BEWARE THE GREAT PUMPKIN See editorial page cl: L lflh: &titbr WINDY, COLD Low --26 High -- 38 Cloudy with chance of snow flurries Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 51 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1967 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Cpity Sees Crisis in .Police-Con By ANN MUNSTER such a committee, it would be a sults of this handicap in recent Weeks also said that there has "The police are extremely pow- A method of improving police- review board which would harrass riots in cities where there are been continual opposition from the erful, almost to the point of life community relations will hopefully the police department. police review boards. Television local chapter of the John Birch and death over the average citi- be arrived at within the next cou- First Ward Councilman Eunice cameras showed police officers Society since the subject was first zen," Weeks continued. "Often the ple of weeks, says City Adminis- L. Burns said that some persons standing directly outside stores do- brought to Council in 1964 on the Ann Arbor police do abuse their trator Guy C. Larcom, Jr. are confused on what the func- ing nothing while rioters were in- ground that Ann Arbor already awesome power by arresting peo- tions of an advisory board would side looting and destroying." has legal machinery to handle ple with an undue amount of force He has not elaborated on the be "We keep getting the same (Detroit does not have a po- complains against the police de- and inadequate reasons." vehicle to be used timprovingre- comments no matter what is said lice review board.) partment, such as the Washtenaw Weeks feels that "there is some lations about itCounty Prosecutor who Weeks sense to having some sort of check benotlofaplcreiwaoti."t Third Ward Councilman Robert Cut rsctrwo board or a police advisory board. Some letter writers have com- P. Weeks pointed out that the points out, works extremely close- on the possible abuse of police As he views it, the agency would mented: "The obvious ultimate whole matter is "still in a statey. act purely as a liaison between effect of the advisory board will of limbo" but that some of the partment." procedure there is likely to be a -be an undermining of public iIn response to Birch Society loss of confidence in the law and the community and the police de-bea unrmigofplc opposition to discussion of a new chre;htplc eve orsi; h oic.I sntwa h partment in human relations mat- trust in established authority. police community relations board!charges that police review boards m the police. It is not what the ters. Larcom emphasized that it a ' co i "comes close to being hysterical," are "a Communist plot to para- police do that is important but Just as a doctor is afraid to lyze the police forces," Weeks what the public believes the police would have no regulatory power stop and help an accident victim Weeks contends that "police- said, "You can't expect a calm ra- do." over the police department. along the highway because of the community relations are certainly tional approach to a serious prob- Weeks concedes, however, that Members of the Ann Arbor City possibility of being sued," the let- at a dangerous level. The national lem like police review boards from "a review board would probably Council have been presented with ter continued, "police officers will professional police organizations an organization whose national lower police morale. And there are numerous letters objecting to a po- be afraid to do what is their ob- are opposed to review boards and leader characterized former Presi- already some channels for hand-' lice review board or a police advi- vious duty for fear of being called a dozen or so Ann Arbor cops dent Dwight D. Eisenhower as 'a ling complaints." sory board. The letter writers in- on the carpet for it. would resign if such a body were dedicated and conscious agent of "The public also needs a greater sist that regardless of the title of "We have already seen the re- instituted here," he added. the Communist conspiracy.'" understanding of the dangers the imunityIRelations police face," Weeks said. "The po- Klinge said "I have never seen have direct contact with the vie- lice need improved weapons, bet- a substantiated complaint of po- tims of our socio-economic system ter training, higher pay and re- lice brutality." He admitted, how- and because this kind of contact spect and cooperation. But I ever, that on several occasions po- triggered off the recent riots, it is agree with the American Civil Lib- lice have lost pay or have been logical that more concern is being erties Union that 'what the police required to work without pay as shown now, he added. do not need is the power to take punishment for their mistreat- Wi shortcuts around the Constitu- ment of citizens. "There have even of Wheeler also said that because tion.'" been cases where officers have boards and police advisory boards Weeks said that what he really felt that the discipline was