mmm HUMPHREY MEETS THE 'BOGEYMAN' See editorial page C, r d~ir .A6F 471 CLOUDY AND COOL High-62 Low-45 Chances of Occasional Showers 4 Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL LXXVIII, No. 41 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1967 SEVEN CENTS 'U':inThailand: hampions of the EDITORS NOT: This is the first fa a four- connaissance techniques that make it pos- tional by industry and are used in Viet- ! This spring the University took a " The University recently completed * The en on military research at the University. sible for the U.S. military to pinpoint the nam, according to scientists here. classified contract from the Army Bal- a $28,625 classified project on "Surrepti- a classifiedc By ROGER RAPOPORT venemyat night, or through partial foil- Military research here will see further listic Missile Agency to do research for tious Monitoring" for the Army Elec- for 10 Army ER age cover. applications in Vietnam. The University's the Strat-X project, which is developing tronics Command. University scientists This summe "What the defense department does Willow Run Laboratories has made developments in remote sensing will al- a new Intercontinental Ballistic Missile "looked at all available techniques for classified con basic developments on a radar system most certainly be applied to the new for the 1970's. monitoring at a distance." The project well as an u with our work is their business, we just that can see sideways (eliminating the electronic barrier in Vietnam, officials " The University has begun opera- was continued this fall for another year tary operati go ahead and develop more technology," need to fly directly over enemy territory say tion of a $4.3 million infrared observa- with a $51,000 grant and University help "engine says Willis E. Groves, head of Project for suryeillance). President Harlan Hatcher's latest an- tory in Hawaii to track Intercontinental scientists on campus will now concen- decision mak s $MICHIGAN, the largest of the Univer nua report on the University points out, Ballistic Missiles and Satellites. trate on optical monitoring methods. generation w sity's $21.5 million worth of research ~~:~~~ "the importance to7 national defense of ! Universi contracts with the U.S. Department of some of the present and past research and conduct Defense. About $9.7 million are classified programs of the Willow Run staff, es- -nt confere and the remaining $11.8 million goes for anpecially in reconnaissance and surveil- Reac nr unclassified projects lance technology, was brought into mer. Willow Groves and over 900 other University sharper focus by the situation in Viet-W to conduct1 professors, researchers, technicians and 1nam, where allied forces rely heavily meeting of students working on defense department upon aerial surveillance for military in- Advisory Cou projects have done their job well. Dubbed telligence." Adsium in by the Army, the "free leader in (com- cBut much like the car designer who under def ens bat) surveillance," the University is third finishes his work on the 1970 models in d only to Stanford and Massachusetts In- 13 1967, the University's military research- h stitute of Technology in total defense es are hard at work on the military new projects department research funding. technology of the 1970's and beyond. insurgency eft Consider these examples: lnd.rTe p Of the $9.7 million worth of classified land. The p military research projects, around $9 Ty betweenthe million goes for about 35 classified pro- MILITARY RESEARCH midst of a $1 million classified counter- vanced Rsear Insurgency project in Thailand, Under an4te oy jects at the Willow Run Laboratories in AT MICHIGAN .nugny.rjc:mTalnd ne and the Roya ecsathWilwRnLbrtreinA IH ANdefense department sponsorship Univer- The pojec Ypsilanti, an integral part of the Uni- ' sity scientists have helped build a "Joint expected to ru versity. Virtually all the remaining $700,..Tal- ..Ara eonisneBcuet 000 in classified work is done on 14 pro- Other key military work is done at Laboary" withSte royal e ai manry pecne inea jects at the electrical engineering de- Cooley Labs and the Radiation Labors- in Bangkok. Official oyathe aomirtary naturen in a partment's Cooley Electronics Labora- loryj The head of Cooley, Thomas W. is the heart of fasi roais- natural place tory and Radiation Laboratory on cam- Butler, says his unit serves as the "tech- r--to go with a sance program" to help the Thais "find reconnaissanc PUS. nical right arm" of the Army Electronics clandestine