Gala Shelled
By Viet Cong
U.S. Military Chiefs,
' Humphrey Present;
None Injured in Attack
SAIGON (P)-The Viet Cong
fired four mortar shells last night
at South Vietnam's Independence
Palace where the nation's newly
sworn president, Nguyen Van
Thieu, was entertaining United
States Vice President Hubert H.
Humphrey and 2,000 guests at a
glittering inaugural reception.
Gen. William C. Westmoreland,
the United States commander in
Vietnam, and United States Am-
bassador Ellsworth Bunker were
present along with Gen. William
Momyer, the commander of the
United States Air Force in Viet-
nam, and most of his top staff.
Only hours before, Thieu had
taken the oath as president of this
nation's first constitutional gov-
ernment in four years and an-
nnounced he would propose peace
talks to North Vietnam.
Three shells exploded on the
palace grounds and one outside.
The building was not hit, nor was
anyone at the reception, but frag-
ments injured three persons not at
the party. Though windows shook,
the reception, and a later dinner
for Humphrey and some other
guests, went off as scheduled.
Investigators found the building
from which the mortar shells had
been fired five blocks away from
the palace. Three men fled the
scene and, inside the building,
which had been used as a laundry,
was found the body of a 73-year-
old Vietnamese man-presumably
the owner-shot to death.
The laundry had been closed'
for two months and police report-
ed it appeared Viet Cong
agents disguised as workmen
entered the building Tuesday
Earlier in the day, Thieu and his
vice president, former Premier
Nguyen Cao Ky, had taken over
their new posts in an outdoor cere-
mony thronged with troops and
official guests in the heart of the
It had been feared the Viet Cong
would try to stage some spectac-
ular incident during that cere-
mony, but it went off without a
hitch under the tightest security
precautions Saigon has ever seen.
With weapons ranging from
crossbows to rockets and with jets
and helicopters roaring overhead,
South Vietnam's armed forces
marched in a mamoth National
Day parade that defied the Viet
Cong mortar attacsks.
Units from all brances of Viet-
namese military services and from
all parts of the country stepped
out in the parade that capped
three days of events celebrating
the inauguration of President
Thieu and his new government.
The parade marked the fourth
anniversary of the overthrow of.
the dictatorial regime of Presi-
dent Ngo Dinh Diem on Nov. 1,
1963, a date the South Vietnamese
now observe as their Independence
Most of the persons at the pa-
lace, including representatives of
22 nations here for the inaugura-
tion, reacted calmly to the shell-
ing, although worried security
agents were quickly on their wal-
kie-talkie radios trying to deter-
mine what had happened.
"I was not alarmed, not at all,"
Humphrey told newsmen.
-Associated Press
Two young Vietnamese, suspected by these U.S. 1st Air Cavalry Division soldiers of being Viet Cong,
were rounded up yesterday near Tam Ky, 350 mil es north-northeast of Saigon. They were captured
during a "First Cav" operation around Tam Ky. The two youthful suspects were later flown to the
division interrogation center for further questioning.
U.S., Common Market Agree
On Nvuclear Weapons Treaty
Allow Local
GM Strikes
To Permit Walkouts
In Plants Scheduling
Too Much Overtime
DETROIT (A') - A top United
Auto Workers official said yester-
day the union will permit strikes
at some General Motors plants ifs
the automaker prepares for a pos-
sible company-wide walkout by
scheduling too much overtime.
UAW Vice President Leonard
Woodcock told newsmen he ad-
vised the company of the union's
plans at a contract bargainingj
meeting requested by the UAW.
Woodcock, who h e a d s . the'
UAW's GM Department, said the
corporation would be informed
when such a local strike would
start and when it would be over.
Stepped Up Schedule
He said the union has evidence
that GM stepped up its assembly
schedule after an agreement was
reached with the strikebound
Ford Motor Co.
A FdAW source said the union
fears that GM could be planning
to stockpile a huge backlog of
1968 cars so it could ride out a
lengthy shutdown if there is a
General Motors has the right
to have employes work overtime,
Woodcock said, "but when one
day of work now can mean two
days of loss in a strike imposed
by the corporation, the union is
not going to sit idly by."
Fight to Death
The main table meeting came
after a GM official in California
was quoted as saying that the
company would not accept some
of the provisions won by the union
in the Ford settlement and that
the two sides could be in a "fight
to the death" over such matters.
E. A. Sullivan, chief of per-
sonnel and labor relations at the
GM assembly plant in Fremont,
Calif., told newsmen last week
that the firm "will go out on the
street before we agree to" two of
the UAW demands-the ratio of
committeemen to hourly wage
workers and the two 12-minute
rest periods.
Justice Department Concedes
Existence of Plan To Split GM
WASHINGTON {P) - The Jus- I these studies for lawyers to draft mobile division in check so they
tice Department conceded yester- complaints. It said such an in- don't grab too much of the
day that it has had in its files for ternal draft "was prepared by an market.
16 months a rough draft of a pro- Antitrust Division lawyer in the If Chevrolet, Pontiac, Buick and
posal that could ask a court to automobile industry study" 16 Cadillac were turned loose, said
order the breakup of the world's months ago. one official, "it could mean real
largest industrial corporation - The Justice Department's ex- bad trouble for Ford, Chrysler and
General Motors. panded statement said that nei- American Motors."
