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October 31, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-31

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Theu Sworn In
As Viet President
Offers To Talk Peace With Hanoi;
Security Tightened Around Capital

SAIGON (P) -Lt. Gen. Nguyen
Van Thieu took the oath of office
last night as the elected presi-
dent of South Vietnam and im-
mediately offered direct peace
talks with Hanoi.
Security precautions were tight-
er than anything seen before in
Saigon. Troops swept the out-
skirts of the city of guard against
any Communist effort to disrupt
the ceremonies.
Thieu, flanked by Vice Presi-
dent-elect Nguyen Cao Ky, who
has largely run the country for
Of Fereney
To Stav On
LANSING ()-Four of the six
Democratic State Central Commit-
tee office staffers who resigned
last week in a dispute with party
leaders have decided to stay on the
job as long as Zolton Ferency re-
mains as party chairman.
One of the six, former director
of party development James Har-
rison, said yesterday the four had
been asked to remain at full pay
by the officers of the State Cen-
tral Committee.
"Some of the officers of the
Democratic State Central Com-
mittee reconsidered their decision
of Oct. 25 and have asked several
members of the Lansing staff to
remain on the job at full pay," he
k Stay With Ferency
"The members of the Lansing
staff who have not as yet found
other employment have agreed to
remain in order to keep John F.
Kennedy House open and to assist
Zolton Ferency as long as he re-
mains as state Democratic chair-
man," Harrison said.
The six resigned last Tuesday
after a near six-hour negotiation
session with top party leaders over
proposed staff reductions.
Staff Reductions
The leadership had proposed
that the Lansing staff be reduced
by one professional staffer and
one secretary and the three-mem-
ber Detroit staff be reduced by
one secretary.
The staff workers and the party
leaders proposed several alterna-
tive plans, some involving across-
the-board pay reductions, but the
staff elected to resign en masse,
effective last Friday.
The staff resignations came in
the wake of a party furor over
statements by Ferency which were
widely interpreted as a call for a
dump Johnson movement.
Several party leaders disasso-
ciated themselves from the chair-
men's statements, saying he did
not speak for all the Michigan

the past two years, began the
ceremonies almost immediately,
upon his arrival.
Thieu pledged to eradicate the
rampant corruption that has
weakened successive South Viet-
namese governments, and out-
lined broad programs of social re-
form, economic austerity and the
strengthening of democratic in-
He devoted most of the brief
speech, however, to a discussion
of peace. And while he said he
would "open the door widely to
peace and leave it open," he equ-
ally emphasized: "A peace that
the weaker party is forced to ac-
cept is a surrender. I am deter-
mined not to accept surrender."
Humphrey Confident
Humphrey expressed confidence
South Vietnam "will persevere in
the face of aggression" and said
he brought "a reaffirmation of
the solemn pledge of American
support for the Vietnamese peo-
ple and their new government."
Humphrey emphasized that he
was here as the personal repre-
sentative of President Johnson
and that he brought the Presi-
dent's renewed pledge of solid!
support for South Vietnam.
Humphrey also had the oppor-
tunity to press to the U.S. deter-
mination for political progress in
private meetings with Thieu and
Ky Monday-after a quick trip
visiting U.S. forces in the field
and inspecting the training cen-
ter for South Vietnamese pacifi-
cation workers.
Maj. Be, a former Communist
battalion commander who came
over to the Saigon government,
told Humphrey that the biggest
problem that the massive, expen-
sive Revolutionary Development
program faces is lack of under-
standing at the provincial and
district levels.
Corruption at these levels "is
hurting our program," Be told
the vice president. The U.S. Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency subsi-
dizes the program, whose special-
ly trained teams try to cater to
the needs of contested villages
and develop loyalty in them to the
Saigon government.
'Free Society'
"What I liked about the state-
ment," Humphrey told newsmen
later, "is that a man can stand
up and say that. This proves it
is a free society. I bet you that
can't be said in North Vietnam
and I know it can't be said in
Communist states."
The ceremony culminates five
elections over the past 14 months,
all bitterly assailed by the Com-
munist National Liberation Front,
the political arm of the Viet Cong.
Technically, the oath taking by
Thieu and Ky will end four years
of frequently chaotic military rule
that began with the overthrow and
death of President Ngo Dinh
Diem in 1963.