too'"herdohndBirc eaoter would like to see is a tabulation severe and have resigned," Klinge conservativesr some of whom are made of complaints against all said. cova t s of wh ar city employes individually, as well Klinge said his main concern, d government and in the police as investigations of specific griev- however, was to facilitate "better communityuar est"g up a anes, since the latter often "re- communication between the police ou sult in nothing." He added "Po- department and the community." Wheeler said the NAACP will lice should be disciplined as pub- Professor Albert H. Wheeler of lic servants." the medical school, chairman of Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter the Michigan branch of the Na- E. Krasny and police community tional Association for the Ad- relations officer Sergeant Kenneth vancement of Colored People, said Klinge had no comment on the that relations between the police prospect of ,a new advisory agency and the community are "part of a or on the adequacy of existing deeper and broader problem." Be- channels. cause the policemen on the beats, make no statements on the pos- sible creation of such agencies. But, he added that he has "no interest in a personal involvement in any phase of police community relations. It is a waste of time and another mechanism to delay attacking the larger problem of in- justice." STUDENT POLL DUE: U' Leader Faculty of A&D College In Gaining, T. mr. . Federal Aid Teach-in Probes Role votes rn to 1 rimester By DAVID MANN ties of the literary college and the raw facts." He said recommenda- The faculty of the architecture business administration school pre- tions for a new calendar could be college has voted to reject the viously voted to return to a se- #submitted to the college adminis- trimester system now in effect at mester system. tration. the University. They have not, I The architecture faculty voted Students also will be able to give' however, yet decided just what 40-25 with one abstention for a their preferences in a poll to be should replace it. change in the academic calendar. conducted during pre-classifica- The architecture faculty thus Action on what should replace tion. Prof. Kingsbury Marzolf, becomes the third faculty group the trimester was deferred, chairman of the college's student' to call for an end to the system "Right now," said Reginald F. faculty committee called the fac- which divides the academic year Malcolmson, dean of the architec- ulty vote "fairly ambiguous and into three full sessions. The facul- ture school, "all we have are the hard to interpret." The student ballot, drawn up by N Marzolf's committee, offers choices of alternatives to the present tri- mester system. The student poll is the first survey of student opinion on the matter at the University. S Marzolf said that he didn't think "there would be any sense of out- rage expressed by the students.' OBERLIN, Ohio (M) - Oberlin mendation that all classes be can- They feel it is mainly up to the College students staged their celled Monday to discuss the pro- ,University anyhow as far as second day of demonstrations tests with students. More than 60 k changes in the academic calendar' against Navy recruiters yesterday, students sat close together on the i go." in an attempt to have the re- floor outside in Peters Hall to The trimester system Marzolf eruiters barred from campus. The keep fellow students from talking Tde diest stem, Marzohe student protest, a sit-in, prompt- to the recruiters - Lt. Cmdr. C. added, doesn't fit in well with the ed school officials to cancel R. Smith of Detroit and Lt. J. revisions plained in the A&D cur- classes Monday to discuss the pro- G. Phillip McCaffrey of Cleve- riculum. tests with the students. land. Vice President for Academic Af- Six students - ignored the pro- Fellow students, however, walk- fairs Allan F. Smith, commenting testers and walked through the ed across the backs literally of in September on tIe literary col- sit-in to talk to the Navy re- the protesters to get into the , lege and business school polls con- cruiters. office. Some of the students took tended the problems considered in The first day of protest Thurs- off their shoes so they wouldn't the polls do not merit a radical day saw police armed .with tear ihurt the protesters. change in the University's calen-' gas and fire hoses break up an The recruiters were escorted earl- dar. He concluded that it would be off-campus demonstration. ier to the office by Carr and fac- better to modify the present sys- Lem to correct small pr'oblems Dr. Robert K. Carr, Oberlin ulty members. A 33-30 vote by the l retai time tb m president, said a faculty meeting Iprotesters on whether they should concept. would consider a faculty recom- leave for lunch or not resulted I -------in their staying. Sandwiches and Increased enrollment in thec milk were brought in. summer sessions of the past few' years, he noted, indicates that Professors The college's traditional policy this he sytes a has been not to interfere