A 1 I W Y Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY or BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Opposing Classified War Rese By JULIEN GENDELL intervention in and manipulation us are familiar with, for example: on individually negotiated con- and THOMAS MAYER of other countries and their gov- 1) direct secret war research on tracts mainly with the vrn - _= here Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. I FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: NEAL BRUSS .f... . . . The 'Necessary Evil' "DEMOCRACY," quipped Winston r Churchill, "is the worst of all pos- sible systems, except for all the others." The same is true of classified research at the University, and the flagrant corruptions revealed last week - such as the counter-insurgency work in Thailand - should not transform the issue into a simple all-good versus all- bad argument. Classified research is a complex question, and America's thoughtless Asian war should not be the sole cri- teria for eliminating it. In fact, the cry for a complete halt to all classified research is unjustified and undoubt- edly premature. THERE ARE a number of cogent argu- ments for classifed research and they must first be discussed apart from the passion of Vietnam. It would be easier to defend University military research during World War II, when the nation was unified against Nazi Germany and Japan. Those who now deplore the prostitution of the aca- demic sphere to Uncle Sam's inter- ventist adventures might then have urged the University's scientific in- volvement in a moral fight for na- tional survival. The issues for classified research today are the same, though the personalities and policies in Wash- ington have taken an unfortunate turn. Few would argue that the defense arm of our nation doesn't require con- stant research (though we may all de- plore the arms race and fight for its curtailment). Military development of missiles in the 1950's was at the root of the U.S. space effort, and much of the related experimentation was undoubt- edly classified. Thus question which arises is not whether the military should carry on classified research, but whether this research should exist on a university campus. THERE ARE TWO persuasive argu- ments for defense funds - some of which are inevitably classified - to be used on campus. The first is that many of our nation's best scientists and engineers are located in universities. If the military buys them off and lures them out of the academic sphere, uni- versities will lose many, excellent teachers, thereby stifling the regenera- tion of future scientists. This is espec- lally true for science, where the sub- stance and method of research is closely linked to teaching. And though only a very small fraction of the Willow Run Lab's staff has any teaching res- ponsibility, the question remains of how many research ideas developed there are shared with other University personnel. The second argument for classified research concerns the valuable side effects that may result from certain "militaky" developments. If defense department research were carried out only in military laboratories, signifi- cant advances that had civilian appli- cations could easily be discarded. In a university laboratory, ramif ications of defense research can be expended into the non-military arena. WHEN THESE arguments are accept- ed, what arises is a view of class- ified research as a "necessary evil." It would be very nice to have no govern- ment funds threatening the autonomy of the University - but this is a nostal- gic day-dream in the modern univer- sity. What we must strive for is a very minimum of abuse in the universities by the federal government. And the very best place to begin the purging process is in the murky working of secret research. As the Senior Editors of The Daily argued , earlier this week, the Uni- versity's involvement in Thailand counter-insurgency work is a disgrace. to this school, as it directly involves the University in another U.S. military escapade. It is no longer a scientific project as much as a war maneuver, and its existence is not even justifable under the logic of retaining classified research. The Thailand involvement is a symptom of a problem which must be confronted immediately. Like the tip of an iceberg, the University's counter- insurgency work could possibly be only the beginning of a number of distaste- ful projects. And with the administra- tion's stiff silence over the questions raised, one is tempted to think the worst. IF THE UNIVERSITY wishes to retain classified research - and there are reasons why this should be done - it should be done - it should pull its head out of the sand. Extreme abuse of the University's services under the rubric of "classified research" can only contribute fuel to those who wish to wipe all classified work away. And if the University has so much to hide that it will not face the light of public scrutiny, perhaps these critics are right and what is accepted as a "necessary evil" has actually assumed the pos- ture of a monster. The University should thus cancel the Thailand project, before legions of faculty and students bring disruptive pressure to bear. Secondly, the Univer- sity should cease accepting all new classified contracts until the criteria of acceptance have been openly out- lined and discussed. Thirdly, the pre- sentation of this criteria - a rather touchy subject until now - should be made immediately, so that