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October 26, 1967 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-26

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iss .. avULa+i.} \/ + I VYL1V NV 1JV


SThis man is:
A. Juggling C. Discussing Venezuelan architecture
B. Throwing pizzas D. None of these
C is correct. Pictured here, Associate Pro-
fessor Peter Van Deursen Haven discusses
Venezuelan architecture at Central Univer-
sity in Caracas with students enrolled in
World Campus Afloat-Chapman College
during the Spring 1967 semester at sea.
This group was one of many to fan-out
over Caracas for various course-related
field experiences during the several days
the s.s. RYNDAM, campus and dormitory
for the traveling students and faculty, was
docked in the South American port.
Professor Haven now teaches art courses
at the University of Miami, Florida. His
students.have transferred credits earned
aboard the floating campus to their home
campuses and have resumed regular
classes. One is from South Dakota,
majoring in Sociology at Tabor College in
Hillsboro, Kansas; another is a junior in Political Science at San Francisco State
College; a third is a sophomore in Latin American Studies at Indiana University and
still another a business student at Santa Monica City College in California.
As you read this, more than 500 students, representing 200 colleges and universities
throughout the country, accompanied by a distinguished faculty, already have
embarked from New York for the Fall 1967 semester which will take them to ports in
Europe, Africa and Asia, returning to Los Angeles via Honolulu.
Students are now enrolling for the Spring 1968 semester and will depart from Los
Angeles to engage in shipboard study supplemented by visits to ports in Peru, Chile,
Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Senegal, Morocco, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Yugoslavia,
Italy, Portugal, The Netherlands and Great Britain, terminating in May in New York.
To discover how you can include the Spring semester at sea in your college plans,
complete the coupon below and mail at once.
World Campus Afloat,Directorof Admissions
Chapman College Orange, California 92666 Campus State
NamePresent Status: I
I Name of Schol
Sophomore E]
Campus Address Junior
City State Zip Senior p
I Permanent Address Tel Graduate Q I
I City State Zip M F _
Interested Sn: pMs_
I Fall 19-- p Spring 19_- semester at sea. Age
SAFETY INFORMATION: The s.s. Ryndam,registered in the I
Netherlands, meets International Safety Standards forI
new ships developed in 1948.
T ---e l ---* -
+ Use Daily Clcssifieds +

Use of Marijuana Increases
Among American Soldiers

Officials Continue Debate
Over Legalizing Marijuana

SAIGON (/W) - More U.S. ser- There have been persistent re-
vicemen in Vietnam are arrested ports of marijuana being found in
for smoking marijuana than for the clothing of dead and wound-
any other single major offense, ed Americans flown out of bat-
the Army's provost marshal said tlefields. Asked whether some GI's
yesterday. were smoking marijuana under
Brig. Gen. Harley Moore Jr. combat conditions, the general
of Honolulu said in an interview said: "It wouldn't surprise me in
there might be several thousand the least."
of the 464,000 U.S. servicemen in The marijuana problem in
Vietnam who smoke marijuana Vietnam, Moore continued, did not
during their tour in the country. appear to be more serious than in
So far this year 524 servicemen the U.S. among men of the same
have been arrested on marijuana age.
charges. For all of last year the Effects on Combat
figure was 239. The increase is But he said the implications of
probably due to the increase in smoking marijuana in a combat
U.S. troops. zone were quite serious. He said
Found on MP's it was suspected that several ac-
Gen. Moore said marijuana has cidental shootings were the direct
been found on sentries, on mil- results of "pot" parties.
itary policemen and inside the Marijuana parties have become
Lon Binh stockade where many such a problem "that whenever
convicted marijuana users are you see a lot of guys sittingE
serving sentences. around and smoking at night, it is1
He said the problem was coun- cause for suspicion," Moore said.
trywide, from the demilitarized He said most of the smoking
zone to the Mekong Delta. is done by the younger enlistedj
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ -- -- __ __ _ - - - - -

men, although two lieutenants
have been arrested. He reported
one warrant officer who had set
himself up in business as a seller
was court-martialed and sent back
to the U.S. to serve a two-year
jail term.{
Four Month Sentence
First offenders normally are

WASHINGTON (A-Top federal
of Tcials are widely divided in their
views on marijuana. But they're
concerned and trying to learn
more about it.
The division was underscored
following the statement last week
by Food and Drug Commissioner
Dr. James L. Goddard that he
believestmarijuana is less dan-
gerous than alcohol.
Goddard recommended relaxing
severe laws against marijuana to

given sour montg Binthe l eliminate penalties against posses-
sion. He said, however, that pen-
iail is ralpd

Officials there found that trus-
ties were smuggling in marijuana
in their shorts and have cut off
that source of supply. Someone
attempting to get rid of a packet
of cigarettes dropped them near
the desk of the jail commander
who opened the pack and lighted
one. When someone raced into the
room and said, "I smell pot," the
red-faced commander realized the
jail was far from potproof.
The cigarettes are fairly well
camouflaged. Vietnamese wit h
vast stocks of black market
American cigarettes carefully re-
move the cellophane, open the
pack, roll their own mixture and
put the product on the filter tip.
The pack is then refilled, the cel-
lophane wrapped around it and
sealed with a hot iron.