UAW Strike
At Chrysler
DETROIT R) - Threat of a
strike in two nations against
Chrysler Corp. was heard yester-
day as United Auto Workers and
Chrysler negotiators in Canada
and the United States pushed talks
} on new contracts.7
Equal pay for workers in other
U.S. and Canadian plants of the
major auto producers is one of the,
major goals announced by the
UAW in this year's contract bar-
gaining. No such action was taken
in the new contract just negotiated
at Ford.
In Windsor, Ont., where all but
about 1,000 of Chrysler's 13,000
Canadian workers are employed,
UAW Canadian head George Burt
said there is a "distinct possibility"
the union would strike ChryslerE
in the U.S. and Canada on Nov. 15.!
The UAW has been negotiatinga
with Chrysler Canada Ltd. since
Aug. 1, Burt said, and a Nov. 15
strike deadline has been set.
The UAW is expected to press
for "the only major thing" they1
didn't win from their No. 1 target!
-equal pay for Canadian and
American workers.
"Canadian wage parity is going
to be a very crucial issue in these'
negotiations. It's a top priority
item," Douglas Fraser, UAW
Chrysler department director, said
after the union decided to take
the contract won from its No. 1
target, Ford Motor Co. to Chrysler
- before going to General Motors.

JERUSALEM (6P) - Israel is
strengthening its cease-fire lines
and intends to retain most of the
Arab lands it won in the six-day
war last June, Prime Minister
Levi Eshkol indicated yesterday.
"Peace is the only solution that
has not yet been tried and the
time has come to try it," Eshkol
said in a speech at theropening
session of the Knesset, or parlia-
ment. But he added that Israelis
will continue to "fortify our secur-
ity so long as the threat against
us continues and we are in dan-
ger of destruction."
At the United Nations, the 10
non-permanent members of the
U.N. Security Council, split be-
tween two proposals, tried yester-
day to agree on a plan the coun-
cil could adopt to send a peace-
maker to the Arabs and Israelis.
Israel informed Secretary-Gen-
eral U Thant yesterday it would

make a special contribution of one
million Israeli pounds-$333,333-
to the U.N. Relief and Works
Agency for Arab refugees in the,
Middle East.
One major difference was over
wording of instructions to the
proposed U.N. special representa-
tive concerning withdrawal of
Israeli troops from captured Arab
A Canadian-Danish draft said
no state in the area should "per-
sist in refusing to withdraw troops
that are on another's territory
against its will."
A resolution submitted by Ar-
gentina, Brazil, Ethiopia, India,
Mali and Nigeria said the Israelis
should withdraw either "to posi-
tions they held on June 4"-the
day before the war began-or
"from all the territories occupied
as a result of the recent con-

-Daily-Glen Haivarson
NGUYEN VAN THIEU officially took office last night as President
of South Vietnam. In his inaugural address he asked for direct
peace talks with Hanoi.
Soviets Dock Two
Earth Satellites


