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October 25, 1967 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-25

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LIU Obtains Brooklyn Center,

Across Campus

Schedules Closing of

a partition in one of the men's
rooms at Long Island University's
Brooklyn Center is lettered, in
characters, the following:
CCNY FOR $99.95
A curious legend, considering
the subjects that usually occupy
Wall space in collegiate men's'
rooms, but at the Brooklyn Cen-
ter it makes sense - the Center
is about to be sold, lock, stock
and bathrooms, to the City Uni-
versity of New York (CUNY, of
which City College - CCNY - is
one part).
4,000 March
The students are angry about
the proposed sale, but then so, too,
are the faculty, the administra-
tion, and the alumni. Two weeks
ago some 4,000 of them, mainly
students and faculty, marched
across the Brooklyn Bridge-five
abreast, across the center walk-
way -- and on to New York's City
Hall in Manhattan to show the
city government how they felt
about it.
It was almost certainly the
largest demonstration, by a single
.6y : rfiyr ;:;:m,""n:: :, : Sv=": ;eggx":":": y": ~;a;.

college - relative to the size of
that college - in U.S. history.
(The student body numbers 7,-
500.) And its influence on plans
for the sale, it appears now, has
been next to none.
Few students and faculty op-
pose the sale per se. In fact, if
the sale were planned as simply
a change of ownership for the
institution, most of them would
support it, because being part of
a public system has advantages.
Faculty salaries within CUNY
are higher than those with LIU,
CUNY charges no tuition to New
York residents (tuition at LIU is
over $800 per semester), and
CUNY's administration does not
carry the stigma of being bum-
bling and oppressive, which is
the way the LIU administration is
regarded by man Centerites.
The problem is that CUNY
wants the Center for its own
purposes, which means that the
Center will simply come to an
end as an institution within the
next two years. No applications are
being accepted for next year's
freshmhn class.


Professor Mayer Zald of Vander-
bilt University will deliver a talk
a m p u s entitled "Power and Functions of
Boards of Directors" tomorrow to
open the School of Social Work's
The Center's academic standards publichcolloquium series at 3:30
re not as high as, for example, p.m. in room 35 of Angell Hall.
ose at CONY. Students and fac- Zal.,in oolog5pofessoHan.
ty readily admit to this, and Zakd, a sociology professor and
any regard it as part of the a University graduate, has writ-
h ' regardiaspar.ten extensively on formal organ-
hool's valueizations and social movements.
They would like to see the Cen- * * *
r to become part of the city or Dr. Vlado A. Getting of the
late system, but remain essenti- School of Public Health has been
appointed a consultant to the
Still Trying U.S. Public Health Service's divi-
Efforts are still being made to sion of physician manpower for
ifluence the Board of Trustees one year.

for Tropical Studies.
The organization is a group of
17 institutions which-have joined
to provide educational activities
in the tropics. Field offices are
mainetained in Costa Rica with
operational centers in several
Central American republics.
George Weller, correspondent
for the Chicago Daily News, will
deliver a "Special Report on the
Middle East" today in Auditor-
ium C of Angell Hall at 4:10 p.m.
Weller, who covered Cairo during
the Arab-Israeli War, has trav-
eled throughout the Middle East
in recent months.

You'll Like The Way
Your Shirts

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- the alumni, for example, say
they will seek a court injunction
to block the sale. The fervor that
led to the mass march on city hall
has died down, however, and in-
dications are that the sale will go
through without significant con-
cessions by the Board of Trustees.
No one knows for certain at
this stage what will happen to
the untenured faculty and the
current sophomores and fresh-
men, but they are relatively sure
what will happen to the Center
itself. Quietly, without the public,
furor that has attended the be-}
ginning of the end, it will go
out of existence,

* * * *
The astronomy department has "Carmina Burana," an opera
scheduled three "Visitor's Nights" by Carl Orff, will be performed
at 8 p.m. on Friday evenings in by Les Ballets Canadiens at 8:00
Auditorium D of Angell Hall, p.m. Sunday, Oct. 29, as part of
moving to the observatory on the the Choral Union Series in Hill
fifth floor. Auditorium, "Carmina Burana,"
On Oct. 20 James Loudon will was presented at Expo 67 this*
speak on the "Moon." Visitors will summer. A limited number of
then move upstairs to view the tickets are available at the of-
moon and Saturn. On Oct. 27 Dr. fices of the University Musical