However, department officials ther evaluation nor processing of The department earlier this
described the document as only a its automobile industry study has hedpedtont ainsthGs
sample complaint drawn up as' been completed.yseeking divestiture of its diesel
part of a lengthy investigation of: No Recommendation loooiemnfatrn li
the automobile industry. They "No recommendation concern- locomotive manufacturing diva-
said- there has been .no decision ing possible legal action has been sion. The department said it lack-
whether, if ever, the government made by the assistant attorney ed sufficient evidence to prosecute
will petition the courts to order I general in charge of the antitrust the suit, which it began in 1963.
the breakup of GM. division because the study has not But there are some in the de-
At the White House, press sec- reached such a stage," it said. partment who say there was a
retary George Christian said, in The results of a suit against GM more practical reason-GM could
response to questions, that "no are considered by some as of find no buyers, and it was feared
matter of this kind has ever been questionable merit. GM now is the electromotive division might
brought to the President's atten- said to hold its competing auto- fold if left on its own.
tion." He added: "The President's - -
alleged involvement in it is pure
imagination.p [
The Justice Department state-
ments and the quick White House
comments were reaction to a Wall
Street Journal story that said'
President Johnson is in a dilem-
ma over whether to file a suit
'against GM.
The Journal said Johnson risks
'the enmity of GM's 1.4 million
stockholders and the business
community if he proceeds with
the suit. On the other hand, the
!Journal said, if he suppresses it,
BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -The
United States and the Common
Market countries except France
agreed yesterday on terms of a
treaty to halt the spread of nu-
clear weapons.
Harlan Cleveland, United States
representative to the North Atlan-
tic Treaty Organization, announc-
ed U.S.-Soviet negotiations on the
treaty would resume in Geneva.
The Geneva talks have been
stalled on the terms of inspection
in a treaty designed to prevent ac-
quisition of nuclear weapons by
countries that do not have them.
Removes Obstacle
The agreement reported by At-
lantic Alliance sources removes one
obstacle to the treaty. But the
United States must - now go to
Geneva and try to gain Soviet ac-
ceptance of the principles proposed
by the five members of Euratom-
the European Atomic Energy Com-
United States sources said, "We
have got the green light to resume
negotiations with the U.S.S.R. on
our own responsibility on a no
commitment basis." The sources
said the principles agreed on will
be taken into account during Ge-
neva negotiations and consulta-
tions will continue.
France is also a member of
Euratom, but President Charles de
Gaulle wants no part of the nu-
clear treatyand France has said
it will refuse to sign. De Gaulle
sees the treaty as a symbol of what
he calls "the hegemony of the
Five Countries
The agreement was reached at
the weekly meeting of the NATO
Permanent Council. The five
countries are West Germany, Italy,
Belgium, Holland and Luxem-
Until now, they have objected to
the inspection article in the treaty
that is the only pending article in
the Geneva negotiations.
The Soviet Union has always in-
sisted the International Atomic
Energy Agency-IAEA-in Vienna
should make the inspections to in-
sure that peaceful nuclear plants
do not make or help make nuclear
weapons. The five Euratom coun-
tries want inspection of their nu-
clear plants by Euratom - the
Common Market's atomic energy
West Germany and Italy have
contended that inspection by
IAEA would hamper their peaceful
nuclear development and Moscow
has accused West Germany of op-
posing IAEA inspection in order
to make nuclear bombs.
The five Euratom nations agreed
with the United States in provi-
sions they consider will safeguard
their position.
he zrisks en raging intenlectuais,
trade unionists and his own anti-
trust lawyers.
The Justice Department issued
two statements on the matter-ai
three-sentence statement during
the morning, and later a six-para-
graph expanded statement.
Original Statement
The original statement said,
"the automobile industry has been
under study by the Antitrust Di-
vision for many years. The study
is but one of scores of industry
studies undertaken by the divi-
sion. Many of these studies do not
lead to litigation or even to the}
consideration of litigation."
The statement said it is com-
mon practice during the course of
"Once Upon A Mattress"
NOV. 9, 10, 11
Thursday, Nov. 2
World News Roundup
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court of honor ruled Tuesday that
Foreign Minister Hector Luisi and
former Finance Minister Amilcar
Vasconcellos cannot fight a duel.
But another court of honor still is
considering President Oscar Gesti-
do's proposed duel with Vasconcel-
The president and his foreign
minister both challenged Vascon-
cellos after he attacked them in a
political speech.
Duels are legal in Uruguay, but
a court of honor must decide if
there are sufficient grounds.
igan Gov. George Romney Tuesday
proposed neutralization of Asian
nations involved in the Vietnam
war as an alternative to the Ad-
ministration's policy.
Romney told a news conference
the neutralization plan would "de-
fuse the war." He mentioned as
possible nations to be neutralized
both North and South Vietnam,
Laos, Cambodia and Thailand.
He said he planned another visit
to Vietnam sometime in November.
He said he would not be "misled"
this t i m e by administration
*F* *d
DETROIT-Ford Motor Co. said
ohn arden's
Tuesday it is recalling 745,000
1966 and 1967 model cars for pos-
sible defective steering wheels.
The recalls include 447,000 1967
model Mustangs, and 298,000 Fal-
,ons, Fairlanes and Thunderbirds
produced in 1966 and 1967.
A spokesman said no breakdown
was available on the Falcon, Fair-
lane and Thunderbird models.
Owners of the models affected
will be notified by mail, the com-
pany said, and asked to return
their cars to dealers for inspection
and placement of parts where nec-
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