Communist guerrilla actin- £ "We know The University's technological devel- Command at Fort Monmouth, N.J. ty" In addition to working with the courtesyWillow Run Labs-IST systems to de opments are basic to the nation's current At Cooley scientists have pioneered Thais in Thailand, University scientists TWO ROYAL THAI AIR FORCE men learn techniques of aerial infrared to interpret military effortin Vietnam. At Willow sophisticated means of jamming enemy have been training "twenty to thirty" surveillance from Willow Run Labs personnel. The picture was taken inside watch fpr," s Run the dominant unit in, the Institute radar, increasing radarcapability, and Thai military men in reconaissance tech- a U.S. Air Force C-47, the military version of the DC-3, which has been the infrared of Science and Technology, University improving communications. M any of niques both at the University and in converted into a flying laboratory for use on the project. This picture was low Run. wh( scientists have pioneered infrared re these techniques have been made opera- Thailand. taken at a research site in Thailand. A 7- Y1 A Y' T 71 F 1 1 Cti7T7~'i w71tW [" 111,- ,t _.. EIGHT PAGES East .gineering school conducted course in electronic warfare officers on campus last fall. r the school conducted a ference course in radar as nclassified course in "mili- ons research" designed to ers, operating managers and ers ... in planning for next- eapons systems." ty scientists helped plan a classified defense depart- nce on "Counter-insurgency d Development," this sum- Run scientists also continue the semi-annual classified the Anti-Missile Research incil and a classified sym- dvanced radar techniques e department sponsorship. Thailand e most intriguing of these is the $1 million counter- fort now going on in Thai- roject is a joint venture defense, department's Ad- ch Projects Agency (ARPA) I Thai Military. t started last year and is Ln into 1969. eo University has. long ex- erial surveillance, it was a for the defense department $1 million contract for a e laboratory. what parts to order, what sign, how to build it, how information and what to ays George Zissis, head of physics laboratory at Wil- o worked with the project. See 'U', Page 8 4 ALADY) AUL1IED Bx SME1: IHA Lets Houses Make Own Rules for Conduct By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN and MARCY ABRAMSON Inter-House Assembly last nigh voted 25 to 4 to give individual housing units authority to make all of their own personal conduct rules after freshman women in two houses recently abolished hours restrictions. This is the first time that freshman women in the University have eliminated hours. In Blagdon House, Markley, 55 of 61 freshman women have peti- tioned to end hours. In Huni House, South Quad, 26 of 32 fresh- man women have signed a similai petition. Parental permission is still required for all women under 21 years of age. SGC granted power to make all personal conduct rules to, IHA except those governing freshman women's hours last month. Last Thursday SGC clarified that they considered: "the right of fresh- man women in individual resi- dences to make their own hours," not IHA. SOC President Bruce Kahn, '68, told IHA house presidents at the meeting, "You are pretty much free to go back to your houses and make the policies you want." "Out of Business" Steve Brown, '69, president of IHA, said that, with the passage Df the resolution. IHA will be able to turn its attention 'to serving the students in social, academic and cultural areas. Brown said that he was "out of the rules making business." He expressed the hope that IHA was too. Before passage of the IHA reso- lution last night, Director of Uni- versity Housing John Feldkamp told IHA, "As far as we're con- cerned, there is only one set of rules-those formed by the ad- ministration." According to Feldkamp, Univer- sity housing rules remain in ef- fect until they are officially changed. The Board of Governors of the Residence Halls will con- sider abolition of freshman wo- men's hours at their meeting at the request of freshman women in the Residential College. The Board's recommendation will go to Vice-President for Student Af- fairs Richard Cutler, who has fi- nal authority. "Not Important" Feldkamp said freshman wo- men's hours are not very import- halls staff will not "fine or re- strict the behavior of students." Feldkamp said staff will "counsel" students who break University reg- ulations. If students consistently and seri- ously violate rules, Feldkamp said, their