly relations between the two "The Maoists would have had to 0 Research is an integral p into the riot. Two thousand dollars nations. But there is absolutely work very quickly to get the! extensive program of researchI in bond was raised within an hour no reason to believe that this is genie"-the disruptive forces of become obsolete, new professor after the arrests. , so. Canada is a proud nation which the cultural revolution-"back into will become unavailable, and o Yesterday plainclothesmen cir - pursues foreign policies distinctly the bottle," Praeger continued. adequate. culated among the recruitment her own, and there is no need for "Today China is weaker and more * A rigorous system of app booths making sure that only per- us to assert greater independence." isolated than before. The party tending from faculty member, t sons with valid permits were al- Martin explained that Canada's props are weakened and disarray- I sowedwinothvaierritm earea- involvement in frinplc a ed." The public security guards to vice-president, already exists beenvery restricted, and that are less secure today though they projects are in the academic i Effective Boycott isolationism predominated as re- haven't been destroyed as symbols. is in a better position to decid Louisiana Gov. John McKeithen cently as the period immediately The revolution, according to ob- 3 be accepted than those professo recalled the National Guard yes- following World War IL server Praeger, brought clogged ministrators who are directly in I terday after over a dozen students 'Demand Involvement' railroads, "hooliganism," and thea matter. were suspended from Grambling "Howe he exte e partici- formation of citizen groups to * In regard to classified rese C g redgHtoweven heUnxtednveatiinaprotect property from the Redy College for leading a boycott of pi ninteUtdNaosn d ent policy provides freedom for ,'ptio in thea United Nationsl in guards. NCIL'S STATEMENT EARCH opinions of the students of the nbers of the Engineering Coun- the research work done by fac- ege of Engineering, whether it he following reasons: art of engineering. Without an by the College our faculty will rs and new graduate students ur curriculum will become in- roval for research projects, ex- o department chairman, to dean s in the college to insure that .terst of the University. No one de which research projects will ors, graduate students, and ad- nvolved and experienced in the earch, we believe that the pres- an engineering college faculty r 1* 11n +na /7 aoy a a