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October 27, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-27

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See editorial page

C, r

fAlt I


High -- 38
Low - 33
snow turning to rain
in the afternoon

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


Student Advisory

Boar ds




By EEN KELLEY system.
"The whole idea of an advisory around
committee is weak," complains ings we
John Bishop, grad., chairman of esting a
the student advisory panel cre- sight in
ated last spring to work with says.
Vice-President for Student Af- But w'
fairs Richard Cutler. tee had
"The real danger," Bishop con- cisions,
tinues, "is in becoming just a has not
charming guest and having a mechan
University vice-president feel There
that he has established some in opera
vague student relationship. Our commiti
board has certainly prevented enough
that from happening." ministrw
However, Vice President and provide
Chief Financial Officer Wilbur K. can be
Pierpont praises the committee dents a

"Our board hasn't been Last spring the committees "But Cutler feels that we "We've had atrocious attend-
very long but the meet- held several organizational meet- should not try to change current ance at the meetings by the mem-

body. "Last year we were waiting
for students to give us ideas of

've had have been inter-
and have given me an in-
nto student opinions," he
when asked if the commit-
changed any of his de-
Pierpont replies, "No, it
. It is strictly an advisory
are currently four boards
ation. The purposes of the
tees are to give students
power to influence ad-
ative decisions, and to
forums in which issues
discussed between stu-
nd administrators.


ings and made plans to meet dur- ! relationships," he adds, "and that bers of the committee," Grove what they wanted brought up.E
ing the summer. But many of we should wait for the outcome says. "Pierpont would schedule We even publicized our meetings,
these meetings never occurred. of the Presidential Commission meetings at the convenience of but most students still weren't
This fall the committees did meet on Decision-Making - we should the members, and then half of aware that these relatively un-
with the vice-presidents several be a committee waiting for a them wouldn't show up." used lines of communication ex-
times, and planning sessions committee. He also told us our However, Grove finds no isted - or they just didn't care."
among student members have oc- approach was peremptory and trouble in dealing with Pierpont. he says,
curred on a regular basis. innuendoish and that we asked "He has done everything in his However. Grove feels that the
Communication and committee questions with implied answers. power to try and cooperate with committee should be continued
structuring are two problems He was sort of disappointed that us," says Grove. "He has sched- and can be improved. "I'm try-
which have plagued the commit- we didn't listen to him and go uled meetings at any time we ing to reorganize the committee,
tees from the start. along completely with his ideas." suggest and has very meticulously and it's doing some good," he
"We were concerned with prob- Hugh Grove, '67 BAd, chairman prepared charts and complete1 says.
iems like the tuition increase, in- of the panel advising Pierpont, lists on any information we could "The few students who did
tramural recreation facilities and has also encountered communi- possibly want." ',show up at our meetings lastl
budget appropriations." s a y s cations problems, though of a dif- Grove also complains of the year went away very satisfied
Bishop. ferent nature. apathy of the rest of the student thanks to Pierpont."

Grove blames Student Govern- problems from the grass roots
ment Council for many of the level - they're only interested in
shortcomings of the advisory swinging axes," he says.
panels: "Last year they started However, SGC President Bruce
much too late and were con- Kahn calls the charges "really
cerned about things like signing ridiculous."
petitions. We wanted to submit "We had a meeting three weeks
reports but they told us to forget ago at which we invited everyone
it. Now this year they decide they on all the committees to come
want reports and we hardly have and discuss their problems,"
a committee." Kahn emphasizes. "Four people
William Sheehy, '69 L, who showed up."
chairs the advisory board to the "We are now asking for bi-
Vice-President for Academic Af- weekly reports so that we can get
fairs Allan F. Smith, voices simi- to the root of the problems," he
lar criticism, continues.
"SGC has let my committee die "Their problems are an obvious
as much as anyone else. They're manifestation of some internal
not concerned with attacking See FOUR, page 10

Policy Committee. Favors SGC




'U' Classified Research




By LUCY KENNEDY contribution to the educational ob-
jectives of the University," the
The Senate Assembly Research report explained, "through partici-
Policies Committee released yes- pation by students and by pro-
terday a statement favoring con- duction of new knowledge which
tinuation of the University's pres- can be incorporated into teaching
ent policy on classified research programs."