with portion of the system is a student or faculty participation in . May e ute demonstrations away from the The major criticism of the 1r y +campus. But Dr. Carr said the ;mester system concerns its length demonstration Thursday w a s and the rush involved in compres- N ]1 "splitting hairs" because it took sing a year's academic work into N M U BIcI1lJ tI { place just off the campus. eight months. MARQUETTE - The Northern Michigan University faculty yes terday began taking a censure vote against the school's interim presi- dent and Board of Control as students kicked off a week of boy- cotts and demonstrations protest ing the dismissal of a history pro } fessor. More than 230 of the University's 300 faculty members met Thurs- day night and unanimously de-. cided to take a secret vote, by mail, on a resolution blasting the ad ministration for its dismissal of Dr. Robert F. McClellan. After the meeting, more than 2,500 of the school's 7,000 students jammed the University fieidhouse for an all-night sit-in. McClellan was given notice in< July that his contract wouldt be renewed at the end of th current term because of what the1 ; , ;{ administration called his contro- a versial off-campus activities and a 'highly negative attitude toward University policies." The Board of Control reaf- firmed the dismissal Thursday. McClellan denies all charges. He said he feels that an attempt is being made to "smear him a and that his academic freedom is, $66.3 Million Total In Research Grants Surpasses M.I.T. The University has overtaken the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as the nation's largest"" recipient of federal aid and re- search grants. According to the government- sponsored National Science Foun- dation. the University received f $66.3 million in federal funds in 1966. MIT, first last year ahead of the University, was second with. $63.2 million. The University's share, up from $58.8 million in 1965, represents 2.2 per cent of all federal grants to institutions? of higher education. The University ranked third in both Department of Health, Edu-. cation and Welfare funds received (behind Harvard and Columbia) '' and in Defense Department { grants (behind MIT and Stan- ford). HEW funds totaled $30.9 million while defense department contributions were $21.6 million. ." ". 4 r >x'} Contributions from other go." einment agencies were: $5.5 miI-; lion from the National Science Foundation, $4.7 million from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and $2.5 million from the Atomic Energy Commis- siommy VICE PRESIDENT FOR RESEARCH A. Geoffrey Norman (rig The University's books show re- last night's teach-in as Dean Gordon Van Wyelen of the engin ceipt of only slightly over $60 mil- Rhines, '68E, president of engineering council look on. lion from the federal government during 1966V Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Wilbur K.j £thl '4 )'5"3 15 )" Run in U, Daily--Jim Forsyth lht) speaks on research policy at neering college (left), and Walden 1-0 r Van Wylen, Favors End To WRL Tie Norman Sees Move Of Research Activity To North Campus By KEN KELLEY "The University could appro- priately consider separating the Willow Run Laboratories 1WRL) from the University," commented Dean Gordon Van Wylen of the Engineering College last night in response to a.question at a teach- in on classified research. "The engineering school has from time to time considered this question and I think it is very possible the University should move in this direction," he explained. "This should not be one of the goals of the University," Vice President for. Research A. Geof- frey Norman contended, however, "I look forward to the day when it could even be combined with ex- isting facilities on North Campus." Willow Run Laboratories, lo- cated at Ypsilanti, is a unit of the University conducting some $11.8 million in research this year. About $9 million of this is classi- fied, including a $1 million coun- ter-insurgency program Thailand. Vietnam Situation ' Norman continued, "At the tinme we became involved in the Thai- land project, no one knew that the Vietnam situation would erupt into the situation now existing. We started the project some years ago." The Thailand project began last year and is scheduled to run into 1969. However, the University had two previous projects in Thailand t which expired last year. Norman was repeatedly asked to explain what University personnel' were doing in South Vietnam, Ko- rea and Germany as a University publication said had occurred in 1965. When Norman said he didn't know, Rune W. Evaldson, director of WRL, explained from the au- dience, "We had people visit Viet- nam to give aid to those govern- ment agencies that wanted help on certain questions." In reply to a query about questions, he replied they were classified "of course.,, Techniques Pierpont said the discrepancy was I1TI I ft"IIu l ,fIAL G .Z I due to the fact that the govern- ment's figures include grants' promised but not paid while the n10 n