Seventy-Sixth Year DITED A1D'v'MANAGED BY STVDENTS OF. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHGAN IDER AUTIjORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Student Power: 'Commissioned' to Death? . -.-. re OpintosAreFree,420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 ditoriafi +rrtedin The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers orthe editors. This must be noted in all reprints. s SDAY. JULY'18, 1987 NIGHT EDITOR: MARK LEVIN university: us&dYour IM ard T S FASHIONABLE these days to :porti-ay 'the -major ."university as a areaucratic7 government"- dominated; iperspnalized tookof the Amer can iddle-class, establishinent. Accdrding' to Paul Goddnan "stu- ents are the major exploited class . in the,.United Stateg."Mario Savio ils, us. oit he. "depersonalized unre-, )onsive ,bureaucracy," .,where: i is egjg ulyt etwt any- ae but secretaries." Others say "the multiversity Is not z eCftcation centeirbut a bighty effi- edt industry; it odu, m ijes, a few token 'peaceful' ma- lines and enormous numbers of safe, ghly skilled and respectable auto- atons to meet ih ihimediate needs busines tand g7ennriit. Although these charges all have a sls to fact;;the school .neednf't vi - nize you. For there are many stu- rinodhand Poundc way' to enj oy ,warding and productive lives at the argument voiced by the House Un- American Activities Committee-naive students will be duped into Commun- ism by mere exposure to it. But students aren't as gullible as all that. Not only do many make the school work for themselves, some have even discovered ways of using the system to subvert itself. For example, one group of graduate students here is actively engaged in a research project to study the interlocking directorates of major American corporate execu- tives. The study will be done via com- puter with programs written from of- ficial records. Similarly, students have used official University-sanctioned student organi- zations in their own interests. For ex- ample, a Daily story several years ago about a dean of women who was not- ifying parents of students dating in- terracially prompted the dean's resig- nation. By STEPHEN FIRSHEIN "Which will we have: Conces- sions or riots?" So asked a Daily editorial on the eve of last year's student power movement, when it seemed that the "immovable object," as personified by Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard Cutler's sweeping and arbitrary decisions, would meet head-on with the "irresistable force," manifested by a new-found concern among stu- dents about their rightful place in the Megaversity of Michigan. As it turned out, there were no Berkeley-type riots, but only con- fusing mass meetings of suddenly activated students and a massive, orderly, lunch-in at the Adminis- tration Bldg. Likewise, there were -no meaningful concessions by the administration, but only the placebo of Presidential Commis- sions instituted to mull over the ambiguous and interlocking roles of students, administrators and faculty. During those troubled months of November-December 1966, ad- ministrators were conjuring up images of free-love in the UGLI, degeneration of law and order on campus, student-backlash among the tax-paying voters and the big-clamp-down by state officials a la Reagan. On the other side of the ledger, students were plain- ly tired of the multi-farious and almost nefarious methods by which the administration had abused its students: the HUAC subpoena compliance, cops on campus, the sit-it ban, the disre- gard for the draft referendum, overcrowded classrooms, etc. The movement was born of these frus- trations, and if it failed to ap- preciably solve any of them, at least it aired the problem for the first time. THE CRY WAS "student pow- er" and predictably, like its spir- itual predecessor, "Black power;" it was hard to pin down dnd de- fine. Critics, including many stu- dents, scoffed at the term, noting that five years ago, prior to the Reed Report on student affairs. nobody would have questioned the basic set-up of a state university which owed its financial lifeblood to the grace of legislators in the state capital. At the same, time, the more dissatisfied students were advo- cating grinding the wheels of the University to a halt until their demands were met: remove the police from campus, abolish the OSA-enforced conduct codes on student conduct, remove substan- tial authority from Vice-President Cutler, stop submitting class ranks to the Selective Service, provide guarantees that no secret war or defense research would be carried out by the University, transfer ' major policy decisions from the administration to the faculty and students. Somewhere between these ex- tremes fell the vast body of tag- along protesters, With whose presence, an incident was magni- fied into a movement. But be- cause the following was so diverse and efforts had to be directed to- ward simply keeping