tion with Vice President for Re-
search A. Geoffrey Norman. Nor-
man's explanations of the amount
of classified research being done
at the University and the way-
projects are chosen is included in
the report.
Research Project
"As of June 30, 1967." the re-
port says, "Fifty-one projects in-
volving classified research were in
operation at the University. This


until the committee can conduct
further investigations.
"It is the committee's hope," the
statement says, "that no pre-
cipitous modification of the pres-
ent University policy on classified
research will be made until the
committee has the opportunity to
explore fully all the issue in-
The report, prepared for pre-
sentation to the November meet-
ings of the University Senate and
Senate Assembly explains why it
reaffirms last year's policy on
classified research.!
Issue ReportI
"Questions raised recently on
classified research," committee:
Chairman Prof. Robert Elderfield1

New Technology
Research at the University in the
development of multi-special sen-
sing, holography, and special laser
techniques, the committee as-

Senate Unit
Sets Probe


serted, may result in new tech- represents less than 3 per cent
nology that can be applied to the of the total of about 1,700 active O w L f
solution of "problems relating to supported projects on the same v
the general welfare of the coun- date." The Senate Subcommittee on
try and the world." "Intterms of dollars," the repo Internal Security has revealed
The report was made after a plans for an extensive investiga-
few months of study and consulta- See FACULTY, page 6 tion of New Left political organi-;
zations including the National Mo-
T , bilization Committee to End the!
Jn' ; War in Vietnam and Students for
nc a Democratic Society.
According to a New York Times
article published yesterday, the
Mutnat / upp or tract subcommittee's peaain a
ul t~G C he investigation were revealed be-
cause lawyers of two groups to be

Up for Vote
Calls for Tripartite
Body To Formulate
'U' Research Criteria
Student Government Council
last night asked the student body
to decide what the future of SGC
Will be.
By a 6-2 vote, Council put the
issue of a Constitutional Conven-
tion"to reorganize student govern-
ment up for University-wide refer-
endum. The referendum will be
attached to the November 14 and
15 election of SGC candidates.
If students vote to hold. the
Constitutional Convention, it will
be empowered to decide whether
.hael Feldberg a student government will con-
tinue to exist, under what form
and for what purposes.
in the Are- Growing Conviction
on Theatr- Momentum for restructuring has
ory Theater been building up over the past
several months because of the
growing conviction of many Coun-
cil members that SGC is "unrep-
The Knauss Report, released
last fall by a University Senate
'subcommittee which included stu-
dents, faculty and administrators,
called for changes in the structure
of SOC.
IL University Activities Center Pres-
ident Donald Tucker, '68, who
drafted a report providing the
or review and groundwork for the Constitution-
engineering al Convention idea said the de-
w research to cision finally allows "the student
te industry. It body to express their feelings as
nt involvement to not only if, but how, SGC
s and sees that should exist."


of the chemistry department ex- By RON LANDSMAN gaining agent for the University's investigated charged that agents
plained, "have caused us to issue Two of the unions seeking to skilled tradesmen. In return, the had stolen letters, files and docu-
Two ofthe uions sbuilding'
a report at this time that is sub- 'epresent University employes for uilding trades council has prom- ments on which the inquiry was to
stantially in agreement with the collective bargaining have signed tohelp the AFSCME, "by en- be based.
stand taken by last year's com- a "mutual support pact . . . to couraging other employes to join According to the New York
mittee. assist and . with them and by supplying aid Times, the Internal Security Sub-
assst ndsupport each other in!.
"Since last year," he continued, 'winning the fruits of collective if they need it," according to WS- committee plans to concentrate its:
"there have been many changes in bargaining for all." BTC attorney Don Prebenda. The investigation of the New Left on1
the membership of the committee. OL3result of this move is that in- i the National Conference for New
The present committee issued this One union, Local 1583 of the Istead of choosing between two Politics which held its first con-
reprt o pr ev n prmatreFederation of State, County and !unions and no union at all, thevetninCcao vrLbr
changes before wecouldrconduct :Municipal Employes (AFSCME), workers will now choose between ay weekend g
further investigations has agreed not to challenge the only one union and no union at
Washtenaw C o u n t y Building all. The subcommittee's resolutionI
"A reasonable program on class- Trades Council (WSBTC) in the authorizes the investigators to
ified projects makes a considerable Nov. 7 election to choose a bar- Prebenda pointed out that "we're "undertake immediately a full and
________________________- ------------ pretty confident of our position,copeeivsgaonftha-
but you never know in an electiontomplete investigation of the ac-
a- e oesfrtemcudbe s tivities of the National Conference
Students Continue A i-W r swing votes that would change the ifor New Politis and any ffit zao
associated therewith, with respect
The AFSCME hal also decided ! to all areas and spheres of activity
Protests at O bel , n i l not to challenge the International where the basic authority of the
Union of Operating Engineers subcommittee or any facet thereof
Protests against the Vietnam The Record, Antioch's student (IUOE, who will seek to repre- is applicable."
War iand miifn~r rc A.rr V1 nesent heating plant employes. The - ,-