respective school or college. has the power to determine wheth- er they should continue to live in University housing and continue studies at the University. Disciplinary Expulsion Assistant Dean James Shaw of the literary college have indi- cated that decisions on expulsion from the literary college will prob- ably be deferred until the Presi- dent's Commission, on Decision- making reports. Feldkamp noted that in the past only causes for a disciplinary ex- pulsion from the University was the practice of racial discrimination or the possession of an incomplete account with the University. Ruth Gould, '70, Blagdon House President, suggested that houses amend their constitutions so that all personal conduct cases are brought by other means under the Juridction of the house judiciary. Students who have broken Uni- versity regulations not passed by students will be acquitted by their house judiciarie. Feldkamp has said, "Once a student has been brought before a judiciary we have no interest in him," In other action, IHA empower- ed its executive board to request the Board of Governors to add three more student members. The Board would then be composed of five faculty members appointed by the Regents and five students appointed by the IHA Presidents' Council. The chairman of the Board, who casts the deciding vote in a tie is an administrator. This resolution will also be brought before the Board tomor- row. Before amendment, the request included the statement that "fi- nal authority for residence hall life resides with the Board of Governors," and called for team- work between students, faculty and administrators in determin- ing policies and regulations with- in the University. Neither of these statements ap- peared in the final resolution be- cause IHA presidents felt areas of authority were not defined. Finance Act Challenged By Faculty Fear Restrictions On Educational Potential; Urge Court Action By LUCY KENNEDY Faculty Assembly unanimously resolved yesterday that Public Act (1967), which governs ap- propriations to the University and other state colleges, imposes "in- sufferable restrictions on the Uni- versity's educational capablities." The resolution, which will be presented to the Regents at their meeting this Friday, encourages the Regents to institute appropri- ate legal action to challenge the constitutionality of some provis- ions of the law. Houghton Meeting w haft ar Rsisters Return 4 Registrations ' It has been spepulated that of- ficials from the University and other state colleges and univer- sites decided at a meeting in Houghton last month to challenge the constitutionality of PA 240. Some Lansing observers feel that the law is an infringement on the autonomy of the University as granted in the state Constitution. However. As yet, no formal action has been filed against the law. Section 8 of PA 240 was found most objectionable by the Assem- bly. It prohibits establishment of new programs or expansion of ex- isting programs including pro- grams aided by federal funds without authorization by the legis- lature. --Associated Press HRtC Member Resigns, Urges Racial Reforms DRAFT CARDS COLLECTED in a basket in the courtyard of the San Francisco Federal Bldg. yester- day were presented to U.S. Dist. Atty. Cecil Poole. Poole refused to accept the cards and the basket ended up in front of his locked office door. Agreement Nears on Permits For Anti-War Rally, Parade Arrest Baez At Oakland, Center Sit-inl Judge Bans Teach-in; Cards Collected at 30 U.S. Cities, London From Wire Services Opponents of the Vietnam war in 30 American cities and London yesterday began to demonstrate and hand in draft cards in the opening stages of what is termed "stop-the-draft-week." In Oakland, Calif., folk singer Joan Baez and 68 others, includ- ing her mother, were arrested as more than 800 anti-draft protes- tors attempted to block the en- trances to the Oakland Army In- duction Center. Only two or three had posted $660 bond by yester- day afternoon. A California superior cour4 judge last night issued an injunc- tion against a planned anti-war "teach-in" at the neighboring Berkeley campus of the Univer- sity of California. University Chancellor Roger W. Heyns said he would rescind authorization for students and non-students to use the Pauley Ballroom on the campus for the teach-in. A spokesman for the Berkeley group said a "teach-out" would be held on the steps of Sproul Hall, the university administra- tion building. The judge's injunc- tion banned a meeting anywhere on campus. After an