WEDNESDAY, N0VEMBEpL 1,1967 TO USE BERMUDA BASE: THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN Senate Group WARY OF EXTREMES: I I( IC Plan . In ,nf Son Sdtuis seeks Troop ! - I '%.. --ALW..9/ XA ff5/ v-' F 4F/ N 9/54/ IL-/ XA/ p By WALLACE IMMEN The Committee on Institu- cional Cooperation approved an energetic list 'of plans for the coming year at its tenth anni- versary conference at the Uni- versary Monday and yesterday. Among new research suggest- ions is a proposal for joint studies 'of ocean tides and biology using surplus facilities associated with the Kindley Air Force Base on the island of Bermuda. Because the base's buildings were not designed for educational, uses, a team of specialists, in- cluding Prof. James T. Wilsorn of the Institute of Science and Technology, will make an evalu- ation tour next week and report, to a conference group on Ocean i Studies, set up recently by the eleven schools could handle sep- CIC. arately, the organization has also The CIC would have to negot- become active in helping to de- iate with the Department of De- velop cooperative research pro- fense for use of the Bermuda site grams as well. Although most of to set up what would be the its work is centered on activities first inter-institution center for for students and faculty of CIC ocean instruction and research, schools many are now open to I The committee is composed of one representative from each of the Big Ten universities plus the University of Chicago, but only; nine were able to attend the an- nual meeting. It was still "highly; successful," according to Admin- istrative Dean Robert Williams,; who is the University's repre- sentative to the CIC. Originally established to de- velop educational programs which are larger than any one of the non-member schools. In the academic realm, two' representatives from the Univer- sity were also approved at the meeting for a committee to con- sider a unique cooperative edu- cation program in Polar Studies. Profs. William Benninghof, cura- tor of the Botanical Gardens, and William Farrand, of the geology and minerology department were approved to work with the study group, whose goal would be a Soviet Space Craft Makes Soft Landing In Preparation for Future Manned Flight program for specialized instruc- tion in polar geography, geology and climate. A report by Prof. Charles Hucker, director of the 1967 CIC Far Eastern Language Institute, noted that the program is receiv- ing a record number of applica- tions and has a very low drop- out rate, which was attributed to selective admissions. The summer sessions will be divided into an undergraduate and a graduate program in the future to handle more than its 204 capacity this year. Slavic Conference The continuation of a Slavic language and area study Insti- tute was also approved unani- mously and will handle about 300 students at next summer's conference at the University. En- rollment in this program is open to students from any university and from foreign institutions. Advanced training programs are also being stressed this year. Prof. Robert E. Doerr of the dental school has prepared a study of post-graduate dental research training which could extend to all of the schools. Supported in principle was the Poland Project, a $9.5 million de- velopment plan for improving training in Poland. Three CIC representatives visited Poland re- cently, but no pledges of money to make up the more than $4 million addition to the fund were made by the CIC at this time because of other commitments. The $9.5 million is being supplied through United States govern- ment gold holding in Poland. Fulbright Com Debates Wordi Policy Role Res WASHINGTON (R) mittee ng of olution The Sen- ate Foreign Relations Comittee PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia-The will resume discussions today on perspective of an East European a modified resolution to serve Commsnitis unie:trea notice on the administration that communst is unique: he takes a Congress expects to be consulted critical view of both East and on future commitment of U.S. es troops abroad. He is very critical of the much While a committee majority is more dogmatic Chinese Commun- said to favor the general ap- ists and, to a lesser extent, of his proach of the resolution, there Soviet comrades. And, of course, proacs of dtseresolutior thee he has a critical outlook on has been disagreement over the Western capitalism. exact wording, committee sources Part of the reason for this real- said. ism is that he is in contact with Some members have expressed muh ormdeaeC mnit concern thata naedcr- much more moderate Communists .a Senate declara- in