You'll like the way shiirts are done at Greene's. They're
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Storching is done to your preference-or more important,
it's omitted if you like a soft shirt.
Each shirt is individually packaged in cellophane, and a
non-crush collar support keeps your shirt in perfect shape.


the s
of 1

The Dally Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only,
Student organizat'ion notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
information call 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
inar - "Management of Managers No.
40": 146 Business Administration Build-
ig, 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to
9:00 p.M.
National Academy of Sciences An-
nual Fall Meeting - Morning Sessions:
Rackham Building, 9:00 a.m. tol2:00
p.m.; Afternoon Sessions: Rackham
Building, 1:30 to 4:00 p.m.
Department of Anatomy Seminar -
Dr. Donald Strachan and Dr. James
Conklin, The Univesrity of Michigan, "A
Demonstration on the Use of Tele-
vision in Anatomical Teaching": 2501
E. Medical Building, 1:15.
Department of Romance Languages
Lecture - Professor Robert C. F.
Pring-Mill, St. Catherine's College, Ox-
ford, "The Conceptista Aesthetic: 3050
Freize Building, 4:10 p.m.
..Department of Speech Student Lab-
oratory Theatre Program - G. B.
Shaw's Poison, Passion and Petrifac-
tion: Arena Theater, Frieze Building,
4:10 p.m.
..Computing Center Program - "Ad-
vanced Uses o the MTS System: Room
1400, Chemistry Building, 7:00 to 10:00
..William W. Cook Lecture on Ameri-
Dan Institutions - "The Governance of
the Schools" - Francis Keppel, "The
Effect of Numbers" (Lecture IV): 130
Business Administration Building, 4:15
Professional Theatre Program - George
Kelly's The Show-Off: Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater, 8:00 p.m.
UM Chapter of American Society for
Public Administration - Social Sem-
inar - Guy C. Larcom, Jr., City Ad-
ministrator of Ann Arbor, Assembly
Hall, fourth floor Rackham Building,
8:00 p.m. Coffee hour will follow
the seminar.
School of Music Concert - University
Symphony Orchestra - Josef Blatt,
Conductor, and Eva Likova, Soprano
Soloist: Hill Auditorium, 8:30 p.m.
General Notices
University of Kansas Law School -
Interviews with interested students -
Specific appointments may be made
with Mrs. Robinson, 1223 Angell Hall.
Department of Classical Studies --
Professor Hugh Lloyd-Jones, Oxford
University, "Zeus and Justice in
Homer," Thursday, October 26, Auditor-
ium A, Angell Hall, 4:00 p.m.
Woodrow Wilson Fellowships: Mem-
bers of the faculty are reminded that
the deadline for nominations is Octo-
ber 31. Letters postmarked October 31,
will be accepted. They should include
the field of study and the local add-
resses of the students nominated, and
should be sent directly to Professor
Otto Graf, Department of German, 1079'
Frieze Building, University of Michigan.
Regents' Meeting: November 17. Com-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands no later than November 2.

......................:...s Academic considerations aside, and l
however, the student body has a rentl
A L BU LLETIN degree of cohesion remarkable on theC
a city campus. Part of the reason *Desi
.l ......for it is a general feeling that the held
Center has been short-changed by Work
Placement the LIU administration. Students dents
will offer a variety of charges in Price
support of this view, but there is play.
Placement interviews, please mnakeon bi oe-h carett
appts. before 4:00 p.m. day preceding one big one-the charge that
interview. Week of Oct. 30 - Nov. 3. money has gone out from the Dr.
Brooklyn Center to support the geogr
Monday, October 30 other two campuses. cdate
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance
Company, Boston, Mass. - M & F. Any
Degree, any major for home office
mgmt. training program, Actuarial
Dev., Sales Mgmt., Acctg., EDP, and
summer actuarial trng. program.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, Wash. D.C. - M & F.
BA/MA Arch., Planning, Gen. Lib.
Arts, Geog., Journ., Law, Math, Poll.
Sci. for Pub. Admin. and Transpor-
tation. Locations: N.Y.C., Pa., Chicago,
Atlanta, Forth Worth, San Francisco,
and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

ard L. Sears will speak on
;tructure and evolution of the
and on Nov. 3, Richard
onko will speak on novae.
* * *
graduate exhibit of the Class
967 Department of Medical
Biological Illustration is cur-
y on display in the lobby of
College of Architecture and
gn, where a reception will be
Friday from 2 to 4 p.m.
k by three Ann Arbor stu-
s, Jeanne Koelling, Rosiland
and Fred Harwin, is on dis-