the doubt and bitterness that has developed can be dispersed. TONIGHT'S TEACH-IN, where Vice- President for Research A. Geoffrey Norman is scheduled to speak, will pro- vide a valuable opportunity for learn- ing the truth. The retention of class- ified research can be justified, but only when the University community is permitted to know the titles and nature of the contracts (through the work itself can be classified). If the criteria are clarified and tightened, the concept of classified research - on a most minimal level - may be ac- cepted by the University community. But if the University administration refuses to alter the guidelines have permitted an aberration such as the Thailand involvement, one can only wish "good riddance" to all classified research at the University. -ROBERT KLIVANS Editorial Director The authors are, respectively, as- sistant professors of chemistry and sociology at the University. UNIVERSITIES are institutions which can play a unique and vital role in our society - for they alone can provide an oppor- tunity for an objective and com- prehensive critical appraisal of the society's values, policies and development. A necessity for the existence of a truly democratic society is an institution wherein scholars have the freedom to search for knowledge and to use that knowledge to analyze and subject to a rational critique the many views and policies with which special interest groups deluge the general public. Unfortunately, this function of the University is often in direct conflict with a subordinate func- tion: namely, that the University exists to provide services for so- ciety at large, to produce the in- formation and trained personnel which forces outside the Univer- sity deem necessary and desirable, and for which they are willing to pay. Since World War II, the United States government has, by , a variety of techniques, used Amer- ican universities as instruments of foreign policy. This has severe- ly compromised the objectivity of American academic institutions, and damaged their freedom of inquiry. As a result, the primary function of the University has been severely undermined. We would like to note briefly some of the reasons why the U.S. government has used the univer- sities, some of the techniques by which this is done, and some of the consequences of this subver- sion for the University commun- ity. AT THE END of World War II our government embarked upon a policy of continual involvement throughout the world. This new policy was rationalized by the cold war ideology of fanatical anti-Communism and bolstered by, a massive and technologically superior military force. It used ernments, often supporting dicta- torial regimes as a means to pre- serve the status quo social struc- ture in fermenting under-devel- oped countries. Consequently there has been a need for a vast reservoir of tech- nically trained personnel to de- velop offensive and counter-insur- gency military hardware and sophisticated procedures a n d techniques for manipulating and co-opting people, which in turn requires a host of specialists in and knowledge about foreign "An academic institution in a democ ratic society must not become a state agency. To serve society best it cannot be a servant of the state, but must obey a more fundamental commitm ent to independence, objectivity and freedom of inquiry." . 'y~/S~i .v,} -h}{"h x'v'"'i ' ""':r?.M "+.;. .,.,.;'r{{";f{";,:::;"$"1,h h... .,r..",. :tit"}}{vYL".v#<;" ., {"v;, y .,,.h .,n.. h { ..y",. ,y ( " , y . ., campuses; 2) C.I.A. engagement of faculty and students as agents; 3) counter-insurgency projects such as the M.S.U.-Vietnam Proj- ect, Project Camelot, the U. of M's escapades in Thailand, etc.; 4) use of government contracts and control over information to de- termine what research is done and to impose "self-restraint" on the investigator; 5) establishment of institutes such as the Institute of Defense Analysis with a uni- versity affiliation to provide the luster of academic prestige for ment ,curtails faculty independ- ence, initiates subtle pressures against objectivity, and places enormous influence on the over- all direction of academic research in the hands of the funding agencies. Intellectuals are no more exempt than anyone else from the maxim "He who pays the piper calls the tune." IN ADDITION, we have the spectre of direct use of the con- tracting power to stifle dissent as in the recent 'smale case' or in countries, their culture and the study of their behavioral atti- tudes. Thus information itself be- came an essential resource-vital to the national interest. It was necessary to use the uni- versities for these purposes partly because many necessary facilities already existed at these institu- tions,'but more importantly to provide a front and cover for these activities. A front was necessary not only to obscure or shield government operations and operators, but also to provide a mechanism whereby intellectuals could engage in these activities cloaked in their academic prestige and insulated with rationaliza- tions of objectivity and the apo- litical nature of scientific inves- tigations. The seductive allure of aca- demic title and affiliation is an essential ingredient in enticing many technically competent in- dividuals to do the government's bidding, some of whom might even shy away from a direct and open relationship with the mili- tary. war research facilities; 6) direct military indoctrination and re- cruitment without any