Eshkol Says Israel To Retain
Conquered Arab Territories

Cornell Prof. Shares
Nobel Physics Prize

In Damascus, an army spokes-
man said four Israeli planes vio-
lated Syrian air space and one,
a jet fighter, was downed in a
brief battle with Syrian jets. An
Israeli military spokesman in Tel
Aviv denied that any of his coun-
try's aircraft had flown over
Syria or had been shot down.
Israeli Claims
The Israeli army said Arab in-
filtrators bombed an Israeli farm
building, shot at an army vehicle
and slightly wounded a farm
watchman in separate incidents
during the night in the Baisan
Valley, near the part of Jordan
occupied by Israel. There have
been half a dozen recent sabo-
tage attempts in the valley.
Eshkol said Israel will not per-
mit "the restoration of the situ-
ation prior to June 5th" on Sy-
ria's Golan Heights, from which
Arab gunners looked down on
Israeli farm settlements. "Nor will
the situation in Sinai, the Gulf
of Elath and on the Suez Canal
be restored to what it was," he
Because of the Arabs' refusal
to negotiate peace, he said, "Is-
rael will continue to maintain in
full the situation as it was es-
tablished in the cease-fire agree-
ments and will consolidate her
position in keeping with the vital
needs of her security and de-
Asks UN Caution
Eshkol said there is ample legal
and political justification for Is-
rael's demand that national boun-
daries be determined "within the
framework of peace treaties" with
the Arabs. He said the United
Nations should refrain from any
step that would make negotiations
with the Arabs more difficult.
Peace in the Middle East, he
stated, depends on Israel's ability
to defend itself, non-intervention
of "the powers in the area" on
the side of the Arab belligerents
and the avoidance by the United
Nations of "empty declarations"
that would only strengthen "those
bent on war.''
Eshkol said Arab states are
rebuilding their military with
foreign aid, mostly from the So-
viet Union. For that reason, he
said, Israel is doing everything it
can to obtain all kinds of arms
necessary for its protection.

STOCKHOLM, ()-The Swedish
Academy of Science yesterday
awarded the Nobel Prize in physics'
to Prof. Hans A. Bethe of Cornell
University and the chemistry prize
jointly to Britons George Porter

From Wire Service Reports
MOSCOW - The Soviet Union
announced it launched an earth
satellite yesterday that carried
out an automatic docking pro-
cedure with another satellite sent
up Friday.
Mstislav Keldysh, president of
the Soviet Academy of Sciences,
told a news conference earlier
that the unmanned space satel-
lite launchings were not rehear-
sals for a manned flight.
Speculation had arisen that the
Soviets were planning for a man-
ned flight to help celebrate the
50th anniverstary of the Bolsh-
evik Revolution.
"There will be~ no manned
launchings before the holidays,
Keldysh said. He said the un-
manned space shotsihad "other
objectives," but declined to ela-
borate. News of the automatic
linkup followed.
Keldysh appeared baffled by
reports Soviet Ambassador to
India N.M. Pegov had announced
in New Delhi that a new Soviet
spacecraft would "be launched
shortly" and perhaps land in
"There must be some confusion"
Keldysh said. The scientist said
Pegov was probably referring to
broad United Nations plans for
international cooperation in fu-
ture space landings and not to
any imminent Soviet shot.
It was the first automatic dock-
ing procedure ever carried out al-
though the United States has car-
ried out manned docking experi-
The Tass news agency said
satellite Cosmos 188 was launch-
ed today and made a successful
rendezvous with Cosmos 186,
launched last Friday.
The announcement said the
"rigidly coupled" satellites con-
tinued their joint orbital flight
with all equipment functioning
normally, then separated 31/2
hours later.
The two Sputniks are contin-
uing space exporations, the an-
nouncement added.
A German space expert said
last night the docking of two
Soviet Cosmos satellites would en-
able the Soviet Union to land
a man on the moon one year be-
fore the Americans.
Heinz Kaminski, director of the
Institute for Satellites and Space

Research here, said the maneu
ver meant the Soviets would have
to face lesser risks on manned
journeys to the moon than the
Americans with their Apollo pro-
Kaminski said the two Soviet
satellites would return to earth
and that the docking was th
beginning of an experimented
phase including construction of
an orbiting space laboratory and
a starting platform for flights to
the moon. The platform would be
manned, a n d crew members
would be taken back to earth b:
space bus in regular intervals, he