the masses together, there was never an am- ple opportunity for a coherent platform to be constructed and the shaky issues of a sit-in ban and a draft referendum became paramount. These issues were uppermost in everybody's mind because the ban had been recently proclaimed; and the draft referendum had been but a week before the beginnings of the movement. So these were what the move- ment hinged on, and in retro- spect, these were probably the least important issues for a con- frontation. Admittedly they were symbolic of a larger malaise, but student leaders never had an op- portunity to elucidate the vital part of the iceberg under the sur- face, because the movement soon fell apart with the birth of the Hatcher commissions. SIX l1 ONTIS later, draft rank- ing is a dead issue, because every- body will be deferred under the new guidelines accepted by Wash- ington: and the sit-in ban was merely suspended with no attend- ant improvement in the relation- ship between students and admin- istrators - the distrust still re- mains. But it became obvious to even the most obtuse administrator that the ban was unwise at best; only a few activists would ever use the prerogative, and they could be dealt with at each in- stance instead of by a rstrictive provision which angered the mel- low middle; people who would not ordinarily even think of sitting in, yet who want the opportunity to remain. Similar to the right to march in a picket line in ordi- nary civic affairs-not many peo- ple do it, but the right must be preserved. When the Presidential Commis- sions were first established, few looked ahead to the impending appointment of a new University presideht to succeed the retiring Hatcher. In this light, an addi- tional question rears its head: Not only what will the commission de- cide, but also to whom will the findings be released? Aside from the ingrained skepticism of a student body which has seen numerous reports ignored by the administratioi, is the matter of reception by the administration (i.e. under which president will the report have the best chances for implementation?) Opinion seems to be about evenly split on,this matter. One group feels that the burden will be on,.Hatcher to make good on the findings of his duly author- ized commissions in, the twilight tours of his tenure. It is further argued that Fleming will not feel bound by a report with which. he had nothing to, do and will there- fore set up his own study group to weigh the pros and coris on the student role in the University. CONVERSELY, T H E R E are. those whop have given up on Hatcher, and look to Fleming as the better hope. They note. his, generally favorable record in dealings with the student body at the University of Wisconsin, and his professed belief in the right to dissent. He 'would be more amenable, they ra'rgue, to any ,'eal reform in the student-adminis- tration duopoly. Finally, there exists ia, segment of ultra-skeptics, who regard neither Hatcher nor Fleming as a vital determinate, but who look over their heads to a. gen'erally unenlightened assembly of oldish businessmen with considerable fi- nancial interests around the state -namely the Board of Regents, With the present political 'bl'eak- down of the board'- overwhelm- ingly Republican and donservative --there isn't going to be any re- form it is contended - whatever the wishes of novice' 'leming or Hatcher. And they are prQbably right'. for to a great extent, tlhe students and the Regents workat cross- purposes: the students w a n t greater emphasis obi classroom teaching, but Regents are inter- ested in securing ioney grants from the federal government and private foundations; the students want to exert pressure on .the . high-priced, low quality" city businesses: the Regents are busi- nessmen themselves whio'deaf with the city and don't want; toantag- onize its civic leaders; the, stu- dents desire to control their own conduct; the Regents are afraid of adverse reaction amoig the state's voters when the next'lec- tion for Regents. comes along. This is the crux of the matter,: and the a.little discouraging. At the present -time, the Regents and the .administra- tion run the show, and the Estu- dents are at their mercy, at -least until the release of e student decision-making 'rpz ±next se- mester. With this state df 'lff irs, though, it would not be surpris- ing if there were a enewa o rothe now historical student,, power movement. Youth and the War: Looking Beyond the Classroom nultiversity. /The stggiqYwho.will -'SIMILARLY THE paper recently un- ecognize and' tap th'e xttardilar'Y covered and printed a confidential oureos, of' majoruiiflversity -an.. Defense Department equal - employ- °uriyh,"ath stederitshaV learned ment study charging that the school iw to exploit-the,, esool and--carve was "basically for rich white students." kit meaning is curicular and extra-, - Students have also learned how to urricular Byes for