alties should be retained for dis-
tribution or sale.
Marijuana Danger
Taking a sharply different po-
sition. U.S. Narcotics Commission-
er Henry L. Giaordano testified
before Congress earlier this year
that marijuana "is not, as some
people say, less dangerous than
alcohol or less than smoking to-
bacco. Some way we have got to
get this across to the public."
And Dr. Philip R. Lee, assistant
secretary for scientific affairs for
the Department of Health, Educa-
tion and Welfare, told the Asso-
ciated Press, "We just don't have
enough information" to know the
dangers of marijuana.
But federal officials agree the
growing use of marijuana is of
serious concern.
T' fill thA n in cri tifie

and with other strong narcotics.
The Federal Narcotics Act pro-
vides for a mandatory prison term
of 2 to 10 years for first offenses
on possession of m a r i j u a n a,
though discretionary sentences are
allowed for offenders up to age
In Colorado, the death penalty
is provided for secondconvictions
involving persons under 25 with
narcotics-including marijuana.
No one knows how many Ameri-
cans use, or have used, marijuana.
But indications are that the num-
ber is increasing. A Gallup Poll
survey for Reader's Digest said
Tuesday night that about 6 per
cent of college students have tried
the drug.
U.S. Customs officials seized a
record 26,000 pounds of the drug
last fiscal year, twice as much as
the year before.
Convictions on Rise
Federal convictions j u m p e d
from 215 to 381 in 1966. Use of
the drug is rising among young
professionals, the P r e s i d e n t ' s
Crime Commission says.
And U.S. Customs officials re-
port trouble trying to keep out
packages of marijuana some U.S.
servicemen in Vietnam are send-
ing their families.



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Roll-Your-Own l Jo IZii e gap in scentni -" ' " --" ' .. --......
The only real giveaway, aside data on the drug, the governmentfNOTI'ES
from the heavy, sweet smell of has put high priority on in :e-
the smoke, is that the ends of the search by the National Institute
cigarettes are crimped. of Mental Health.
"I he vr-Evidencen His COLUMN FOR AN-
"If they ever get a roll-your- E eNUNCEMENTS is available to officially
own machine, we're in trouble," The Institute's new Center for reconized and registered student orga-
Moore said. Studies of Narcotic and Drug nizations only. Forms are available in
Bien Hoa, near Gen. Moore's of- Abuse hopes to have solid evidence*
fice at the army command head- in about two years. college Republican club meeting, Dr.
quarters at Long Bin, is consider- Acting center director Dr. Roger Fleming will speak on "Students and
ed the biggest marijuana market Meyer acknowledged in an inter- Multipurposeroom tULI,7:3p.m.,
in the country. It is available in view that the center is under * , *
brothels, bars and at curbside heavy pressure-both public and colleRepublicanClub.Mas e


cigarette stands.
The plant from which marijuana
is taken grows readily in almost
all of Vietnam and much is ship-
ped in from areas controlled by
the Viet Cong. Marijuana is one
of the biggest cash crops in Viet-
nam, and it is assumed that the
Viet Cong are selling it indirectly
to the Americans they must fight.

governmental-to get the answer'
fast. And he said the question
policymakers want to answer is
whether marijuana should be
For now, says Lee, the admin-
istration's policy is that there
should be no change in the law,
which equates mariquana with the
extremely dangerous opiate heroin

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The Majer Slacks label on slacks means outstand-
ing fashion, exceptional fabrics, superb tailoring
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State Streut on the Campus.

8:00 P.M.
GEOFF SMITH on drums
PANCHO on trumpet

ing for College weekend, Thurs., Oct.
26 7:30 p.m.. Assembly Hall, Michigan
The State Meeting of The N('l Assoc.
for Foreign Affairs is to be held at the
Student Center, Central Mich., Sat.,
Oct. 28. For further information or a
ride, call Ruth Hok, 764,-2417 (662-2895
-in the evening).
* * *
UM Chess Club, meeting, Oct. 26, 7:30
p. m., 3C Union.
Southern Asia Club: There will be
a bag lunch at noon on Fri., Oct. 27
in the Comons Room of Lane Hall.
Dahybhai V. Patel, member of the
Indian Parliament will speak on "Prob-
lems of Economic Development in
African Students Union, hold panel
discussion on the Rhodesian Crisis on
Tuesday, Oct. 31, East Lecture Room,
Rackham. 8:00 p.m.
Engineering Council, meeting, Oct.
26, 7:00 p.m., SAB 3511.
Christian Science College Organiza-
tion, weekly testimony meeting, every
Thursday, 7:30-8:30 p.m., 3545 SAB.
"Le Baratin" meeting every Thurs-
day, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze.
Baha'i Student Group, informal dis-
cussion, "The Age of Maturity for Man."
8:00 p.m., Fri., Oct. 27, 520 N. Ashley.
Call 662-3548 if you need transportation.
Hillel Sabbath Services dedicated to
Mr. Osias Zwerdling, The Founder of
Hillel, Fri. at 7:15 p.m., Torch Service
with music composed by John Planer,
discussion following service on "The
Thought of Rabbi Leo Baeck" led by
Dr. Gerda Seligson, Associate Professor
of Latin, 1329 Hill.








° : ' ..



You're Invited
to a
Fashion Showing
Presented by Mr. James Danemon
from the Country Set Collection
to be held in our shop
Saturday, October 28th
from 11:00 to 4:00
Are Country Set girls spoiled? Absolute-
ly, because Mr. Daneman will have Sev-
enty-Five Dollars worth of free gifts in




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