Uruguay Pres
Minister To F
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (A') -
Gen. Oscar Gestido took leave
from his office as president of
Uruguary yesterday so he can
fight a duel with his former fi-
nance minister.
Gestido and Foreign Minister
Hector Luisi challenged Sen. Am-
ilcar Vasconcellos Saturday to
separate duels because of a po-
litical dispute. Vasconcellos was
Gestido's finance minister until
his resignation Oct. 9.
Duels are legal in this South
American republic of 2.6 million
persons. The law requires the
president to leave his office before
engaging in a challenge to duel.
Gestido, a 65-yar-old retired
Air Force general, took an indefi-
nite leave of absence.
Vice President Jorge Pacheco
Areco took over as acting chief
Gestido is expected to be away
for just a few days, while the
challenges are being processed.
Chances of whether the duels
will be held are unclear.
The seconds met Sunday and
again yesterday and are expected
to appoint two courts of honor.
Each court will decide whether
there is ground for the duels.
If the duels are held, Vascqn-
cellos, a burly man of 47, would
meet Gestido first and Luisi later.
Gestido and Luisi, as the offend-
ed parties, would have choice of

The union did not press that de -and Ronald George Wreyfordt
Norrish and German Manfredr
mand at Ford, Reuther said be-,'Eigen.
cause Ford of Canada is not a Bethe was awarded the prize ini
wholly owned subsidiary of its physics for his contributions to the
parent company as are Chrysler theory of nuclear reactions and es-t
and GM of Canada. And, he added, pecialy his discovery concerningt
the union's Canadian contract at the energy production in stars.
Ford does not expire until Dec. 1. His deep theoretical structure of
The UAW contract at Chrysler's conclusions in this field "constitute
Canadian firm runs out Nov. 15. a vision bearing the mark of at
o ahigh scientific exploit, the im-
Union and company bargaining portance of which. later develop-
team return to subcommittee metaeol evdt ne-
meetings today at Chrysler in De- ments have only served to unde -
troit. Both sides said some prog- Bethe contributed to the de-
ress has been made since negotia- velopment of the first atomic
tions resumed Saturday. bombs as director of the section
for theoretical physics at Los Ala- i
p mos from 1943 to 1946.
ident, Former Asked ControlsI
Bethe has campaigned vigor-t
-1 "I ously for international control ofe
(1 ht in D uel atomic weapons and played an=
Important role to open fresh nego-
tiations leading to the signing of
Vasconcellos, in accepting the the nuclear test ban treaty in
challenges Sunday, told newsmen, 1963.
"I never shrink away from a Bethe responded to newsmen's
duel." questions in the calm, measured
Uruguayan presidents have en- tones which, his students say,
gaged in duels since dueling be- mark his classroom delivery.
came legal in 1909. In the last "Is nuclear destruction the even-
presidential duel the late Presi- tual fate of man?" someone asked.
dent Luis Battle Berres and his "I'm encouraged by the fact
defense minister, Gen. Juan Ri- we're still here," Bethe replied
bas, fought with sabres 10 years with a smile.
ago. Both suffered injuries. He reached the Cornell campus
Vasconcellos and four other in 1935 via Cambridge University
ministers resigned three weeks in England, where he spent two
ago in disagreement with the years after leaving Hitler's Ger-
suspension of constitutional guar- many in 1933.
tees ordered by Gestido to quell When Hitler rose to power,
labor unrest. The guarantees were Bethe was dismissed from the
restored two weeks later. faculty of the University of Tub-
Gestido, in an address last Ingent, where he was an assistant
week, blamed Vasconcellos for professor of physics.
much of Uruguay's economic He was one of many scientists
troubles. Vasconcellos hit back who fled Germany amid the rise
with a sharp criticism of Gestido. of Nazism. Among the others was
He said Gestido's address was an the late Albert Einstein, whose
"unfair political insult." Vascon- theories laid the ground work for
cellos described Luisi as a "pup- America's development of nuclear
pet" of the president. weapons.
These remarks triggered the The British-German trio was
challanges. awarded the prize for "their studies
Observers said the challanges of extremely fast chemical reac-
will delay patching up the Cabi- tions, effected by disturbing the
net and settling the political and equilibrium by means of very short
economic problems facing Gest- pulses of energy," the academy's
ido's seven-month-old adminis- citation said.
tration. In London, Porter said: "It's
Vasconcellos belongs to Gesti- very nice to get the Nobel Prize-
do's ruling Colorado party, a I would have thought I'd have to
middle-road group ridden by do much more."
factional disputes. "We've broken it down now to