Lti vOvs~ University's figures include only, The National Science Founda- By MARCY ABRAMSON sensing used to detect infiltrators. tion explained the University's rise Work of the type done by Uni- His statement was issued prior and MIT's fall in terms of expira- versity researchers in Thailand to last night's teach-in. It fol- tion of long-term defense depart- has been conducted in many oth- lowed a Student Government ment contracts at the Massachu- er areas outside Southeast Asia Council resolution which urged setts school. aInd has important non-military the University to cancel partici- The change in rank, NSF said, applications, Vice-President for ' pation in the Thailand project "resulted in part from a reduc- Research A. Geoffrey Norman and to re-evaluate the criteria tion of support by the Department said yesterday. used to judge the acceptability of, of Defense for development of an, Norman was referring to the $1 research projects. inertial guidance, system and in. million counter-insurgency pro- Engin. Heads part from reporting of major ob- gram im which personnel from ligations on long-term contracts the University's Willow Run Lab- Also released yesterday was the by the defense department in the oratories taught the Royal Thai conclusion reached last week by earlier years." military techniques of remote engineering college department htnna d d lalnnn~ b ~ nver t, , .a statement in the college's news- letter, the Dean's Office believes the conclusions reached to be consistent with University policy. In addition to the resolutions recognizing the right of author- ized research and the need for discipline of protesters, the engi- neering faculty also concluded, "If a disturbance appears likely at some scheduled meeting, the faculty member responsible for the meeting is asked to contact the Dean's Office in advance. Appropriate security measures .i hPatlv, and lfthnratorv sllnervisnrs Genetics Specialist Claims Dangers of LSD Overrated ea~UO s an LJ a ~ r ory su vrs ~ that "the right of faculty, staff are available." and students to conduct author- The college will request aca- ized research must be ensured" demic discipline for participants and that participants in disturb- in disturbances who are students, ances in the College must be dis- ciplined. Norman said the University's Willow Run Laboratories has conducted remote sensing work in By BOB BURNETT said Egozcue. He said that the Collegiate Press Service number of trips a person has tak- Hawaii, Greenland, Alaska, Puer- PORTLAND, Ore. - "If you, en is probably not important, it is1 to Rico, Costa Rica, Yellowstone have taken LSD, don't worry," the size of the dose which deter- Park amd the earthquake zones of says Dr. Jose Egozcue, a genetics mines the -amount of damage, if California and Nevada. He also specialist at the Oregon Regional any. "LSD is not addictive," he mentioned an expedition which _.dded, "but it can be habit form- will on t the Antartie non-students. Time Change Aft Midnight Primate Center. "The drug is not cauu vva wa+ .,. , wl Ul ,UL 1CMuruu rmaeentr."'-nergs ing,--- -Former University Vice Presi- Norman was asked whether th as dangerous as recent publicity t"Remote sensing has many im- dent for Academic Affairs Roger University had a hand in develop has led people to believe." Egozcue is a well known per- portant applications to national W. Heyns, now chancellor of the ing techniques employed in th Egozcue is conisidered, along sonality in Portland's drug-using , programs such as water resource University of California at Berke- i war. He answered, community, both hippie and management, water pollution ley, lives in a residence provided don't know whether the device wthe Mnimorsiy oe Yof. te straight, because he has circulat- control, urban and regional plan- by the school. -he University was working on ar one of the country's most knowl- ed among them, taking blood uing. agricultural census and for- One of the outstanding fea- being used." onele oft theeiracm.uSrmtry'st valaost,"Nknowl-id edgeable LSD researchers. He has r samples out of them' arms. So far est evaluation," Norman said. tures of the Heyns' home is an Up to 500 students and facult often been quoted in the Ameri- blood.8 heir L h experince Initial Development outdoor floral clock situated in a members attending a Universit many of, thwarnings soysntd vary from only one trip to more According to Norman, the de- beautiful flower garden. The face Activities Center sponsored teach many of the warnings sounded tvelopment of these methods over of the clock is made up of a in at the Natural Science Audi against LSD by national maga- than 100 LSD trips, the past 15 years was initially variety of flowers. torium heard panel members dis zines are alarmist and false. "I'm looking for chromosome supported only by the Defense Early this week, a strange new cuss the merits of classified re being "trampled." "I am not a radical but I do believe in academic freedom," he' commen ted. MvcCellan believes there is I °<' v