semblance of academic objectivity by the R.O.T.C.; 7) co-optation, of the faculty as indirect agents in the process of draft selection. Compromised in so many ways, American universities can no longer adequately perform their primary function: the unrestrict- ed search for and dissemination of knowledge and an objective appraisal of society's values, pol- icies and development. Academ- ics, eager for government re- search funds, have usually sub- mitted meekly to the ravishment of the University. Administrators have displayed few compunctions about involving the University in secret research which is so inimi- cal to the spirit of free and open investigation. The use of universities as a cover for counter-insurgency projects has made American an- thropologists, sociologists, econ- omists, political scientists, etc., suspect in the eyes of a good part of the world,,especially in under- developed countries, and has, thereby, seriously hampered their intellectual endeavors. The de- pendence of most faculty research the H.U.A.C. incident last year on this campus. This latter incident clearly illustrates the conse- quences of government penetra- tion of American universities. Fear of losing government con- tracts underlay the University of Michigan's servile capitulation to H.U.A.C. Freedom of dissent was less important in the minds of the administration than generous research grants. Those who believe that a free university by unfettered investi- gation and critique of all institu- tions and policies renders an in- dispensable service must firmly resist the erosion of university in- dependence and the prostitution of university ideals. An academic institution in a democratic so- ciety must not become a state agency. To serve society best it cannot be a servant of the state, but must obey a more fundamen- tal commitment to independence, objectivity and freedom of in- quiry. The existence of secret research is presently the University of Michigan's most glaring violation of the free university concept. Students and faculty must exert vigorous and unrelenting pres- sure to eliminate such research. In addition, all activities which arch involve the direct use of Univer- sity facilities for implementation of government policy, or which have government propaganda and indoctrination rather than objective analysis as their goal, should not be allowed at an aca- demic institution. This explicitly includes R.O.T.C. Furthermore, the universities must insure that the power of the government to award contracts not be used to stifle unpopular views or to limit dissent from government policy. Universities must protect these rights and provide support for competent faculty and students whose views deny them govern- ment support. FINALLY, we should like to take issue with those of our col- leagues who are unconcerned about the uses to which the ro'. sults of their research are put. Future generations will not judge us solely on the quality of our ab- stract research. They will also consider the uses made of this re- search and the kind of society it helps create. If the research of today makes possible tomorrow's hell, history will not judge the researcher innocent. Unfortunately, the distinction between "good" and "bad" uses of information has become extreme- ly tenuous. It is a sorry state of affairs that while American aca- demics have the capability to do so much good in the world, most of ournational resources are de- voted to support of a vast and so- phisticated war machine so that all research is potentially war re- search. It is important to think of this and to examine carefully the features of our society which create such a situation - to re- alize that this problem will not be resolved until the priorities of American society are drastically altered. But before we drift off into a convenient intellectual confu- sion of complexities, each of us, as an individual and as a moral human being, must ask himself, "to what end are the products of my research being utilized and are there ways that my talents could be used to make the world a better place for all mankind?" 4 elyI THE used a co-opt U.S. GOVERNMENT has variety of techniques to the universities. Most of FEIFFER THAT 1 -r1rw FRuEE-, pot- MARCHW56. .r TL2OIA AND TH1IAT I'M rYi"P6 _ RIOTING. - M1AT 906' 'e~0~i 'o66 t OOKING 6 (THR. Dist Publisbes.arI1 Syndia*W G r t._.--1 ;(1fINe 1k). AWP THAT I2IPM'T - Gr - 7-' f N k I WHAT 1E vto0 PA WAO~T? M tT 'OPL " Letters: A Professor's Thoughts on the March Questions and Answers TONIGHT'S TEACH-IN may be the only opportunity for answering questions on the University's participation in class- ified military research. The furor which has created the issue in the few weeks after its emergence indicates that war research will be a new central issue for anti-war protest. The teach-in comes be- fore dissent begins: it may be the single opportunity for exhaustive discussion of the issue. Questions on the issue demand an- swers before any move is made to change policy. The teach-in must provide answers to such questions as the following: * Who is responsible for the Univer- sity's policy on classifed research? How can that policy be changed? What con- tractual committments bind the Uni- versity to its current policy - and can those commitments be denied? * Does the University's research activ- ities contradict its educational philos- ophy? Does research deprive resources from more academic pursuits like teach- ing. Is the