Italy and France who have a tion, even though it would not wrigkoldeo h a on'ievden~thngastwPrsienot working knowledge of the ma- be binding on the Prhsiet, chinations of the bourgeois state. might cast doubt on his ability And Eastern Europe is undergo- to act quickly to meet an emer- ing a Marxist kind of rennais- gency. sance. The basic doctrines are be- The current version would spec- ing examined, often modified, ify a need for congressional ac- sometimes discarded completely, tion in committing U.S. troops, by men accustomed to critical except in case of an attack on thinking, like Adam Schaff of U.S. forces. Poland, Ivan Svitak of Czecho- Further Discussion slovakia, and others. Sen. J. W. Fulbright, chairman Egan Busch of the committee, told newsmen Dr. Egan Busch, editor of Me- after a closed-door session yes- zinarodni Politica, a magazine of terday that the resolution will political commentary published by be brou ht un for further diic ,,.1I- ,-.-- Use Control European Communists Realistic About World Political Struggle EDITOR'S NOTE: Steve d'Arazien is CPS's Vietnam Correspondent. This is his first dispatch, filed from Prague on his way to Saigon. By STEVE D'ARAZIEN Collegiate Press Service Busch says American anti- Communism is not "a religion, more like an anti-religion or a j creed. To be perfectly frank, I would say for many years Com- munism was a creed, not a politi- cal opinion, in the Soviet Union. But Communism is supposedly; I based on science. "America has such an emotional reaction to Communism that she hasn't a chance of understanding. Anti-Communism grew in two .I 3 t t u l f i r big steps. After World War I it to deal with the situation Is for did not differ from the reaction in Europe. But after World War II, anti-Communism in Europe developed in a classical way. But not in the United States," he stated. Fear Unrealistic How do East Europeans feel' about China? "The American fear is not a realistic assessment of China," Busch says. "For fifty years you have been poisoned by prejudice (against the Soviet Union). "When the menace proves to be not as expected, you find another fear. Here people are upset about China, but not frightened. "I believe that if America has normal contact with China, she couldn't do what she is doing. the two blocs to cooperate in helping the third world. "We must get together and develop a program. The Chinese have a pro- gram for the world. We don't," Busch stated. Meanwhile in Czechoslovakia, young people are demanding more freedom and are looking to the West for new models. Tension between militant young people and moderate party members like Egon Busch is increasing. With loosened restrictions on travel, young East Europeans are travel- ing all over Europe, talking to Provos in Holland and New Left- ists in England. One thing, in any event, is certain: not much can remain the same for long in Eastern Europe. As Busch sees the world, the essential division is, as the Chi- nese assert, between rich nations and poor, between citified nations and agrarian nations. But he does not agree with the Chinese that the way to eliminate the differ- ence is through violence. "The es- sence of revolution is change, not violence," he emphasized. Unfortunately the distance be- tween the rich and poor is in- creasing. He believes the best way MOSCOW ()')-In an apparent dry run of a Soviet spacecraft in- tended for cosmonauts, the Soviet Union brought down to a soft landing yesterday one of two un- manned Sputniks which had' docked and separated in orbit un- der computer guidance. The successful landing could clear the way for a second at- tempt at a manned rendezvous and docking aboard a Soyuz craft. Cosmonaut Vladimir M. Kova- rov was killed last April when his' Soyuz 1 crashed during an at- tempted landing after orbiting for 24 hours. A twisted parachute was officially blamed for the tragedy. Announcements at the time did not say Kovarov was attempting a linkup in orbit with another Sputnik but this was widlely re- garded as the purpose of his mis- sion. There was no immediate indi- cation when the Soviets would attempt to duplicate the success- ful Cosmos 186 mission, this time with a cosmonaut aboard. They have yet to achieve a manned docking. Such a feat, possibly surpassing the ones U.S. astronauts pioneer- ed, could lead to the building in Sspace of huge orbiting platforms. These platforms are expected to further space studies and provide bases for such long flights as a trip to the moon. A moon rocket, assembled on a space platform, would require less thrust to overcome Earth's gravity. Evidence that Cosmos 186 was an unmanned test