themselves combat aggressively other respects of the University establishment. One is kDMITTEDLY there is some validity a steadfast school refusal to build a to the view of the multiversity as bookstore that would compete with the government dominated dictatorship "list price" commercial bookstores in uled from the administration build- Ann.Arbor. As a result a professor of ng. It is not hard to see how one can nuclear -engineering and a group of row to believe he is trapped into a hardworking students opened up Stu- ystem where education is the opiate dent Book Service which sells texts at f the student, who is only being a 10 per cent discount. Similarly stu- roomed for a slot at Dow Chemical dent 'demands for an 8-month rental vhere he will build a better napalm. agreement, without a premium pay- Still the multiversity can work for ment have finally been honored at one .he student willing to bend his IBW major apartment house. ard. For a university bureaucracy y' upriingy vlneabl to ntepr~in~" Sme "student efforts are paying off uprisingly vulnerable to enterprisirgin the academic area. After repeated tudents. In fact, any student willing student urging the school has.begun o extend himself can walk alloverr gs he clumsy university establishmentbuilding' the 1,200-man Residential y College. Students. have helped to de- zany bright and confident s d0hts' velop the curriculum for the Oxford- nake bigness work in their on 'in- style unit which will emphasize semi- rests acadeiars and regularculty ctac n Getting around the aaeired ."as .a prototype for. all ,future under-, ape is not that difficult. Abou'theg td, only prerequisites needed. are a~bi~t graduate education, the venture; Is lur-' etrerminatin and illinness tre an ing some teachers formerly preoccu- letermination and willingnesstotan- pied with graduate instruction into do- le, with the multiversity establish- ing more undergraduate teaching. The rent. Instead of listening to' acadeic -l ni d p -, ounselors, many students have learn- gchoo h lso and a passal grading 'system and is ,liberalizing d how to scout around and find the course and distribution requirements est courses on their own. After all, torelfeve some of the Academic heat. Le numerical' prospects for stimulat- «g instruction are reasonable when a There, are those who argue that tudent can choose among 3,000 teach- given the conflicting ,interests of stu- rs offering thousands of courses. dents,faculty, administrators and Re- Then one accidentally falls into the gents; the big university can never gong course the solution. is to trans- really work, Even if some students can er out into a better course. flurish in the environment the major Faculty attention is often a function school itself is doomed. f student initiative. Even in those readful 600-student introductory lec- PINY STUDENTS Who accept this ires; instructors are surprisingly argument have, ironically, fallen vailable for conference. They are us- nto their own trap. They have dropped ally willIng to talk as long as yu'their activist efforts to rock the sys- illing to listen. .tera,.And become totally alienated. Singe "school is hopeless,"-they turn to HERE ARE other solutions to the ock "'roll bands, drugs, film-mak- academic deficiencies at the multi- ing bartending, postal work or other ersity. Many students take independ- :pursuits. Instead of trying to change rat-study courses, which amount to the multiversity system, they end up and pro- Joining the passive ranks and giving itorials, where the student tandulieritprgeo-mr romt sssor work out the curriculum jointly. he multiversity 'ogre" more roomto here are also independent reading perpetuate itself. nurses. But it's too early to be so pessimistic. 'Sti the critics argue that it makes or ere is plentyof room in the ma- i di erencee.ow good the glasses are jor university for the student willing to' ,they're s11 plugged into the system "grapple with it.'And -the hope is that ,udents re mere programs to be the innovations rebellious students are ioved into 'the computer. fxow prompting will lead to humaniz- Ting litik'n is leattinghowever, I te big university into a place beause It assumes students are naive, where any student would feel welcome. By DAVID KNOKE About a year and a half ago, the Selective Service System, with the remarkable inefficiency that is the province of all unwieldy bur- eaucracies, overlooked some quar- ter-million youths in the draft pool whose status was tied up in the red tape of reprocessing. At the same time, draft calls for Vietnam began to double and triple to meet the giant build-up of manpower to wage what was openly coming to be called by proponents and foes alike the "dirtly little war." At the timetDirector of Selec- tive Service Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey began to drop largely un- veiled hints that college students were to be taken, starting with those