University, through its research programs, producing highly-competent professional technicians of war? * How much does University classified research contribute to the total American war effort? What effect on the effort would a University cancellation of re- To the Editor: IN AN ARTICLE in Wednesday's Michigan Daily Walter Shapiro spoke of last Saturday's demon- stration at the Pentagon as a ro- manticizing of politics, unrealis- tic and therefore frustrating. As one who was present there, I would like to disagree. I went to Washington not cer- tain of what was going to happen, and therefore not certain what I would do. At four-thirty, when the section I was marching with got to the Pentagon, I went up the steps (thereby technically committing an act of civil dis- obedience) because I wanted to see and in fact be a part of the confrontation between the march- ers and the troops. I stayed for perhaps two hours, moving about and listening. It occurred to me quite soon that one of the keys to valid participa- tion in acts of civil disobedience of that kind is the spoken word: you must be prepared not only to be arrested but to speak to the troops present, if humanly pos- sible not in anger or out of fear, but with affection, explaining why you are doing what you are and indeed in order to ask them to join you - as at least one sol- ber of people give up a measure of their safety not on their own behalf but that of others and of a valid cause - that is to say, not self-destructively - then Christ is present, and the effort can never be in vain. I am therefore deeply proud to have been part of what went on. I am sorry a good deal of taunting of the troops occurred. But I don't regret that a number of men and women felt called upon to get arrested. Maybe only by doing so is there any chance of penetrating the blandness of official sanction of our policies in Vietnam, To be sure, such demonstra- tions are no substitute for other more orthodox forms of political activity. They should not be in- dulged in as a kind of escapist drug nor will they by themselves solve the problem. But, under- taken realistically, they are valid. --John A. Bailey Departinent of Near Eastern Languages and Literatures Saturday's March To the Editor: I WENT to the Peace Mobilization in Washington because I hate the war in Vietnam. I felt it was placed by a kind of disgust. Marchers met in the Pentagon parking lot after walking from the Lincoln Memorial. The police and troops had set up ropes around the Pentagon as markers for where the marchers had to stop or be arrested. The "flower- children" were tossing quite unlov- ing jeers at the guards stationed to protect the Pentagon. One Ne- gro at the front began jeering at the "honkey cops." These and other displays em- barassed me beacuse of their un- abashed hypocrisy-the hippy cry- ing hate instead of love; the Negro yelling "honkey" and listening carefully for the breast-smoting scourge of the word "nigger." I felt like apologizing. I CAME TO the mobilization with the idea of peace in mind. It was lost when the ropes were torn down in anger, when police drew their riot clubs and bayonets, when the blood of six who made it into the Pentagon was splattered on the steps. I came with the ideal of a unit- ed stance against the war. It was lost when the psychedelic doves set to exorcising the Pentagon with Halloween noisemakers and in- dis ,,eusbe ant.we al point to be made was that all the people who gathered by the re- flecting pool wanted the war stop- ped-not that the Pentagon should be spiritually raised nor that lead- ers of state should turn on, nor that the ideals of joy and peace and flowers can overcome the dullness of Washginton officials. Too many came with platforms rather than convictions. What could have been a beauti- ful 100,000-man conscience saying "No." to this inscrutable war be- came a 3-ring circus with every- one entertaining in his own way, for his own people. This was my disappointment. -J. Russel Gaines '69 Referendum To the Editor: WE SHOULD like to present the reasons for the Graduate As- sembly's holding of a referendum on the draft. This referendum is in response to Dean Spurr's request that the Graduate Assembly tell him what his posture on the draft should be. He, being one of the more en- lightened administrators, does not wish to impose his personal opin- ions upon a matter that primarily concerns graduate students' Grad- The graduate students have the opportunity to determine this im- portant University position. Hope- fully, we have not become so call- ous to the horrors of war as to be indifferent to determining the fate of each of us. This is not another protest-a salve for conscience. It is a refer- endum, predetermined to influ- ence. It is unfortunate that The Daily hastily condemned such a meaningful action. In a state of flux, according to President Johnson's Execeutive Order of June 30th, 1967, are: 1) Those students who will automatically be placed in Class II-S, in addition to those already specified. 2) The official University reac- tion to Master's and Ph.D. can- didates enrolling this term being subject to the draft within a year. IN ADDITION, at the risk of seeming puerile, we must correct the other misinformed comment in your editorial. We have influenced the University foreign language policy, largely through a Graduate Assembly-conducted, poll, so that the graduate school has relin- iuished control of foreign lan- guage requirements to the individ- I a