something in the region of 100th
of one millionth of a second. It's
like a flashlight photograph. We
freeze the change and are able to
study the intermediate stage."
Norrish and Porter began work
together in 1949 and have experi-
mented separately since 1955, lar-
gely on reactions involving chlor-
ine and other gasses,
Beginning in 1953, Eigen has stu-
died "the rate of formation of hy-
drogen ions by dissociation of water'
or of acids," the academy said.
It was Germany's 22nd Nobel
chemistry prize. Britain has 17 and
the United States 15.
The scientific and literary Nobel
prizes are customarily distributed
by the King of Sweden in Stock-
holm Dec. 10, anniversary of the
day Nobel died.
This year's prize for literature
went to Miguel Angel Asturias,
Guatemalan novelist-diplomat, for
novels about the poor in his coun-
try. Three medical researchers
shared the prize for physiology or
medicine-Haldan Keffer Hartline
of New York, George Wald of
Cambridge, Mass., and Ragnar
Granit of Sweden.

Opposing Classified Research
Rally Noon Today-Diag
Meeting Tonight 8 P.M.... Rm. 3-RS
in the Union



World News, Roundup

By The Associated Press
TOKYO-The Viet Cong's high-
est representative in North Viet-
nam yesterday ruled out the pos-
sibility that a coalition govern-
ment could be set up by the South
Vietnamese government and the
National Liberation Front, the Viet
Cong's political arm, Hanoi radio
The brodacast said the state-
ment was made by Nguyen Van
Tien, chief of the front mission in
Hanoi in an interview with a cor-
respondent of Akahata, organ of
the Japan Communist party.
MOSCOW - The Soviet Union
rejected yesterday as "unreal" any
revival now of the Geneva con-
fernce to bring peace in Vietnam.
In a letter, Premier Alexei N.
Kosygin also said any conference
without the participation of the
North Vietnamese government and
the Viet Cong's National Libera-
tion Front-NFL-and while U.S.
air raids continue, "cannot open
prospects for ending the Vietnam-
ese conflict."
The letter said the North Viet-
namese and NLF positions on end-
ing the conflict are "reasonable
and acceptable," according to a
summary by Tass of Kosygin's let-
* * *
LONDON - Brian Jones, 25-
year-old guitarist of the Rolling
Stones pop group, pleaded guilty
yesterday to drug charges and was
sentenced by a London court to
nine months imprisonment. He
was denied bail pending an appeal.

Jones pealed guilty to having
enough marijuana in his apart-
ment to make between 7 and 10
cigarettes and of permitting his
apartment to be used for the pur-
pose of smoking the drug.
Jones denied that the marijuana
found in his apartment was his
but admitted it was technically in
his possession since it was found
in his home. He said the drug had
been brought there by friends.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala-Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. and three of his
aides were arrested as they stepped
from an airplane yesterday and
were taken to jail to spend five
days behind bars for contempt of
court. In a surprise move, sheriff's
deputies f o Il e d demonstrators
gathered in front of the Birming-
ham jail and took King and his
colleagues to the county's jail in
Sheriff Mel Bailey said this step
was taken because of the pickets.
He said it was safer to take the
four men into the Bessemer jail,
but they might be moved.
King and three other ministers
are under contempt charges stem-
ming from a 1963 racial demon-
stration here.
* * *
GULFPORT, Miss.-Two torna-
does slashed inland off the Gulf
of Mexico into Mississippi's coastal
tourist area yesterday, killing
three people and injuring scores.
Police feared other victims may
be bruied in the rubble of at least
25 wrecked homes.
Mayor R. B. Meadows estimated
damage at 15 million dollars.





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