ranking lowest in their classes. Dormitory and coffee, shop talk across the nation grew rife, with the low-down on IV-F de- ferments, emigration routes to Canada or ways to enlist as a quartermaster in Greenland. Fortunately for the worried male who couldn't see beyond th 'nearest foxhole, the~'SSS found the quarter million "lost" draftables, the call-ups leveled off and, this past spring. Congress extended the draft law four years and did some, tinkering with its rules that takes the pressure off the college student. The draft, however, is not only the way in which the war in Viet- nam - still "dirty" but no longer' "littlle" - has become as fixed a part of the collegians' life as bluebooks and TG's. One of the provisions in the re- vised draft law assures that any student in "good standing" with his school would not be subject to the draft until he haa either been in school five years or turned 24. Along with the abolition of class rank, this reform promises to ease the pressure. to attend an easy school or take Mickey Mouse courses'. However, the student is faced with the inevitable fact that, should he drop out for a year or attain his first degree (unless medical or dental school lies a- head) , the draft and undoubtedly the war will still be patiently waiting him. The problem of' what to do may be postponed, but not= avoided, FOR SOME STUDENTS, the solution is to' enter one 'of the several ROTC 'programs offered- in most large campuses and enlist upon graduation as a second liu- tenant. Although the pay , and prestige is attractive, the alterna- tive has its drawback in the fact that junior grade officers rank a- mong the highest battlefield casu- alties in Vietnam. Other students have begun in- vestigating their nervous ticks or' painful joints to see if the ail- ments qualify among some 200 ills acceptable tor, medical unaccept ability. Pulling homosexua.l- or dope-addict bit may sound in the. bull-session like a surefire dodge- but it can also irrevocably settle- one's future. Ditto going to Can- ada as a "landed emigrant." Protesting and working against the war have become. respectable with the fighting in Vietnam. Al- though the Army seldom takes' hard-core leftists, merepeaition.: signers and placard'"wavers are likely to find their action not making one dent in' the President's war policies. And 'while i'egister- ing as' a 'conscientious objector' is the perogative of' anyone, convin- cing the local draft board of one's' sincerity is another' matter. Isolated for four years or more in the figurative ivory tower of campus life, the student may not, come intos direct realization of the many other ways that the war' has become one of the crucial de-. cision-makers in his lif&' The very qualit of the educationhe ,re. ceives is to a great extent influen- ced by the drop in Federal re- search funds which have become diverted away. from, ,the campus and into the war machine. The classic example is the $375 miilion atoinic accelerator at Wes-. ton, .111., which was "'to take. six years 'to build and to boost the, level of': excellence in physical sciences for the Midwest;-"the time when Congress can vote the nec- Cessary funds is unfbriseeable. BEYOND THE CAMPUS, but still related to students' aspii'a- tions, is the gradual attrition of many of the great programs that were to remake ,America into the Great Society, but for the funds that cannot be spared. Cojigress also has not' seen fit 'to make the Peace Coirps, VIS'T4A, Job' Coips and' other service organizations a alternatives to, military servce. ' Indeed, students are inclined to somewhat romantically consider themselves, as Paul Goodman put it, "one of thesnation's discrimin- ated, minorities."' Nevertheless, the fact remains that -the collegesstu- dent, during his collegiate days, still has many of the advantages and bears little of 'the burden of facing directly to the issues the War has created --at least far less of a 'burden' than that foisted on his "hon-college' attending peers The Advent of the Domesticated Hippy By CHARLOTTE A. WOLTER Associate Editorial Director, 1966-67 NOW THAT TIME magazine has dicussed hippies aa length, you may all throw this article (or the whole paper if you. like) into the wastebasket. But wait! There is one great pressing un- decided problem of the twentieth century which Time has neg- lected: who are the real hippies? Now, you may not really give a damn, but this could be impor- tant, especially if you want to be- come one yourself some day. ABOVE ALL you should remem- ber that, with all due respects to President Hatcher and any un- fortunate successor to his posi- tion, hippies really run the Uni- versity. Didn't know that, huh? Oh yes, it's -true. It's been this way for about six months, now, ever since the president of the student body began making un- derground movies. That wouldn't have been so hard to take had not the UAC (Uniyersity Activities Center), the