Society in Burton Tower.
* * -
"Collector's Choice," an exhibi-
tion of selected items from pri-
vate collections of members of
the Clements Library Associates,
will be on display in the library
through Nov. 8.
Francis Keppel will deliver the
fourth of five 1967-68 W. W. Cook
Lectures on American Institutions
today at 4:15 in the Business Ad-
ministration Bldg. The former
U.S. commissioner of education
and assistant secretary of health,
education and welfare is speaking
on the "Governance of the
Schools" for the series. He will
give his last lecture on Friday.


east side west side campus main plant Ypsilanti
3033 Packard 1940 W. Stadium 1213 S. University 516 E. Liberty 40 E. Michigan
NO3-1336 NO2-2543 NO3-3016 NO2-3231 HU 2-5371
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Ross Pearson,
raphy, has been
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professor of
named asso-

- --- --- ------ ------ - ----- . .. .. . .. .... ....... .... ....



Tuesday, October 31
Weyerhaeuser Company, Tacoma,
Wash. -- A.M. only. BA/MA Gen. Lib.
Arts., Wood Tech, Psych., Speech and
Soc. for Mgmt. Trng.,. Sales.
' Shell Companies, Houston, Texas, -
M & F. BA/MA Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts,
and Math for EDP, Personnel, Purchas,
Stat., Transportation, Finance and
United States Information Agency,
Group interviews for information on
USIA positions in For. Trade, Langu-
ages, Library, Pub. Rel., Secretarial,
Writing, technical and gen. A few
mainly in perm. employ. Wash. D.C.,
summer jobs avail., but interested
N.Y.C. and 208 Foregign countries.
Wednesday, November 1
U.S. Army Finance Center, Fort Ben-
jamin Harrison, Ind. - M & F. P.M.
only. All degree levels in Econ., Educ.,
Gen. Lib. Arts., Journ., Math, Poll. Sci.
for Mgmt. Trng., Personnel and Pub.
Thursday, November 2#
Bureau of the Budget, Wash. D.C.-
M & F Graduate Students Only. Mas-
ters of PhD in Econ., Pol. Sci. of Nat'l
Resources for Mgmt. Trng., Oper. ROs.,
Stat., and Program Anal.
Del Monte Sales Company, Oak Park,
Mich. - BA Econ., Educ., Engl., Fine
Arts, For. Lang., Gen. Lib. Arts, Hist.,
Libr. Sci., Poll. Sci., Speech, and Soc.
for Inside and Territ. Sales.
Friday, November 3
Bureau of the Budget, see Thurs.
Aluminum Company of America, Pitts-
burg, Pa. - BA/MA Econ., Law, Poll.
Sci. for Mgmt. Trng., Personnel, Pub.
Admin. Labor Rel., Indust. Rel.
Peace Corps Week -- November 13-17.
The following schools have recorded
vacancies for the present semester:
Flint, Michigan (C. S. Mott Childrens
Health Center) - Teacher of Emot.
Disturbed (December)
Hancock, Michigan (Copper. Country
Intermed. Sch. bist.) - Speech Thera-
pist (now or Dec.)
South Lyon, Michigan (Kindergarten
in the New Hudson Elem. Sch. (Nov
Boston, Mass. -Teacher Examin-
Dec. 9 and Dec. 26-29, 1967. Examina-
ations for Boston P.S. Scheduled for
tions for teaching appointments to the
Boston P.S. will be held at Boston
Latin Sch., 78 Ave. Louis Pasteur, dur-
ing month of Dec. 1967. Special Exams.
held in some subjects on Sat., Dec. 9,
for students in local colleges who are
qualified; who reside 75 or more miles
from Boston. Exams in all subjects,
for any and all eligible candidates, will
be held during the week following
Christmas. Exams will be given fnr
high school, Jr. High, Elem. Sch., and
special class teaching positions. Regis-
tration for the examination shoul be
made with the Board of Examiners
during Oct. and Nov. Registration fee
For further info. pleace call 764-7460,
Gen. Div., Bureau of Appts. 3200 S.A.B.

October 2511 to November 10th

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