of a Soyuz came from their similar orbits, similar radio signals, and the So- viet insistence on landing it, us- ually not done with an ordinary unmanned satellite. Launched Friday The unmanned Cosmos craft, which was launched Friday, land- ed at an undisclosed location at 11:20 a.m. Moscow time - 3:20 a.m. EST-on its 65th orbit upon command from a ground station. The other Sputnik, Cosmos 188 launched Monday, continued the new orbit it went into after the two separated some 20 hours ear- 186 performed all missions suc- cessfully. All systems on board, it said, have demonstrated "a high level of reliability in solving tasks rad- ically new to cosmonautics." It did not identify these new tasks. The "automatic" rendezvous and docking of the two Suptniks, guid- ed by their computers, was his- tory's first such unmanned ma- neuver. Two weeks ago a Soviet unman- ned spaceship parachuted an in- strument package through the at- mosphere of Venus. It radioed in- formation on the planet to Earth. Soviet television showed the two ships locked together with# the rotating Earth in the .back- ground, then showed Cosmos 188 as it slowly separated and floated off into space. The bomb-shaped Cosmos ships were equipped with wing-like so- lar batteries. The commentator said Cosmos 186 was the "active'" partner and sought out 188, the passive ship. The linkup occurred on the first orbit of 188 and the 46th orbit of 186. The two craft locked together head on, then separated on com- mand from an Earth control station. } g ul 1 P-the Czechoslovakian Communist cussion today. Party, is such a Communist. At yesterday's session, the He says thata"Never has a for- committee: eign policy issue had so much -Reported favorably a bill to importance here as does the Viet- establish a career service, similar nam war." to that in the State Department, With the exception of normal A $ for the United States Informa- diplomatic relations (which have tion Agency not been broken), the Czech gov- -Approved a tax agreement ernment is not receiving any with Trinidad and Tobago but prominent Americans in any offi- deferred action on one between cial way. When United States' the United States and Brazil. The Chief Justice Earl Warren was in latter would provide U.S. firms Prague recently to lecture on the featuring setting up plants in Brazil the American constitutional system, same investiment tax credit now he was greeted by the minister of given for domestic industritrial justice, an unusually subordinate H How to M ak eNe vosts of expansion. official to welcome a man of -Deferred action on President Warren's stature. And when Rich- Johnson's request for a $200 mil- ard Nixon was in Prague he gotYour AdvertisingDtr om to the Asian Development Bank. No Official Contact Fulbright Resolution "Individual contacts are being T HU RD A '''KN O V\I 2 Fulbright sponsored the origi- made," Busch says, "but there is * nal resolution on commitments, no official contact at all. It is stating that the executive branch almost a subconscious process." 4:15 P M has too often acted on its own Busch says Czech political an- 4 P in giving and pledging U.S. help alysts see Republican nomination to other countries, of a Vietnam dove in 1968. He His version would have declared says this is the logical response it to be the sense of the Senate to the fact that United States that a national commitment is prestige is at an all-time low in one that has the approval of Europe and that America should 420 MAYNARD ST. Congress through a treaty, res- realize that "no act taken by De olution or other official action. Gaulle has helped (French) pres- All organization publicity and advertising chairmen Some committee members be- tige as much as the pullout of Al- are urged to attend! lieved the Fulbright approach was giers, especially among the under- too sweeping and proposed other developed countries. And Algeria language. was regarded as a part of France." -~ mzI I AO- MA E IuVInquIanI -Associated Press SPECIAL FORCES LIFESAVER lier. They had flown for 31/ hours First Infantry Division soldiers and artillerymen relax while cleaning the howitzer that was the life- linked together. saver in the defense of a Special Forces camp at Loc Ninh, South Vietnam yesterday. Viet Con as- The announcement said Cosmos sault waves were forced to withdraw when the 105mm gun was fired point blank at them. ( 17 contemporary UNION-LEAGUE friday november 3 marks the commencement of the campvs orvM a program of informal discussion first guest congressman marvin esch UNION - LEAGUE MUSKET'S ENTERTAINMENT CHANGED TO FOLK USA ..-- - ~" ,,, r "' f UNION BALLROOM 'I., I COMEDY I I