hoppla capitol of the campus, began to show them, along with sponsoring happenings, love-ins, psychedelic dances and the like. But you may tire quickly of these "weekend hippies" (there's one type for you already) and want to get, down to the nitty gritty, hard-core types. In that case, you will have no trouble finding your true hippy savior among the multitudes of types and degrees of hippy. WHICH BRINGS us to the first type: the love ones. These are the people who do everything in the name of love of their fellow man, which is not such a bad idea really. In fact, this reliance on love does work. Consider the be- havior of the cops at the Mon- terey Pop Music Festival. They were literally loved to death- course, but the idea is that every- one shares. BUT AFTER Hashbury -what? By now you are probably more: than a 'little tired of the. com- mercia-lism, the pot, -the under- ground movies and the psyche- delic dances and wish for' a little' peace and quiet. You have rdb- ably also flunked out of the-Uni- 'Versity, but don't. let jt worry you. The solution is as near as the Michigan countryside. You can buy yourself a farm with a large group of other hip- pies and go away to live without the trammels of civilization on a hippy farm. There you can spend the rest of your life truck farm- ing to make money and, get food. You might even= get married or some other arrangement and have lots, of hippy children to show about lovingly. Hippies do love chlidren. Actually, after. Hashbury and , the rest of the show, this may be the most appealing part of being a hippy. At any rate you will have lots of free time because truck farmers do pretty well, so; you can read the, I 'Ching which you haven't touched in some time. EVENTUALLY civilization may call you back as an advertising executive because you -.were so good at making up p'sychedelic posters at one time, apd they have become the new wave in ad- vertising. Or you might .become a magnate in the musicaindustry because you were lucky enough to pick out the band whih really made it big. Well, best of luck to you, and I'll see your kids back at the farm in about twenty years. But you protestf No, that's not the way it's supposed to happen. The hippies are supposerl to go on being the true hippies, the only real thing, the only truly gentle people in this country, Perhaps. But you will remember ,that we -- - +n f4- .ck rn + ..rn Psychedelic music drugs the crowd into ecs tasy at the traditional Sunday Love-in. dy apd willing to be duped into the terialistic American way by the versity establishment. It's the same -ROGIER RAPOPORT 'Editor however, is also fraught with danger. Pot is illegal, you see, and they put you in jail for smoking it. Nevertheless, smoking pot is rather important if you want to be a hippy. And, if you really want to get the love thing, according to Leary and other swamis, you have to take LSD. LSD we are told is a serious thing, and it probably is if you are inclined to 'be neurotic (aren't we all). But LSD, they say, releases your brain so that you can really communicate with each other and love each other. Well, you've read Time and you know the arguments so decide for yourself. "But, officer, I really didn't know it was .. psychedelic stuff, the rest of pop music is pretty good and works just as well'. The whole idea of listening to' music is that you communicate with the artist while he performs: You may even dance in the aisles; as a matter of fact. it's almost required. You may not. particularly wish to communicate with Mick Jagger right now, but give the guy a chance. ANOTHER EASY way to be- come a hippy is to become a poor, oriental philosopher. Essentially what this means is that you go on a "macrobiotic diet" consisting mostly of brown rice and boiled cabbage leaves, with some saki when you poor philosophers can afford it. Then, having been put in a contemplative mood by the brown rice. you begin to read the right? This entrance into hippi- don has its merits, mostly the en- joyment of long hours.of contem- plation and listening to Buddhist music. You can starve to death too, but, then, nothing is perfect. BY THIS TIME you are almost fully initiated into the ways of the hippy, but one more test must be passed. You must make the great pilgrimage to Hashbury in San Francisco to 'live on the street without money or food or clean clothes to really understand what it is like to be a hippy. You will, of course imagine that all of California is a warm happy paradise, forgetting that the San Francisco summers are cold and wet. So before you die of pneu- monia, you will pick up some free nAnthp.- frm the n rs, stretma ,: t Ertl wlily is rtirember.of'the "Associated Press and' ate Pr'ess Service.. ription"rate $4.* enriester by carrier ($5 by- 8 for two semesters by carrier ($9 by mail). hedt"A' 420 fMfyard St Ann Arbor. Mich. Editorial Staff ROGER RAPOPORT, Editor MEREDITH EIKER, Managing Editor