George Bernard Shaw's play "Poison, Passion and Petrifaction" was presented yesterday
tia Theater of the Frieze Building as part of the Department of Speech Student Laborat

Van Wylen Opp,
On Classified Wi

OSes Limitt
ar Resean(


War ana m lary researcn iarea . ai~u
yesterday at Oberlin and Antioch In Washington, 54 Pentagon
Colleges as the last of over 6,000 demonstrators, 23 of whom are
persons arrested in last Satur- refusing food, were transferred
day's demonstrations in Washing- }yesterday to the District of Colum-
ton, D.C. were arraigned. bia jails and the Women's House
At Oberlin College in Oberlin, of Correction as the last of 6,667
Ohio, more than 100 students pin- persons were arraigned before U.S.
ned a Navy recruiter in his car commissioners.
for about four hours yesterday in Of the 54 persons now held, 22
protest of the Vietnam war and are either unable or unwilling to
military recruiting on campus. post bond, 16 are serving sen-
The Oberlin students plan to tences, and 10 refused arraignment
continue their protest today with by responding as John Does or
a boycott of classes which ap- refusing to stand before the com-
pears to have widespread sup- misioner. Officials said yesterday
port. The strike will serve as a they were not forcing the fasters
protest to the war as well as an to eat. Many of them have been
appeal to the college administra- fasting since they were jailed Sat-
tion to revise the policy which per- urday.
mits military recruiters to use col-

workers will vote Nov. 6 on
whether they want the IUOE or
no union at all.
There is a fourth union, however.
which will compete with the AFS-'
CME. Local 378 of the Building
Service Employes International
Union (BSEIU) has petitioned the,
State Labor Mediation Board for
three employes of small units
which it seeks to represent: Uni-
versity housing, the Law Club, and
the Dearborn Center. The AFS-
CME wants these areas to be in-
cluded in one large unit which
would cover all non-academic em-
ployes except the engineers and
the tradesmen.

Since more than 200 organiza-
tions were represented at the CNP
convention, this resolution gives
the Senate a sweeping mandate to
investigate practically any left-
wing group it so chooses. The Con-
gress for Racial Equality (CORE),
Women's Strike for Peace, and
SStudentNonviolent Coordinating
Committee (SNCC) were all rep-
resented at the CNP convention.
Staff director for the invesitga-
tion, J. G. Sourwine, acknowledgedj
that the resolution was "prettyI
broad" but that preliminary in-
dications were that not every or-
ganization represented in the Chi-
cago meeting would be investi-

Any move in favor of a central
decision-making committee for
classified research will be a step
away from a legitimate aspect of
academic freedom, according to
Gordon Van Wylen, Dean of the
College of Engineering. "This will
only be harmful to the Univer-
sity in the long run," he said.
In his address to the Engineer-
ing Council last night, Van WylenI
said that the recent focus on war
research, which he preferred to
call Department of Defense (DOD)
research, is one of many techni-
ques being used for protesting the
Vietnam war. However, he stressed
the need for distinguishing the is-

ment, for example, what they can to administrators f

do research on." Such decisions
should be made by those who are
in' the best position to decide; in
this case- the engineering faculty
with the appropriate influence of
the University community, he
During the question and answer
period following his address, Van
Wylen discussed the general re-
search policies of the Engineering
College. He said research proposals
start with the faculty and move up

authorization. The
school does not allo
compete with privat
makes sure of studen
in research activities

adequate space and equipment can
be provided. He said that research
projects must be within the scope
of the University and consist of
broad studies. The engineering
school does not carry on research
for immediate uses, such as de-
signing weapons, he said.