all-night meeting, a march from the campus to the induction center was planned for early this morning. Spokesmen said the group would try to force their way into the building. Documents Ignored In San Francisco, across the bay from Oakland, more than 200 men tried to present letters and documents, including 180 draft cards, to U.S. Atty. Cecil Poole at the Federal Bldg. Poole ignored the demonstrators who then threw the donuments nn the of 1 By JILL CRABTREE Mrs. Ralph F. Kraker last night submitted a five-page memo con- taining her formal resignation from the Ann Arbor Human Re- lations Commission to Mayor Wendell E. Hulcher and the City Council. Mrs. Kraker had informally re- signed in an unexpected move at the HRC's last regular meeting, Sept. 19, after serving on the commission for five years. In her memo, she said that her experiences on the HRC have giv- en her "reason for frustration .. . It became clear to me that a good portion of the white community does not understand what the HRC is and what it is trying to do or, if they do understand, they do not approve." Four Programs The memo of resignation sug- gests that the HRC must find a way to communicate with "the viduals, or an important and large group, that he has standing in the community, or that he has a job which gives him the oppor- tunity to reach large numbers of people and where he can educate those people to some degree." -Advisory committees of four or five people to be assigned to work with all standing commit- tees of the HRC to take on as- signments from the parent com- mittees, and to act as "sounding boards and listening posts." Other Venues The memo also suggests that "We must put more emphasis on other areas of living than housing alone. Many victories in open- occupancy housing are hollow ones if the persons we seek to aid cannot earn enough money to pay for decent housing. People need jobs that pay a living wage and they need to be included in this affluent society through job training, rehabilitation, and edu- $1 Million a Week Vice-President for financial af- fairs Wilbur Pierjpont told the Assembly that this would involve approval of over $1 million a week in proposed programs from the University alone. 'The faculty," Prof. Frank Ken- nedy, chairman of the Assembly, pointed out, "is more effected by this restriction- than any other, group at the Univesrity. The language of the act is so broad it could conceivably mean cur- riculum changes have to be ap- proved by the legislature." Teacher Evaluation Strong objection wasalso raised to the section of the act that prohibits any increase in out-of- state enrollment for schools which have more than a 20 per cent out- of-state enrollment. At yesterday's meeting of the Assembly, voting status on the faculty Senate was recommended for members of the library staff who areg1narau advancd libr_- By DAVID KNOKE Sponsors of a massive anti-war march in Washington, D.C., and representatives of district agen- cies yesterday reportedly were "within inches" of reaching agreement on issuing permits for a rally and parade on Saturday, Oct. 21. A spokesman for the National Mobilization , Committee, which has been negotiating for the per- mits this past week, said most of the mobilization's plans would be approved unchanged. Hendri Van Cleve of the Gen- e r a 1 Services Administration, which represents police, fire and other city agencies, is expected to authorize the permits this morn- negotiation session yesterday. The committee- agreed t o change the rally site at the Pen- tagon from a mall to the north parking lot on the provision that the GSA would remove a wire fence that would restrict ap- proaches to the Pentagon. The committee spokesman also said an 11:30 a.m. rally at the Lincoln Memorial would be fol- lowed by a march directly to the Pentagon. A second rally at the Pentagon parking lot would then be followed by picketing and at- tempted sit-ins by those who want to take such actions. The national group has retain- ed 38 lawyers and 110 law stu- dents to aid persons encountering legal difficulties. Legal informa- tion will be available in Washing- ton by calling 483-2150 or 483- 2153. 4i Antioch War Research Stirs 'Militant Protest By Students ing. By JIM HECK The GSA earlier had refused to Special To The Daily issue the permits for a rally at YELLOW SPRINGS, Ohio-Stu- the Lincoln Memorial and a par- dents at Antioch College plan to- Community but not directly in- volved in the academic curriculum. Brought to the attention of the Antinh nmmnunity in the fnrm of