GA Finds Sesqui Planning

lege facilities. WTTAT ET ? sues of academic freedom, DOD eedsstudentInvovement
Block Road WHA~T COMES NEXT research, and the Vietnamese war
As the students yesterday block- "While the war is unfortunate
ed a state highway to keep the !enrsand unpopular, that doesn't neces- By MARCY ABRAMSON Fourteen professors are listed
recruter'scar fom mving.P0- E I' -u-~ ~h'I~I~' fst~ft" rQ NI .1kI dl P .17 DM7) I l N') ariadmakeassocationlwit(the)raduae Assmbly(GA)resol-asomebersof cth mcommttee
lice had firemen spray them with .LY I OTLA I II2 I OI Department of Defense wrong," he ved Wednesday to press for at- i There are three student members,
a high-powered hose. When this said. "We must also differentiate er student influence on a literary representing GA, Student Govern-
failed to break up the demonstra- By GAIL SMILEY them." Leonard Scalia added, and use violent tactics aren't wel- between the defense of our country college committee which is plan- ment Council and the LSA Steer-
tion, police threw several tear gas The other side may now have "Let's relate to even police as come. The Ann Arbor Selective and the war in Vietnam." ing a Sesquicentennial conference ing Committee.
grenades at the students.!its answer to the Veterans of For- people." Service will not be functioning Van Wylen opened his address on "What Does Youth Want?" for Ashmall said the art school re-
eign Wars. Some of those present expressed next year." by commenting on the nature of the end of November. solution represents the first en-
a sit-in in front of Oberlin City:g
Hal a-ncalle for a yo ttof Iny The first reunion of anti-war dismay over the violence that took Students for a Democratic So- engineering and its relations to the According to the GA resolution, trance of GA into departmental
Hall and called for a boycott of demonstration "veterans" sponsor- place. Harvey Gould, of the Phy- ciety spokesman, Ted Steege, add- university. "Engineering is inher- "student attempts at meaningful politics. "GA is only involved be-
classrrested, although several received by Canterbury House and held sics department said, "More mar- ed, "We need to move forward ently involved with the real world," input into the committee (the Lit- cause we were asked," he explain-
minor injuries and were treated at !at the First Baptist Church last ches like that will be the end of against war research, to end it by he said. erary C o 11 e g e Sesquicentennial ed. "Otherwise we would limit our-
a local hospital. night, brought together over a the peace movement. Storming the the first of January. The sit-in at Van Wylen expressed his belief Program Planning Committee) selves to more critical, far-reach-
Antioch Incident hundred people, most of whom Pentagon was like playing Don I Geoffrey Norman's (University that by a prohibition of DOD re- have been ignored." The resolution ing problems."
participated at last week's Penta- Quixote." Vice-President for Research) of- search, the College of Engineering called for explanation and remedy
At Antioch College in Yellow The graduate art students are
Springs, Ohio, an estimated 30 gon march. Dennis Sinclair, of Vietnam Fall, fice Wednesday is only symbolic., would "lose the opportunity to of the situation. GA threatened to protesting lack of separate work-
demonstrators against war re- Where to go from here was the pleaded for more anti-war organ- People should be prepared to move become involved in certain aspects discourage participation in the ing facilities, outdated equipment
erchmertrseagonsteay re-central concern of those present izers. "Do more to stop the war," on Willow Run after the first." on the frontier of technology." conference if there is no satisfac- inadequate exhibition space and
morning with an equal numberofy and congratulations on Ann Ar- lie urged. "Applying for 2-S de- Steege went on to say that peo- He defended classified research tory response from the committee. low teaching fellow salaries, which
cotr-ng tators.numb bor's Pentagon effort went around. ferments is plugging yourself into ple should think seriously about by saying that some aspects of the GA also resolved to request the range from $250 to $500 per se-
Seiounte-desthowever, were "I've never been more proud of the system." what they're doing: "A lot of peo- work of the Department of De- School to appoint a speial con-mester for six contact hours per
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y ',

Classified Research
A UAC-sponsored Confer-
ence on Classified Research
has been scheduled for 7:30
tonight. The panel discussion
will be held in the Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium.
The six panelists are Daily
Editor Roger Rapoport; ex-
chairman of Voice Political
Party, Eric Chester; Prof.
'Richard Mann of the psychol-
ogy department; University
Vice-President for Research A.
Geoffrey Norman; Dean Gor-
don Van Wylen of the engi-
neering school; and Engineer-
ing Council president Walden
Norman, Van Wylen and
Rhines will argue in favor of
secret research, the others
against it. Bruce Kahn, Stu-
dent Government C o u n c il
president, will moderate the
The Tucker Report calls for
the convention to begin the first
week of January with its decisions
to take effect next fall.
Urge Cancellation
In other action, SGC urged the
University to cancel its participa-

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